Adding modules to the list of registered modules

2003-01-14 Thread Ron Savage
Folks Please consider adding these modules to the list. Because of line wrap, I've attached a text file rather than insert it here. -- Cheers Ron Savage, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 15/01/2003 Name DSLIP Descri

Re: forwarded message from Ron Savage

2003-01-16 Thread Ron Savage
espaces under CPAN. I did not understand it to >>mean: >>'Transfer/Add module descriptions to the long list'. > >I've changed that to "Propose a new module to be added to the long >module list". I hope that is a bit clearer. It sure is. And the work of all

Requesting permission to work on HTML::FormatNroff

2014-12-31 Thread Ron Savage
Hi While on the subject, please consider patching the docs from: $x = new A::B... to $x = A::B -> new... -- Ron Savage -

Fwd: Perl CPAN distribution 'Text-Balanced'

2015-03-01 Thread Ron Savage
ments, and I'll give you co-maint. -- Ron Savage -


2015-03-02 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Steffen I see Date::Calc needs some TLC. I've never done XS programming, but I can fix a few other outstanding issues, if you give me co-maint. This has become urgent since tests started failing on Jan 1st. Or, if you can't log on to PAUSE, just reply (all) and I'll do it

Re: Date::Calc

2015-03-04 Thread Ron Savage
ave time to fix the issues, what is you preference for how we proceed from here? On 04/03/15 19:34, O. STeffen BEYer wrote: Dear Ron! You wrote yesterday: /Date: Tue, 03 Mar 2015 08:08:08 +1100 From: Ron Savage>> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv

Re: Maintenance of File::Which

2015-03-25 Thread Ron Savage
Hi All Added PLICEASE to co-maintainers of File::Which. -- Ron Savage -

Net::Amazon::S3 co-maintainership request

2015-03-30 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Rusty We hear you! Have you had any contact with Pedro himself over this? See also -- Ron Savage -

Re: Net::Amazon::S3 co-maintainership request

2015-03-30 Thread Ron Savage
::SetObjectAccessControl. On 31/03/15 08:17, Rusty Conover wrote: None to my knowledge via Github nor via personal email. Rusty -- Rusty Conover Lucky Dinosaur, LLC. On March 30, 2015 at 5:16:32 PM, Ron Savage ( <>) wrote: Hi Rusty We hear you! Have y

Re: Failed: PAUSE indexer reportRCONOVER/Net-Amazon-S3-0.80.tar.gz

2015-04-13 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Rusty Did you contact PFIG about co-maint? -- Ron Savage -

Re: Failed: PAUSE indexer reportRCONOVER/Net-Amazon-S3-0.80.tar.gz

2015-04-13 Thread Ron Savage
of the module, but apparently not all of these other parts of the namespace. He did add me as a contributor on github last week, but to keep things moving forward I released 0.80 out of my fork. Thanks, Rusty -- Rusty Conover Lucky Dinosaur, LLC. On April 13, 2015 at 6:52:22 PM, Ron Savage (r

Re: Failed: PAUSE indexer reportRCONOVER/Net-Amazon-S3-0.80.tar.gz

2015-04-14 Thread Ron Savage
:) Cheers, Pedro On 14 April 2015 at 00:09, Ron Savage>> wrote: Hi Rusty Added RCONOVER to co-maintainers of Net::Amazon::S3::Request::__CompleteMultipartUpload. Added RCONOVER to co-maintainers of Net::Amazon::S3::Request::__DeleteMultiOb


2015-05-27 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Igor It's always good to receive bug fixes, but this list is more administrative and about coding, and you can't assume Dancer authors will be reading it. Please re-send your patch directly to the author of the module in question. Thanx. -- Ron Savage -

Re: Looking to publish unifdef+

2015-05-29 Thread Ron Savage
rch?q=App%3A%3A&size=100 -- Ron Savage -

Fwd: cpan HTML::WikiConverter

2015-06-07 Thread Ron Savage
. -- Ron Savage -

Re: Fwd: cpan HTML::WikiConverter

2015-06-07 Thread Ron Savage
om co-maintainers of HTML::WikiConverter::WikkaWiki. Note: The previous email got an email address unknown msg re This happens occasionally. Any ideas about why this might be the case? -- Ron Savage -

Re: Suggestion for module namespace

2015-06-15 Thread Ron Savage
nvert::Roman2Arabic (and implicitly Arabic2Roman). -- Ron Savage -

Trying to come up with a name for a DTrace Consumer XS module

2015-07-09 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Gordon Please consider discussing this module naming issue on: Cheers -- Ron Savage -

My first module

2015-07-14 Thread Ron Savage
7;m here: That way, others can fork you code and push patches, which you can then adopt or reject. You'll still release the code to CPAN, of course. Github is for interacting. Good luck! -- Ron Savage -

Looking to adopt Pod::Constants

2015-07-18 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Marius Added MGV to co-maintainers of Pod::Constants. -- Ron Savage -

Re: Looking to adopt Pod::Constants

2015-07-19 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Marius Removed ADOPTME from co-maintainers of Pod::Constants. On 20/07/15 00:22, Marius Gavrilescu wrote: Ron Savage writes: Hi Marius Added MGV to co-maintainers of Pod::Constants. Thanks a lot! Pod::Constants 0.18 is up. Could you also remove ADOPTME from comaint, now that the

Erroneous capitalization in initial package upload to PAUSE

2015-07-20 Thread Ron Savage
ld try it. Just make sure you delete the erroneous version of the distro ASAP. -- Ron Savage -

[ Failed: PAUSE indexer reportKARASIK/Prima-1.44.tar.gz]

2015-08-05 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Dmitry I personally don't accept the argument that there are special cases whereby modules don't need version numbers. This issue is up to you to fix. It's not up to the PAUSE admins to do this. Just put something like our $VERSION = '1.43'; in all your *

Co-maint for Regexp::Assemble

2015-08-09 Thread Ron Savage
Hi After reading this thread: I'll volunteer to take co-maint of Regexp::Assemble, at least to fix the POD errors. Can another PAUSE admin commit the act, please, so I don't do it myself? TIA. -- Ron Savage -

Re: [ Failed: PAUSE indexer reportKARASIK/Prima-1.44.tar.gz]

2015-08-09 Thread Ron Savage
Hi bulk88 On 10/08/15 13:57, bulk88 wrote: Ron Savage wrote: Hi Dmitry I personally don't accept the argument that there are special cases whereby modules don't need version numbers. This issue is up to you to fix. It's not up to the PAUSE admins to do this. Just put som

Re: [ Failed: PAUSE indexer reportKARASIK/Prima-1.44.tar.gz]

2015-08-10 Thread Ron Savage
And see All it takes is a tiny bit of effort to format the version line as I suggested. On 10/08/15 13:57, bulk88 wrote: Ron Savage wrote: Hi Dmitry I personally don't accept the argument that there are special cases whereby mo

Re: [ Failed: PAUSE indexer reportKARASIK/Prima-1.44.tar.gz]

2015-08-10 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Dmitry On 10/08/15 17:36, Dmitry Karasik wrote: Ron, With all respect, I believe it is fundamentally wrong to impose your personal "impose"! Hahaha. -- Ron Savage -

Co-maint for Regexp::Assemble

2015-08-11 Thread Ron Savage
Hi My apologies if I was obscurantic with my first post. What I'd like is for someone other than myself to grant me co-maint on Regexp::Assemble. TIA. -- Ron Savage -

Co-maint for Regexp::Assemble

2015-08-15 Thread Ron Savage
. I'm not guaranteeing to fix all or even any other of its bugs, but of course I'll gladly accept patches. -- Ron Savage -

Help with choosing package name(s)

2015-08-28 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Francois The usual place for module naming advice is Good luck! -- Ron Savage -

Register Pause Id?

2015-09-18 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Ben Have you considered posting your intentions re these module on -- Ron Savage -

Co-maint to Text::CSV::Encoded

2015-10-02 Thread Ron Savage
QUON to co-maintainers of Text::CSV::Encoded::Coder::EncodeGuess. For some background, see: Thanx Zarquon! -- Ron Savage -

Re: Co-maint to Text::CSV::Encoded

2015-10-03 Thread Ron Savage
ensure that future bug reports are dealt with promptly? Yes. That's what I do when I adopt a module. On Sat, Oct 3, 2015 at 9:58 AM, Ron Savage>> wrote: Hi I've made ZARQUON co-maint for Text::CSV::Encoded and it's sub-modules: Added ZARQ

Fw: CPAN String::LCSS co-maintainer offer

2015-12-29 Thread Ron Savage
Hi I take that to be enough effort :-). Added GSULLIVAN to co-maintainers of String::LCSS. -- Ron Savage -

Help needed: Failed: PAUSE indexer reportZARABOZO/Perlmazing-1.2.tar.gz

2016-02-24 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Francisco The error messages look clear to me. Perhaps you created the files are root? -- Ron Savage -

Fwd: Re: Gearman-1.12

2016-05-17 Thread Ron Savage
. Added PALIK to co-maintainers of Gearman::Client::Async. Added PALIK to co-maintainers of Gearman::Client::Async::Connection. -- Ron Savage -

Re: Fwd: Re: Gearman-1.12

2016-05-17 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Let's hope that's all the modules Alex needs to have access to. On 18/05/16 09:27, dormando wrote: Hi, Thanks. It doesn't seem like I had the ability to do that. On Wed, 18 May 2016, Ron Savage wrote: Hi Alex, Brad, Alan Added PALIK to co-maintainers of Gearman::S

Fwd: Failed: PAUSE indexer report PALIK/Gearman-1.12.006.tar.gz

2016-05-19 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Alex I can't fix the perms for Gearman. The only thing I could do is take co-maint from DORMANDO. I assume other PAUSE admins have more power than I do, so I'll include Neil in CC. -- Ron Savage -

Re: Fwd: Re: Gearman-1.12

2016-05-26 Thread Ron Savage
r Gearman::Base Gearman::Client Gearman::JobStatus Gearman::Objects (aktually obsolete) Gearman::ResponseParser::Taskset Gearman::ResponseParser Gearman::Task Gearman::Taskset Gearman::Util Gearman::Worker because all of them are belong to CPAN Gearman::Client package. BR, Alexei On 18 May 2016 at 0

Is module name OK?

2016-05-31 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Do you know about That's the best place to talk about potential names for modules. Also, it'd be good if you could include your PAUSE id in emails, so we can CC you. -- Ron Savage -

Problem with indexing

2016-06-06 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Johan I wouldn't assume you've made a mistake, but I would assume the MetaCPAN processing is just taking longer than your expect. -- Ron Savage -

Fwd: Bug in Ogg::Vorbis::Header

2016-06-30 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Added DAVECROSS to co-maintainers of Ogg::Vorbis::Header. Thanx for taking this on, Dave. -- Ron Savage -

RFC on a new module 'Grep::Query'

2016-07-30 Thread Ron Savage
test pod optional, so end users can install the module even if there are failing pod tests. Ah, I see running the tests that it requires AUTHOR_TESTING. Excellent, but could be a little bit better. o Change to Other than that, got for it! -- Ron Savage

Re: RFC on a new module 'Grep::Query'

2016-07-31 Thread Ron Savage
much newer code, and has many features, including a API, so it has quite a few benefits. > Other than that, got for it! Thank you, I'll take a stab at the stuff above first and then proceed. Sounds good. -- Ron Savage -

Re: RFC on a new module 'Grep::Query'

2016-07-31 Thread Ron Savage
ecall the 5.*.$odd are dev versions and the 5.*.$even are prod versions. I run 5.20.2 and am waiting for 5.24.2. Just run: perlbrew help perlbrew available perlbrew list To get oriented. Also, this might be of interest: -- Ron Savage -

Re: RFC on a new module 'Grep::Query'

2016-08-03 Thread Ron Savage
and pieces that caught my eye. If nothing breaks I'll submit to PAUSE shortly; many thanks for your help! Sounds good. ken1 PS. It's possible I'll break the current git repo to start off clean, just a heads up... Yes, on rare occasions that's the right thing to do -- Ron Savage -

[ Failed: PAUSE indexer reportKARASIK/Prima-Cairo-1.04.tar.gz]

2016-08-23 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Dmitry I see your 2 posts to the modules mailing list, but it'd really help if you gave us more information. -- Ron Savage -

Re: Failed: PAUSE indexer report BASKARN/Catalyst-TraitFor-Controller-CAPTCHA-1.2.tar.gz

2016-10-08 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Just re-try it and let us know how it goes. -- Ron Savage -

Cannot reset version on 'T2'

2016-10-22 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Chad There is no 'version reset' button that I know of. My first suggestion is to stick to Test2::*. However, if you're really lucky, perhaps someone will manually update the db. Hold your breath, although I won't be holding mine. -- Ron Savage -

Request Co-maint of DateTime::Calendar::Christian

2016-10-30 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Tom Seems to me your efforts to reach Eugene have been sufficient, so: Added WYANT to co-maintainers of DateTime::Calendar::Christian. -- Ron Savage -

Suggestions about new perl module name

2016-11-06 Thread Ron Savage
Hi For help with module names, try -- Ron Savage -

Fwd: PAUSE indexer report INDERPAL/OxdPerlModule-0.01.tar.gz

2017-01-03 Thread Ron Savage
rlModule - The great new OxdPerlModule! Here's a list of my modules: Look carefully at how the names are structured, so they form hierarchies, and so people can guess while searching on CPAN even if they don't know the exact name. Good luck for next time -- Ron Savage -

MooseX::Attribute::Chained Permissions

2017-01-06 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Tom I'm no expert but I think the issue is that those 3 modules marked as deprecated have been removed from CPAN. I found the distro for MooseX::ChainedAccessors on if that's any help. Perhaps it's simply not worth pursuing this course of action? Up to you.

Assistance naming a module

2017-01-23 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Terry The modules mailing list is not the place to discuss naming issues, although naming clashes can be a problem. See instead. Also, I search for Date::Scheduler and did not find it, so there's one possibility. -- Ron Savage -


2017-02-25 Thread Ron Savage
7;m afraid. -- Ron Savage -

co-maintainer for Net::SAML2

2017-02-28 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Jeff Have you been in contact with Chris? There's no indication in your email to the modules list tells us how much effort you've put into getting assistance directly from Chris. -- Ron Savage -

Re: Net::Server

2017-02-28 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Todd Ahhh. Sorry, didn't notice :-(. On 01/03/17 18:18, Todd Rinaldo wrote: On Sat, Feb 25, 2017 at 5:18 PM, Ron Savage wrote: Hi Todd PAUSE admins wont grant release bits without you contacting rhandom and asking him to either merge the patch or give you co-maint. The comment tr

Re: Your visit at

2017-03-16 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Alex Thanx for keeping us informed about this. Please let us know if we need to do anything. -- Ron Savage -

error, while parsing module veersion

2017-04-17 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Contact the author directly, or supply a patch. -- Ron Savage -

Reserving the top-level namespace Kollos

2017-04-27 Thread Ron Savage
older? -- Ron Savage -

Re: Reserving the top-level namespace Kollos

2017-04-28 Thread Ron Savage
-come on Kollos, so will have to transfer that to Jeffrey when he’s ready to release. Cheers, Neil -- Ron Savage -


2017-05-04 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Jim See And it's be very helpful if your emails included your CPAN id. -- Ron Savage -

Your non-module upload to CPAN

2017-05-20 Thread Ron Savage
Hi One of the PAUSE admins found this file on CPAN: H/HU/HUGHES/manish-total-scripts.tar.gz Personally I'd prefer if you registered for a free, private, repo on github for this, and kept CPAN for strictly module (or stand-alone script) purposes. TIA. -- Ron Savage -

Problem with indexing module

2017-06-10 Thread Ron Savage
ror is 'No [package] or no indexable package', so I guess having tha version line and nothing else is not enough content for CPAN to regard the 1st package was worth indexing. -- Ron Savage -

Re: Problem with indexing module

2017-06-13 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Andreas Then would it be possible for the error msg to include that link, or a useful summary thereof, when a version # issue is detected? On 13/06/17 07:17, Andreas Koenig wrote: On Sun, 11 Jun 2017 09:59:54 +1000, Ron Savage said: > Hi Alexandr > Your module starts of

Re: Problem with indexing module

2017-06-13 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Andreas Thanx! On 14/06/17 14:29, Andreas Koenig wrote: On Wed, 14 Jun 2017 14:12:53 +1000, Ron Savage said: > Hi Andreas > Then would it be possible for the error msg to include that link, or a > useful summary thereof, when a version # issue is detected? Maybe. I

Re: Failed: PAUSE indexer reportTHORGIS/Text-NumericData-2.003001.tar.gz

2017-06-24 Thread Ron Savage Cheers -- Ron Savage -

Re: Failed: PAUSE indexer reportTHORGIS/Text-NumericData-2.003001.tar.gz

2017-06-25 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Thomas Comments below. On 25/06/17 17:47, Thomas Orgis wrote: Am Sun, 25 Jun 2017 10:50:59 +1000 schrieb Ron Savage : Hi Thomas The mail server rejected but I found another address for you. I found the option in the PAUSE account settings. It might work in future. OK

Fwd: Missing owner - CFRANKS

2017-07-30 Thread Ron Savage
Forwarded Message Subject: Missing owner - CFRANKS Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2017 17:36:55 +0100 From: Nigel Metheringham To: CC:, Carl Franks , Carl Franks , Nigel Metheringham , Dean Hamstead Hi, It looks like Carl Franks (PAUSE id CFRANKS,

Re: COMAINT on Astro::Cosmology

2017-08-21 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Added DUFFEE to co-maintainers of Astro::Cosmology -- Ron Savage -


2017-10-18 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Shlomi Added SHLOMIF to co-maintainers of Pod::Weaver::Section::Support. -- Ron Savage -

Trying to adopt HTML::TableContentParser (update)

2017-12-19 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Tom Added WYANT to co-maintainers of HTML::TableContentParser. BTW: Are you aware of Mojo::DOM? -- Ron Savage -

Re: Trying to adopt HTML::TableContentParser (update)

2017-12-20 Thread Ron Savage
=> '1.2' }, Of course Mojo::DOM works best with well-constructed HTML/CSS, but despite that I do urge you to consider it. On 21/12/17 05:52, Thomas (HFM) Wyant wrote: On December 19, 2017 at 4:18 PM Ron Savage wrote: Hi Tom Added WYANT to co-maintainers of HTML::TableContentPa

Module Chart::Plotl is installed instead of Sys::CPU

2018-04-02 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Oleksandr Yes, I just found the same thing happened which I tried to install Sys::CPU. To me that suggests the CPAN index is corrupt, so we await someone with the power to fix it. -- Ron Savage -

Sendmail::Milter maintainership request.

2018-04-09 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Ged It's good to see old modules being brought up-to-date, but... Are you able to show us some attempt(s) to contact the original author, say in the last month? We like to see that sort of effort. -- Ron Savage -

Wishing to adopt

2018-04-11 Thread Ron Savage
to me directly. In the latter case I will of course forward your email to the list. -- Ron Savage -

Exercising 1 on GDPR

2018-06-06 Thread Ron Savage
rder us to retain it, but liekwise it is not actually an order to remove it. Just below that he does direct us to remove some stuff. o Do we delete his CPAN email address? o If so, when? -- Ron Savage -

Permission to steal the Babble CPAN namespace?

2018-08-01 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Matt I don't mind if you adopt it, but I'm confused about your choice of spelling, babel 'v' babble, but either way, I think we'll survive the 'adjustment'. -- Ron Savage -

Re: Permission to steal the Babble CPAN namespace?

2018-08-02 Thread Ron Savage
imary maintainer of Babble::Transport::LWP. Made MSTROUT primary maintainer of Babble::Utils. " On 03/08/18 00:55, Matt S Trout wrote: On Thu, Aug 02, 2018 at 04:55:33PM +1000, Ron Savage wrote: Hi Matt I don't mind if you adopt it, but I'm confused about your choice of spelling, babel &#

DOCRIVERS account was uploading rubbish so I've hijacked it

2018-08-24 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Matt Yeah. Preempting further uploads for those 2 accounts is fine by me. Is watching for similar stuff automated already? -- Ron Savage -

New co-maint for Text::MediawikiFormat, Text::MediawikiFormat::Blocks

2018-11-11 Thread Ron Savage
other CPAN admins to try, or (as a last resort) rename it to something like Text::MediawikiFormat::BlockMode or Text::MediawikiFormat::BlockHandler. -- Ron Savage -

Re: Please give me COMAINT on

2019-01-29 Thread Ron Savage
-maintainers of PhonyClipboard. See -- Ron Savage -


2020-02-24 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Damn. Chose Give up primary permissions instead of transfer to TINITA. Can someone fix that for me plz? TIA -- Ron Savage

CPAN daily update list

2003-02-09 Thread Ron Savage
Folks My module uploads don't seem to be ever listed on the daily list. What do I have to do to get them listed? -- Cheers Ron Savage, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 09/02/2003

Re: CPAN daily update list

2003-02-09 Thread Ron Savage
On Sun, 09 Feb 2003 14:47:40 +0100, Andreas J. Koenig wrote: Hi Andreas >>>>>> On Sun, 9 Feb 2003 20:38:30 +1100, Ron Savage >>>>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: > >>Folks >>My module uploads don't seem to be ever listed on the daily list. &

Re: X500::DN namespace

2002-04-22 Thread Ron Savage
t, willing to move if somebody has a better proposal. > >i think my module fits into data types best. > >rj Having seen the advent of Robert's module, I think the best course would be for me to either: 1) Delete my module permanently, or 2) Delete it under the name X500-DN... and re-ent

Re: I'm volunteering

2012-10-19 Thread Ron Savage
Hi brian On 20/10/12 08:13, brian d foy wrote: [[ This message was both posted and mailed: see the "To," "Cc," and "Newsgroups" headers for details. ]] In article<>, Ron Savage wrote: OK. I've decided to volunteer

Re: I'm volunteering

2012-10-21 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Steffen On 21/10/12 21:41, Steffen Mueller wrote: Hi Ron, I think there are two separate relevant topics here. Your volunteering for doing PAUSE admin work, and: On 10/20/2012 12:31 AM, Ron Savage wrote: The trigger was trying to get corrections to maint and co-maint of Tree::Persist

Re: I'm volunteering

2012-10-21 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Steffen On 22/10/12 16:42, Steffen Mueller wrote: Hi Ron, On 10/21/2012 11:02 PM, Ron Savage wrote: (1) Here's what Rob Kinyon emailed me after granting me permission for Tree: Record update in the PAUSE modules database: modid: [Tree] statd: [R] stats: [m] statl: [p] stati: [O]

Re: Ron for PAUSE admin

2012-11-07 Thread Ron Savage
nt to prevent such trust issues. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask (and possibly CC me directly). Thank you for stepping up. I wish you good luck and a lot of patience. :) Best regards, Steffen -- Ron Savage Ph: 0421 920 622

Re: Ron for PAUSE admin

2012-11-16 Thread Ron Savage
On 16/11/12 17:58, brian d foy wrote: [[ This message was both posted and mailed: see the "To," "Cc," and "Newsgroups" headers for details. ]] In article<>, Ron Savage wrote: Hi Steffen Thanx. I'll play with my own

Re: Net::Flow 0.04 bug

2013-02-06 Thread Ron Savage
Hi I've made ACFEREN co-maintainer of Net::Flow and Net::Flow::Ie. Happy Perling! Original Message Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Re: Net::Flow 0.04 bug Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2013 21:59:26 +0100 From: Steffen Mueller To: Ron Savage Hi Ron, this would be an opportunity for you to exe

Re: Module submission Algorithms

2013-04-11 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Vipin You really shouldn't be grabbing a top-level namespace for 1 module. IMHO a better name would be Algorithm::SortFamily. -- Ron Savage Ph: 0421 920 622

Re: Adoption of CPAN String::LCSS namespace by someone

2013-04-14 Thread Ron Savage>] Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 9:49 AM To:<> Cc:<>; 'Ron Savage' Subject: Re: 1.17 released

Re: Adoption of CPAN String::LCSS namespace by someone

2013-04-15 Thread Ron Savage
n Linked-In and Facebook looking for String::LCSS as a key word in the hope he would brag about his contribution to CPAN. I will keep looking for Daniel. -Original Message- From: Ron Savage [] Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2013 8:27 PM To: j...@washburnresearch.

Re: Hostile takeover of Quote::Reference

2013-05-13 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Glad to see you're interested. Did you read this doc: When you say "I haven't received a response yet.", how long have you waited? Letting you take over does entail a time delay to give the original uploader time t


2013-06-14 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Karen I've made you co-maint of Log::Dispatch::File and Log::Dispatch::File::Sorted. Happy patching... -- Ron Savage Ph: 0421 920 622

Re: Net::HTTP + SSL bug

2013-06-17 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Sure. -- Ron Savage Ph: 0421 920 622

Re: How to name approximate descriptive statistics module

2013-06-18 Thread Ron Savage
there are already 2 other interfaces (BNF, Scanless), even though they as yet have no demos. The longest name in the disto will be MarpaX::Demo::OldInterface::JSON::Renderer::JSON. Such is life. -- Ron Savage Ph: 0421 920 622

Re: Module takeover request - File::LibMagic

2013-06-22 Thread Ron Savage
Hi Dave That sounds like enough effort. I've made you co-maint of File::LibMagic. -- Ron Savage Ph: 0421 920 622

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