
I've made ACFEREN co-maintainer of Net::Flow and Net::Flow::Ie.

Happy Perling!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Re: Net::Flow 0.04 bug
Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2013 21:59:26 +0100
From: Steffen Mueller <smuel...@cpan.org>
To: Ron Savage <r...@savage.net.au>

Hi Ron,

this would be an opportunity for you to exercise your new super powers.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Fwd: Re: Net::Flow 0.04 bug
Date:   Tue, 05 Feb 2013 15:37:39 -0500
From:   andr...@plixer.com (Andrew Feren)
To:     modules@perl.org
CC:     ak...@orange.plala.or.jp
Newsgroups:     perl.modules
References:     <506ae9ea.5050...@plixer.com>


I've been trying to adopt Net::Flow for a while.  The author has kindly
given me permission, but the process has stalled there.  I am preparing
to do some work with the module and was hoping someone at perl.org could
do the ownership transfer.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: Net::Flow 0.04 bug
Date:   Tue, 02 Oct 2012 09:19:38 -0400
From:   Andrew Feren <andr...@plixer.com>
To:     ATSUSHI KOBAYASHI <ak...@orange.plala.or.jp>
CC:     ak...@nttv6.net, acfe...@yahoo.com

Hi Atsushi,

Not problem about missing my earlier email.

I think the easiest thing to do to allow me to maintain the module is to
log in to your PAUSE account and make me a co-maintainer or transfer the
module to me.


My PAUSE id is acferen.

If you need more specifics I'll see what I can dig up.


On 9/23/12 5:52 AM, "ATSUSHI KOBAYASHI"<ak...@orange.plala.or.jp>  wrote:

Hello Andrew,

Sorry,  I had missed your mail.
It's fine for me that you take over this module.

Since I accepted my job relocation in company, it is hard to continue
studies of flow-based measurement and to maintain this module.
However,   I have also interested the topics, later.

Regards, Atsushi.

On Thu, 20 Sep 2012 11:08:59 -0400
Andrew Feren<andr...@plixer.com>  wrote:

Hello again Atsushi,

I have had local patches toNet::Flow
<http://search.cpan.org/%7Eakoba/Net-Flow-0.04/lib/Net/Flow.pm>  running
in production (flowalyzer
<http://www.plixer.com/Flowalyzer/flowalyzer.html>) for the two years
since I submitted bug reports and sent this forwarded email.  If
interested I would be happy to take over as the maintainer for that


-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Net::Flow  0.04 bug
Date:   Mon, 29 Mar 2010 12:53:09 -0400
From:   Andrew Feren<andr...@plixer.com>
To:     ak...@nttv6.net

Hello Atsushi,

We are using the IPFIX module you posted on CPAN
(http://search.cpan.org/~akoba/Net-Flow-0.04/) and found it useful for a
couple different programs we wrote. Thank you for making it available to
all of us.

Recently we discovered that there is an issue where it doesn't send out
all flows.  The details are in RT ticket 55858.

I was wondering if your services are available for hire?  We are
interested in paying you to fix it.  Are you interested or can you
recommend someone who might be interested in fixing it?


KOBAYASHI ATSUSHI<ak...@orange.plala.or.jp>

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