Hi Steffen

On 21/10/12 21:41, Steffen Mueller wrote:
Hi Ron,

I think there are two separate relevant topics here. Your volunteering
for doing PAUSE admin work, and:

On 10/20/2012 12:31 AM, Ron Savage wrote:
The trigger was trying to get corrections to maint and co-maint of

Rob Kinyon emailed me saying he's made a mistake making me co-maint in
that he seemed to have only removed himself as maint.

He did previously give me co-maint of Tree.

As for the specific subject matter, since there seems to be some
complexity, could you do me a favour and summarize what is supposed to
be the final, correct state of things? Which of the involved authors
should have which types of permissions? That would make it infinitely
easier to fix things up for you.

Here's what Rob Kinyon emailed me after granting me permission for Tree:

Record update in the PAUSE modules database:

       modid: [Tree]
       statd: [R]
       stats: [m]
       statl: [p]
       stati: [O]
       statp: [p]
 description: [A tree datastructure]
      userid: [RSAVAGE] was [RKINYON]
   chapterid: [6]
    mlstatus: [list]

Data entered by Rob Kinyon (RKINYON).
Please check if they are correct.

Here's what Stevan Little emailed me after same with Tree::Binary:

You should be all good (see PAUSE output below).

Keep in mind however that the Tree::Binary it is complaining about (and the one I gave you permissions for) is actually this (https://www.metacpan.org/module/Tree::Binary) and not the one in Tree itself.

This was something Rob and I never really sorted out, ultimately the Tree one was supposed to replace the Tree::Binary one, but the Tree one was never complete enough to replace Tree::Binary.

- Stevan


Added RSAVAGE to co-maintainers of Tree::Binary.

Added RSAVAGE to co-maintainers of Tree::Binary::Search.

Added RSAVAGE to co-maintainers of Tree::Binary::Search::Node.

Added RSAVAGE to co-maintainers of Tree::Binary::Visitor::Base.

Added RSAVAGE to co-maintainers of Tree::Binary::Visitor::BreadthFirstTraversal.

Added RSAVAGE to co-maintainers of Tree::Binary::Visitor::InOrderTraversal.

Added RSAVAGE to co-maintainers of Tree::Binary::Visitor::PostOrderTraversal.

Added RSAVAGE to co-maintainers of Tree::Binary::Visitor::PreOrderTraversal.

Added RSAVAGE to co-maintainers of Tree::Binary::VisitorFactory.

Firstly, it is not our intention to remove anyone from maint, just to add me.

So, if the same is done with Tree::Persist, that would be fine.

(4) The 2 modules called Tree::Binary, one within the Tree distro and the one within the Tree::Binary distro, will be fixed by me renaming the one in the Tree distro to Tree::Binary2, and changing various docs to explain.

As for doing PAUSE admin work, please give us another couple of days to
get back to you. Right now, we have a loose agreement about who handles
what (seems to be roughly "David Golden handles user registrations,
brian handles module registrations, I handle co-maint/take-over
requests, and Andreas handles all the gnarly cases that require the
mastermind"). We need to discuss a bit internally what changes to make
if any.

Sure. There's no hurry :-).

Ron Savage
Ph: 0421 920 622

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