Hi Steffen
On 22/10/12 16:42, Steffen Mueller wrote:
Hi Ron,
On 10/21/2012 11:02 PM, Ron Savage wrote:
Here's what Rob Kinyon emailed me after granting me permission for Tree:
Record update in the PAUSE modules database:
modid: [Tree]
statd: [R]
stats: [m]
statl: [p]
stati: [O]
statp: [p]
description: [A tree datastructure]
userid: [RSAVAGE] was [RKINYON]
chapterid: [6]
mlstatus: [list]
Data entered by Rob Kinyon (RKINYON).
Please check if they are correct.
Here's what Stevan Little emailed me after same with Tree::Binary:
You should be all good (see PAUSE output below).
Keep in mind however that the Tree::Binary it is complaining about (and
the one I gave you permissions for) is actually this
(https://www.metacpan.org/module/Tree::Binary) and not the one in Tree
This was something Rob and I never really sorted out, ultimately the
Tree one was supposed to replace the Tree::Binary one, but the Tree one
was never complete enough to replace Tree::Binary.
- Stevan
Added RSAVAGE to co-maintainers of Tree::Binary.
Added RSAVAGE to co-maintainers of Tree::Binary::Search.
Added RSAVAGE to co-maintainers of Tree::Binary::Search::Node.
Added RSAVAGE to co-maintainers of Tree::Binary::Visitor::Base.
Added RSAVAGE to co-maintainers of
Added RSAVAGE to co-maintainers of
Added RSAVAGE to co-maintainers of
Added RSAVAGE to co-maintainers of
Added RSAVAGE to co-maintainers of Tree::Binary::VisitorFactory.
Firstly, it is not our intention to remove anyone from maint, just to
add me.
So, if the same is done with Tree::Persist, that would be fine.
(4) The 2 modules called Tree::Binary, one within the Tree distro and
the one within the Tree::Binary distro, will be fixed by me renaming the
one in the Tree distro to Tree::Binary2, and changing various docs to
Sorry if I'm thick, but all that's left for me to do is to pass co-maint
for Tree::Persist and its sub-modules to you?
That, and ensure RKINYON is the owner of Tree::Persist, to correct his
mistake when he tried to give me co-maint :-).
Ron Savage
Ph: 0421 920 622