Hi Will,
I alerted the PrePAN team (person?) on twitter, and they said they’ll look into
Hi Zaki,
Sorry for the delay on this.
I’ve gone through the various emails, and haven’t seen anything explicit from
Maggie giving her ok for permissions transfers. I can see from the way
permissions are set up that some kind of transfer happened: it looks like
Maggie transferred the "dist’s pe
Thanks to Ed for forwarding me the email thread he had with Maggie.
I’ve just transferred first-come on PDL::Graphics::ColorSpace to ETJ.
If you included a PDL::Graphics::ColorSpace module in the distribution, this
problem wouldn’t happen.
Hi Matt,
Sorry, I missed this email when you sent it in February.
> I've just received notification that the original author of Data::Feed has
> placed their module into the "ADOPTME" state.
> I would like to request co-maint access for this namespace in order to deploy
> a fix to CPAN (issue #
Hi both,
I’m happy to give one or both of you co-maint on CPAN::Audit – I tried various
ways to get in touch with Viacheslav (VTI), with no response.
I think that Viacheslav is Ukrainian, in which case he has more important
things on his mind. Be prepared that in the future Viacheslav may want
Hi brian and Renée,
I’ve just given you both co-maint on CPAN::Audit and the other modules in the
CPAN-Audit distribution.
Hi Steve,
The PAUSE user RAJ (Rajkumar Reddy) has the first-come permission on Net::MyIP,
which is why your upload wasn’t added to the CPAN index.
As you noted, it’s no longer on CPAN, but you can see the two releases he did
on BackPAN:
Hi Alex,
I’ve just transferred to you the first come permissions on XML::Schematron and
the other packages in the distribution.
> Module File::Size is uploaded by OFER, but File::Size namespace is reseved for
> DMUEY, though DMUEY does not provide any File::Size module.
Thanks for pointing this out, Nikolay.
The only releases of a File-Size distribution were done by OFER in 2006.
DMUEY has a number of File-* distribution
Hi Alex,
I’ve just transferred the first-come indexing permission
JQuery::DataTables::Request to you, from XMIKEW.
XMIKEW retains co-maint.
Thanks Mike, for letting Alex take it on.
Hi Adam & Julien,
I’ve transferred the first-come indexing permission on Object::Destroyer from
Hi Brad,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
The first-come indexing permission on Pinto::Remote::SelfContained was assigned
to ADOPTME, which indicates that the author / previous maintainer is happy for
anyone to adopt it. So I’ve just transferred the first-come indexing permission
Hi Robert,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
I’ve forwarded the problem to Rene, and also pointed out that his cpan.org
email address is configured to bounce.
Hopefully a new release will happen soon ...
Hi Aristotle,
I’ve transferred the first-come permissions on HTML::Tiny and
Parallel::Iterator to you.
ANDYA retains co-maint.
Thanks for the nudge Nikolay.
I’ve given OFER co-maint on File::Size and requested re-indexing of the most
recent release.
Hi Robbie,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
> I'm interested in adopting [Sort::Naturally]
The package has first-come assigned to ADOPTME, which generally means it’s
immediately available for adoption. But sometimes someone is given co-maint on
a package and then ADOPTME isn’t removed.
If you loo
Thanks everyone – I have just transferred first-come permissions on
Sort::Naturally from ADOPTME to BABF.
BINGOS, OALDERS, and PERIGRIN retain co-maint.
Hi Aristotle,
I’ve just given you the first-come indexing permission on
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
CGI::Simple had ADOPTME as first-come. I’ve transferred that to MANWAR, and
have given co-maint to AZJADFTRE
Hi Joel,
> I just tried to add a brand new distro to CPAN and I have this return saying
> that I am not allowed to create the namespace.
> We tried to add a `Stancer.pm` in our distro and re-upload it, but now PAUSE
> does not allow me to replace the « bad » distro
As you worked out, when you r
Hi Rik,
I checked Alexander’s PAUSE account, and there’s only on email address listed –
which his cpan.org email address directs to.
I emailed him directly, but that bounced. Given that and (a) he hasn’t released
anything to CPAN, and (b) I couldn’t find a way to contact him via LinkedIn
Hi Max,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
> I wanted to ask, whether there is a possibility to transfer the
> permissions of Efl to me (PERLMAX: https://metacpan.org/author/PERLMAX).
> […]
> I see no conflict with EFL since my package name (Efl) uses lowercase
> letters, too?
PAUSE treats indexing p
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
I’ve just transferred the first-come indexing permission on Geo::Gpx to PATJOL.
Sorry it took me so long to get to it.
Just to note it for the record: I transferred first-come to RJBS who
subsequently transferred it to GTERMARS.
Hi Nicholas,
> Hey, it appears I may just not understand the way co-maintainer releases
> work, and I actually did everything correctly.
Yup – all looks good.
As you’ve worked out, when you have co-maint on a module, you upload releases
to your own author directory. If you have the relevant ind
Hi Patrick,
> I now would like to upload a different module on CPAN so would need
> first-come on a new namespace,
> which I would like to be Geo::TCX.
When you upload a release to PAUSE, it goes through all the files looking for
package statements. It then looks to see whether anyone has used
Hi Pavel,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
I managed to get in touch with ALEC, and he said he’s happy for you to take
over the module, if you’re still interested?
Let me know if you’d still like to do it, and if so, I’ll make the change on
behalf of ALEC.
Hi Philippe,
For Jason: I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
Jason still has the first-come permission on Data::Faker, so if he’s have for
you to have co-maint, I can make that change on his behalf.
Hi Herbert,
> this is a tiny module and propably not that important but solve a practical
> issue. Unfortunately its in a rights limbo where only the bif admin hammer
> can help. The previous owner (RRWO - Robert Rothenberg) would like to give me
> right but cant since he gave it up, but i cant ge
Hi Herbert,
> I would also like to adopt Color::Library::Dictionary::XKCD
I have just transferred the first-come indexing permission on this from ADOPTME
to you (LICHTKIND).
PS even though the email does end up in my inbox, please send requests like
this to modules@perl.org, so (
Thanks Kent – I’ve dropped your permission on Bundle::Graphics::ColorNames.
Herbert: it turned out that no-one had a first-come permission on that package
name[*], so I couldn’t transfer it. All permissions are now gone, so you should
be able to release it, and PAUSE will assign the first-come p
Hi Nicholas,
You can’t do a "patch release" where you upload a new version of a previous
tarball. This is a security restriction.
So even if you spot a small thing, you still need to bump the version number
and do a regular release.
You had a bunch of releases fail to index, in the wee hours of today (UK time).
All of them were due to the existing release on CPAN having a higher version
I wondered if this was down to a tool going awry, so letting you know, in case
you hadn’t seen this.
> I ran "pause reindex '*'" CLI command a few hours ago aftering seeing a
>couple of my distributions not existing on MetaCPAN, which is a mistake.
> Should've just run reindex on the missing distributions instead of all
Three thoughts on this:
1. If you notice that one or more of your dis
Hi Olaf,
I’ve just transferred the first-come indexing permission on Mozilla::CA from
GAAS to you.
As you know, Ask (copied on this email) has maintained this since 2011, so I
checked with him. He is happy for someone to take on the mantle, and I said
that I felt that the LWP Team was a safe p
Hi Andy,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
> I would like to request consideration of taking over the module ODF::lpOD. […]
> I have tried contacting the maintainer via LinkedIn […]
I’ve just tried emailing JMGDOC as well. Sometimes an email from a PAUSE admin
prompts a reply (I offered to make the
Hi Ilya,
Previously I had tried to contact the user THOGEE, to get explicit permission
to delete the old releases of his "tagged" distribution, which have the
conflicting package names. I never managed to get in touch, and I wasn’t keen
to delete an author’s files without express permission.
Hi Pavel,
I have just given you co-maint on Test::Differences::Color, on behalf of ALEC.
Hi Philippe,
I’ve just given you co-maint on Data::Faker and the other packages in the
Data-Faker distribution.
Hi Ilya,
My email to THOGEE bounced, and I couldn’t track them down, so I’ve just
schedule the old releases of the "tagged" release for deletion, so 3 days from
now they’ll have gone.
Hi Jacques,
I’ve emailed Tore as well, and offered to make all the relevant changes.
Let’s wait a week and see if either of us hear back from him.
Hi Sami,
> I'm interested in adopting the Apache::Status::DBI module. If you can grant
> me the privilege I will release the next version.
What’s your PAUSE id? I can’t see an existing PAUSE account that is obviously
If you haven’t got a PAUSE account, you can request one here:
Hi Daryl,
> I’m trying to reset my password for user “ daryllee” and have not yet
> received my reset “token”.
The DARYLLEE account has a different email address from the one you sent this
email from. Same domain name. Do they all end up in the same place? If not, do
you want me to update your
Hi Andy,
I’ve just given you co-maint on ODF::lpOD and the other modules in the ODF-lpOD
I didn’t get a reply from Jean-Marie (JMGDOC), so be aware that he may
subsequently choose to revoke the co-maint. Jean-Marie, if you don’t want Andy
to have co-maint, you can just email me d
> It has been a week now, and no feedback from him. I hope he is ok.
I found him on twitter, and have DM’d him. Let’s see if I get any reply to that.
Sometimes in scenarios like this, the author hasn’t released anything for 12
years or more, but Tore did some releases last year, so I want to put
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
You’ve done a couple of releases of module WebService::SendBird, but it’s not
being indexed.
This is because you’ve got a typo in the release name:
WebSerivce-SendBird-0.002.tar.gz should be WebService-SendBird-0.002.tar.gz
PAUSE requires you to have the
Hi Jacques,
> Any news from Tore Aursand?
Not so far. I’ve just emailed him again.
As I mentioned in my previous email, because Tore is still a relatively recent
CPAN author, I would really prefer to get explicit permission. This is further
reinforced because we need to delete the first two re
Hi Jacques,
I’ve heard back from Tore, who has graciously given me permission to transfer
the first-come to you, and also to delete the first two releases of his
URL-List decision. It will take 3 days for the deletions to happen, so wait
until next weekend to be safe, or check his author direct
Hi Domero,
You can change your password using the "forgotten password" link:
Hi Aaron,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
I’ve tried to contact Tobias – hopefully I’ll hear back and he’ll give
permission. Otherwise if I fail to contact him, I’ll give you co-maint. Please
be patient while I wait for a response.
Hi Jim,
When you uploaded it, you had an email sent to your PAUSE contact email
address, which included the line:
> Status: No permissions for distribution name
PAUSE now requires you to have indexing permissions on the package name that
matches the distribution name. I.e. "GDGraph".
The "pro
Hi Shlomi,
> Please give me comaint on https://metacpan.org/dist/Pod-AsciiDoctor . my
> short-term plans are bug fixes and cleanups.
I managed to get in touch with Balachandran, the author of Pod-AsciiDoctor.
He’s happy for you to have co-maint, so I’ve just made that change.
Balachandran: I’ve
Hi Jim,
We’ve sorted out the indexing permissions on the GDGraph package name to match
the modules in the distribution, and I forced another reindexing of your
release. I’ve just checked and can see that your release is now in the CPAN
Hi Elvin,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
You uploaded R/RW/RWP/Domain-Details-1.230280.tar.gz and have tried to index it
multiple. This is generating multiple errors, because the tarball includes the
file _Deparsed_XSubs.pm, which declares many packages that are already on CPAN,
owned by other p
Hi Elvin,
There’s no way to force an earlier deletion of files from your PAUSE account.
Once you’ve done a release of your distribution with a higher version number,
then the one scheduled for deletion won’t be in the index, so there’s not
really any reason to worry about it in those 3 days.
Hi Gene,
I’ve just given you co-maint on Text::Elide, on behalf of Ave (hi Ave!).
PS Ave, I’ve updated your email address, should you want to access your PAUSE
Hi Keith,
I’ve just given you the first-come permissions on DB::Pluggable and the other
modules in the DB-Pluggable distribution.
> I got the message "Status: Successfully indexed"
> but not indexed yet.
I’ve just checked both the CPAN Index and MetaCPAN, and can see your latest
release there.
When you get the email saying "successfully indexed", there is still a delay
from that point until MetaCPAN will show it.
Hi Ben,
> I have a problem with accessing my cpan account and I wonder if this is the
> proper way to get help.
Yes, this is the right place.
Presumably you’re talking about the BENTXT account?
What exactly is the problem? Are you unable to log in to PAUSE? If you’ve
forgotten your password,
Hi Ceres,
> And I found a way to reset my password.
Great – thanks for letting us know. I’ll delete your other account request, now
you’ve got access to the existing account.
Hi Bill,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
If you’re happy for Rik to go ahead, you can just reply to this email with
"Sure!", and I can go ahead and make this change for you.
On 7 May 2023 at 01:18 +0100, Ricardo Signes , wrote:
> William,
> Hi! I'm Rik, one of the members of the Pe
Hi Diab,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
> I'm interested in adopting the List::Objects::WithUtils module to patch
> a bug and make a new release.
I’ve just transferred the first-come indexing permission to you, so now you can
do releases, and can also grant co-maint to others, should you want.
Hi Diab,
> There are new versions of a number of String::Validator::* modules which
> were uploaded a couple of days ago, but they are not being indexed […]
We have a known problem with PAUSE, where the indexing step can sometimes fails
due to a DB lock timeout. We’re hoping to get that resolved
Hi Ben,
I’ve updated your PAUSE account with your new email address, so you will now be
able to reset your password, via:
Hi Dave,
I emailed Pedro a couple of times, asking if it was ok for you to have
co-maint, and offering to make the change for him.
I just got the nod from him, and have given you co-maint on App::HTTPThis.
On 3 Apr 2023 at 16:05 +0100, Dave Cross , wrote:
> Hi,
> App::HTTPThis ha
Hi Dave,
No, this doesn’t usually take time to take effect. There’s something odd going
on here, which I’ll look into this evening, and then I’ll get back to you.
Hi Dave,
Following up here for the historical record. You did briefly have co-maint, but
then your .003 release caused your co-maint to be dropped, due to a known bug
I’ve added your co-maint back and re-indexed your latest release, which was
Hi Laura,
We’ve got an issue at the moment where database locking timeouts can result in
an upload not being (fully) indexed.
I’ll trigger a reindexing of your upload, and check whether it is indexed this
time. You’ll get an email from PAUSE when I do that.
Hi Laura,
As you expected, it failed indexing again.
Part of the reason it fails is that your distribution has so many modules which
are indexed. We’re currently working on an approach that we hope will resolve
the DB lock timeouts.
In the meantime, the you can probably get your releases index
Hi Bill,
Given Perl 5.38 is coming out soon, and we want to get Number::Format fixed
ahead of that, I’ve gone ahead and given Rik (RJBS) co-maint on Number::Format,
so he can do a bug-fix release.
If you don’t want Rik to have co-maint going forward, let me know and I’ll make
the change.
Hi Bruce,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
I’ve tried to contact Richard via LinkedIn, to see if he’s happy for you to get
co-maint on Date::Business.
We prefer to have explicit permission for someone getting co-maint, but if we
don’t hear back from him, I’ll give you co-maint on his behalf, given
Hi Bruce,
My attempts to contact Richard have also failed, so I’ve given you co-maint on
Hi Desiree,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
> I'm interested in adopting the Acme::Beamerang::Logger module.
> If you can grant me the privilege I will release the next version.
You didn’t say what your PAUSE id is – I need to know that to transfer the
first-come indexing permission.
If you don’t
Hi Ingy,
I’m emailing you wearing my PAUSE admin hat.
Your distribution assign defines a number of internal packages, including
`var`. But the first-come on var belongs to SMUELLER, which is why you get a
warning from the indexer every time you do a release.
Can you change `var` and others to
Hi Hans,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
> I'm interested in adopting the Tk::Dial module.
> If you can grant me the privilege I will release the next version.
The Tk::Dial module is part of the Tk-Contrib distribution:
Can I just confirm that you would
Hi Hans,
> Yes, I am adopting the whole Tk-Contrib distribution.
Great – I’ve just transferred to you the first-come indexing permission on all
modules in Tk-Contrib.
Hi Karen,
I noticed that you had a failed indexing message for
Looking into this, all co-maint permissions were lost on that one package in
Moose. I have a copy of 06perms.txt from earlier this year, and could see what
the permissions should have been. I’ve r
e -- we'll have to assume I was looking at an
> old version of the perms file somehow? or could it be that the file that is
> being published is not the same as what pause itself is working with?
> > On Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 4:04 AM Neil Bowers wrote:
> > >
Hi Timothy,
I’ll see if I can get in touch with TTAR, so give me a week or two to try
different avenues. If I can’t track him down, or don’t get any response, then
I’ll give you co-maint on TTAR’s behalf.
On 12 Aug 2023 at 22:38 +0100, Timothy Legge , wrote:
> Hi
> Do you have an
Hi David,
I’ve also tried to contact the first-come holder (RKINYON) and the person who
most recently released (SPROUT), offering to grant you co-maint on their
behalf. Oftentimes this can prompt a response, as it makes things easy for them.
I know that SPROUT isn’t doing any Perl these days, b
Hi Yuval,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
> I've been inactive for years,
> and have recently been asked to hand over maintainership rights of
> Data::UUID::LibUUID to Pedro Melo,
> I consider trustworthy from when I was active.
I can make that transfer for you.
Can I just confirm that you want t
Hi David,
I’ve heard back from Rob Kinyon, and he’s happy for you to have co-maint, so
I’ve just given you that on DBM::Deep and all of the other packages in the
DBM-Deep distribution.
Thank you for taking this on.
Hi Yuval,
I’ve transferred the first-come indexing permissions on Data-UUID-LibUUID to
Hi Timothy,
I eventually managed to get in touch with TTAR, who was happy for you to have
co-maint on Crypt::OpenSSL::AES, so I’ve just done that.
Thanks for taking this on, and thank you for Tolga (Bcc’d on this) for giving
his blessing.
Hi Desiree,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
> I'm interested in adopting the Video::Flvstreamer module. If you can grant me
> the privilege I will release the next version.
What’s your PAUSE username? I had a look but can’t see one that is obviously
Hi Paul,
TL;DR: when you release "meta" you’ll be granted first-come
I saw that you’re going to be releasing "meta" soon, and that there was an
impending permissions conflict, as Mark Veltzer had the only indexing
permission on "Meta".
His Meta distribution hasn’t been released since 2002, and
> Is it possible to get them post-hoc indexed now, or do I need to upload
> them again with a new version number?
It is possible to post-hoc re-index a tarball ("Force reindexing" in the PAUSE
I just triggered that for you.
Hi Giovanni,
> latest Mail::SPF release is from ten years ago,
> I forked the module on Github
> (https://github.com/The-McGrail-Foundation/Mail-SPF) and
> i would like to be listed as co-maintainer to continue development.
Requests like this should go to the PAUSE admins (modules@perl.org, name
Hi Julian,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins. Giovanni Bechis (GBECHIS) would like to have
co-maint on the Mail-SPF distribution, so he can do some releases.
If you’re happy for him to have co-maint, I can make that change on your behalf
– is that ok?
Hi Giovanni,
We've ended up having two requests to get co-maint on Mail::SPF. The other
person is Rik Signes (RJBS). He has a lot of experience working with email
protocols and has authored a number of Email related modules.
I've been unable to contact the author, so I'm going to give Rik permi
Hi Rik,
I've not had a response from JMEHNLE either, so I've transferred the first-come
permission to you. GBECHIS has also expressed an interest in helping maintain
this distribution, so he may be in touch.
On 7 Nov 2023 at 20:18 +, Ricardo Signes , wrote:
> Hi, it's been arou
Hi Kawai-san,
I'm one of the PAUSE admins.
I've just transferred the first-come permissions on DBD-Excel to ASB. You have
co-maint on all the modules in the distribution.
I have transferred the first-come indexing permission on URI::geo to DDICK.
On 21 Jan 2024 at 23:11 +, David Dick , wrote:
> Hi all,
> Andy is okay with me getting permissions for this module. Can you
> transfer it to me?
> Regards
> David
> On 28/12/23 23:55, a...@hext
Hi Lachs,
I'm one of the PAUSE admins.
I've tried contacting the author of File::List as well, to see if he'll given
his blessing for you taking over maintenance of his module. Hopefully he'll say
yes, but if I don't hear back from him either, then I'll transfer the
first-come indexing permiss
Hi Lucas,
When you make a request like this, can you include your PAUSE id please – what
is your PAUSE id please?
On 10 Jan 2024 at 01:14 +, Lucas Moraes ,
> Data::Page::Nav
Hi Chris,
Sorry about that. We've got a PAUSE bug which means that sometimes when a
co-maint does a release, co-maints are dropped:
I'll add all the co-maints back shortly, ad let you know when they're back (bit
of a work scramble on right now, s
Hi Chris,
I've given co-maint to the people who list it, on Module::CoreList and
On 29 Jan 2024 at 09:57 +0000, Neil Bowers , wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Sorry about that. We've got a PAUSE bug which means that sometimes when a
> co-ma
Hi Jurij,
This was a temporary issue – a problem with PAUSE, which has now been resolved,
so you should now be able to upload.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
On 17 Feb 2024 at 21:25 +, Jurij Fajnberg , wrote:
> Dear Admins,
> As one of the co-maintainers I have implemented a new vers
Hi Roland,
The problem has been fixed, and PAUSE is handling uploads again.
On 17 Feb 2024 at 21:25 +, roland kapl , wrote:
> Dear PAUSE Admins!
> Since yesterday (at least to my knowledge), it’s impossible to upload
> packages to PAUSE.
> I’ve seen in the Tail Daemon Logfile t
Hi brian,
> I saw that Kent's account was converted to a custodial account. I'd like to
> take up the maintenance of HTML::Tree as BRIANDFOY.
Olaf Alders took over first-come on HTML-Tree after Kent died, and looks to
have given co-maint to the rest of the LWP gang. I notice they haven't done a
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