Hi Max,

I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
> I wanted to ask, whether there is a possibility to transfer the
> permissions of Efl to me (PERLMAX: https://metacpan.org/author/PERLMAX).
> […]
> I see no conflict with EFL since my package name (Efl) uses lowercase 
> letters, too?

PAUSE treats indexing permissions case-insensitively, so EFL and Efl are the 
same package name, as far as PAUSE is concerned.
It does this because some operating systems (e.g. Windows and MacOS) are 
case-insensitive, so efl.pm and EFL.pm are the same file.

I suggest you rename your distribution – it is strongly recommended that you 
don’t repurpose a package name, once it’s been used on CPAN, as you’ve no way 
of knowing who might be using it (even though you said it can’t be compiled any 


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