Hi Bruce,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I can see that you’ve had problems uploading your
One of the problems is that the toolchain expects your tarball to extract into
a directory.
Given your Makefile.PL, you can run the following to get the style of tarball
expected by PAUSE:
permissions on all packages within a
distribution, otherwise various problems can arise. I’m tidying up the
historical baggage, so things are cleaner going forwards.
On 1 Oct 2020, 22:58 +0100, Neil Bowers , wrote:
> Hi Alexander, Andrew, Daniel, David, Marcus, Matt, and Simon,
> I
Hi Noam,
I would like to take ownership over this abandoned module
How do I proceed?
This is covered in section 4 of the PAUSE Operating Model:
In short:
• Email the author (fza...@cpan.org)
In 2005 Nathan Lewis (NATHANL) uploaded module
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::WebPivot to CPAN, but he misnamed the distribution in
a way that CPAN::DistnameInfo confused it with Spreadsheet-WriteExcel. This
even confused PAUSE, if you looked at permissions for Spreadsheet-WriteExcel.
I first tried t
Hi Sergei,
I have tried contacting Miki-san (PAUSE user MIKI) to ask if he’s ok for you to
have co-maint on AnyEvent::Pcap.
Please give me a little while to try and get his explicit permission. If I also
fail, then we’ll give you co-maint.
In the meantime, can you answer my curiosity: your ema
Hi Alfie,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
> I would like to delete my Pause account (ALFIE). Is this possible, because I
> can't find any link within pause.cpan.org.
There isn’t a "delete user" function, because what’s possible / preferable
depends on whether you’ve ever uploaded to PAUSE, and you
Hi Chris & Ashley,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working on resolving situations where there
are split and/or missing indexing permissions on CPAN distributions, and where
there is conflict between two or more distributions. These came about
historically for a number of reasons, including (1
Hi Chris,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
I’m working on resolving situations where a CPAN distribution has two or more
people with indexing permissions, or where there are indexing permission
conflicts between two or more distributions. Your Smil distribution is one of
Most of the packag
Thanks Chris and Ashley — I’ll schedule the deletions right after this. You’ll
get a confirmation email from PAUSE.
Hi Steven,
I see that you’ve done two releases of App-Tables, which are failing to be
indexed because author MARCC has first-come on App::Tables
I haven’t looked to see if you’re both trying to do the same thing, but I see
that the doc for his says h
Hi Johan,
When that happens, the first thing to try is a reindex of the release:
• In the web interface of PAUSE, "Force Reindexing" is in the Utils section of
the left sidebar.
• Find the tarball for the release and tick the checkbox next to it
• Scroll to the bottom and hit the "Reindex" butto
Hi Alfie,
> Thanks for the advice. After reading the options, it's probably easier if I
> just keep the account open. Don't want to pull the rug as you say.
A thought on an option 0: if you want some lightweight anonymisation, you could
change your name in your PAUSE profile to be ALFIE a
> Thanks for the heads up. This reminds me to check my PAUSE mail folder again
> regularly. The two app is different enough so I'll rename mine.
Given that MARCC’s distribution includes not only App::Tables, but several
App::Tables::* modules, I’d suggest going with a different App::Som
> I'm interested in adopting the Lingua::FR::Nums2Words module. If you can
> grant me the privilege I will release the next version.
What’s your PAUSE id?
Please always include your PAUSE id when making requests like this.
Hi Mats,
This is a transaction timeout in the PAUSE indexer, which happens occasionally.
When it happens, wait a bit and check whether your release got indexed anyway.
Easiest way is to search for your module on MetaCPAN and see if you get the
version you released. Give it time, as it doesn’t i
Hi Nigel,
I’ve just transferred first-come on Lingua::FR::Nums2Words to you. Thanks for
taking it on and helping fight the CPAN Bitrot.
Hi Nigel,
> I'm interested in adopting the Lingua::EN::NameCase module. If you can grant
> me the privilege I will release the next version.
Since this module had ADOPTME as first-come, I’ve transferred the first-come to
Barbie: you currently still have co-maint, the main implication of wh
Hi Nigel,
> I'm interested in adopting the HTML::SimpleLinkExtor module. If you can grant
> me the privilege I will release the next version.
This had ADOPTME as first-come, so I’ve transferred the first-come to you. I’ve
copied the original author, brian d foy, just so he’s aware of the transfe
Hi Slaven,
I hope you’re well?
This is just a gentle nudge on this change. This obviously isn’t urgent, but by
early next year this will be one of the last few distributions on my hitlist :-)
On 15 Oct 2020, 18:12 +0100, Neil Bowers , wrote:
> Hi Slaven,
> Normally I’
Hi Barbie!
> No, happy for Nigel to take full ownership :)
Ok — I’ve dropped your co-maint for you.
Hi Toby,
You haven’t by any chance just been given first-come on xmltv by EDAVIS have
All of the XMLTV::* modules have TOBYINK as first-come and EDAVIS as co-maint,
but the Uninstall module just has EDAVIS with first-come.
This was reported by by script that looks for split ownership, but
> Yes, I assigned primary maintainership of XMLTV to TOBYINK this morning.
> I forgot that Uninstall was part of the XMLTV distribution.
> Let me assign that too.
Thanks Ed — my script isn’t reporting XMLTV any more.
Hi Nigel,
To save us all some time, I’ve transferred all ADOPTME distributions to you.
Thank you for helping with CPAN!
> Since HTML::SimpleLinkExtor uses Test::HTTPStatus which is also up for
> adoption, it would make sense for me to take this over as well, please.
Seriously though, I just tra
Hi Simon,
> > Would you be happy for me to schedule the deletion your 0.06002 release of
> > DBIx-Class from PAUSE, and thus from CPAN? This will stop it appearing in
> > the CPAN Index, but will also move one step closer to resolving all the
> > permissions inconsistencies on PAUSE.
> sorry for
Hi Toby,
I noticed that in your App-GhaInstall distribution you’ve copied in JSON::Tiny
and YAML::Tiny, putting them in lib/App/GhaInstall/{JSON,YAML}.pm, but keeping
the original package statements. As you’ve noticed, this will result in you
getting warnings from the indexer, and it looks like
Hi Nigel,
> I'm interested in adopting the Comment::Spell module. If you can grant me the
> privilege I will release the next version.
I’ve just transferred the first-come permission from ADOPTME to you.
Happy to see someone taking on one of Kent’s distributions — thank you.
Hi Brendan,
> Is the PAUSE database doing alright? Haven't been able to successfully
> re-index this tarball.
No, it looks like there’s a problem with the database. I can see the last
upload that was successfully indexed, so when we’re back online, I’ll reindex
all the releases since then.
Hi Adam,
I’m writing this wearing my PAUSE admit hat.
Are you happy for the PAUSE admins to give permissions – co-maint or first-come
as appropriate – for all of your CPAN distributions now?
When someone asks for permissions, we look at their track record, and also look
at the number of depend
Hi Casey,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
Dag-Erling Smørgrav has asked if he can get co-maint on your File-Pid
distribution, which was last released in 2005? He’d like to release a bugfix.
If you’re happy for him to have co-maint – or even to take first-come – just
let me know, and I can do the
I’ve just gave CROMEDOME co-maint on Template-Tiny.
ADAMK has first-come on this, and ETHER previously had co-maint, but wants to
"pass it" to Jason.
I’m sure Adam would be ok with this, but have Bcc’d him to give him a chance to
I’m going to work through the custodial accounts, scheduling deletion of all
but the most recent of their releases.
I’ll add this to the custodial process.
Always a sad thing to do, working on their accounts.
Hi Binit,
Uploaded Module of DBD::DB2 1.88 Not visible in CPAN
With situations like this, the first thing to do is check whether your release
made it into the CPAN Index. You can download the index from:
This shows that your release
I’ve been in touch with Lee Katz (LSKATZ), who is #1 on the list of people who
can free up most space by deleting old releases.
He’s on paternity release right now, so I’ve offered to schedule deletion of
his old releases, which he’s happy for me to do.
So following this, you’ll see the message
Hi Jonas,
Your upload of
failed indexing because PAUSE doesn’t like distribution names that long.
Just kidding! ;-)
When a distribution is considered for indexing, PAUSE first checks that there’
I’m sad to have to report that Raun "Spider" Boardman (SPIDB on CPAN) has
recently passed away, due to complications of COVID.
Spider released several distributions to CPAN, one of which (Net::Dnet) is
still there. It looks like he tidied up older things.
Spider originally worked at Digital, wh
This is to note that I’ve been in touch with Gérald SÉDRATI-DINET (GIBUS), as
he has a lot of space taken up with old releases.
He has given me permission to schedule deletion of his old releases, so you’ll
see confirmation of that following this email.
Thanks Gérald.
Hi Andreas,
> thanks a lot. Looks like it worked this time, so all is good for the moment...
Fingers crossed for the next time you do a release – I’ll keep an eye out for
any dropped permissions.
Hi Gaoang,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
I saw that your first upload to PAUSE failed with this error message:
> This distribution name will only be indexed when uploaded by users
> withpermission for the package cfwp::fio. Either someone else has ownership
The problem is that you have lib/cfwp/
Tomas Doran’s cpan email address has been bouncing for a while.
I’ve been in touch with him, and confirmed a working email address, which he’d
like his account updated with.
That update will follow this.
Hi Karl,
I have just transferred first-come on Encode::Locale to you. Thank you for
taking this on.
Note for modules@perl.org: this is one of Gisle's distributions. It’s far up
river, but had no active maintainer.
I have transferred first-come permissions on Data::Dump to Breno de Oliveira
This is one of Gisle Aas’s distributions, and it’s far up river with no active
maintainer. Breno already maintains Data::Printer, so this seems like a good
match. Thanks for taking this on garu.
Hi Christiaan,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
> I'm interested in adopting the Validation::Class module. If you cangrant me
> the privilege I will release the next version.
> I have a long standing patch ready to apply :-).
I have just transferred to you the first-come permissions on Validation::C
Hi Kyoshi,
I would like to put File::XDG up for adoption. What all would I need to do on
my end to make this happen?
You have two options:
1. If you want to have a chance to decide whether someone can adopt it, then
give co-maint to the special user ADOPTME. You can do this via the PAUSE web
Hi Graham,
> I (cpan id PLICEASE) would like to formally request adoption of the CPAN
> module File::BaseDir. I have some need for it, but it needs some minor
> maintenance. […] I believe I have a good track record for the modules that I
> have adopted in the past, and the dist is listed as up
Hi Lukas,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
If you’re happy for Graham to have co-maint on Return::MultiLevel, just give
the word and I can give him co-maint on your behalf.
I’m also happy to reassure you that Graham is a reliable CPAN author, and has
adopted a number of distributions over the year
The custodial accounts had their email addresses set to a mixture of things,
with some set to modules@perl.org
An upside of this is that if there are a surge of CPAN Testers fails for one of
their dists, I see it, and have used this to find someone to adopt a
distribution and fix the issue.
Hi Fergal,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
Test::NoWarnings, one of Adam Kennedy’s modules, has a bunch of outstanding
bugs, and is also depended on by a bunch of CPAN distributions, but it hasn’t
had a release for 10 years.
Graham Knop (HAARG) has said he’ll fix a bunch of the issues and do some
Fergal’s CPAN email address bounces, but I got hold of him with another email
He said he’s happy for his modules to be handed on, so I’ve transferred
first-come to Graham Knop (HAARG).
Thanks for taking this on Graham.
Hi Johan,
I’m emailing you wearing my PAUSE admin hat.
You’ve done a few releases of module Data::Properties, including two releases
this week.
These aren’t being indexed, because there is already a Data::Properties on
CPAN, released by Brian Moseley (PAUSE id: IX) in 2001:
Fergal’s CPAN address was bouncing; I tracked down a working email address and
asked if he wanted his account updating, and he said yes.
Hi David,
Graham Ollis (PLICEASE) has asked if he can adopt Eval::LineNumbers.
You have given co-maint on this to ADOPTME, which signals that you want final
approval on adoption requests. Are you ok with him getting the first-come
permission? He’s adopted a number of CPAN distributions over the
Hi David,
> > Graham Ollis (PLICEASE) has asked if he can adopt Eval::LineNumbers.[…]If
> > you’re happy with the adoption, I can make the transfer on your behalf.
> Yes, please proceed
Thank you.
Graham: I have just transferred first-come to you. Thank you for taking this on.
Hi Seth,
I’ve just approved your request for a PAUSE account.
Hi Vernon,
> Please could you assign all of CJONES' modules over to me as the PRIMARY
> maint.
> Below is the email history of my request and the response from the original
> author.
I’ll make those changes today, and will confirm once they’re all done.
Apologies for the delay on this – origina
Hi Vernon,
I’ve transferred the first-come permissions on all of CJONES’s distributions to
Hi Peter,
> I never actively placed this [HTML::Tree] in ADOPTME, and nobody's contacted
> me in several years about it.
> Neil et al: can you please explain how this got placed in ADOPTME?
The HTML-Tree distribution has quite a history over the years:
• It was originally released by Gisle Aas (
Hi Gryphon,
I have been in touch with both Sebastian and Tomas, and both are happy for you
to have co-maint on Text::Markdown, so I’ve just made that change.
Thanks for taking this on – it will be good to see this getting some releases.
Hi Jesse,
I asked:
> Are you happy for the Moose cabal to adopt Eval::Closure?
You replied:
> yes, i'm happy to give up permissions on all of my modules, i haven'tbeen
> using perl for some time now (i thought i had already did this, butmaybe i
> missed some)
Thanks for that. I have given Kare
Hi Peter,
I have just transferred the first-come permissions on HTML::Tree (and the other
modules in the distribution) to you (PETEK), as you were the only one who
responded :-)
Hi Andy,
When you get an error like this, it’s best to wait a bit and see whether your
release got indexed. Looking in the CPAN Index, I see:
Carp::Assert::More 2.01 P/PE/PETDANCE/Carp-Assert-More-2.0.1.tar.gz
So the index was updated with your release, so everything’s ok.
If had s
Hi Jeffrey,
> I realize its been more than three years since the original request was
> submitted to transfer ownership of "AFS-Command" from WPMOORE to DARIA
> (da...@cpan.org) or JALTMAN (jalt...@cpan.org). The request appears to have
> fallen through many cracks. What do we need to do at this
Hi Bob,
> The BOBP account is me, and my profile lists [redacted], but I believe the
> PAUSE account forwarding is going to a domain I no longer have access to,
> perldevgeek.com.
> Is there any way you can update that for me, so I can link/verify the account?
I’ve just updated the BOBP account
Hi Dominik,
> It looks like Acme::Cow is no longer available on CPAN. We have anapplication
> ( that uses this module. Although it is no longer maintainedsince a long
> while it would be great if it still was available toinstall from CPAN.
Acme::Cow was include in the Acme-Cow distribution, whic
Hi Daria,
You now have first-come permissions on all packages in the AFS-Command
> > >
Hi Dominik,
I’ve just transferred first-come to you on Acme::Cow and the other Acme::Cow::*
modules in that distribution.
I’ve just transferred first-come permissions on the following modules from
CERNEY to ETJ, as John (CERNEY) was trying to do:
John retains co-maint on all modules in the distribution.
Hi Gábor,
As you noticed, Brian Moseley wasn’t interested in maintaining
Data::Properties, and was happy for Johan (copied on this) to take on the
As Johan said in a further email, given you were relying on the old module,
would you like to adopt it, and do a new release which restores
Hi John,
Thanks for reverting Data::Properties to the original code (from Brian). If you
hadn’t done that, I was going to offer to adopt it so I could put the old code
back out for Gábor.
A lesson learned. One that I have learned previously, so I should have been
more conservative in this situ
Hi Gábor,
If I had taken on the module, my plan would have been to revert to the 0.2 code
and just leave that in place on CPAN for the next 10 years or more. I’m fairly
sure that’s Johan’s plan for Data::Properties now, and if he wants to do
something else, he’ll use a different namespace.
Hi Andy,
> When you get an error like this, it’s best to wait a bit and see whether your
> release got indexed.
> > If had seen the previous release still listed in the index, you can ask
> > PAUSE to retry the indexing: in the left sidebar you’ll see "Force
> > Reindexing". If you select that,
Hi Brian,
> I was given COMAINT on Geo::IPfree ages ago because the main author was
> non-responsive.
> I don't really do any Perl programming these days, so my interest in
> continuing to maintain this module is low.
> Nicolas (ATOOMIC) has offered to do some work on Geo::IPfree, but I cannot
> Powers that be,
> I am currently unable to sign in to PAUSE and I'm not receiving any messages
> from the 'reset password' form. It has been almost a decade since my profile
> (https://metacpan.org/author/STICKPIN) was updated, and I'd like to remove
> the defunct website address. Also, I am c
Hi Torsten,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
Dmitry Karasik (copied on this email) has also asked to have co-maint on
I also tried to contact Alex to see if he was open to giving co-maint, and said
that a PAUSE admin can do it on his behalf. I haven’t had a reply either.
So we’r
Hi Torseten & Dmitry,
I’ve just given you both co-maint on Crypt::Curve25519. Thank you for stepping
up to continue maintenance of this.
Alex: if you’re not happy with this, just the PAUSE admins know, or email me
privately if you’d prefer, and I’ll reverse this.
I’m one of the PAUSE admins. If we get to that point, I’ll transfer first-come
permissions to James.
Just before we do, given that Gareth (GBJK) has co-maint, I’d just like to
check Robert’s assumption that he’ll be ok with James take over maintenance.
This is almost always a formality, an
This has been confirmed on facebook. I’ll run the process tonight :-(
Hi Max,
I’ve failed to track down Peter, and so have given you co-maint on Net::Pcap.
Obviously if Peter reappears, then he has the right to revoke this, but that
seems highly unlikely.
Hi Rafael,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
You did the original release of IO-Socket-INET6, and then between 2008 and 2014
Shlomi did releases, with co-maint.
Are you happy for Shlomi to have co-maint again?
If so, I can do it on your behalf.
Hi Rafael,
> Yes, please do. .
> As you may have noticed, I cannot maintain any longer the module.
> Give him full powers to.
Thanks for that – I’ve just transferred the first-come permissions to Shlomi –
you have now got co-maint.
Thanks both,
Hi Jacques,
> Somehow, I do not have a tab "View Permissions per module" and even when I
> search for a distribution with an exact match, it still does not find
> it.Maybe it is just a matter of a refresh. I will check it later again.
Sorry, I should have mentioned that the link isn’t in the sid
Hi brian,
> Dan Kogai and I talked about me taking over Unicode::Unihan and he's
> marked it as ADPOTME. Can someone make me the primary maintainer?
I’ve transferred first-come to you.
Hi Ruth,
> Hi. I use several of Kent's many Dist::Zilla modules, and have been doing a
> bit of module development of my own lately. I'm willing to adopt his DZ
> modules' upkeep going forward. Please let me know what I need to do to make
> that happen.
Kent had the first-come indexing permi
Hi Nils,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
> I'm interested in adopting the Mojolicious::Plugin::AutoSecrets module.If you
> can grant me the privilege I will release the next version.
I’m guessing you didn’t get any response from Meredith on your adoption request
for Mojolicious::Plugin::AutoSecret
Hi Graham,
I’ve transferred the first-come permission on MooseX::Types::JSON to you (from
Hi James,
Apologies for the delay, but I’ve just transferred first-come on
Linux::Statm::Tiny to you.
Thanks for taking it on.
Hi Nicolas,
Back in October, you asked if you could have co-maint on Geo::IPfree.
Even though Brian (copied on this email) did most of the previous releases,
Graciliano (who originally released it, and also copied on this email) still
has the first-come permission. I tried to contact Graciliano
Hi Tom,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
If you’re happy with Jonathan either having co-maint, or taking over ownership
(the first-come permission), just let us know, and I can make the change on
your behalf.
Hi Karen,
I’ve dropped ADOPTME’s first-come permissions on JSON::Schema::Draft201909::*
and JSON::Schema::Modern::Vocabulary::Format.
Hi Jacques,
I haven’t heard back from MSCHWERN, so I’ve gone ahead and given you co-maint
on CLASS. Thanks for helping to fight CPAN bitrot.
Michael: if you don’t want Jacques to have co-maint, let me know and I’ll
I’ve transferred first-come on Mail::Alias from Tom (ZELT) to Jonathan (JIK).
Thanks to Jonathan for taking this on, and Tom for being happy for this to
Hi Jonathan,
Those three sub-modules (Mail::Alias::Binmail, Mail::Alias::Sendmail, and
Mail::Alias::Ucbmail) weren’t indexed in the previous release of Mail-Alias, so
when I transferred the permissions, those ones didn’t go over.
I’ve transferred the first-come permissions to you on these now a
Hi Jacques,
> I would like to draw your attention on that there is no module Class::Array
> or Class::Scalar distributed by Dankongai.Similar to what I have seen with
> Cookie and Cookies, I believe the author use those outside of modules in
> locations like test units and somehow cpan will inde
Hi Johnathan,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
You’ve requested a PAUSE account with id JSWAN. I just wanted to point out that
there’s an existing account JSWANN, in case you want to pick something
different that’s not close close to / confusable with an existing account.
If you want to go ahead w
Hi Jacques,
> I am a bit puzzled here.I can see I am the owner of Class::Builtin which
> contains as you have found out Class::Array and Class::Scalar, and yet I am
> being denied by cpan.Is there something special I need to do?
It’s because the Class-Builtin distribution used to include them (w
Hi Bob,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
> Yes - I would like to remain on as co-maint and happy to add you as primary
> and ZMughal as co-maint for the OpenGL modules.
> I’ve had trouble with my PAUSE credentials, so if PAUSE can help facilitate
> this change, that would be much appreciated.
Hi Jacques,
It has been pointed out that you’ve renamed the CLASS module to Class.
When I gave you co-maint on CLASS, I should have pointed out that there were
other distributions on CPAN that rely on this, so it’s important that you don’t
break the interface, either in functionality or name.
Hi Tim,
I tried various ways to email Rick, and they all bounced, and I haven’t been
able to track him down.
As a result, I’ve given you co-maint on Date-Holidays-CA. Thank you for taking
it on.
When adopting an existing CPAN module, please remember that you’ve no way of
knowing who else migh
Hi Rob,
I uploaded Amazon::API yesterday (an update). I received an email that it was
indexed but it still not showing up in Metacpanand previous is missing now?
If you look in the META.json for your latest uploads, specifically the
"provides" entry, you’ll see:
"provides" : {
Hi Herbert,
The problem is that you don’t have an indexing permission on the package name
The user CHARTGRP has first-come on "chart", but appears to have transferred
first-come on the other packages to you.
I’m pretty sure this came about because CHARTGRP transferred the first-come t
Hi Herbert,
When you get this error message, PAUSE _might_ still index your release. Wait a
little while and check for your module in the index. You can download the index
gunzip it, and then grep for your module:
1001 - 1100 of 1439 matches
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