Hi Kyoshi,

I would like to put File::XDG up for adoption. What all would I need to do on 
my end to make this happen?

You have two options:

1. If you want to have a chance to decide whether someone can adopt it, then 
give co-maint to the special user ADOPTME. You can do this via the PAUSE web 
interface: select "Add Comaintainers" on the left sidebar; find the relevant 
distribution in your list, tick the checkbox next to it, put ADOPTME in the 
text box "Select a userid", and click on "Make Co-Maintainer".
2. If you’re happy for anyone who’s interested to adopt it, then you can 
transfer the first-come permission to ADOPTME: select "Transfer Primary 
Permissions" in the left sidebar, and go through the same process above as for 
co-maint. When you do this, people can apply to the PAUSE admins for 
permissions on the distribution.

Please ask if you have any questions on the above.


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