Hi Jeffrey, > I realize its been more than three years since the original request was > submitted to transfer ownership of "AFS-Command" from WPMOORE to DARIA > (da...@cpan.org) or JALTMAN (jalt...@cpan.org). The request appears to have > fallen through many cracks. What do we need to do at this point to make the > change in ownership happen?
I’m really sorry that this got missed. Having looked at the permissions on the distribution, I suspect that I wasn’t sure what to do, and then forgot about it. I do know what to do now. For many years, PAUSE would let someone drop their first-come permissions on modules, leaving them ownerless, which makes it hard to "transfer ownership". We’ve plugged that gap in PAUSE now, but there are some legacy situations. I have to request some manual database changes, which may take a day or so, then I’ll get back to you. We’ll give DARIA first-come on all modules. Cheers, Neil