Re: to those who use google chrome

2012-03-30 Thread Rose Morales
Yeah, I have Safari lying around as a backup browser. But in my experience, if something isn't accessible in Chrome, it's usually not accessible in Safari either. I guess it depends on where you go. But overall, I love Chrome. It's going to stay my default browser. On Mar 30, 2012, at 7:31 AM,

Re: to those who use google chrome

2012-03-30 Thread Rose Morales
Sorry for the extra message. I just checked my Chrome version number. I'm using a dev build of Chrome which is up to version 19. So if you guys are having issues, you might want to try downloading a build from the dev channel. On Mar 30, 2012, at 5:30 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote: > Just a he

Re: a guide on pages

2012-04-01 Thread Rose Morales
while there is no guide on Pages from a VO perspective, please note that Apple does offer a standard guide free of charge for Pages. In harmony with Ann's comments, you will not learn how to use Pages from a VO perspective. But I still found it to be helpful. I would encourage any of you who n

Re: How to read Kindle Books in iBooks

2012-06-16 Thread Rose Morales
That was my thought as well. But Stanza would have to have the options discussed in that article. I'd mess with the app and report back, but I don't have the time. If someone else substitutes Stanza in the process successfully, I'd love to hear about it. Sent from my iPhone On Jun 15, 2012, at

Re: how to erase applications from the i-phone 4 s.hello all,

2012-01-03 Thread Rose Morales
Hi Chenelle, To delete an app, double tap and hold any app on the home screen until you hear Voiceover say "moving app name". Then double tap the app you want to delete. it. iOS will prompt you if you're sure you want to delete the app you double tapped. Say yes. To get out of the mode that let'

Re: Mac OS port of IBM Viavoice TTS, otherwise known as ETI Eloquence

2012-01-08 Thread Rose Morales
Wouldn't something like that be illegal, given that Via Voice would get no royalties for such a port, whether on Mac or Linux? In which case I don't think said discussion would be appropriate for this list. If someone knows of a legal port. please do tell us, as I'd love to have Eloquence on my

Re: Mac OS port of IBM Viavoice TTS, otherwise known as ETI Eloquence

2012-01-08 Thread Rose Morales
gt;> feasible or not. Wholesale licensing agreements can be negotiated afterward. >> >> Regards, >> Emrah >> On Jan 8, 2012, at 3:27 PM, Rose Morales wrote: >> >>> Wouldn't something like that be illegal, given that Via Voice would get no >>

Re: perhaps not new but solution for safari busy… : google chrome

2012-01-10 Thread Rose Morales
Hi William, What version of Chrome are you running? I have an older dev build here which still had some quirks, but things must have improved since then. Either way, you've encouraged me to try out the newest dev build. Rose On Jan 10, 2012, at 5:17 AM, William Windels wrote: > Hello, > Perhap

Re: perhaps not new but solution for safari busy… : google chrome

2012-01-10 Thread Rose Morales
idea at all if this is the most recent > version but I am pretty shore that this is the development version. > But, anyway, tips, suggestions, questions... are welcome. > > Kind regards, > William Windels > Op 10-jan.-2012, om 12:28 heeft Rose Morales het volgende geschrev

User agents and google search with Chrome

2012-01-19 Thread Rose Morales
Hi all, Two questions. First, I want to be able to change my user agent only for the web site. As some of you are aware, this change allows for a more accessible version of the facebook mobile site to be loaded. Also, doing a google search from the address bar does not appear to y

Re: iWorks - moving from MS Office

2011-06-24 Thread Rose Morales
Pages does in fact handle track changes. I can't comment on said featre though, since I haven't actually used it myself on the Mac. Still, it's worth giving it a try.u On Jun 24, 2011, at 4:59 PM, Kimberly wrote: > One thing I think you can't do is track changes. If you use this function a > lo

Re: Using night aul.

2011-07-01 Thread Rose Morales
The way I prefer to do it is to pull up someone's timeline with command-u. Then, you go to the drawer, go to user actions, and then follow. If you don't see the drawer, go to the toolbar and hit the drawer button. That should pop it out. Yu can use the drawer on any tweet you've selected with yo

Re: semi-pro list

2011-07-28 Thread Rose Morales
Hi all, I've been on this list for a long time, and though I've been very quiet, I've not neglected it. I've been watching this list pretty much every day. I've not said much because I have no questions to ask and nothing really to say. My belief is that if you have nothing upbuilding to say on

Re: PDF to text converterS, anyone?

2011-07-31 Thread Rose Morales
I had the same question. Pdf to rtf service was the best I found. This app lets you open PDF documents in text edit. You install it by copying the .service file into a folder on your hard drive. The folder is specified in the readme. Your document is still a PDF, so you'll have to copy and paste

Re: finder dialog

2010-09-23 Thread Rose Morales
This may sound like a dumb question, but have you tried bringing up the window chooser in Finder? To bring up the window chooser, you hold down the VO keys and hit f2 twice in rapid succession. You should see the finder window you need there. It might say something like "alert". On Sep 24, 2010,

Re: Microsoft Office 2011 and VoiceOver

2010-09-27 Thread Rose Morales
The problem with something like Notepad is that notepad can only write text files. This is fine if you're just looking to jot down a note or ten. Hence the name notepad, :). MS Word is designed to let you format your text. Now, one could use Wordpad, but that doesn't have a spellchecker. Further

Re: Microsoft Office 2011 and VoiceOver

2010-09-27 Thread Rose Morales
anagement school. I've never seen such a > dissertation on an office suite before! I had to read it to the end. Not even > Ester and Anne robbinson talk in such depth! Whew! I think I'll take four > more tylenols! :) :) > I am going to save this one! this is a keeper! >

Re: Word Service, an excellent addition to any word processing application (was Re: Microsoft Office 2011 and VoiceOver)

2010-09-27 Thread Rose Morales
t I was using. > > HTH. Cheers, > > Esther > > On Sep 27, 2010, Rose Morales wrote: > >> Hi all, >> In the Office 2011 thread, we have been discussing several possible >> alternatives to Office for Mac. WHile this is not exactly an alternative, I >> t

Using Voiceover with Itunes USB File Sharing

2010-09-28 Thread Rose Morales
Hi all, My apologies if this has been covered before, but I don't see any mention of this in the archives. A number of iPhone apps support transferring files from Itunes on your Mac or PC to the iPhone via USB. Am I correct in thinking that this feature is not accessible from the Mac side? From

Re: Using Voiceover with Itunes USB File Sharing

2010-09-28 Thread Rose Morales
e. it's the table after the main apps table, then hit the add button and > it will be added to your phone. I've done it. > On Sep 28, 2010, at 9:15 PM, Rose Morales wrote: > >> Hi all, >> My apologies if this has been covered before, but I don't see any mention

Re: Fonts and line spacing in Text Edit

2010-09-28 Thread Rose Morales
Sarah, I just tried the latest Open Office last night. When I hit a command-comma, OO crashes. Any idea how to fix this? If it's in your podcast, I'll happily download it. Rose On Sep 28, 2010, at 10:56 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote: > I did a podcast on text edit, and open office but you can stop whe

Re: Fonts and line spacing in Text Edit

2010-09-29 Thread Rose Morales
is is fixed. On Sep 29, 2010, at 2:14 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote: > OO tha'ts odd. No it didn't happen to me I don't think. but you might want to > report that. I believe there is an email address someware ont his list to the > access team of open office. > On Sep 28, 2010,

How I fixed my VO problem (was Re: VO will not speak, possibly related to Audio Hijack Pro)

2010-10-23 Thread Rose Morales
Hi all, I have spent a good portion of my day getting my baby back up and running. I'm still not done. I have been a mac user for a year and a half now, and in this time, I have learned much about my mac. Yet this problem and fixing it has taught me so much about my mac that I figured it was wo

Re: How I fixed my VO problem (was Re: VO will not speak, possibly related to Audio Hijack Pro)

2010-10-23 Thread Rose Morales
er with terminal though, (smiley). > Courtney > > On 23/10/2010, at 11:29 in the Afternoon, Rose Morales wrote: > >> Hi all, >> I have spent a good portion of my day getting my baby back up and running. >> I'm still not done. I have been a mac user for a year and

Re: My first mac. Questions.

2010-10-25 Thread Rose Morales
App trap will nuke an app's associated preferences as well. It's actually a preference pane. You run this file called AppTrap.prefPane, and it installs a preference pane in System Preferences. Then you restart your computer to activate the pref pane. To use App Trap, simply delete an app from yo

Re: No permission to read

2010-10-25 Thread Rose Morales
Hi Mark, I did discuss how to change file permissions via the GUI rather than the terminal. I too find this method much simpler, even with the bit of linux/terminal knowledge that I have. I was just wondering if you hit apply to all items before copying the files over. I figured that should wor

Selecting the location of iphone firmware when restoring

2010-10-25 Thread Rose Morales
Hi all, WHen you select the restore button in itunes, your computer contacts Apple to download the firmware you'll need. I already have an isw file, and I'd like to restore to that one instead of the file I would be getting from Apple's server. I did some research on how to supposedly do this on

Re: twitter on adium?

2010-11-02 Thread Rose Morales
I believe the links allow you to pull up the user profiles of the person who sent the tweet you are currently viewing. Personally, I don't mind Adium for other messaging services like Aim or MSN. You message one person at a time. Messages come in. Generally there aren't so many, so it's not much

Re: mudding on the mac

2010-12-09 Thread Rose Morales
I was hoping someone could suggest a viable mudding solution for the mac. The responses here have been disappointing. Thus far, I've been running Vipmud on my Windows VM. And that works fine, but it's one of the very few things I need to pull up Windows to do. I would like to make that count eve

Re: jailbreaking?

2010-12-11 Thread Rose Morales
WHoa whoa whoa! SOme of your responses to the original jailbreak question are killing me here! I have done three successful jailbreaks of a 3gS. I use Cydia accessibly, and I have my phone running on t-mobile. I enjoy using quite a few jb apps, and I've even got a few themes and ringtones from t

Re: Click to flash

2010-12-25 Thread Rose Morales
I've never heard of such a button. I never needed to click anything to listen to youtube videos. Hope you find your answer though. Rose On Dec 25, 2010, at 1:52 PM, Jürgen Fleger wrote: > Hi All, > > has anyone noticed that click to flash disapeared from the Safari menue? What > happened to it?

Re: MoveAddict still vaporware.

2011-01-29 Thread Rose Morales
I didn't get a dmg when I installed MoveAddict. I just got one .app file in my Applications folder. When I run it, MoveAddict crashes. Any suggestions? On Jan 28, 2011, at 1:25 PM, Randy Stegall wrote: > Glad you have it working! > > Randy Stegall > > Sent from my Mac Mini. > > O

Re: MoveAddict still vaporware.

2011-01-29 Thread Rose Morales
ict " > , but if you continue to get a corrupted download from there I would be happy > to upload it to sendSpace? > > Take care. > Geoff > > On Jan 29, 2011, at 6:48 AM, Rose Morales wrote: > >> I didn't get a dmg when I installed MoveAddict. I just got one .ap

Re: MoveAddict still vaporware.

2011-01-29 Thread Rose Morales
er the packaging and like me you still have a key which > you can get your hands on. > > HTH, > Geoff > > On Jan 29, 2011, at 7:22 AM, Rose Morales wrote: > >> Hi Jeff, >> I downloaded the paid version from the Mac app store. I thought about >> downloading i

Re: word processor for the itouch?

2011-01-29 Thread Rose Morales
Try iNotepad GN. It's accessible, stable, simple, and cute. It costs $2.99. Quick Office is not accessible, last I check. If you have dropbox, you might also consider Nebulous or Droptext. Both are accessible and are $0.99 each Hth, Rose. On Jan 29, 2011, at 11:11 AM, erik burggraaf wrote: > Hi

Getting Mac app store version of Moveaddict to work, was Re: MoveAddict still vaporware.

2011-01-29 Thread Rose Morales
which > you can get your hands on. > > HTH, > Geoff > > On Jan 29, 2011, at 7:22 AM, Rose Morales wrote: > >> Hi Jeff, >> I downloaded the paid version from the Mac app store. I thought about >> downloading it directly from the web, but I don't want to have

Re: Jailbreaking and some solutions?

2011-01-30 Thread Rose Morales
I have written two extensive articles on jailbreaking. They can be found at and Also, Icy went open source, and you can download a

Re: Jailbreaking and some solutions?

2011-01-31 Thread Rose Morales
is involved with a group of people that call themselves the >>>>> iPhone dev team - they have nothing to do with apple. >>>>> Tethered jailbreaks really aren't worth it imo scott. >>>>> >>>>> On 30/01/2011, Scott Granados wro

Re: VM Fusion

2011-01-31 Thread Rose Morales
Running Fusion in WIndows should not affect the way it works, other than a minimal delay between when you press keys and when that key press is transferred to Fusion. The same goes for sound. It must be processed by OS X first and then by Fusion. I've run Jaws, WIndow Eyes, and NVDA on a Fusion

Re: deleted something important

2011-01-31 Thread Rose Morales
Cheree, Is there not a way either in your email client of choice or on the web to simply recreate that folder? Most email providers allow for this. Rose On Jan 31, 2011, at 11:16 AM, Cheree Heppe wrote: > Cheree Heppe here: > > I deleted my Important Mail folder. > > Don't know how I did this

Re: Jailbreaking and some solutions?

2011-01-31 Thread Rose Morales
on't like the > idea of safari not working. > To be fair, your right though, I don't think my phones ever rebooted > randomly or because of a crash, so perhaps I'm just being paranoid. > > On 31/01/2011, Rose Morales wrote: >> I've been using a tethered

Re: Jailbreaking and some solutions?

2011-01-31 Thread Rose Morales
on't know for sure, I'm assuming >> that things like 5 icon doc will change it. Also, I don't like the >> idea of safari not working. >> To be fair, your right though, I don't think my phones ever rebooted >> randomly or because of a crash, so perhaps I&#

Re: band limit was Jailbreaking and some solutions?

2011-01-31 Thread Rose Morales
h your baseband if you want to unlock. >> >> On 31/01/2011, Sarah Alawami wrote: >>> Sorry, I think my brain is slowiing down again. As long as I what? and I >>> read the article but I don't quite understand why apple did what it did and >>> what it means

Re: band limit was Jailbreaking and some solutions?

2011-02-01 Thread Rose Morales
. Hth, Rose On Feb 1, 2011, at 12:50 AM, Scott Granados wrote: > Is there any advantage of flashing your baseband? Can you hack your device > for better performance in some way? > > On Jan 31, 2011, at 3:13 PM, Rose Morales wrote: > >> Flashing the baseband only needs to occu

Giving out email addresses

2011-02-01 Thread Rose Morales
Hi all, I purchased the domain last month. Among other things, one of the things I offer with this domain is email addresses. I have my email hosted with google apps, and I have 50 email addresses to give out as part of google apps' free edition package. Although I don't always

Re: first impressions of the new Skype

2011-02-01 Thread Rose Morales
Seems Skype screwed up in that regard. I can't find a total either. I'd leave feedback with Skype if I were you. You can do this from the Skype menu in Skype. Rose On Jan 31, 2011, at 5:10 PM, louie wrote: > I can't find the total amount of people that are on skype. In the old version > it was v

Re: first impressions of the new Skype

2011-02-01 Thread Rose Morales
To further clarify on what Colin said, there seems to be no call history as we remember it before Skype 5. If you open up each of the conversations under recent, you can not only call or text the selected person but also look at your history with them. Additionally, the first time you scroll dow

Re: first impressions of the new Skype

2011-02-01 Thread Rose Morales
The video button is one movement left of the end call button. In other words, you don't go to the toolbar anymore to get to it, the way you would have done in Skype 2.8. The add to conference button which was in the context menu of any user you clicked on in the Skype 5 beta is now gone. The ad

Re: band limit was Jailbreaking and some solutions?

2011-02-01 Thread Rose Morales
travel through that I'd like to find a > work around for. > > I kow with CDMA there are lots of knobs to tweak once you unlock the EPST. > Didn't know if this was similar. > > > On Feb 1, 2011, at 3:56 AM, Rose Morales wrote: > >> The only advantage t

Re: Booksense and Mac Question

2011-02-07 Thread Rose Morales
Your books should be automatically unzipped if you download them on your mac. This only works if you've selected to open safe files though. A lot of people use iTunes and therefore do not have that option hcecked in Safari. I use Cog, which does not play songs automatically. So I checked that bo

Re: Optimal version of VMWare

2011-02-08 Thread Rose Morales
There were some accessibility issues with Fusion 3.0 which were fixed with 3.1. The latest version of Fusion, 3.1.2, is accessible. So just get that and you'll be fine. Hth, Rose On Feb 8, 2011, at 8:04 PM, Keith Watson wrote: > Um Zack, I am not sure what you are talking about as far as the key

Re: an accessible twitter client for mac and Iphone

2011-02-09 Thread Rose Morales
YoruFukurou and Tweetlist would be my recommendations as well. You're not going to get any better than those recommendations, in my humble opinion. Hth, Rose On Feb 9, 2011, at 12:28 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote: > I use yorufukurou for mac and tweetlist for iPhone. > > Good luck. > > On 09/02/201

Re: an accessible twitter client for mac and Iphone

2011-02-09 Thread Rose Morales
I see more than six tweets at a time on Echofon for Mac by default, but there is no way to tell who sent what tweet. I cannot consider Echofon a viable option until they fix this. M understanding is that Echofon has been contacted. They have put out quite a few updates since being alerted of thi

Re: Thinking of getting a server for the home.

2011-02-22 Thread Rose Morales
Really? What about hitting command-k and launching your Windows drives that way? That's what I do on regular OS X. I also have my drives from my Windows box set to run on startup. I did this through System preferences, Accounts, Login Items. On Feb 22, 2011, at 8:09 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

App recommendations for my site

2011-02-25 Thread Rose Morales
Hi all, As some of you are aware, I have a site called The design is in its early stages of development, but there is a lot of stuff to see on there even so. My goal is to have a site kind of like used to be before Debby passed away. Only, I want a Mac equivalent.

Re: [MACVISIONARIES] accessible twitter clients?

2011-02-27 Thread Rose Morales
Hi Eric, Try YoruFukurou. It's feature set is the most advanced that you'll find among the accessible Mac clients. I'm not feeling too well, so forgive me for not thoroughly covering what it can do. But I had to at least refer you to the client. Hth, Rose On Feb 27, 2011, at 4:07 AM, Eric Oyen w

Re: Just a quick note on Apple's order process

2011-02-28 Thread Rose Morales
Nope. I got my mbp custom configured. It shipped from China as well. Same for my other friends who got their macs shipped. It only takes two days to get to you though, and the shipping's free. Hth, Rose On Feb 28, 2011, at 12:57 PM, Joseph Norton wrote: > Hi list: > > After I ordered my Mac Mi

Re: difference between free and paid versions of Soundhoud?

2011-03-06 Thread Rose Morales
Yes. The free version only allows you to identify ten songs a month. I believe that includes failures. So if you search for a song and can't identify it, that may or may not count as an ID. The unlimited version allows you to identify as many songs as you want. Hth, Rose On Mar 6, 2011, at 8:24

Re: rtf-epub convertor

2011-03-07 Thread Rose Morales
Or you could just use Stanza. It's accessible and easy to use. And it has a GUI. If you have any questions about the program, feel free to ask. Regards, Rose On Mar 7, 2011, at 8:20 AM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote: > Jar files are not a full fledged program but a set of java libraries that can > be u

Re: Accessibility of Cidia?

2011-03-08 Thread Rose Morales
I'd recommend Icy, Apt, or Cyder 2. I've written about each of these methods on applevis. I'd say more, but I'm honestly mentally exhausted from helping people with jailbreak stuff. People have taken up way too much of my time, and I just can't do it right now. But I've written extensive guides

Re: Accessibility of Cidia?

2011-03-09 Thread Rose Morales
> that Cyder 2 was only for windows. Never the less, I'll give it a look. > On 09/03/2011, at 3:39 PM, Rose Morales wrote: > >> I'd recommend Icy, Apt, or Cyder 2. I've written about each of these methods >> on applevis. I'd say more, but I'm ho

contributions to

2011-03-09 Thread Rose Morales
Hi all, As some of you are aware, I own and maintain If you are not familiar with the site, I encourage you to give it a look. I have included some useful apps for mac users as well as resources for jailbreakers. I am looking to add more to the site in the future, but I wanted

Re: running mac OS in vmware fusion

2011-03-09 Thread Rose Morales
A friend of mine used a preconfigured Mac VM, and sound worked just fine. I don't know whether VMWare Tools was installed or not. If all else fails, you can simply use a preconfigure VM. I am not condoning or suggesting that anyone acquire one via illegal means, so let's not even go down that ro

Re: Question about MAC OS X

2011-03-10 Thread Rose Morales
Joseph, According to this article, it would appear that Sendmail is part of OS X. Unfortunately, this article is completely irrelevant for what I want to know. I'm looking for a tutorial on using Sendmail via the Mac. I suppose I can just dig up a Unix one and mess around with it if I can't find

Re: A couple of basic questions

2011-03-12 Thread Rose Morales
To turn typing echo off, go to settings, general, accessibility, Voiceover, and typing feedback. Adjust your typing echo here for hardware and software keyboards accordingly. Hth, Rose On Mar 12, 2011, at 6:46 PM, Ezzy Bueno wrote: > Hello Everyone, > > VoiceOver decided to go back to it's def

Re: Alternatives to Dropbox?

2011-03-20 Thread Rose Morales
The old version of Dropbox still works, and I have the installer. You can download it from my site here. Hth, Rose On Mar 20, 2011, at 1:33 PM, Allison Manzino wrote: > Hi all, > > I was wondering if anyone has tried Wuala, SugarCync, or

Re: Selecting section of website

2011-03-23 Thread Rose Morales
Or you can go to a block of text, hit vo-shift-c, open up a document, and hit command-v. You can do this for any subsequent blocks as well. THis will obviously not be a method that is preferred by everyone, but it sure is easy. Hth, Rose On Mar 23, 2011, at 3:47 PM, Anne Robertson wrote: > Hell

Re: pyrcast, a nearly accessible client

2011-03-24 Thread Rose Morales
As for other accessible Pandora clients, there's also Pianopub. The buttons are unlabeled, but they're really easy to label. It's pause, skip, thumb up, thumb down. Hth, Rose On Mar 24, 2011, at 3:08 PM, Zachary Kline wrote: > Hi All, > I've been searching for an accessible Pandora client for

Re: Pndora and VO?

2011-03-26 Thread Rose Morales
For an accessible Pandora app, use Pianopub and label the buttons as the following. Pause, skip, thumbs up, thumbs down. Hth, Rose On Mar 26, 2011, at 2:13 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote: > Is anyone using Pandora with VO? I use it on my iPhone with the limited > vision I have without too much trouble

Re: Pndora and VO?

2011-03-26 Thread Rose Morales
Because the mac app store is knew, some apps cannot be found there. You can download Pianopub from my site, Or you can google the official site for Pianopub. Hth, Rose On Mar 26, 2011, at 10:59 AM, Mary Otten wrote: > Hi Kevin, > I've never had any luck with the Pandora site

Re: Pndora and VO?

2011-03-26 Thread Rose Morales
No problem, :). Yes, you can create new stations with Pianopub. If you want to switch stations, you'll have to root your mouse cursor to VO and click with the mouse. Other than that, the app works great once labeled. I love it. Hth, Rose On Mar 26, 2011, at 11:05 AM, Mary Otten wrote: > Thanks,

Re: cross platform voice conference client.

2011-03-30 Thread Rose Morales
I'd love to recommend Teamtalk. It is an awesome client, and there is a mac version. There is an early build of it which is almost completely accessible. However, if you are looking for complete accessibility on both platforms, Ventrilo is still the way to go. I hate to say it, but it's true. I

Re: Skype 2.8 will be available for seven days if anyone on list needs it.

2011-04-01 Thread Rose Morales
Hi Michael, I saw your post and thought your dmg file would be a wonderful edition to my site. I was sure I put Skype 5.0 up there, but I wasn't sure I had 2.8. But upon looking, I realized I actually have a later build of Skype 2.8 on my site than the one you posted. The link to the build I hav has a twitter!

2011-04-05 Thread Rose Morales
Hi all, Just a note inviting you all to follow @chicksdigmacs. I will be posting site updates here, communicating with people in regards to the site, and notifying others of blog updates when I put my blog up. If you don't know about my site, I provide links to useful and accessible Mac apps. Mo

Re: has a twitter!

2011-04-08 Thread Rose Morales
c? Most appreciated. > > Sarah > > -Original Message- > From: > [] On Behalf Of Rose Morales > Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 4:48 PM > To: > Subject: chicksdigmac

Skype 5 conferencing 101, (was Re: Making a Skype Conference: is it Possible?)

2011-04-08 Thread Rose Morales
f you have Rose Kline and Rose Morales, you would then pick Rose Morales if you were going to invite me to your conference and not Rose Kline. Perform the same process for each contact you wish to add. Once a contact has been successfully added using the spacebar or enter key, their name will show

Re: Skype 5 conferencing 101, (was Re: Making a Skype Conference: is it Possible?)

2011-04-10 Thread Rose Morales
nd how Skype conferencing works. > Is it possible to set Skype up so there is some kind of permanent conference > in place, and a number of people to be able to add themselves automatically > there? > Thanks. > > Nektarios. > > On Apr 9, 2011, at 12:24 AM, Rose Morales w

Re: Writing to an FTP server via the finder

2011-04-11 Thread Rose Morales
Transmit is cool, but it costs $30 or so? I forget the exact price. Anyway, Cyberduck is easy to use, accessible, and free. I suggest you try that for your FTP needs. Hth, Rose On Apr 11, 2011, at 3:21 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote: > Hi Ricardo, > > you can't use Finder as an ftp client. Try Transm

Re: TeamTalk help

2011-04-13 Thread Rose Morales
Keep in mind that the version posted on my site is still in early development. This means that you *will* experience crashes once in awhile. But I agree with Michael. This version is much easier to use. Thus why I posted it. Regards, Rose On Apr 13, 2011, at 4:06 PM, Michael Thurman wrote: > yo

Re: Parallels or Fusion

2011-04-13 Thread Rose Morales
I hear that Parallels has less lag than Fusion does, but all discussion I've heard regarding Parallels seems to be only that it is inaccessible with VO. I know of a lot of us VI Mac users who use Fusion. I myself use it and find it to quite a smooth experience with VO. Hth, Rose On Apr 13, 2011

Re: Twitter clients for the Mac.

2011-05-05 Thread Rose Morales
If you're going to use YoruFukurou, keep in mind that the app can no longer be updated internally. You will have to run the Mac app store to check for updates. The version on my site *is* from the app store though. Hth, Rose On May 5, 2011, at 10:04 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote: > i use an app call

Re: Twitter clients for the Mac.

2011-05-05 Thread Rose Morales
2011, at 10:48 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote: > i managed to update it internally a few days ago. > On 2011-05-05, at 10:45 AM, Rose Morales wrote: > >> If you're going to use YoruFukurou, keep in mind that the app can no longer >> be updated internally. You will have to run

Uncommonly used keystrokes for selecting items?

2011-05-12 Thread Rose Morales
Hi all, There are two selection keystrokes I'm wondering about. I used to know them, but my memory escapes me. It's been awhile since I needed them, and I've been involved in so many tech projects since tackling a thorough understanding of Voiceover two years ago. One is selecting multiple items

Re: Uncommonly used keystrokes for selecting items?

2011-05-12 Thread Rose Morales
nking of command a to select all, and vo shift f3 to turn off > curser tracking and using arrows and space to select? > On May 12, 2011, at 7:17 PM, Rose Morales wrote: > >> Hi all, >> There are two selection keystrokes I'm wondering about. I used to know them, >>

Re: Other media players than iTunes.

2011-05-13 Thread Rose Morales
Personally, I love Cog. It doesn't play video, but it's still worth checking out. It has global shortcuts, a simple interface, and the now playing list is useful. Hth, Rose On May 13, 2011, at 6:26 PM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote: > There's Vlc player. > To download it, go to >

Re: Louis for the mac.

2011-05-18 Thread Rose Morales
For future reference, because apps are folders, they can be zipped. Just vo-shift-m in an app and hit VO-space on compress . That's how I always distribute .app files. Hth, Rose On May 18, 2011, at 4:18 PM, erik burggraaf wrote: > I tried to put it in my dropbox for you, but that didn't fly bec

Re: what is up with the Facebook mobile site?

2011-05-19 Thread Rose Morales
When I get the busy messages in Web Kit on, I hit command-l, enter. That refreshes the page, and then I can zoom around like I always did. You can still like or command stuff, but you have to click with the mouse either by using Voiceover or the physical mouse. I can understand w

Re: some attempts to get sanity...

2011-05-24 Thread Rose Morales
To log out from facebook via the mobile site, click more and then logout. VO doesn't say it's a link, but it is. You can find lots of other stuff under more as well. Hth, Rose On May 24, 2011, at 10:03 AM, Jon Cohn wrote: > experience is that the User Agent switches back to "Default" when you o

Re: [Mac-cessibility News] How to install Dropbox on the Mac using VoiceOver

2011-05-25 Thread Rose Morales
I heard the latest version of Dropbox wasn't accessible. If I follow these steps, does that mean the latest Dropbox will be accessible? Rose On May 25, 2011, at 5:00 PM, Thomas Dalgaard wrote: > Hi! > > That sounds very very nice! > I will look at this as soon as possible. > One question though:

Re: selecting noncontiguous items in a list

2011-05-25 Thread Rose Morales
The following should clear up who/what the original sources were. Here's pieces of the same post. On May 15, 2011, at 9:56 PM, Esther wrote: Hi Rose, ... Incidentally, I came across this because I was checking my Preview Bookmarks menu and, in an old version of the VoiceOver Getting Started Guid

Re: switching stations in PianoPub

2011-06-06 Thread Rose Morales
Hi Brianna, Your third choice was the correct one. You route your mouse cursor to your Vo cursor with vo-command-f5. Then you physically click with the mouse. Like you, I have had instances where this command does not work, and this has not only occured in Pianopub. My suggestion to you would be