Wow, there seems to be a lot of confusion surrounding Skype conferences in 
Skype 5. Recently I've found it necessary to be involved in a lot of them, and 
it gave me a chance to really play around with Skype 5 conferencing. So I 
thought I'd chime in here. To make a new conversation, hit command-n, or go to 
file, new conversation. You will have a blank conversation. Now, hit 
command-shift-a or the add people button in the conversation window. You will 
see an edit field and a table here. Interact with the table to see your entire 
contact list, online contacts first. Hit enter or space on each person you wish 
to add to a conference. Alternatively, in the edit field, type the name of a 
person you wish to add. This can be a display name or a Skype name. So if you 
wanted to add me to a conference, you'd type Rose. The results of your search 
will show up here. So if you have Rose Kline and Rose Morales, you would then 
pick Rose Morales if you were going to invite me to your conference and not 
Rose Kline. Perform the same process for each contact you wish to add. Once a 
contact has been successfully added using the spacebar or enter key, their name 
will show up in the edit field as an embedded image. So if you're not sure 
which names you've selected, just read that edit field back to yourself. 
Anything that identifies itself as an image is a name you've added. Any text 
which is not an image will be something you're searching for in your contact 
list. Or at least Skype will assume so. When you finish selecting contacts and 
hit the done button, Skype will call each of the contacts you've added to a 
conversation. If you simply wish to add a person to a conversation without 
calling them, type /add and then a Skype username into the chat field of your 
conversation. You can separate multiple names with commas. If you wish to hang 
up on an individual person in the conference and you are the conference host, 
find the name of that person in the conversation. It may be before the scroll 
area or inside it. Vo-shift-m on their name and hit hang up. Additionally, 
please bear in mind that if the conference host hangs up, everyone will get 
hung up. A new person can host, but do not try to call each person 
individually. You must call the entire conference or no one at all. Only the 
master of a conference can kick people from a conference if everyone's rank 
remains unmodified. That is to say, if no one receives a promotion by the 
conference master. Helpers can also kick people but only if promoted to said 
level by a master. The master is the person who added people to a conversation, 
from what I gather. This can be different than the creator. Like, say I open up 
a message to Jeff. I'm the conference creator. Jeff adds Cara to the chat. Jeff 
is the master, because he added Cara. Only the master can promote people to the 
master rank level. For more information about the skype ranking system in 
conferences, type /help in any Skype chat window.


On Apr 8, 2011, at 12:17 PM, Brianna Snyder wrote:

> Hi, 
> Just like the subject says, I'd like to know if you can make a conference in 
> Skype 5. I have not been able to figure out how to add someone to an existing 
> call. Any help would be appreciated. 
> Thanks, 
> Brianna 
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