Your books should be automatically unzipped if you download them on your mac. 
This only works if you've selected to open safe files though. A lot of people 
use iTunes and therefore do not have that option hcecked in Safari. I use Cog, 
which does not play songs automatically. So I checked that box.
On Feb 7, 2011, at 6:03 PM, Caitlin Lynch wrote:

>   Thanks all, I'll try these things. It's weird to me, because I
> tried VO Shift and M and open to boot up unarchiver, but no luck. I'll
> give it another shot.
> Thanks again,
> Caitlin
> On 2/7/11, Jane <> wrote:
>> It's on the Desktop. It will show up as Booksense.  If you have an SD card
>> that will show up as a separate volume.
>> Jane
>> On Feb 7, 2011, at 5:47 PM, Caitlin Lynch wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>>  I'm new to Mac, and newer to the list. But I have a question. I'd
>>> like to put Bookshare books on my Booksense using my Mac. I connect my
>>> Booksense but cannot figure out where to locate it. I've gone into
>>> finder  and tried looking for it in the "devices" list, but it doesn't
>>> seem to be there. Also, I downloaded the Unarchiver to unzip the
>>> books, but it seems to always be "busy"...a problem I rarely have with
>>> any other programs. Is anyone experience these issues and are there
>>> any cures for them?
>>>  I love my Mac and I love to read but I am so frustrated and
>>> confused right now and those that I have spoken with don't seem to
>>> have much help for me. So I'm a little desperate, LOL.
>>> Thank you so, so much for your help; it is so appreciated.
>>> All the best,
>>> Caitlin
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