Is your hard drive NTFS? You can check this in disk utility. If it is, that
would explain your problems - OS X can only read NTFS, but not write. If you
want to write to your drive youw ill need to format it to a different
filesystem, either HFS if you'll only be using it on macs, or FAT32/XFAT
VO doesn't always switch outputs properly, it's what I'm seeing here somewhat.
Normal speeh usually switches fine, but Voiceover also now caches some speech,
like all the letters to react faster and just plays them as sound files.
Those combined with other VO sounds don't switch properly and w
Give you view a look. It's similar to mactubes, but in my experience more
accessible, and you can do more than just search for videos. Another thing to
try is installing click to flash into safari which should make the youtube
site not suck as much.
On 10 Feb 2014, at 09:38 pm, Chris H wrote
I use a Brailliant BI 40 here (not sure if you have the new generation or not,
but I guess it's close enough). It will recover just fine as long as you power
the display on first. So if you put your mac to sleep and then turn the display
off, turn it on first, then wake your mac and it should wo
I tried it, but with mountain Lion it was very laggy when VO was running. On
mavericks, it's even worse and it just freezes.
On 21 Feb 2014, at 06:33 am, Jim Gatteys wrote:
> Hi all!
> Does anybody use narrator from Mariner software?
> I'd like to hear about it if you do.
> Jim
> --
> You
I can sort of compare the brailliant to the focus. I've never actually seen a
focus display, but I can definitely tell you that the Brailliant is much
quieter - the focus uses the same sells as the PAC mate display, which is very
noisy. The build quality is also better - aluminium body VS plasti
If you don't mind using the terminal, look for youtube-dl. It's a command line
utility that can download videos, but it's really powerful if you're willing to
learn it, it beats anything else out there.
On 28 Feb 2014, at 12:55 pm, Apple Boy wrote:
> Hi all
> Thanks for the suggestions. I saw R
Got a quick question. While I can see that most people that have Macs also
probably have an iDevice, what's with the big flood of iOS messages? No offence
to anyone, but that's not the topic of the list, there's others where you can
ask about your iPhone, there's that and Applevis as well. T
The Windows version of Infovox 4 has these "colibri" voices which are
essentially like a compact variant. I have no idea why they couldn't have
ported them to the mac. Something else I've noticed but this is only with a
trial so it could be my imagination... Is it just me, or are the Infovox 4
Another way to switch what OS you're booting into is through the startup disk
options. If you're currently on the mac, go to system preferences, then startup
disk. You will need to unlock the settings, then you can choose if you want to
boot into OS X or windows and also have a restart button. O
Hi all,
So today while going through my usual routine of checking news sites, I found
out that Microsoft released their note taking app, one note, on OS X and that
it's free for limited time. One note existed for a while, but I never payed
much attention to it, until now. I figured that it's f
you don't need to use the mouse to do this. When you're in the paragraph styles
table, even though each style is reported as a button, interact with it. Then
you can get to the menu with the keyboard.
On 23 Mar 2014, at 06:33 am, Nicholas Parsons
> Alex,
> That popup menu shows up in th
Brailliant 40.
I've also seen these. The empty line issue happens only if I nudge the cable
and it quickly reconnects, but replugging it always worked for me. The second
issue happens when there are 2 devices connected, one on USB and one on
bluetooth, which somehow can happen at times If the 2
yeah, it's legal as long as you're running on apple hardware. What isn't is if
you virtualise OS X on Windows. This is why Fusion has built in OS X support,
but workstation ir player don't.
On 04 Apr 2014, at 09:41 pm, Chris Apple boy wrote:
> Hi all
> Someone can correct me on this but I thou
If you just mean how much different apps use, the built in activity monitor is
more than enough. It's in the "utilities" subfolder of applications, you can
get to it with command-shift-u with Finder. Then, in the activity monitor,
interact with the tool bar and press the memory radio button. Now
It's clunky, and got slightly worse with the 4.6 update which breaks keyboard
tracking. But the good news is that soon there will be a completely new client,
called TeamTalk VI that a friend of mine is working on. We got permission from
the developer to write it and it will be using his SDK lice
also an
> Android client, but it's very alpha right now. I'm hoping for all mobile
> platforms to be supported at some point.
> Blake
> ----------
> From: "Piotr Machacz"
> Sent: Thursday, April 17,
Has this started happening only after you updated? If yes it just could be that
they dropped support for older versions of OS X. It might now require mountain
lion, or mavericks. Check the system requirements, and then either just update
your mac if you can, or try to find the older version and
Yes, it does exist. Check the software section here
On 24 Apr 2014, at 09:04 am, mattias wrote:
> exist it for mac?
> i found a audio demo about it
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To unsubscr
The only speech loss I've been seeing is only with Vocalizer voices and
activities. If VO switches activities while you're using a vocaliser voice, it
seems to take a few seconds to load for a few reason. Apart from that I haven't
seen anything else relating to losing speech.
On 06 May 2014, at
I believe not all that go they fired a lot of people and most of the
accessibility team was also fired. Last I heard, they were trying to build a
new one, no idea how that's going.
On 22 May 2014, at 06:43 pm, Brian Fischler wrote:
> Hey all,
> Is it me or Yahoo really gone backwards as far
Tap the middle of the table, then swipe down with three fingers to go to
options. Then, tap settings, then play speed. Yo probably want to turn on all
the options for announcing cards and blinds, and if its still too fast increase
the message display duration.
On 22 May 2014, at 11:36 am, Gabri
I've noticed this too and something tells me it has something to do with
converting the data from pal to NTSC or the other way around. Pretty
much all the movies that are made in NTSC that then get released in
Europe, either on DVD or that air on TV are also sped up like this. At
least VoiceOve
I've used this page to install emacspeak and I can say it does work I
suppose it's one way to get less sucky terminal reading in OS X, though
it may be a bit overkill for that.
On 2015-02-28 21:09, Chris Moore wrote:
I’ve use i
I just had a brief play with the various office apps and I think the
problems aren't very big and can still be fixed. Before people cut my
head off, you need to keep in mind that this is still an early preview
which will continue to get updated and it looks to me like Microsoft is
still working
Microsoft just updated the office 2015 preview and it now seems to work with
VoiceOver quite a bit better. I had a brief play with Word and the document is
now readable, and formatting information - spelling errors, font, etc are
exposed properly and can be seen. It also announces it automatical
>> Chris.
>> - Original Message - From: "george b"
>> To:
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 12:28 PM
>> Subject: RE: Office 16.9 accessbility improvements
>> Hi,
>> Where can I get the office 16
The reason apps are stopping to work is caused by Facebook API changes that
happened on APRIL 30th. Your existing session had expired, so this is why
things don’t work. The changes are quite big, FB are really trying to push
their own apps like Messenger. This can be gotten around, Miranda NG on
apps that just do that (and
> there’s quite a few of them) to a blind VO user as it doesn’t really make the
> experience any different or easier
> On 30 May 2015, at 09:34, Piotr Machacz wrote:
> The reason apps are stopping to work is caused by Facebook API changes that>> wrote:
>> Hmmm. If that's the case, I may just have to bite the bullet and link
>> Facebook with Skype or just not use it at all if this is the direction that
>> Facebook's going. Although it's weird because my friend Zack says
;> Shawn,
>>>>>> Would certainly appreciate the info.
>>>>>> Have a good one,
>>>>>> Sadam Ahmed
>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
I have used vmware to test developer previews of OS X and there is nothing to
worry about. As soon as you tab into the VM so it starts receiving keys,
command F5 is also intercepted by the VM so you can turn VO on without changing
anything. However you will want to turn VO off on the host first
The firmware password utility is in recovery, but not in the table you get when
it comes up. The recovery interface also has a menubar which includes a few
additional utilities like the terminal or the firmware password utility.
> On 09 Jul 2015, at 00:27, Dionipher Presas Herrera
You will find them in your library, just like every other instrument. The newer
packs will just be added to existing categories, while older patches, like the
4 Garage Band jam packs, will be at the very bottom under the “legacy” section.
> On 19 Jul 2015, at 22:09, Scott Berry wrote:
Slight correction, Deezer does in fact have a mac client, look it up on
Applevis. It was the thing that prompted me to try it in the first place as
well as a promotion they ran in Poland in June. It’s a very simple app, but
that’s what makes it very good. 99% of it is all native OS X controls, t
ng a look at it now. Then, will have a closer look later. There seems to
> be options for playlists and album as favorites. Is there an option to add
> artists in a table too?
> Take care
> 21. juli 2015 kl. 16:35 skrev Piotr Machacz :
> Slight correction, Deezer doe
The playroom web client works an awful lot like the Windows app, down to the
various hotkeys. If you’ve never used that before, when you log in and access
the web client, you should get a welcome message and you should be placed in a
menu of a few buttons that you can navigate with the up and do
> Skype username: bbstheblindrapper
> Facetime:
>> On Jul 31, 2015, at 7:51 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> How does one access this client? I've not heard of it before.
>> Donna
>>> On Jul 31, 2015, at 4:06 AM, Piotr Macha
Hi all,
HumanWare just released an update for the Brailliant display which seems to
mostly deal with making windows connectivity suck less. I use my BI 40 almost
every day at school as my only output device, and the release notes sound like
there could potentially be issues with connectivity on
hit command-i on the file to go to the info dialog. Then keep going right until
you get to the open with section. You will now see a popup button which will
let you choose what application you want to use, so go ahead and change it.
Now, only that file will open with that app. If you want all fi
If you’re on a macbook or have a magic trackpad, you can just swipe left with2
fingers from the right edge. .
You first need to turn off the trackpad commander in VO, that’s done by
holding the VO keys and doing the roter left gesture. If you’re on a desktop
you need to do it from the menu extr
Theoretically, you can just use the migration assistant to do this. In
practice, I could not get it to run on the Windows side, and thus ended up
Copying the iTunes library manually, and I used these instructions.
On 28 Dec 201
The requirements for disk space and ram depend non the windows version. XP
doesn’t need much, you could probably do with even 256MB and a couple gigs of
disk space, but I’d recommend at least 512 or a gig of ram. Newer windows need
more, for vista and seven you need a gig of ram and 20 gigs of d
The only thing I can think of that could be causing problems is if your flash
drive is using the NTFS filesystem. You can verify what it’s using, and
reformat it to something else through disk utility. Another thing is you
probably want to put your finder out of icon view and change to either c
The dashboard is a place on the screen where you can put widgets to show
information or quickly perform tasks. You have things like weather, world
clock, a calculator, translator, etc. You can also put any webpage into the
dashboard as a widget, or find new ones online.You can pool it up with F
it possible to put widgets in dashboard for applications i use daily or
> very frequently?
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Dec 31, 2013, at 12:16 PM, Piotr Machacz wrote:
>> The dashboard is a place on the screen where you can put widgets to show
>> informat
For my RSS needs, at the moment I’m using shrook. It’s free and pretty
accessible once you figure out how to navigate it. Basically, you want to use
the keyboard, not VO focus to use it. The interface is kind of like a tree,and
has 4 areas you’ll really be using. The first is a table with folder
You just copy it into your application folder. Some apps do have a normal
installer, in which case you’ll see that before you run it. For apps that you
got outside the app store, you may want to deactivate gate keeper, as most apps
aren’t signed and won’t open without you having to go through a
I’d love to hear a good reason, apart from “Apple made it the default”, of why
you should keep it on. It’s as not useful as user account control on Windows,
and before mountain lion people seems to live without it just fine. But I’ll
stop before this turns into something pointless, which it prob
Also, smart quotes is kicking in to change it into a left and right quote.
Notice that if you type in an apostrophe, then immediately backspace over it,
it will be read as apostrophe. But as soon as you continue typing, it will be
changed into a single left quote. If you put in another apostroph
you change the extension of a file in the same edit field as you change the
name. By default, as soon as you hit enter to rename, only its name will be
selected so when you type that’s what’ll get overwritten. But you can just move
to the right to the extension, then backspace over it and type i
No sleep is accessible. If you want to toggle it through the no sleep utility
in the menu bar, you can’t just vo-space on it because, as you’ve noticed it
won’t work. You need t root the mouse to it and actually click (vo-cmd-F5, then
VO-shift-space) which ill toggle it on and off. Thesecond wa
the stable version of teamspeak works as well as team talk. That is, everything
is accessible except the chat and channel tree. There is, however, a teamspeak
3 beta you can update to (instructions on their forums), which uses QT 5. This
makes the channel tree accessible.
On 16 Jan 2014, at 05:3
>>>>> team speak has some issues with accessibility. You can’t move from
>>>>> channel to channel on the server but for the most part it is useable.
>>>>> On Jan 17, 2014, at 8:09 AM, Phil Halton wrote:
ng me to update to the beta with
> QT 5
> any suggestions?
> .
> On Jan 18, 2014, at 4:18 AM, Piotr Machacz wrote:
>> you need to give it permission to be able to access the accessibility
>> features. On mountain Lion you just had to check the enable access to
after you go to the startup disk preference pain and find the radio button for
the "untitled" volume, hit vo-shift-h to read its help tag. Voiceover should
tell you what OS it is on that volume. If you're still unsure, just enter the
"untitled" volume with finder and just look around and see if
Answers are directly below your questions.
> On 01 Aug 2014, at 20:55, The Believer wrote:
> I am still working to get my MBP with Mountain Lion set up and data moved
> to it. 3 things I wish to take care of.
> First, when I start up the Mac, it does not sign into my wifi, I have to
te but I will not be first to do so. Mavericks seems
> ot have ocme of age.
> From The Believer. . .
> What if it were true?
> On 8/2/2014 8:32 AM, Piotr Machacz wrote:
>> Answers are directly below your questions.
>>> On 01
If you're referring to alert sounds in general (and I'm sure Mail supports
using those), they can be any format that quicktime supports. So not just aiff,
but also wav/mp3/m4a/caf/au will work. Just put them in ~/library/sounds and
most apps should pick them up.
> On 07 Aug 2014, at 04:29, Klip
The only one I'm aware of is type2phone. It does work, but costs $5 or so.
On 2014-08-07 20:31, Devin Prater wrote:
Hi all. So I have my mac, with a full-sized USB keyboard from
Logitech. I want to use it with my iPod, so that I can just keep using
the same keyboard and everything, and type fas
Unless you really want an optical drive, get the retina model. Swapping
out components can be done but if you do that you'll just end up making
it cost as much as a retina macbook, except with a processor from 2012.
The new retina macbooks have made some impressive improvements with
battery lif
Can you be a bit more specific? What part of the instructions exactly
are you having problems with?
On 10/11/2014 4:58 PM, Walter Harper wrote:
that didn't work for some odd reason.
On Oct 10, 2014, at 8:24 AM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:
Press Command comma to go into Preferences
You can tell spotlight exactly what you're looking for, it's all based
on a couple of keywords that make it look for specific metadata. In your
case, typing in something like:
kind:music artist:Eagles
would return only those results that are music by this artist. This gets
more advanced, and ob
I got a couple of games to work with wine bottler, even managed to
install the sapi package. However I struggled somewhat with getting
installing the VB6 runtimes to work which caused directX 8 games, like
the kitchensinc stuff not to work. Other things like super egg hunt
plus, swamp which use
You don't need to unlink your computer from Dropbox. If you install OS X
from scratch, Dropbox should just download all of your files again, or
you can just make a backup of your Dropbox folder before the install,
put it back in when done and again, DB should realise you already have
iCloud drive works a lot more like a traditional file system where you
can have your own files and folders, every app gets its own folder once
you run it first time as well. Regular iCloud is what you had before and
it's what iOS and OS X used to call documents and data. This older
system is ve
You can interact with anything that's likely to contain other items. IE
a tool bar will have buttons in it, a table has various items, scroll
areas are parts of the screen that have a lot of controls, html, etc.
Sometimes, it's not obvious that you can interact with something to get
even more i
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