If it is in the clipboard it is already copied. Cmd + v will paste the
contents of the clipboard.
Use vo+ k to test what key commands do. Press the key or key combinations and
its function will be announced. Use esc to leave keyboard help.˚
On Mon, 26 Dec 2022, Fazil M. wrote:
> Hi, Group.
Google has the very porrest disability support amom the major players; doesn't
exist is not far from the truth. It seems designed to keep all those
pesky "cripples" from bothering them.
On Wed, 25 Oct 2023, Brad Snyder wrote:
> That is an automated standard canned reply.
> - Brad -
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you
When choices appear and disappear with no user control, this kind of thing
is what I call a nanny os. It means the os developer decides how the user
is to encounter applications. This is a product of the graphical user
The most obvious form of it is determining for the user the
Often when some feature or function disappears from os10 it is still
available to change in terminal. This is often covered in articles soon
after a new os10 comes out and those in the know of how the innards of
the os works because they don't like some choice apple has made.
Almost all fe
In vo utility navigation you can have combinations of cursors track each
other, or all doing so as one.
On Fri, 29 Jul 2016, Donna Goodin wrote:
Hi all,
I know that may be a dumb question, but I'm thinking there is one and I can't
remember what it is. I'm trying to force the mouse to rout
A keyboard shortcut to adjust this and other speech parameters when
working with tex :
vo + v
The "capitols" item has choices for what you want.
Escape to leave the speech choice menu.
On Tue, 9 Aug 2016, Paul Hopewell wrote:
I am running the latest El Capitan under VoiceOver on
That and many other applications and other kinds of software are available
by useing macports or home brew.
On Fri, 12 Aug 2016, Scott Granados wrote:
Anders, well done, sox it is. Not included but I?m sure you could compile a
copy locally.
On Aug 12, 2016, at 4:08 PM, Anders Holmberg w
To do what you mention in your post below use this.
To hear the address of a link, while on it use shft-vo + u to have it
To copy the address just spoken use shft-vo + c and it will be saved to
the clipboard and voiceover will say "last phrase copied to pasteboard".
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if yo
Great, I am going to go and check it out ASAP!
On Feb 24, 2012, at 5:55 PM, Robert Carter wrote:
> Hi All,
> In this brand new Tech Doctor podcast, Robert demonstrates how he uses Sound
> Studio to edit the Tech Doctor podcast.
> Http://www.dr-carter.com
> Robert
> --
> You received t
to 5.1 or Itunes 10.6 yet.
Thanks for any suggestions,
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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
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Yes, Piezo is very very accessible. I've had no problems with it. Take care.
On 2012-03-20, at 4:38 PM, Ezzie Bueno wrote:
Hello List:
Is the Piezo app accessible? If not, which app could I use as an alternative? I
am trying to record activities from other apps, such as Radium.
Thank you,
Wow, wouldn't it be fairly easy for apple to track voiceover users when you
first do the setup. I would think it would be fairly easy for them to detect
that voiceover was running. if not, I can only imagine it would be easy for
them to simply ask that as part of the setup. I do realize that
My experience with carbonite is that it actually is fairly accessible. ONe
issue I do have, is when I attempt to look at my backup, I can't drill down
into my backup, like I can any folder that has sub-folders in finder, I seem
to get taken back to the top level of my backup when attempti
This is excellent info, but, isn't it a double edge sword? I mean, if someone
got hold of your machine, they might know this trick as well.
No matter, I am definitely keeping this for future reference.
On Apr 22, 2012, at 1:07 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hi Lew, Scott, Stacey, and Others,
> Yes, i
Also, you can cut the message with ctrl-X and then paste it wherever you want
it. This is what I usually do, it works great.
On May 1, 2012, at 5:10 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:
> Hi there!
> You can also open VO+shift+m and in that menu arrow down to the move sub menu!
> And there is also a move aga
You can't listen to audible books with VLC, at least, not in the default AAX
format. Your computer needs to be authorized to play audible files. Use
iTunes to do that for you.
On Apr 16, 2012, at 3:28 PM, Scott Rumery wrote:
> Hello, I have just installed the VLC app on my Mac Mini and I am t
Hi Maria, I find this happens to me, particularly when listening to podcasts.
One that it consistently seems to happen with is Tech Access weekly. Are
you finding that this is happening with podcasts? Music or what? If
podcasts, and if you are subscribed to TAW, let me know if you can r
Hi May, go to mail, preferences, , accounts. Once in there you can remove any
accounts that you have set up so you can set up new ones. Take care, hope this
Sent from my iPhone
On 2012-06-12, at 2:02 PM, May McDonald wrote:
> Hi there. Can someone tell me where I go to remove all info
Hi all, I think a paid screenreader would create an environment like we have in
the Windows world, relying on third parties to develop scripts for apps that
don't work well out of the box, having to wait for those scripts to be updated
if something is broken in an app update, OS update etc. I g
Hi Eric, I would definitely recommend Mars edit. This is an awesome app for
posting to any kind of blog. It is totally accessible with VO.
On 2012-06-29, at 4:10 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
I have been looking around for an accessible blogging client for the mac for a
while. I post on bloodspot and
Hi Ray, I really like, and have used clamxav for quite a while now. Hope this
Sent from my iPhone
On 2012-07-05, at 1:16 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Hi,
> I know this has come up before; but, who out there can tell me the most
> accessible anti virus app for the Mac; or, at least, an
I've already ordered both of these books.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: TidBITS Articles
> Subject: New from TidBITS: Prep for Mountain Lion with New Take Control Ebook
> from Joe Kissell
> Date: July 6, 2012 3:05:21 PM CDT
> To: d...@theroyhouse.com (Dan)
Hi, not sure who the developer is, but I believethere's an app called
unison, that you can use for this. I don't subscribe to any of these news
groups, so have not tried it for accessibility.
On 2012-07-07, at 5:38 AM, Allison Mervis wrote:
Hi everyone.
I am interested in downloading
Besides the Apple store, is there a reliable source for used or refurbished
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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
To u
Well, I have to say, I was vary impressed with the installation process this
Because of past experiences, I decided to install from scratch. So, I booted
up with my external drive, did the disc utility and erase and then ran the ML
installer. It went well, and, the best thing of all, th
Hi Ray, running the latest version of the dropbox client, and am having that
same issue with the loss of the dropbox sub menu when hitting VO-shift-m on a
file in my dropbox folder. . I was having that earlier in Lion, and I
figured a clean install of Mountain Lion might give me that back, b
THat's good, that the issue of not seeing the dropbox submenu is also something
that you've seen on Windows as well Jeff. Was looking in the dropbox forums
when I was first experiencing that, particularly for some way to fix that on
the mac, and there were some suggestions, but none of them wor
ut only after interacting with the filename.
>> HtH,
>> Teresa
>> On Jul 26, 2012, at 10:42 AM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:
>>> Hi Ray, running the latest version of the dropbox client, and am having
>>> that same issue with the loss of
Cool, when you pair a bluetooth display on the mac, do you have to do it
through system preferences, bluetooth, ? Like you would with a keyboard,
headset or any other device like that first? And then go into VO utility under
Braille, and set it up there? Or is it all done in VO utility? Was
mentation to be sure the pairing code is
> right.
> On 7/26/12, Dan Eickmeier wrote:
>> Cool, when you pair a bluetooth display on the mac, do you have to do it
>> through system preferences, bluetooth, ? Like you would with a keyboard,
>> headset or any other device li
o that, you will find that you will be able to see the dropbox menu for
>>>> many foggy Jews in the public folder. Just thought that might help. This
>>>> message has been dictated
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Very cool. THey must've updated it in the last couple days or so. At the
release of ML, the latest dropbox version was 1.4.11, and now it's 1.4.12.
It's been fixed for me too, in 1.4.12. Cool. THat was so frustrating, to not
have that submenu off of a file. NOw with the update to 1.4.12, i
Hello Tim:
You've ben doing this for a long time. You've also helped a lot of people on
this list. So, believe me, I respect and trust your judgement.
However, when I purchased Lion last year, I did do an upgrade installation.
Believe me, I wanted to do that, also, a lot of knowledgeable peo
yes, unfortunately, RSS is no longer supported in mail.
On Jul 27, 2012, at 8:56 PM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:
> Hi guys.
> I used to read my rss feeds within the mail client.
> After I upgraded to Mountain Lion yesterday, I don't think I can find my rss
> feeds anywhere within mail.
> What happ
They're on the general tab of security and privacy. What you're looking for,
is something that'll say, "Allow applications downloaded from," and then there
will be three radio buttons. Hope that helps.
On 2012-07-28, at 9:57 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> Where do I go to chan
yes, but, since it already reads the url, email address or sigature, why oh wy
do they persist in also telling us 1 has been detected, it's driving me nuts.
It's even more so in ml than in Lion. I wish we could toggle this off.
On Jul 28, 2012, at 9:34 AM, Henry D. Hollithron wrote:
> Good
Oh good, I am geting that 2 dialogue box thing as well. I was hoping someone
else would have the problem. Since it doesn't seem to have another dialogue
once logged in, I have just ignored it as a weird glitch or something. But, it
would be better if it wasn't there at all.
On Jul 29, 2012,
I would love to get rid of office, I absolutely hate it. However, most of the
working world is using it. My wife has to use it every day. She wants to work
from home and is afraid of incompadabilities between office and IWorks, I
thought the files could be interchanged without a problem, but,
Agreed, and If you're outside the US, like I am, bookshare in my opinion,
isn't really any use.
On 2012-07-31, at 7:54 PM, Chris Gilland wrote:
> Not everyone can aford Bookshare though.
> Chris.
> On Jul 31, 2012, at 10:17 AM, "David Tanner"
> wrote:
>> I would definately agree,
Oh boy, I have been playing around with this for a while now, it didn't work,
of course, it was set to off! sometimes, the most obvious things are just
beyond me, h!
On Jul 31, 2012, at 3:43 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi Lisette and Les,
> Are you guys sure you have the on button press
Yes, so do I, but, if you ever have a sighted friend use your Mac, it will
bother them, or, at least, I think it will.
when I first got my mac and didn't know about how to see all the opened windows
and dialogues, the first time my wife went to use my Mac, she was annoyed about
all the opened s
I was getting this at first, and I disabled visual notifications entirely, and
am now not getting any announcements that Skype has a new window.
On 2012-08-03, at 5:30 PM, Rachel Feinberg wrote:
> Is there a way to use the system voice with Skype to announce who comes
> online? Perhaps that
Apple mail does support exchange. I'm assuming that your work account is
probably an exchange account, so you could probably set it up in Apple mail, if
they're using exchange 2007 or later. I'd do that, to avoid the head aches of
dealing with any kind of web mail
On 2012-08-03, at 5:18 P
Hi kirsten, i'd say that Apple mail is one of the best mail clients i've used.
I'd used outlook 2003 for a while, but didn't really like it, that was back
when i was on Windows though. WHat it sounds like to me, from what you're
describing, is that you have two accounts set up in mail, or t
the one which says btinternet and is
> apparently an imap and says yahoo in the description
> I am fairly certain this is different to before Tuesday, but there is
> definitely only one account in the accounts table.
> Should I be using pop3?
> Thanks.
> Kirsten.
> O
I have the same thing, but, it's only on the llogin window, vary miner
On Jul 30, 2012, at 3:35 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
> I get the 2 dialog box thing on my Macbook, but on my iMac I get 4 dialog
> boxes! It is starting to frustrate me!
> On 30 Jul 2012, at 04:29,
Thanks for the info, this is really to bad! My wife does lots of charts and
that sort of stuff, sounds like shaky ground to me.
On Jul 30, 2012, at 2:11 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Dan,
> When converting files from MS Word to Pages, there are problems with the
> positio
Skim is no better as far as access to things like tables in PDF's, compared to
preview is it?
On 2012-08-05, at 1:16 AM, Esther wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Skim has been referred to as "Preview on steroids". It's free and open
> source with a creative commons license, and gets frequent updates.
Thanks vary much for this resource, it's most appreciated. It does definitely
have more options.
unfortunately, it didn't eliminate the 1 big problem I am having with Preview.
After interacting with the text and then trying to read through the file, I am
getting words that appear to b
Ok, what I would find quite useful is for people who are responding to a
message I sent from Messenger for those responses to also show up on my iPhone.
I understand the concept of using my apple ID, but, how would that help for
people who are responding.
I called Apple and even they didn't see
Thats pretty much it. There is really nothing more to it.
> Ricardo Walker
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info
> On Aug 6, 2012, at 8:27 PM, Dan Roy wrote:
>> Ok, what I would find quite useful is for people who
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info
> On Aug 6, 2012, at 8:27 PM, Dan Roy wrote:
>> Ok, what I would find quite useful is for people who are responding to a
>> message I sent from Messenger for those responses to also
Hi Kevin, what your friend could do after the call is initially recorded, is
to edit the call in an audio editor, dropping the voice of the interviewee in
pitch. I'd say that'd be their best bet.
On 2012-08-07, at 11:46 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
> Kevin,
> I know there is an iPhone app ca
Anohter thing you could try, is the Reset safari option, which is found in the
safari menu. In there, you can do things like clear history and other things.
Try that, and then try going to your bank's site again.
On 2012-08-14, at 10:00 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
> I looked in Safari p
Hi William, , not sure what issues you're exactly having when it comes to
importing VO preferences. To test it, I exported mine, saved the exported file
onto my external Hharddrive, then reset all VO preferences back to defaults,
and then imported the file that I'd saved previously, and it work
yes, but, it won't automatically replace them. You would have to first delete
the old version, then, if iTunes has a match for the song in the iTunes store,
you would then be able to download it. Also, after setting up match, it needs
to upload the songs that iTunes doesn't have, this does tak
Hi, the batch converter in Amadeus pro will do this very nicely. Hth
Sent from my iPhone
On 2011-11-26, at 5:31 AM, trahern culver wrote:
> hey all i have some *.ogg files that i want to convert to *.mp3 files
> please can some one recommend a program to do this with?
> your help with this q
Hi Bill, those options are under the users and groups preference pane in system
preferences. ONce you click the users and groups button, you'll find an item
that'll say Users, groups, and log in options, list. Interact with that, and
go down to log in options. Stop interacting, then if you
Hi, This menu bar icon that he's referring to, is on the status menu where
you have your wifi status, the clock, your bluetooth status, etc. A lot of
apps will put status icons up there. Unfortunately, we do not have access to
those which are put there by third-party developers with VoiceO
This is especially true now with quicknav. I know, everyone has their own
preference for what's comfortable to them. but, for me, quicknav was a huge
On Dec 12, 2011, at 3:42 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
> nope. all the main interface is with the normal keyboard layout. numpad
That's quite weird, the other day, someone from FS was at our work, and, he
demonstrated entering text with the Focus. I wonder why the heck it isn't
supported with the BN? Since they're both bluetooth devices, what the heck is
the difference? I know, I am showing my ignorance, so, enlighten
I don't know whether it's due to the recent changes on the Chase site, or an
update that changed VO, I am not sure.
However, I seem to be having a problem reading the table where you can change
free alerts. Anyone who uses chase will know what the free alerts are. It
will read the status of t
e myself and so that's how I was able to find that for you.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> facebook.com/ray.foretjr.1
Has anyone ever tried this out. I am particularly interested in the clean
program. I have a lot of songs that I have acquired that have bad tags etc.
More info can be found at:
I don't want to bother if it's inaccessible. Also, does it really work the
Ok, sometime back there was a thread on this list about switching between
widgets with a hotkey. At the time, I got it to work, now, I must have
forgotten the proper hotkey combination.
Apple is telling me to use command left and right arrows, those don't seem to
be working. I do have most of
has anyone used the messages beta, I tried here, but, after composing, can't
figure out how to send the message, I know, I am quite ignorant here!
On Feb 16, 2012, at 8:39 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Apple has given us a sneak peek at Mountain Lion do out this summer. They
> ha
I have paired the two devices but I am not able to open apps or emails among
other things. Does anyone have any experience with this configuration?
Thanks for any tips.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
There has been some buzz about an Android app similar to Tap-tap-see called
Camfind. It turns out that there is an IOS version available as well. I've
tried it with my Ipod Touch 3G with very good results. It's free so give it
a try.
You received th
I've been using a Mac here since February of 2008, and have not had any
reason to switch back to Windows. Like a lot of people on this thread, , I got
tired of having to pay to keep a JAWS SMA updated, and I also had it with their
system of ILM authorizations. I too, had to have my activa
Teamtalk which is widely used, has a Mac client, but the Mac client is
unfortunately not all that accessible. The best one of those apps like that,
where people can just connect to a server, has to be Ventrilo. If you want a
server with a lot of slots, darkstarllc, at http://www.darkstarllc.co
Absolutely it is. There's even an iOS app called Ventrilode that people can
get if they want to connect on iOS devices. On Jun 28, 2014, at 1:34 PM,
Brandon A. Olivares wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> Thanks. Is this option convenient? Is it easy for people to install and
> connect?
You might try the free version of the Magicjack app. It's a bit clunky but
I've used it on my iPod Touch successfully on my WIFI at home.
It's only works in the U.S. and Canada.
From: "Joanne Chua&q
You might check out www.letterstream.com for what you want.
From: Christopher-Mark Gilland
Sent: Sunday, April 19, 2015 10:56 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Maybe a stupid question, but does a web site service like this exist?
Even if I have
*Camfind, *iNote, *iBlink Radio,*Nasa TV, *NOAA-Free, *Seeing Assistant Home
Lite, *Tap-Tap-See, ViaOptaDaily, Choxi, *Be My Eyes, *Knfb Reader,
*Realtor.com, *Flying Ruler, *Radio.com, and *Facebook
The apps marked with a star are the ones I use the most.
rough measurements.
From: Kawal Gucukoglu
Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2016 4:07 PM
To: Macvisionaries
Subject: Re: How Do You Use iOS?
Please tell me what Flying Ruler is? Just interested to know if it’s a game?
On 30 Apr 2016, at 18:40, Dan Rathburn wrote:
I'm in th
Personally, I don’t think the headphone jack will come back ever again. It
will take some getting used too, but, I understand why it is being done. The
more important thing to me is that the new iPhone hopefully, will be water
proofed or, at least a lot more water resistant.
> On Apr 28, 201
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you
part is still beyond my current level of knowledge.
I hope to use this example to learn how to use apple script.
Thanks for any help,
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you have any questions or concerns about the running of
this is unclear. Thanks again.
On Dec 5, 2015, at 12:39 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
I can try. What three steps?
On Dec 4, 2015, at 6:16 PM, - wrote:
Is there anyone who could help me do a very simple apple script of three steps?
The info on the web is overwhelming and I don't kno
Am I correct in recalling that hot spots are saved? By that I mean for a
given application they persist each time it is opened?
Is there a hot spot preference file that could be saved and reused or some
other method to prevent manual setting each time an application is opened?
Good that you’d emailed busy cal support. Hopefully they’ll respond, and
implement better accessibility. I’d tried the app a couple years ago, and I
found the same thing, the actual calendar area wasn’t visible to VO at all.
And when I went to switch back to what was iCal at the time, this
on my iPod Touch. I
get an error message that the servers are not responding. ATT technical
support was not any help. Is anyone else having this problem? Any ideas
would be appreciated.
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Hi George, actually. IT's a good idea to have it. If you left it blank, don't
know how you could authenticate, for anyhting that mayprompt for an admin
On Jun 8, 2011, at 10:47 AM, Georges Zaynoun wrote:
> Hello!
> I happened to type a password when I went through the setup proc
I haven' received 1 message all day, I am wondering if the list is still up?
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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I tried to activate the option 5 times for mouse keys, however, it seems as
though a mouse has to be physically present to get this to work! I don't know
why since your using the keyboard to move the mouse pointer. Well, time for me
to get a cheap mouse and plug it in!
On Jun 18, 2011, at 5:
Ok, under universal access, I was able to turn the option key 5 times toggle
for mouse keys to on. There doesn't have to be a mouse connected to use this,
On Jun 18, 2011, at 10:36 AM, Esther wrote:
> Hi Darren,
> O believe that the option you checked to "Show Universal Access statu
I grabbed this app today for the first time, what a deal!
On Jun 18, 2011, at 10:50 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
> Greetings all,
> I don't know if this is applicable to all Mac app stores world wide, but in
> the US, DVD Remaster version 7 which regularly sells for $50 is on sale this
> weekend
It's coming in Lion.
On Jun 26, 2011, at 11:25 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
> I was just thinking... I don't recall there being a way to make this happen,
> but it would be absolutely awesome! if Apple would, provided there isn't
> already a long roundabout way to do this, give us the
Personally, I have duplicated this problem on at least 3 sites. For whatever
reason, it seems as though item chooser isn't seeing everything.
On Jul 21, 2011, at 7:11 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
> Austin,
> I'm having the same issue, yes.
> Chris.
> - Original Message
Begin forwarded message:
> By Adam Dachis
> Top 10 Secret Features in Mac OS X Lion
> Lion's out and there's a lot of new stuff to explore. Apple tells you about
> most of it on their web site, but there are still some secret features you'll
> want to know about. Here's a look at our top
I am not sure whether these issues are related to Lion or the upgrades of
Safari and iTunes.
First, before upgrading to Lion, I wanted to make sure that I had the latest
updates. So, when I checked, I went ahead and installed both Safari 5.1 and
iTunes 10.4.
After completing the Lion update, I
Hello Tim:
On Jul 24, 2011, at 4:44 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Dan,
> Before doing a clean install of the entire OS, I would look at the apps that
> are causing you problems.
> I'm running iTunes 10.4 on two different machines with well over 6000 items
> in the
I want to do a fresh install of Lion. I did the upgrade, but, as I mentioned
on the list before, I am having a few problems. I am thinking a clean install
might straighten it out. My problems seem to be unusual enough where I feel
like something might have gotten corrupted during the upgrade
2011, at 8:47 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi Dan:
> I'm confused. I haven't had to put my id in once I made the purchase.
> Install never asked for it. Have I missed something? (darn, thought this
> was going too easily to be true.:)
> Carolyn
> On Jul
ill allow you to select the window you need.
> On Jul 26, 2011, at 7:49 PM, Dan Roy wrote:
>> I want to do a fresh install of Lion. I did the upgrade, but, as I
>> mentioned on the list before, I am having a few problems. I am thinking a
>> clean install might straighten
I thought that's what happened. I wonder why the heck they hid that library?
After all, it's all user data, what possible serious damage could a person do
to it? Wow, if I delete a folder, I wiped out my own data, but, I didn't do
anything whatsoever to damage the OS in any way. Sometimes,
I am not having problems with the web rotor, but, I am having a lot of Safari
busy messages when I click on certain links. the Item chooser, well, sometimes
it works a little bit and others, VO just stops for a few seconds and restarts.
This is an upgrade and I have done the permission repair
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