I wonder how Rim could possibly pull this off to get VO to speak for the remote
machine? I know Windows screen readers have programming interfaces or something
to facilitate this through remote desktop, and the remote end basically uses
the client as a synthesizer. They could have you install a
Yeah, for better or worse, the control panel for Windows stinks for
accessibility lately, and it won't re-authorize since I upgraded to the new Win
10 version outside of the ones from the bootcamp drivers that were an older
version. I thought about using iCloud to host my mail for my domain, but
Discord has a premium subscription called Nitro that they offer. Since they are
likely required by the app stores to allow you to pay through that, this is
what the purchase probably is. I don't have it, as I believe it is largely
cosmetics we can't see for the most part, but usually, if an app
It might be possible to call them and get them to give you the manual info to
do it without the camera. I know the whole ESIM thing used to be a battle to
try to transfer to a new phone, but the tricky part of actually shooting the
code with the camera is probably getting it to be on screen when
This is a shame, as this is the official solution Microsoft recommends. I think
the accessibility is one of those things Microsoft overlooked in coming to
this, as there are trade-offs and benefits of whichever way one would go to do
this kind of thing. On YouTube and other places, many in the s
Yes, it's an odd thing that happens on many email lists now because many
providers check various records of domains now to determine authorized mail
servers, so that the from header has the person's name and email appended to
that of the lists now. Otherwise, sites like gmail tend to reject it o
As far as repairs go, some states may only have 2 Apple Stores. At least,
that is how it is in Wisconsin, so I'd have to take my chances with the
local type of places, think one is called iSupply, that claims to be able to
even fix broken iPhones. As far as things going out, I'd say that on most
I could only imagine the Skype to sip being a real headache. From Howtos on
sites like Nerd Vittles, it looks like there would be sighted assistance
needed to set one up because we couldn't get remote Orca speech to deal with
the Skype client side of it all if you were to host this in the cloud.
Yes, not sure how much the CPU speed number really means these days. It
seems that with the airs being in the 1.5 ghz range, are they really faster
than something, say, like an old 2008 Mac Book that had around a 2.3 or 2.4
gig chip? I know we have more cores and hyperthreading now, but if we di
Yes, I'm not looking real forward to the teenage detectives discovering that
they can probably get into the apartment building without buzzing in because
the old phone line based intercom system gave out awhile ago now, then it came
back about 3 weeks later, and now it's out again. I think that
Is there a way to revert back to the current production release if one tried
the beta and found it too buggy? I know if I stick it on my watch, for all
intents and purposes, it's a beta device forever forward that would no
longer be able to be legally sold to someone else if I should decide to g
I use a 30-pin to airplay device to get sound to my ilder Klipsch dock from
my iPhone, and I would assume I should be able to still continue with that.
- Original Message -
From: "Mary Otten"
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2016 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: Some interesting rumours regarding 3
I bet how this goes down is that if you called tech support and complained of
this issue, they would tell you to go apply this to see if it fixes whatever
issue may be a bug in the device. It's probably kind of like PC Bios updates,
one never really applies them until someone says they fix the e
Any hope for those of us Kurzweil users? I could live with my old Epson
Perfection scanner, but the new HP all in one takes forever. It's true that
it's quieter by a lot, but it's probably 30 to 45 seconds on the scanning
phase. I hate the mail now more than I ever did, but I don't have the spac
he folks at Cambian Learning don't think
they can make enough profit on us blind folks so they say they will not
release a version for Apple because if every blind person baught a copy of
Kurzweil1000 for Mac they still couldn't make enough profit to make it
worth it for them to do
I thought the IPal was a full computer in of itself. I thought it was one of
those like the GW Small Talk or OQO with a camera built in. I might be thinking
of a different one, but if this was the same one, isn't the computer irrelevant
besides transferring saved files?
- Original Message
or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
On 2012-04-03, at 7:57 PM, Brent Harding wrote:
I thought the IPal was a full computer in of itself. I thought it was one
of those like the GW Small Talk or OQO with a camera built in. I might be
thinking of a different one
I suppose, the only real personal loan is the credit card, unless one could put
it on another home mortgage, but renters don't have that option. I was looking
into it once, and at around $100 to $150 a month, one would probably still pay
close to the old prices for a braille display. For some, s
Hi there. I have this Mac Book that I bought for a good deal some time in
2008 or 2009, that was upgraded and was only 6 months used at that time, if
the guy ever did much with it besides keeping it around to sell. When I took
it home to my parents' place once, I never noticed that the charger g
Hi there. I have an older Mac Book, the one I posted about getting its plug
in the car door, and at times, I think some of the keys don't register as I
think the keyboard may be starting to wear out. One problem I have is kind
of self-inflicted, but this thing has probably been out of warranty f
is pretty much a standard unit and there are no
compatible products due to patent applications from apple preventing clones.
an option or two open to you is ebay for a refurb or used pack or even an
apple refurb company depending on where you are in the world.
On 7 Apr 2012, at 21:21, Bre
That analog out jack can be switched to optical digital, so use an optical
digital cable with the mini plug on the end, or they make adapters from the
optical kind of plug.
- Original Message -
From: Ray Foret Jr
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2012
With such an interface, if it had both in and out, do they work
simultaneously as a "poor man's phone patch"? I was thinking of at home work
opportunities answering calls, and didn't want a big rig so to speak on my
one line in here because I'd be stuck using it to let delivery guys in for
c jack
would... All of those options would be cheaper than a second land
Just throwing that out there...
On 4/9/12, Brent Harding wrote:
With such an interface, if it had both in and out, do they work
simultaneously as a "poor man's phone patch"? I was thinkin
On 4/9/12 10:47 AM, Brent Harding wrote:
That analog out jack can be switched to optical digital, so use an optical
digital cable with the mini plug on the end, or they make adapters from the
optical kind of plug.
- Original Message -
From: Ray Fore
do the goofy PC thing by trying to do fake phantom power that doesn't work with
any normal sound equipment.
On 4/9/12 4:31 PM, Brent Harding wrote:
What I'm surprised, and maybe the older mac books are different is that the
input won't work as a mic jack,
what I could do with is the machine serial number and then go from there.
the system serial can be found through going to about this mac in the
apple manu and then going to more info, this opens system profiler and
you can get the system serial number and model from there.
then go from there.
the system serial can be found through going to about this mac in the
apple manu and then going to more info, this opens system profiler and you
can get the system serial number and model from there.
On 7 Apr 2012, at 21:44, Brent Harding wrote:
Yeah, I ju
g to more info, this opens system profiler and
you can get the system serial number and model from there.
On 7 Apr 2012, at 21:44, Brent Harding wrote:
Yeah, I just knew that there were L shaped and T shaped ones, and if
you don't have the correct one, depending on the firmware
Now that I think of it, I have my hunting video I want to put up, but never
got to it. The guys were nice enough to not encrypt the DVD with CSS when
they sent it, and dad thought it might be something to put up.
- Original Message -
From: "Kimsan "
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012
Will Quick Time upload one I ripped with hand brake that I think is an m4v
or something? There should be no copyright issue in it because it is a video
of dad and I hunting. I think the guy videoing for us just used a DVD
camcorder and I ripped it to have in case the disk goes bad, but dad was
Wow, you got it better than most. My oldest account, I get withdrawal and
debit card alerts, but nothing much as far as deposits go. This new place
I'm battling can only send alerts when a bill goes into process, for
low/high balance thresholds, and deposits over a set threshold. To set it up
I don't know if HP cleaned up their act on this over the last while, but my
4480 quit printing, saying one of the cartridges became incompatible. I
don't know if dad put them in the wrong slots, but I think they either dry
out or have an expiration time after which they won't run any more.
Boot Camp will go with Windows Natively, no need for the Refit loader, I
don't think, but for whatever reason, I don't think the system will like
that partition being turned into a linux one. I mean, I'm not sure how the
Mac will take to making a Windows partition, booting a Ubuntu Live CD, and
I used one that works at the command line that gets the flv file down, and
then converted to audio I can play, but that youtube downloader thing might
be linux only unless it could be compiled and run on a mac in terminal.
- Original Message -
From: "John Sanfilippo"
Sent: Sunda
The one I hate the most is with one of my bank accounts where any checkboxes
or radio buttons on their site are universally invisible, using the activate
command really does nothing. It is this way on Windows as well, but when I
saved source on one with no sensitive info on, the html file I got'
I would think some of the disk space would be used up to store the VM image
on the mac. Whether it's the 250 gig you make for it, or only a portion
depends on whether fusion can grow the file as needed, or if it fills all
250 gigs with nothing before formatting for the Windows install. I like bo
Oh, cool! I have my mac already set up with boot camp. Would I likely have
activation issues with JFW going back and forth between these 2 methods?
Would I have to take up 2 keys, or is Fusion smart enough to deal with it?
- Original Message -
From: "Matthew Campbell"
Sent: Sund
Yes, I've been getting the phone calls to my Skype in number where they tell
me the computer is infected. I never used to get those, but I just hang up
on them. I wonder how one gets that to stop?
- Original Message -
From: "chris hallsworth"
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 10:20 AM
I know there was an easier one that I heard isn't so accessible called
voiceband, but how would one even think about playing this touch guitar
without site?
- Original Message -
From: "Esther"
To: "9577AAC0-42E6-47A8-BF18-EC3BEC9823B7:ABMailRecent"
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2012 10:02
INGDirect is what I have, but I usually use it when booted in Windows. I
might've experimented once in Safari on the Mac. The only part that could
possibly bring an issue is the on-screen pin pad that you use to enter your
pin. VO should read the numbers as graphics 1 through 9 and 0, in a simil
Their app isn't that great on accessibility. I do have an app called
Musicdock which works great even though there's probably channels from
online it won't get. The major thing to watch out for with that is that I
got an email a couple weeks ago, or probably just before the new year,
saying tha
Last I used it, it worked OK in Windows. The thing with that transfers and
deposits link is that if you aren't looking for the options underneath it
after you click the link, one might think it never activated. It remains yet
to be seen how else Capitalone starts to change what we knew as INGDir
It would seem you just get the thing to boot from USB, forget the hot key
you use for that, but it would seem like it should work, if he has the right
audio drivers in that image.
- Original Message -
From: "Cait Furness"
Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2014 2:50 PM
Subject: boot camp a
For the Focus 40 Blue, are there any real differences between 4.89 and the 4.93
mentioned here, or is the later one only for the 14 cell model? Is there a
place to download the latest one to get applied?
- Original Message -
From: Jonathan Mosen
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
The Focus 40 Blue is a pretty good display. It does both bluetooth and USB for
if yo were going to use it with the computer as well. Also, they have recently
added the ability to switch between the two so you could go from the phone to
the PC and back easily. I think the big issue might be wheth
Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 10, 2014, at 2:55 PM, Brent Harding wrote:
The Focus 40 Blue is a pretty good display. It does both bluetooth and USB
for if yo were going to use it with the computer as well. Also, they have
recently added the ability to switch between the t
I think Seton makes one that hooks to USB. Another option would hook to the
network router, and that is the HD Home Run Prime from Silicon Dust. I'm
thinking about one of those because at least on TWC, my MTS button seems to
have no effect in getting the described audio that I know exists in my
Behalf Of Brent Harding
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 12:10 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: USBtv tuner cards that will except a cable card question
I think Seton makes one that hooks to USB. Another option would hook to
network router, and that is the HD Home Run Prime from Si
I'd like to use that, but I think in the states, you can only sign up either
if you have Sonos speakers or with Metro PCS, and I don't have either of
- Original Message -
From: "Anders Holmberg"
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2015 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: spotify
I don’t use
Maybe this has always existed, but since Sprint just enabled the feature, I
don't know. In my status bar, it suggests that I am connected to a sprint
wifi hot spot. I guess it's a weird way to indicate that wifi calling has
been enabled, but my wifi itself isn't named Sprint.
- Original Me
Hi there! How accessible is HBO Now on iOS? I don't know if Game of Thrones
is described for HBO in the states because the only thing that has working
description is my parents' DirecTV, and they don't subscribe to HBO. I
thought about going with this trial since it would be at least $12 cheaper
On Apr 16, 2015, at 10:29 AM, Brent Harding wrote:
Hi there! How accessible is HBO Now on iOS? I don't know if Game of
Thrones is described for HBO in the states because the only thing that has
working description is my parents' DirecTV, and they don't
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2015 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: audio description for HBO Now?
Yeah, but HBO now isn't gonna necessarily have all the same content that
you'd find with Time Warner Cable. For example: I highly highly doubt that
you'd find Dr. Phil on HBO Now.
I'm not sure whether to buy it either. It looks like one of the only ways to
try it out though because I'm not anywhere near the two Apple Stores the
state of Wisconsin has. The funny thing is though that there is a place
called Apple Store, but they sell fruit instead.
- Original Message
I think only the first one came out so far.
- Original Message -
From: wayne coles
To: Macvisionaries
Sent: Sunday, April 19, 2015 7:33 PM
Subject: netflicks
hello list was I dreaming or did I hear right is dare devil the second series
is on netflicks and is audio discrib
@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Brent Harding
Sent: Sunday, April 19, 2015 8:44 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: netflicks
I think only the first one came out so far.
- Original Message -
From: wayne coles
To: Macvisionaries
I wonder if others had the bug come back several times after doing the sign
out and back in drill? I found that erasing the data under storage
management for Netflix had more success, but had to be done every 2 to 4
episodes. The show itself was absolutely well done with some of the better
Under settings, general, and usage, there is a heading for storage. Then
there is a button for manage storage. You double tap on Netflix in there,
and then go to documents and cache, flick up and double tap to erase it. For
me, signing out and back in never helped without doing all of that every
I would imagine that the notifications just stay on the phone then. I
couldn't imagine having two devices both speaking though, unless VO doesn't
speak that stuff when you have the watch on. It would be cool if the various
GPS apps can start to use it, but I don't think batteries are big enough
The iPhone will stay signed in as well though. I think they just store some
kind of cookie that keeps these apps signed in so you don't have to enter the
info every time.
- Original Message -
From: Ray Foret Jr
To: Mac Visionaries List
Sent: Friday, May 08, 2015 11:44 AM
I wonder if you could buy Levtec's program that allows you to add speech and
do the install from there? I'm not sure if it supports the audio on mac
hardware though.
- Original Message -
From: "Grant Hardy"
To: "MacVisionaries List"
Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 3:30 PM
Subject: Re:
I think I heard about it, and it may be based on Truecrypt. If so, there
likely isn't anything wrong with using it.
- Original Message -
From: "Christopher-Mark Gilland"
Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2015 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: Secure USB Drive
Awesome! And it is totally accessible on b
The thing with the betas though, don't you have to wipe everything out to
even install them? I will probably wait until July when the public beta is
released, if I install the beta at all, but as far as I understood, when you
load it through iTunes, it is also factory resetting your device. I ki
to the current publically available version.
Hope that helps.
John D. Lipsey
mail: johnl1...@gmail.com
Twitter: @J_TGL
On Jun 14, 2015, at 17:17, Brent Harding wrote:
The thing with the betas though, don't you have to wipe everything out to
even install them? I will probably
No. You only get the voice from switching the languages, so if you switch it
to British English, you get Daniel or Tom, whoever it is, Australian is
Karen, etc.
- Original Message -
From: "Christopher-Mark Gilland"
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: Apple watch vo
um... yeah... that could be a problem, I recken.
- Original Message -----
From: "Brent Harding"
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: Apple watch voices
No. You only get the voice from switching the languages, so if you switch it
to British English, y
No, haven't had that happen, but for incoming phone calls, I get no
notification of any kind that the phone is ringing. It doesn't make a
difference if my phone is held right next to the watch or across the room.
One time it worked, if I turned it to face the phone, but would quit ringing
if I
How did you end up joining it? I had to explicitly join to get in, unless
someone else on your plan did it.
- Original Message -
From: "christopher hallsworth"
To: "macvisionaries"
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 5:09 PM
Subject: More coolness with the Apple Music service
Hi all
I hav
Yeah, with Spotify, you have to keep on skipping because it repeats as
often, if not more, than FM radio at times.
- Original Message -
From: "Shawn Krasniuk"
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: My thoughts on the Apple Music service from a VoiceOver user's
e with a stupid
message about due to copyright, we can't skip anymore, now go away and
enjoy tin pan clashing by the sounds of shit. LOL! Just kidding.
Seriously though.
Just thought you'd like to know that if you didn't already discover it.
- Original Message
s other devices remembered that he'd
already signed up, therefore they didn't ask him again to sign up. They
just automatically logged him in.
- Original Message -
From: "Brent Harding"
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 8:45 PM
Subject: Re: More coolness with t
So, if you get Match, it would be DRM-free, as long as you download it
before you cancel your subscription. I thought back when that people
advocated actually uploading the stuff into match, removing it from the
computer after making a backup, and redownloading the higher quality
versions it ma
- Original Message -
From: "Brent Harding"
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 11:06 PM
Subject: Re: More coolness with the Apple Music service
That's nice. You don't need any kind of restore purchases thing. I'm
liking Beats 1 too, if it will co
e I O S devices. He signed up on one. What he's saying is, after
doing so on that one device, his other devices remembered that he'd
already signed up, therefore they didn't ask him again to sign up. They
just automatically logged him in.
- Original Message ---
I think this might be standard across the board because they all pay
something in royalties per song played, so they don't want idlers that
aren't listening to drive the cost up more. Then again, it might've just
been a stream drop because of the high load of tons of people experimenting
with i
isit my groups:
>>>> The Chat Zone
>>>> the-chat-zone+subscr...@groups.io
>>>> The Tech Zone
>>>> the-tech-zone+subscr...@groups.io
>>>> Apple Music
>>>> apple-music+subscr...@groups.io
I heard that accidental damage is covered with the Apple Care, if you get it on
a phone. I think it might be $79 or something, not sure if it covers macs
- Original Message -
From: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thursday, Ju
How would one manage reading the complete schedule for Beats 1 with VO on
the phone? For me, it shows as one big element with times and names of shows
all over the place. If I double tap it, it says unchecked, so something is
messed up a little there. I think they are using Tumbler for their sit
uot;Christopher-Mark Gilland"
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2015 5:03 PM
Subject: Re: OK, it's official! I'm in blyss heaven! with Apple Music!
It's a mess, Brent. I can't seem to do it on I O S either.
----- Original Message -
From: "Brent Harding&
It would be nice if they carried that directory over to iOS. Tunein works
pretty good over there, but I kept the old version before they put all that
new social stuff in there.
- Original Message -
From: "Christopher-Mark Gilland"
Sent: Friday, July 03, 2015 5:45 PM
Subject: Re:
I ended up with enough supposedly free music that wasn't U2, almost all bands
me, or nobody else would've heard of, that after listening to, I didn't know
how I would've purchased. I'm not sure if Apple has pushed no-name bands in
addition to U2, or if some bug just made them appear in my purcha
Is this another one of those invite only things like the 8.3 beta was, or
can we all do it?
- Original Message -
From: "george b"
Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2015 4:01 PM
Subject: RE: iOS 9 public beta to be released today – MacDailyNews - Welcome
I got a email from apple f
I have found that if we have one of the older ones boot camped, the mic portion
of the headset connector won't function on the Windows side, so a USB one might
be needed anyways. The way I understand Apple's headset jack is that it is like
a normal 3.5mm jack that is a little longer and has one
Does Apple Remote Desktop do it? I've heard of VPS servers with OSX
existing, but I have a suspicion that we couldn't use them.
- Original Message -
From: "Grant"
To: "MacVisionaries List"
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 7:32 PM
Subject: Accessible remote login
Hi all,
Have any Voi
aving Skype on the remote machine set to
auto-answer but that's not nearly as straightforward.
On 8/28/15 11:38 PM, Brent Harding wrote:
Does Apple Remote Desktop do it? I've heard of VPS servers with OSX
existing, but I have a suspicion that we couldn't use them.
- Or
one day this might come maybe not as it might use a bit of
band width anyway that is about it I hope this does happen for voice over as
for the blind computer assister nada remote has been a fantastic tool in the
tool box.
On 30 Aug 2015, at 20:54, Brent Harding wrote:
I could imagine it
her Apple
device over a network. Then I could somehow set the remote machine to
send its audio back to my mac and control it with screen sharing. I think
last time this came up somebody suggested having Skype on the remote
machine set to auto-answer but that's not nearly as straightforward.
I have one of the batteries from Ravpower. It has a little short lightning
cable built-in. It is either 9000 or 1 mah, so you probably get a few
good charges from dead with it. It does charge the phone fast though.
- Original Message -
From: "Aman Singer"
Sent: Friday, Septe
Do HDMI to audio converters still work good?
- Original Message -
From: "Kawal Gucukoglu"
To: "Macvisionaries"
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2015 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: TVOS Accessibility
Hi Jonathan.
Thanks for your reply. I had a conversation with Apple today about it as I
I agree. It seems that next to video streaming, location services are the
biggest culprit of battery drain. Since we don't know for sure, it's hard to
say if Seeing Eye is more of a drain than it could be if maps were in local
storage as opposed to maintaining a constant connection to their serv
I think Apple has improved the speaker considerably as compared to the 4S up
to the 6. I imagine that the HTC phones are probably considerably thicker
though. I think it might be at a point where the only way to increase the
quality of the speaker is to make it physically bigger in size. I know
Android tends to do those short vibrations at times when you flick through
things, but you can't pinpoint it to any spot on the screen. I think
something like this would hit the iPads first though. I heard on some tech
shows about touch screen mixing consoles for radio, and for that, making
The one remaining problem would be, is the touch screen sensitive enough to
work for touch ID?
- Original Message -
From: "Scott Granados"
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2015 9:54 AM
Subject: Re: iPhone 6S?
I think you’re right, I think the home button could definitely go. It’s
e quite large) that would be a good test. I think Navigon
was one that had the maps baked into the app.
On 9/14/15 10:07 AM, Brent Harding wrote:
I agree. It seems that next to video streaming, location services are the
biggest culprit of battery drain. Since we don't know for sure,
I wonder if the phone could learn the key fob thingy one would use to enter
buildings? The most annoying thing about the NFC in the iPhone is that the
system at the library sets off the payment prompt in my pocket as I go
through the door. I'm glad it hasn't succeeded in charging me yet, but I
I think this is another one of those features that has to be supported by
the carrier. When I first got my watch, Sprint did not have it, so if the
phone was on Wifi calling, the watch would simply not ring at all. If I was
away and the phone was on cellular, the watch did ring. Now that Sprint
range. Once the phone is back on or in range the watch
restores it’s pairing automatically with the phone.
On Dec 28, 2015, at 11:45 AM, Brent Harding wrote:
I think this is another one of those features that has to be supported by
the carrier. When I first got my watch, Sprint did not have
I don't think the iPhones ever had one. The radio might be part of the chips
in there, but Apple disabled it somehow to where we can't turn it on. I
think this is something exclusively for Android phones, but it would require
headphones or a cable hooked to speakers to use for its antenna, so it
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: radio and iPhone 5S
Brent Harding wrote:
I don't think the iPhones ever had one. The radio might be part of the
in there, but Apple disabled it somehow to where we can't turn it on. I
think this is som
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