Mine says 4:1, or maybe it's comma 1, I know I probably got it in 2008. I remember bidding on it before a big blizard. I'm trying to think of also what I can stick under that left arrow to make it better than it it is as that little rubber thing that would be there is just enough in there to make it go sometimes. Things are all right pretty much keeping it in one place at home, but I may be having a work experience eventually where I might not have so much slack on the cord, and if I lose the key itself, I'll have to push my finger in the right place in there to activate the left arrow. At home, getting some other keyboard might not be so bad, but if I will have to move this around the room to take notes or whatever, the less space I have to take up with it is better.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Esther" <mori...@mac.com>
To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2012 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: Any cheaper way to get a new charger that works with my somewhat older Macbook?

Hi Chris,

Brent's correct that the older MacBook models from 2007-2008 require a firmware update in order to charge from the recent model power bricks (with the L-shaped connectors). The affected models are:
• MacBook (13-inch Late 2007)
• MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2008)
• MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008)
• MacBook (13-inch, Early 2008)
• MacBook (13-inch, Late 2008)

Here's the link to the Apple Knowledge base article that appeared in October 2010: • Portables: L-shaped MagSafe power adapter does not charge computer and LED indicator light does not illuminate:

There should be a link in that document to the appropriate firmware download. I'd just apply the firmware download, and then you can use any laptop power brick that delivers sufficient power. E-bay is probably a good source, as you say.



On Apr 9, 2012, at 10:46 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

I'm always interchanging power bricks and they all worked just fine. If you use a small low-wattage one it will run most laptops but you won't be able to charge your battery at the same time. Last time I needed to buy one was when my wife found one of the kids sucking on the plug. He was unharmed but the power supply never worked right after that. At the time I found a pretty good price at


but they seem to be having some database issue at the moment.


On 4/7/12 4:47 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
from the early intel macbooks, they were the same as the recent ones, with exception of wattage ratings.

where abouts are you? I can look up a specialist refurbs place in the USA who carries older components.

what I could do with is the machine serial number and then go from there.

the system serial can be found through going to about this mac in the apple manu and then going to more info, this opens system profiler and you can get the system serial number and model from there.



On 7 Apr 2012, at 21:44, Brent Harding wrote:

Yeah, I just knew that there were L shaped and T shaped ones, and if you don't have the correct one, depending on the firmware in the machine, if you originally had the older one, that's all you could charge with, and I heard Apple doesn't make the old one now. Maybe I can get by with that plug, but there's probably plenty of them on Ebay.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Lewis Alexander"<freemacsforthebl...@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2012 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: Any cheaper way to get a new charger that works with my somewhat older Macbook?

hi, the apple charger is pretty much a standard unit and there are no compatible products due to patent applications from apple preventing clones.

an option or two open to you is ebay for a refurb or used pack or even an apple refurb company depending on where you are in the world.


On 7 Apr 2012, at 21:21, Brent Harding wrote:

Hi there. I have this Mac Book that I bought for a good deal some time in 2008 or 2009, that was upgraded and was only 6 months used at that time, if the guy ever did much with it besides keeping it around to sell. When I took it home to my parents' place once, I never noticed that the charger got in front of the car door, and some bracket snapped off. My dad was able to super glue it back together and it works here, but I might be getting a work experience where I might need to move it around from one outlet to another since it only goes about 90 minutes in Windows, and maybe a little more in Snow Leopard. From what I've read, a new one of these costs around $80 and may not work, depending if my machine successfully took a certain firmware update. Is there cheaper places to get one like the original one that I have so I don't find myself in a situation that a different kind doesn't charge the battery?


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