The Airport Utility has new window is telling you just that. In certain
situations, when focused on specific items within Airport Utility, new pop-up
windows will appear. These windows give you more information about those
items, as in Hardware Addresses, specific error messages etc. Usu
Yes, the all mail folder can be safely hidden. Every email message is given a
label. When you change the emails folder, what is actually changed is the label
which is assigned to the message.
David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Email: dchitten...@gmail.com
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone
I'll try that, thanks. I've never done RSS before last year, and never synced
anything until right now. I thought about it, then Google Reader got killed off
and put a damper in those plans. :)
On Jan 21, 2014, at 12:11 AM, Brian Fischler wrote:
> Alex,
> There are only two sync options in N
That’s an ouch! Whell somebody just wasted $1,000 for a Surface Pro. Wait! NVDA
to the rescue! lol.
Maybe partnered with MS it will be slipstreamed in Windows 9? Hopfully!
Daniel Hawkins
- Posted from my Macbook Pro
2012 15in. Macbook Pro
2.3 Quad-core i7
Dual Boot:
Windows 7
Apple fixed the problems in Gmail for many of their Max. However, after the
Mavericks update was released, some users still reported email problems. So,
Apple continues trying to figure out what is going on. This is the nature of
programming and bugs.
David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Email: dchitte
Hey David,
How do you hide the all mail folder? As I have labels and individual folders
that I save the messages I need to save, and have never used the all mail
folder, so would love to hide it if that is what is causing my issues. I also
noticed that in my inbox when I move over to the column
Gmail has a couple settings which are initially set in a confusing way. One of
these settings is archive all mail. This is the default setting. It means,
whenever an email is deleted, Gmail places the archive label on the message.
For some reason, when Apple mail first sees these old messages, i
Well what makes it even more irksome is for the Apple rep to claim it is not a
gmail issue, and walk me through a ton of stuff that unfortunately didn’t fix
anything, so after I was off the phone with Apple, I deleted my gmail account
from mail, and mail worked perfectly fine. Not sure why Apple
In all honesty, I just never open the all mail folder. I prefer not to hide any
folders. If I cannot find a message I need, I occasionally search in the all
mail folder. In other words, I searched through every email message. My advice
is, just do not open the all mail folder. If you delete mess
I think it is in settings but the idiots at Google still can’t make their gmail
website work with VO. I just looked at the gmail site, and I think it reverted
back to the view that doesn’t work with VO, and I can’t seem to find the damn
link for classic view or non html whatever it is called. Ve
Yes, but it is not just VO. Bye had similar problems when I used Windows
systems. Google regularly has problems with screenreader access.
David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Email: dchitten...@gmail.com
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone
> On 22 Jan 2014, at 9:21, Brian Fischler wrote:
> I
Look at how much you are struggling with the label concept that Gmail actually
uses. It took me a couple years to get my head around the concept. It is
difficult to understand because it is so different from any other mail handling
protocols I have seen. So, I am not surprised that the tech supp
Hello Jessica,
The strange language you see in templates is fake Latin used as placeholder
text. If you highlight this text then type over it, your own text has the same
formatting as the placeholder text.
Jürgen runs his computer in German, so his version of Pages is in German, what
he asked
Thanks for letting me know the Google issues are not just with Apple. I am an
Apple loyalist, but assumed the Gmail issues and screen reader were just with
Apple. I am noticing that all of my sent emails are also going to this ALL mail
folder. I found some instructions on the web on what to do,
Hey David,
Thanks for taking the time to spell it all out, and yes, it makes much more
sense to me now. I guess what I need to do is follow the steps Mac World is
suggesting, unless mail continues to work as good as it is now.
On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:36 PM, David Chittenden wrote:
> Look at how
Hi Anne,
thank you so much for your efforts. :-) That really helps me very much.
All the best
Am 21.01.2014 um 19:39 schrieb Anne Robertson :
> Hello Jürgen,
> Here are the names of the predefined templates in Pages:
> Under Basic: Blank, Blank Landscape, Note Taking.
> Under Reports: E
Hey David, One last question. I left a message for the guy I spoke to at Apple,
hopefully he will call me back. Anyway, I just noticed in Mac mail in my sent
folder there are 14000 messages. Can I delete all of these, will this help? I
assume since I am not deleting anything from the All mail fo
Hi David,
If I understand what you have explained with GMAIL, if I go to gmail.com, and
to the all-mail folder and delete all the old (thousands of them), then they
shouldn't be downloaded once I think about upgrading to Mavericks. Is that
correct? The master folder is the all mail folder and
Has anyone used Downcast in the last few days on their Mac? Just that for the
last few days, I can’t use it and have to use it on the I phone. I wonder if
Downcast is down as my internet connection is fine.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Hi David,
Another question about Gmail. Can one create new label folders on the iPhone or
does it need to be created at gmail.com? Also, if you have a folder listed in
the account Gmail area on the phone, can the rule be created on the phone or
again the rule needs to be created in gmail.com?
No, Downcast on OS X works perfect fine here. Try deleting and reinstalling the
On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:13 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Hello.
> Has anyone used Downcast in the last few days on their Mac? Just that for
> the last few days, I can’t use it and have to use it on the I
Yes, creating a folder in mail under your Gmail account, creates the label for
the indexing folder on Gmail. Back out to the outer most list in the mail.
Double tap on edit. Find the create mailbox and double tap on it. Navigate to
the place where you want the mailbox folder to be.
Gmail rules
I am having extreme difficulty sending word and/or excel files to
people who have older versions of windows. It sends them as .zip
files instead of .xls, csv, or .doc. why could this be?
I walk by faith, not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5: 7
You received this message because you
Yes, this is correct, as long as you have set your preferences, on the Gmail
website, to delete messages rather than permanently archive all messages. If,
on the other hand, you have not changed this setting, all messages deleted from
the all-male folder Will still remain. Their labels will be s
Hello Anne,
That is the strange issue: I'm trying to save to the hard drive the way
I've always done. And suddenly this message when trying to do it in
TextEdit. It threw me completely.
Maybe it will settle down. If you don't know what might have gone wrong
with your experience, I think it m
Yes, deleting sent messages is deleting the messages that you have written and
sent to other people. Again, if your Gmail preferences are set to archive, your
sent messages will then be archived rather than deleted. At least, this is how
I understand the way sent messages works. This specific si
Oh, by the way, the busy busy issue with Mac Mail indexing all of the Gmail
messages is why I do all of my email on my iPhone. After I have cleared out all
of the extra email messages, I will try Mac mail again.
David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Email: dchitten...@gmail.com
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Actually, Google is an excellent research company. Outside of universities,
Google hires more PhD's and researchers then any other private company. The
problems are: because they have mainly very geeky people, they are not good at
writing basic level user interfaces, and Devices the research wor
How big are the files you are trying to send? Maybe something is trying
to 'help' you along the way by zipping the files.
On 1/21/14 5:04 PM, Jess wrote:
I am having extreme difficulty sending word and/or excel files to
people who have older versions of windows. It sends them as .zi
Have your friend open the zip and make sure its a .xls file.
Matt Dierckens
Macintosh Trainer
Blind Access Training
1-877-774-7670 ext. 4
On Jan 21, 2014, at 5:27 PM, Jessica D wrote:
> i have no clue, how would i find out?
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 21,
i have no clue, how would i find out?
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 5:24 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> How big are the files you are trying to send? Maybe something is trying to
> 'help' you along the way by zipping the files.
> CB
>> On 1/21/14 5:04 PM, Jess wrote:
>> Hello,
Hi David,
Thanks for fielding all these messages about Gmail. You beat me to the punch
most of the time and explained everything excellently. Just to comment on this
message about the busy, busy stuff in the latest Mail, I’m confident that you
could upgrade to this and not be extremely frust
No problems here. I am able to use it just fine.
On Jan 21, 2014, at 4:13 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Hello.
> Has anyone used Downcast in the last few days on their Mac? Just that for
> the last few days, I can’t use it and have to use it on the I phone. I
> wonder if D
Thank you both.
I didn’t know about the system settings under utilities. That wireless
information is interesting.
VO-f2f2 did tell me about the additional pop-over, but it wouldn’t let me
interact with it. Each time I entered or VO-spaced on it, the window
disappeared from view.
Another qu
How does one delete an app on the Mac if you don't like it?
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Begin doorgestuurd bericht:
> Van: William Windels
> Onderwerp: Antw.: braille star 80 and osx mavericks
> Datum: 21 januari 2014 23:59:16 CET
> Aan: Margot von Bedö
> Kopie: Accessibility Accessibility
> Hello Margot from handy tech and apple accessibility,
> I find this a very pour answer
she can’t open it.
On Jan 21, 2014, at 5:27 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
> Have your friend open the zip and make sure its a .xls file.
> Matt Dierckens
> Macintosh Trainer
> Blind Access Training
> www.blindaccesstraining.com
> 1-877-774-7670 ext. 4
> On Ja
Try saving the document to the Desktop. When you do the cmd-s to Save, press
cmd-shift-d to set the save location to the Desktop. Try a longer than 31
character title there. I’m wondering if TextEdit is trying to save your
document to iCloud,, and if that could cause this sort of error m
I don’t believe that you need to go to that much effort. The newer Airport
devices are dual bandwidth and the devices that use N will grab the N signal
and the other devices that use G will grab that signal. Your Airport will
handle that stuff on its own.
Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurra
I take it you aren’t implying all blind people are average, as I have yet to
meet a blind person who can fully use google and all of there native apps with
On Jan 21, 2014, at 5:20 PM, David Chittenden wrote:
> Actually, Google is an excellent research company. Outside of universities
It’s so much easier than Windows that @ first you’re sure you’re missing
something. Anyway, go to the applications folder, by pressing
Command-Shift-A. Interact with the list view or whichever display mode you
have chosen. Arrow to the app in question. Press Command-Delete & answer
Good luck with that, as I deleted Downcast and have yet to be able to get it to
actually open since reinstalling it from the app store, have traded a ton of
emails with the developers but still have yet to be able to get Downcast to
open on my mac, it just quits as soon as launched.
On Jan 21, 2
You don't need to interact, at least I never do. Deleting works normally,
especially for .app files. Some applications, mostly the ones that come with a
.pkg installer, will include uninstall tools you should use. These will clear
up any folders or files the app created when it was installed. Ag
Try the following see below.
1) Close Downcast
2) Open Terminal
3) Run this command in Terminal: defaults delete com.jamawkinaw.downcast.mac
That will delete your Downcast preferences. The next time you start Downcast
you should hit CMD
+ R after it starts up to refresh all your podcasts. Sin
There is a setting i use to automatically delete messages in my sent
folder/label after 30 days. I am sure this setting is in apple mail but I
cannot remember if it is also in gmail. It seems like I remember this setting
in gmail. This is how I keep my sent folder from growing so large. :) I do
Hello Folks,
I am hoping someone can assist me in using iTex Express in switching between 2
or more files that are opened on my Air. I am using ML. I am viewing one
document and need to make notes for training purposes. This feature I am
well-acquainted with on the PC side and I was wondering i
Yes, of course. I should have mentioned the packages uninstaller. But
honestly, it seems as if I hardly ever have the luxury of using one. I.E. they
never seem to be available when I need one. H’mmm, kind of like a cop on the
On Jan 21, 2014, at 4:55 PM, Alex Hall w
Fine here too
On 21 Jan 2014, at 22:42, matthew dyer wrote:
> Hi,
> No problems here. I am able to use it just fine.
> Matthew
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 4:13 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Hello.
>> Has anyone used Downcast in the last few days on their Mac? Just t
I'll try that. Thanks for all the tips. Downcast was working just fine three
days ago!
> On 22 Jan 2014, at 12:05 am, Jesus Garcia wrote:
> Try the following see below.
> 1) Close Downcast
> 2) Open Terminal
> 3) Run this command in Terminal: defaults delete com.jamawkinaw.downcast.mac
Hi, Teresa,
Thanks for the tips. I’ve been following the iBooks discussions pretty closely
in anticipation of the upgrade, but I’ll definitely keep this in mind.
On Jan 21, 2014, at 10:48 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Hi, Donna,
> Just be aware that iBooks is a bit tricky. When
also an app called App Delete will clean up unwanted files associated with a
specific application being deleted. It works great and does not cost a lot.
On Jan 21, 2014, at 5:55 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> You don't need to interact, at least I never do. Deleting works normally,
> especially f
I thought this was an interesting post from Duxbury. ATIA is next week and in
their post they were plugging to preview DBT 11.2 and possibly DBT Mac. That's
right!!! I just said the magic words: DBT Mac. I hope they can pull it off and
have DBT mac ready for distribution. This would
hi Eric, as always well written.
I have to admit have not thought of that, but of course it is a given
that " special " products will be less and less needed.
if you mean that fewer and fewer computers are being sold, it is both
exciting and also scary. I for one wonder how i would connect my
Do you mean switching between applications? If so, cmd tab will do the trick.
If not, maybe I am not getting the question.
Daniel Hawkins
- Posted from my Macbook Pro
2012 15in. Macbook Pro
2.3 Quad-core i7
Dual Boot:
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
On Jan 21, 2014, at 6:20
I mostly use a mac, but was at a friend’s place the other day, they use windows
7 with NVDA, and it works great. Unless you are using a really nonstandard
application, I can’t see any reason to pay for these expensive screen readers
anymore, they simply are not needed.
On Jan 21, 2014, at 1:40 P
I was under the impression that hiding the Gmail All Mail folder in Mavericks
Mail causes all messages to reappear in the Inbox. Is this not the case?
On the other hand, there are different fingers.
On Jan 21, 2014, at 11:54 AM, David Chittenden wrote:
> Yes, the all mail folder can be
I saw that too and thought, wow! Cannot wait to hear more after this
event. I am curious to find out if MS Word will still be used or if this
version of DBT will work with the Apple version. If that be the case,
then I could pack up Windows, or better yet, break some windows (which I
Good Evening!
Recently, I have found list mail messages in my "Junk" mailbox. I want to mark
them as not junk, but can't seem to figure out how! I've only had this problem
since Mavericks. What am I missing?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
I believe that moving the message from your junk mailbox to your inbox will
change its status so that mail no longer marks it as junk.
David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Email: dchitten...@gmail.com
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone
> On 22 Jan 2014, at 15:40, Desi Noller wrote:
> Good E
Thanks David! That makes perfect sense to me! In fact, I did that with at
least one message, but haven't received any further messages from that person,
so am not sure that it worked. Thanks for letting me know I'm at least on the
right track!
On Jan 21, 2014, at 7:48 PM, David Chitt
That si the file I deleted and since then I can’t even get Downcast to open. I
have even uninstalled and reinstalled it, done a system repair and still
Downcast will not open the program quits upon launch and just asks if I want to
send an error report.
On Jan 21, 2014, at 7:05 PM, Jesus
Just tried saving a textedit doc into icloud with the filename of "this
is a really long file name to see if I get an error" and there was no
error. So I don't think iCloud has any 31 character file limits. The 31
character limit that I know of goes back to the days of MacOS 7 and the
HFS forma
If you have the file selected you can do a command-I to get info on the
file and the Size field will tell you how big it is. In general 10MB and
under should go through ok with most email providers. The internet
standards for MIME encoded attachments have no size limits but that
doesn't mean on
I'll try this too. What my sighted son recommended was to use the window
chooser (VO-F2 twice for us). The behavior of CMD-TAB relates to ALT-TAB on the
PC. However, when I used this keystroke it just cycled between the opened
applications and not the opened iText Express doc files. So, I'm
HI Tim,
Yes, and if in the situation you outline I enter text in B1 or C1 then the text
in A1 changes.
However, even though this has technically worked properly, and probably looks
fine to sighted people, it doesn't make a lot of sense to a VoiceOver user. If
I or another VoiceOver user comes
Hi Jürgen,
I wouldn't want to mislead you… :) There are a number of different ways to open
the context menu: VO-Shift-M, clicking the TrackPad with two fingers, holding
the control key and clicking the TrackPad with one finger, or even, I believe,
clicking with one finger on the right hand side
Just to add a few points…
I believe that if you deleted messages in your Sent mailbox that these messages
would actually be deleted, and would not still be found in All Mail. Although
the Sent mailbox is just a label, deleting a message with the Sent label would
remove the Sent label, apply the
Please, can somebody give a hand to start an FTP by terminal? I have some
instructions, but it says that I need to wright the FTP’s IP address and the
only thing I have is an FTP link, the address that one uses as a host on an FTP
Thank you very much for your help!
Daniela Ru
I have never experienced what you describe. I am running iOS version 7.04, on
an iPhone five.
David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Email: dchitten...@gmail.com
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone
> On 21 Jan 2014, at 20:57, Mike Busboom wrote:
> No, I haven't reported it yet and hadn't plann
I’ve found Mail to be much more snappy when I went to the Gmail website and
limited the number of messages to 1000. I realize that not everyone is willing
or able to do this, but I was, and aside from the occasional delayed syncing
issues, things are workable for me in Mail now.
"The Go
i dont know what happen to my mail. it seems like my mail are deleted, i check
my inbox and deleted folder and there's nothing in there. is this a possible
thing that happen to my account? or just somebody just hack my account? i did
even go to my gmail account and my mail is already gone.
Hi Daniel,
Normally to play youtube videos, you just press enter on the file. This wasn’t
working because my internet was down and once I connected my mac to my IPhone
using the phone as a wireless network or personal hotspot, the internet worked
again on my mac. :)
Hope you have a great day,
I have a 4S and this problem occurs whenever I try to send a message to a
contact that has more than one phone number in the contact entry.
On 21,Jan,2014, at 9:23 AM, David Chittenden wrote:
> I have never experienced what you describe. I am running iOS version 7.04, on
> an iPhone five.
me either, i am running an iphone 5 with 7.0.4 as well and have never seen
this issue at all.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:23 AM, David Chittenden wrote:
> I have never experienced what you describe. I am running iOS version 7.04, on
> an iPhone five.
> David Chittenden,
Hi all,
I decided to take advantage of the three-day weekend to finally upgrade to
Mavericks. Overall, I’m happy with the upgrade. Though I haven’t had much
time to look at iBooks, I’m looking forward to having it on my Mac, and I’m
pleased to see that some commands that didn’t work in ML hav
Hello again,
I find that in Mavericks, Ctrl-F does not activate MenuTab. I’ve looked in
System Prefs under keyboard, then Shortcuts, but am not seeing anything
pertaining to MenuTab. Can someone tell me what the new shortcut key is, and
also where I should have been looking for it?
The only possibilities from your end I can think of are: (a) make sure all your
contacts' phone numbers are correctly identified i.e.: a mobile phone doesn't
show as "home" etc; (b) if you are typing the beginning of the contact you want
in messages and then flicking through the choices, make su
It is whatever you set it to, in the preferences of Menutab. See if you can get
into its prefs from menu extras and check that you have it enabled. You might
find that the app is not launching at start up in which case control-f won't
work until it is launched. You can open it, then check this t
No nuance voices support pitch or intonation changes.
On 21 Jan 2014, at 12:41, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I decided to take advantage of the three-day weekend to finally upgrade to
> Mavericks. Overall, I’m happy with the upgrade. Though I haven’t had much
> time to loo
Hi all,
As part of my post-Mavericks installation explorations, I’ve come across
something that seems rather curious. I appear to have way too many copies of
my music folders. I see the first one under users. All of my album folders
are there, there is also an iTunes folder which contains a
Right, thanks. I didn’t change its startup status, so assumed it would open as
before. Off to work, now, but will check this later. Thanks.
On Jan 21, 2014, at 7:16 AM, David Taylor wrote:
> It is whatever you set it to, in the preferences of Menutab. See if you can
> get into its pref
Ah. I thought I had a vague recollection of seeing some postings to that
effect, but couldn’t remember for sure. Thanks for confirming.
On Jan 21, 2014, at 7:17 AM, David Taylor wrote:
> No nuance voices support pitch or intonation changes.
> Cheers
> Dave
> On 21 Jan 2014
Subject says it all.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email
to macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To post to this group, send ema
Just recently, every time I try to save a file in let’s say TextEdit, I get a
warning message that files with names longer than 31 characters cannot be saved
on this system/volume. It didn’t used to happen. Have I changed some settings
without knowing? If yes, where are they? Has anyon
from what he says it just enlarges the text he is working with but not the
On Jan 20, 2014, at 10:41 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> I've not played with it, as I'm a Voiceover user as well, but what
> about Zoom? I believe you can configure what it enlarges and when, and
> control th
I don’t think you have to keep both folders. You probably can delete them from
the users folder.
On Jan 21, 2014, at 7:21 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi all,
> As part of my post-Mavericks installation explorations, I’ve come across
> something that seems rather curious. I appear to have way
Hey Nicholas,
Bingo I think you hit the problem right on the head, as I just looked at this
all mail folder and there are 96,000 messages in it. What the heck is this
folder, as I looked and there are emails I deleted years ago. Is there a way to
manage this folder in any settings or get some s
Hey Teresa, I assume limiting the messages to 1000 in gmail affects all the
messages I have saved in specific folders? Ugh, that would definitely cause me
issues as at times I do have to search for old emails for work. Not sure what
this all mail folder is and if it was in mac mail in Mountain L
I am too a VO user. But what I heard from others that zoom does not do largeing
menues. But if you get zXoomtext that will do the trick.
Daniel Hawkins
- Posted from my Macbook Pro
2012 15in. Macbook Pro
2.3 Quad-core i7
Dual Boot:
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
On Jan 21,
I am too running IOS 7.0.4 on a 4s, and I’m not having that problem. I do find
that doing a factory restore helps the iphone at times when it get’s buggy.
When I Jailbroke my iPhone earlier this month, I crashed it and had to do a
factory restore. And that pretty much fixed a lot of problems I h
Hi guys, got a question. I haven't had any great luck with any of the free Ftp
clients as of yet, filezilla doesn't seem tow irk or maybe I'm missing
something on the setup, not sure, cyberduck might work but I can't seem to get
the download to work, but I am able to get into ftp using terminal.
Hello Andrew,
Are you, by any chance, trying to save to a USB stick or external drive
formatted as FAT32? That would explain your problem.
On 21 Jan 2014, at 14:51, Andrew Lamanche wrote:
> Listers,
> Just recently, every time I try to save a file in let’s say TextEdit, I ge
When installing the stand-alone Flash Player, use the tab key and spacebar, no
VO keys. Tab to move and spacebar to activate buttons.
Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada
On Jan 20, 2014, at 1:13 PM, Ronald van Rhijn wrote:
> Hi,
> Last time I installed the standalone Flash
I know that you can do a dir /w for wide i think. You go to the
directory by doing cd "directoryname". For example, "cd Angela".
On 01/21/2014 08:31, Tim Emmons wrote:
Hi guys, got a question. I haven't had any great luck with any of the free Ftp
clients as of yet, filezilla doesn't seem tow
Hi Anne and Nic,
thank you very much for your help. It worked fine. Interestengly enough it
seems to me there are different context menues. The way I knew to open the
context menue was to turn trackpad commander off and click with two fingers at
the same time. I assumed it's the same context me
Hi Nick,
I think that VO is just having a hard time determining what you’ve done. I
believe that your merge actually worked. If I merge cells A1 through C1, enter
some text in the merged cells, then B1 and C1 will say that they are empty as
you’ve noted. But if you navigate right once to the
Does anyone have a go to guide on what should be running and what you might be
able to quit in the activity monitor to get your mac running better? I noticed
my mail was only running at 211MB so that sounds normal, but honestly I have no
clue what any of this info means to me in activity monitor
Hi Nick,
To delete a Table in Numbers, Interact with the Sheet area, navigate to the
Table you wish to remove and press Option-delete on it. You cannot remove the
last Table, there must be at least one in your Sheet area.
Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada
On Jan 20, 2014, at 11:15
right. The basics are cd to change directory into the one you want, ls
to list the contents of a directory and get Filename to transfer a
filename from the remote machine to the directory you were in when you
started the ftp command. If you are in a folder but want to move back up
to the parent
Is Readkit free? I also have NewsIsy, but i am not sure what my sync options
are set to. Looks like I’m playing around with it today. Thanks!
Daniel Hawkins
- Posted from my Macbook Pro
2012 15in. Macbook Pro
2.3 Quad-core i7
Dual Boot:
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
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