I'm going to chime in on this.
as you're not yet a mac user, please don't go by one lack of access to a
particular application, there are plenty of backup applications availlable
which can do the job, as well as time machine already built in to OS X as well
as simple disk cloning where necessar
I've been using ABBYY FineReader Express and find it meets most all of my needs.
On Apr 2, 2012, at 10:35 PM, Jim Gatteys wrote:
> Hi all!
> Has anybody used Abby fine reader express for the mac? I just downloaded a
> trial version and it was much better than a few years ago. It worked with my
My experience with carbonite is that it actually is fairly accessible. ONe
issue I do have, is when I attempt to look at my backup, I can't drill down
into my backup, like I can any folder that has sub-folders in finder, I seem
to get taken back to the top level of my backup when attempti
Hi guys
It's interesting that you should say that you had been able to use Carbonite
just fine. I tried to use Carbonite back in the days when I was using Windows.
I couldn't get it to work completely withdraws. Also, I did not have good luck
with their customer service. I called them and the cu
Isn't there a pro version for Abby fine reader question
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 3, 2012, at 3:26 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
> I've been using ABBYY FineReader Express and find it meets most all of my
> needs.
> On Apr 2, 2012, at 10:35 PM, Jim Gatteys wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> Ha
no. the only version coded for the mac is express. that's how it's been for a
while now.
it would be handy if there was a pro version for mac offering a few extra bells
and whistles, etc but hey, that's how it is.
On 3 Apr 2012, at 10:27, Gigi wrote:
> Isn't there a pro version for Abby f
Hi guys
It really bothers me that a company that makes specialized software would make
a remark about not doing software for us totally blind folks because they
couldn't make any money on it. First of all, I have a real problem that there
is a special software for the totally blind folks, and an
$99 I Believe but not sure about that price but its a quick download and does a
good basic job from my perspective.
On Apr 2, 2012, at 10:46 PM, David Tanner wrote:
> And, I bet it is a lot cheaper too.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
My understanding is that there is only the express version for the mac.
On Apr 3, 2012, at 4:27 AM, Gigi wrote:
> Isn't there a pro version for Abby fine reader question
> Regards
> Gigi
Chat with me on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jimintexas
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimintexa
Hello All:
A friend of mine just purchased a macbook pro and he did not selected to use a
password at startup. How ever, when using the battery, and the computer enters
in suspension mode if he doesn't touch any key in 2 minutes, the system asks
for a password. If he presses enter all is back to
I believe you can get a scanner and the Abby Fine Reader as a package from the
Apple store as I may do alomg with a printer when finances allow but not sure
Just another prospective.
I do uxe Kurzweil what ever version it is at work as they use windows vut its
slow! May be it would be sl
Have they got that thing to where it will process OCR directly on the host mac?
I don't want to be sending my business documents off to a cloud for
processing, and I don't necessarily want to recommend something to clients that
relies on an internet connection for processing.
Erik Burgg
Jim, I have a hovercam on order and will be testing it with fine reader express
in the next three weeks.
Erik Burggraaf
Currently on ebony promos: Ebony consulting on android accessibility, New drive
imaging services available. To read more and subscribe, visit
Well, it all depends.
They are down to about 3 grand for a really good 40 cell, and there are some
32's for a few hundred cheeper. Or you could go with a refreshabraille 18 for
under 2 grand. These prices are still a bit extreme, but they are half what
they were even 3 years ago. Change is c
Thank you CJ. I really do appreciate you checking this out for me.
Have a wonderful day and God Bless.
On Apr 2, 2012, at 5:41 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
> Mark,
> Unfortunately, the NIV doesn't seem to be available. Eloquent is powered by
> the Sword Project. The Sword Project is a cross
I have a storage card that has files copied from and to my PacMate. I want to
copy the files to the Mac, but it won't let me copy any brf files from this
storage card. I took the ones off it complained about, but it keeps finding
more brf files it doesn't like. I don't reallyn need the brf files
Hello David.
I completely agree with you.
The only way I was able to afford my new products is because I was able to turn
my Apple skills into a marketable business product.
On Apr 2, 2012, at 9:13 PM, James Mannion wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> I envy you acquiring the braille display especially.
So in other words, you can not play back midi tracks using your own external
synthesizer connected to a midi port.
Well, that's unfortunate.
On Apr 3, 2012, at 3:42 AM, Ed Worrell wrote:
> You can use the included voices in garageband, and then switch them to see
> what they would
the design behind garageband is only a software instrument user interface and
not a fully fledged midi audio workstation interface. Garageband is limited in
it's usage and is designed for the user learning to produce music at a basic
level or for work linked to iphoto and imovie audio procesing
Morning listers,
I am looking for an accessible software to learn Spanish.
Do you have any experience?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
To unsu
the main applications like rosetta stone are not accessible to blind users
using any screen reader because of the very nature of their application
environment being graphical and audible.
On 3 Apr 2012, at 14:23, Emrah wrote:
> Morning listers,
> I am looking for an accessible software
I use Carbonite on my Mac, have done since owning a Mac, circa October 2010. I
have it on all three of my Mac's.
The icon for it at the top of the screen near to the clock is, as others have
said, inaccessible.
However, it is easily accessed through the System Preferences menus. Given you
I would love this information also.
I tried a free version of Rosetta Stone and it is totally visual.
If you have another way to learn spanish that is auditory I would also love to
know what it is so I could start learning myself.
That was a wonderful question.
Jenny and my goofy g
Hello, thanks for your message and your always valuable information.
So then, do you think that is doable a combination of GarageBand and Logic pro
for some good recording production on the Mac?
I understand that Logic is not very accessible right now, but will at least I
be able to do some basi
You and Me both.
Becky and Ceily
On Apr 3, 2012, at 10:19 AM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
> Hello,
> I would love this information also.
> I tried a free version of Rosetta Stone and it is totally visual.
> If you have another way to learn spanish that is auditory I would also love
> to
Hello Daniela,
There's a check box in the Security & Privacy pane of System Preferences for
Require password after sleep or screen saver. Also, the delay before sleep may
be set too short.
On 3 Apr 2012, at 12:30, Daniela Rubio wrote:
> Hello All:
> A friend of mine just purcha
Has anyone had much luck in terms of accessibility with the Pimmsler line of
language products?
Brian M
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Becky Knaub
> Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2012 11:22 AM
> To: macvis
It was so hidden! Thank you so much, now it is solved!
We always learn something new, even if wi think that we know a lot!
> Cheers
EN TWITTER: @macneticos
sadly, logic pro 9 is not bind friendly. as I stated this in a post some months
ago, I won't go into the why's and wherefores of it all. to make logic blind
friendly, it requires a major rewrite of all plugins, the main arrange window,
mixer and more.
your best option is to examine protools 10
Cool Erik, let me know how that goes. I'd love to have one of those.
On Apr 3, 2012, at 6:41 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Jim, I have a hovercam on order and will be testing it with fine reader
> express in the next three weeks.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Currently on ebony promos: Ebo
Its anonymous, Apple are not probing your computer, they are probing a
computer. There is in law, a difference.
Your example of what you were doing can cause issues legally as cookies and
other such internet based tools collect data which is personally identifiable
Neil Barnf
In this Tech Doctor podcast, Robert makes a virtual trip to Australia where he
catches up with the professional musician and access technology specialist,
Scott Erichsen.
Scott tells us about his formal training as a jazz pianist. He describes how
having perfect pitch has helped him to quickly
There is a difference between the people who develop the kurzweil product and
the management of the parent company of which the kesi developers are a very
small part. That's the problem with big companies. If you're a small market,
you get what they give you and have no leverage. Small companie
DId you solve your mail problem? As far as I know the all mail folder is not
something ou can delete messages from. It is a folder that keeps track of all
your messages in all folders
If you want write on or off list with more specific folder problems you are
When in list view and entering select mode I would love vo to say selected
before telling me the name of last item. e.g. in mail if I select a message it
reads the message headers and then says selected. Is there a way to get vo to
do this?
Please check out my cd on www.i
I would actually like the same info, but for French as well.
On Apr 3, 2012, at 7:19 AM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
I would love this information also.
I tried a free version of Rosetta Stone and it is totally visual.
If you have another way to learn spanish that is auditory I would also
Hi all,
Today, something really weird happened on my Mac.
I use Windows with the help of Bootcamp on my Mac.
So, today, when I selected and opened Windows, everything went through
as usual, but when I pressed enter (return) on a couple of occasions
to open the desktop screen, it did open as usual,
Hi all,
I previously mentioned that I was having trouble reordering tracks in custom
playlist in iTunes. I called accessibility and they could not find a way to
drag the songs around. I have the personal email of adviser and he asked me to
get back if I find a way to get it to work and keep him
Well, I'm not sure it would pass the 'yuck' test for many people if they
found out Apple was identifying their disability by probing their device
and not asking permission. Personally identifiable or not. In the states
the FTC just put out
Hello Fello listers
I am looking for an office sweet for mac that works with VO. I had open
office and Lebre Office, but since I upgraded to Lion it doesn't work any
more. I found something called NeoOffice. Does this work with VO? I am open
to suggestions as there might be something out there
Hello all! I am new to this list, and thought that I would chip in
with my solution to the "headless mac connundrem". Tell me what you
For anyone still trying to find good ways to use a Mac without a
display and not have it get sluggish, I've hit upon something new that
might work for you, t
well done on this very well planed article.
These products actually exist as stock items in certain companies as VGA
I've been in the electronics game for a bit and very used to soldering and
desoldering without sight. it's a fine art and a steady hand. I find the trick
of first
Glad to hear it all worked out. My original message from 2009 (yes, this
is not a recent problem) is here:
where I list a couple of sources for dummy plugs and, oddly enough, the
same soerennielsen.dk address. I guess th
Hello group; i finally managed to purchase a new macbook pro to replace my
four year old macbook. I'm enjoying it greatly, but now i found out for sure
that lion and cute ftp don't play nice. so, could someone suggest a cheap if
not free ftp client that is easy to use. I don't want a lot of
If you don't mind using the command line there is a perfectly good ftp
and sftp built into the unix terminal side of OSX.
On 4/3/12 3:49 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:
Hello group; i finally managed to purchase a new macbook pro to replace my
four year old macbook. I'm enjoying it greatly, but
hi chris; i don't know the first thing about command line. i don't even know
where that is on here. thanks, max
On Apr 3, 2012, at 2:52 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> If you don't mind using the command line there is a perfectly good ftp and
> sftp built into the unix terminal side of OSX.
> CB
forgive my innocent nose...but does vo work with the terminal / port
programs, or would one need another screen reader?
sort of tie this question to the one producing pine wisdom before.
Karen's nose
On Tue, 3 Apr 2012, Chris Blouch wrote:
If you don't mind using the command line there is a pe
Try Transmit. I used to use it with VO although I haven't tried for a while.
You should be able to locate it on the VersionTracker site at
On 2012-04-03, at 1:49 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:
> Hello group; i finally managed to purchase a new macbook pro to replace
I haven't done as much editing with VO and pine or vi so others might
answer that, but the command line is generally usable with voiceover.
As far as ftp, you can probably find generic documentation all over the
internet but generally you do
ftp some.ftp.site.com
and the do the username pass
Does Saphari not handle FTP like IE does?
On 4/3/12, Chris Blouch wrote:
> I haven't done as much editing with VO and pine or vi so others might
> answer that, but the command line is generally usable with voiceover.
> As far as ftp, you can probably find generic documentation all over the
> i
Hello listers,
What is the apple accessibility telephone number
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
It's been a while since I did FTP inside IE but I suspect not. In Safari
it will mount a simulated disk drive on your desktop with the contents
of the FTP site in read-only form there. So you can goto, say,
ftp://ftp.mozilla.org and login as guest which will then put a drive on
your desktop cal
It's 1-877-2043930
Ricardo Walker
On Apr 3, 2012, at 5:02 PM, Walter Harper wrote:
> Hello listers,
> What is the apple accessibility telephone number
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed
I used to use Transmit to log into and make changes to my website. The
password at that time was a series of random letters and numbers that never got
changed, because I no longer know how to contact the person who set it up.
I just bought Transmit and attempted to log into my FTP site with tha
Hello Scott,
The Pearl with OpenBook is the most amazing thing I have ever seen (no pun
I will use BootCamp on my Mac, then.
Thank you,
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Scott Erichsen
Mark, it's too bad you hadn't looked into this before you bought the pearl. I
teach both eyepal and pearl, and while I like the look of the pearl better, the
eyepal does at least as good a job with no duel booting required.
It's just awfully tough to justify the price tag of the eyepal after th
Depends a lot on what video codec they use. Most modern macs have GPU
hardware which can decode h.264 (mpeg4) HD video without breaking a
sweat. Of course any other codec will just pound on the main CPU to do
the job. So maybe the Netflix videos are no h.264 or the neflix app
bypasses the regul
Thanks Neil, that sounds good. Are you able to restore an individual file?
Original Message
Subject: Re: No Carbonite on the Mac
From: Neil Barnfather - TalkNav
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2012 14:42:00 +0100
I use Carbonite on my Mac, have done
Can you run the IPal independently of the Mac and if you want to put anything
the mac afterwards what do you do?
On 3 Apr 2012, at 10:35 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Mark, it's too bad you hadn't looked into this before you bought the pearl.
> I teach both eyepal and pearl, and while I like
Some very good points. Thank you, David.
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of David Tanner
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 5:31 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: A Question Regarding OCR
Lew, Carbonite backs up data off site. This is what I need.
Original Message
Subject: Re: No Carbonite on the Mac
From: Lewis Alexander
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2012 08:27:35 +0100
I'm going to chime in on this.
as you're not yet a mac user,
Curious what throughput you get. I just bought the smallest cheapest
drobo with a single 3TB drive and got about 35 MB/s throughput, which
seems kinda slow but was good enough for my home media setup. I'll add
another drive when I can fit it into the budget so the thing stops
pestering me with
The eyepal is a camera on a monopod that plugs into the computer just like the
pearl. Everything is saved directly on the computer and no transferring
required. It's both mac and windows compatible. There are some qwerks in it,
but overall I think it's a good product. I like the pearl camera
BTW, I just got a software update to Java SE 6 1.6.0_31 which is the
latest, so you should be all up to snuff if you just run the standard
OSX software updater.
On 3/30/12 12:18 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
The Java version in OSX isn't horribly old. When I do
java -version
it says (among oth
You should be able to get this out of the whois database for your
domain. You can use the URL
and just edit the end part to take out apple.com and put in your own.
On 4/3/12 5:23 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
I used to use Transm
Well, thanks for that; I found my domain hosted on WildWestDomains. Since it
was provided to me, I'm not sure how happy they're going to be to hear from me.
• Mark BurningHawk Baxter
• AIM, Skype and Twitter: BurningHawk1969
• MSN: burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
• My home page:
• http:/
I didn't see an answer to this question. Did you mean .wmv since you are
talking about video? .wma is an audio format. That said, assuming you
meant .wmv, you can convert after the fact using QuickTime Pro which
lets you open a video file and SaveAs .wmv format. Hope this helps.
On 3/7/12
Is it expensive do you know and where can I get it from?
On 3 Apr 2012, at 10:48 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> The eyepal is a camera on a monopod that plugs into the computer just like
> the pearl. Everything is saved directly on the computer and no transferring
> required. It's both mac and
I thought the IPal was a full computer in of itself. I thought it was one of
those like the GW Small Talk or OQO with a camera built in. I might be thinking
of a different one, but if this was the same one, isn't the computer irrelevant
besides transferring saved files?
- Original Message
There are two models; a stand alone model and a model that is based on a
digital camera attached to your computer and the EyePal software in your
Windows or Apple computer.
- Original Message -
From: Brent Harding
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2
Why shouldn't they want to make money? Its a company, not a not for profit
agency after all. The people that work there can't feed themselves on the
gratitude of blind people. Now, should they price gouge? Of course not. But
to admit you want to make money is no bad thing in my eyes.
I understand where you are coming from, but it is good to see that there are
some displays starting to come down to a somewhat more reasonable price.
For example, the Braille PPen with 12 cells for $999 is not a bad price even
though it only has 12 cells. The new 16 cell display and basic notet
I get your point but, how does using voiceover identify your disability? I
mean, you could have a print impaired or be blind after all. Thats like saying
opening garageband makes you a musician. :)
Ricardo Walker
True, but there is a high probability that if you have VO running you
probably are visually impaired. Likewise my previous test of MSAA being
in use on a machine also does not guarantee the user was running a
screen reader or even had a disability, but it didn't pass the sniff
test. I have know
Hi all,
For sale is my black 16 gb iPhone 4 which came out last feburary. I just
purchased the iPhone 4s and no longer want this phone. This phone is in mint
condition, and has always been in the odderbox case. If someone wants to make
me an offer feel free.
You received this message
Hello all:
I have just received an invitation from a very important an mexican institution
to give a talk on Apple's accessibility solutions. I know what I would like to
say, but I am missing support materials, like keynotes, videos, etc which can
help to illustrate my talk.
The conference will
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