True, but there is a high probability that if you have VO running you probably are visually impaired. Likewise my previous test of MSAA being in use on a machine also does not guarantee the user was running a screen reader or even had a disability, but it didn't pass the sniff test. I have know people with no visual impairments using vo to read documents to them while they drive, so while it's not as universally useful as curb cuts turned out to be, there are some who discover vo on their phones and such and find additional applications for the technology.


On 4/3/12 10:12 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

I get your point but, how does using voiceover identify your disability?  I 
mean, you could have a print impaired or be blind after all.  Thats like saying 
opening garageband makes you a musician. :)

Ricardo Walker

On Apr 3, 2012, at 2:34 PM, Chris Blouch<>  wrote:

Well, I'm not sure it would pass the 'yuck' test for many people if they found 
out Apple was identifying their disability by probing their device and not 
asking permission. Personally identifiable or not. In the states the FTC just 
put out

which seems to imply the mere act of collecting data about a user without 
permission is verboten. In Europe privacy is considered a human right and so 
the rules around what you can gather without asking is even narrower. But this 
is straying far from the topic of all things Apple :)


On 4/3/12 12:10 PM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:

Its anonymous, Apple are not probing your computer, they are probing a 
computer. There is in law, a difference.

Your example of what you were doing can cause issues legally as cookies and 
other such internet based tools collect data which is personally identifiable


Neil Barnfather

Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

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Phone: - +44  844 999 4199

On 2 Apr 2012, at 20:05, Chris Blouch wrote:

I think if it came out that Apple was probing your system to figure out if you 
are using assistive technology (which probably means you have a disability) and 
did this without asking you first, the press and various advocate organizations 
would have a field day around violation of personal privacy. But, I'm not a 
lawyer and, in this case, it's all conjecture. I do know that I was contacted 
by some folks from a large web advertising company about my coding an MSAA 
detector on web browsers. It eventually got shot down by their privacy folks 
for the aforementioned reason. So my opinion is not without some basis.


On 4/2/12 2:57 PM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:

Its anonymously collected, so would breach no privacy laws, none that I know 

I honestly and firmly believe that they would collect this data. Why on Earth 
wouldn't they?


Neil Barnfather

Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

URL: -
e-mail: -
Phone: - +44  844 999 4199

On 2 Apr 2012, at 16:46, Chris Blouch wrote:

I suspect doing this in today's heightened awareness of consumer tracking and 
privacy, probing people's machines to discover if they were using voiceover 
would be full of legal landmines. Many do not want to self-identify as having a 
disability or have that info pried out of their system config and a company 
that did that secretly or otherwise would probably have a PR mess once it was 
found out.


On 3/31/12 8:42 AM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
this has just triggered an idea and if there's anyone on list working for 
apple, an apple developer or beta tester, here's the idea.

so that apple is more aware of who has purchased a mac, whenever you purchase a 
new mac, start up and register your mac, you should  be able to fill in a 
questionnaire stating it's use, etc and if so include the option for disabled 
users including blind users. this way, each purchased system, or operating 
system or application supplied by apple logs details of blind users, so it 
gives apple a greater area of support to push for changes in voiceover and app 

just a thought on this.


On 31 Mar 2012, at 10:53, Scott Howell wrote:


True and we also must remember that Apple is not able to track each time a 
blind/visually impaired user purchases a Mac because they aren't ordering it 
from a company that sells products to that community. YOu are buying your Mac 
from the Apple store etc. So, although APple has a pretty good idea of the 
number of VoiceOver users, they probably do not know the exact to the last 
person number. So, Apple does listen even if you think at times they are not.

On Mar 30, 2012, at 11:02 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

I really can't argue with that.  selecting text on the web is quite a chore on 
the Mac.  I think Safari, and lack of accessibility or efficiency of a office 
suite for power users of such applications is the Macs greatest weakness at 
this point in comparison to jaws with windows.  But progress is being made.  If 
anyone has used safari with tiger or leopard, and compared that to snow leopard 
or Lion, they would see what I mean. lol.  Or, even iWorks 2008 which was 
completely inaccessible, to iWorks 2009 which has some accessibility.  That's 
why I urge everyone to write Apple sharing some of your thoughts in regards to 
topics like this.  How else can we honestly expect Voiceover to improve without 
feedback.  It doesn't matter how small, or insignificant the idea or complaint 
might be.  Its been my experience that its the little things like adding a 
keystroke to check the time that really can enhance the user experience of a 

Ricardo Walker

On Mar 30, 2012, at 7:59 PM, Ioana Gandrabur<>     wrote:

HI there,

I am going to create some controversy probably with my post.

I think the mac has some amazing features like being able to use the trackpad, 
having easy access to many different languages, using any mac you encounter on 
equal footing, having a  stable system, etc.

I will say that there are enough areas where I find windows (in my case with 
jaws) easier to use or more smooth, consistent to use

I have not used other browsers than safari and I find that when pages contain 
frames it is harder to find relevant information on a page, especially when you 
do not know the page yet. When you do, it gets faster. I also find selecting 
text on webpages much more intricate and less reliable
I do not need my computer for much other than browsing and emails and from time 
to time creating some more official letters so these differences do not affect 
me and I can fully enjoy the cool fun sides of the mac like the variety in 
voices. But I find sometimes I am more efficient on the  pc. It might be that I 
am still new to the mac (about 5 months) but I guess maybe this side of things 
is worth putting out for discussion.
But, after all, you can still install windows on your mac and get the best of 
both worlds. I do not have a pc and do not have a windows version to install on 
my mac so it was swim or sink with the mac for me. I think I have not drowned 
yet and am enjoying the swim despite  the hurdles.

Hope this helps a bit.


Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 

On Mar 30, 2012, at 10:05 AM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:

Hello there,

It's funny you mention flash because one of my big questions is
browsing the web. I use sites like facebook, gmail, etc... on a
regular basis and was wondering how easy/difficult they are to use
with a Mac and VO -- I know facebook is a pain to navigate through
with jaws on my PC sometimes. What web browser do people mostly use,
safari? Also, I use twitter but have the qwitter client on my PC... is
there any program for the Mac that is similar?

I'd be very grateful for any info on these topics. Thanks in advance!


On 3/29/12, Gigi<>     wrote:
Hi Mark
I would like to say that the two biggest problems, and it's not a problem
for everybody, our tables and PDF files if you need to fill out forms. I
have gotten around this by telling one of my customers that tables were not
an option right now. That is a choice I had. Not everybody has that choice
of course. Ask for PDF files, I'll just have to use my vista computer when I
absolutely have to. Actually, I gave it to my husband.
Some people have said that there is a problem with flash also, but I haven't
had much trouble with that.
Regards Gigi

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 28, 2012, at 10:12 AM, Marc Rocheleau<>

Hey all,

I'm a transplant from the viphone list here and this is my first post
to MacVisionaries... be gentle.

In the same way I used that list to educate myself before purchasing
an iPhone, I'm hoping to learn some stuff about the Mac here since I'm
thinking of making the jump. Seeing as how I have the iPhone 4, plan
on getting the next iPhone that's released in the fall and own an
Apple TV, I figured it made sense to migrate to the Mac... or at least
entertain the possibility. I live in Ontario and, thanks to the
assistive devices program, 75% of a new computer is covered every five
years for those with accessibility needs.

They recently started covering Apple products and my five years is up
this fall so I was thinking of taking full advantage of this.

With that being said, I have a variety of different questions to ask
on here. I just wanted to know what the best way to go about it was.
They cover a wide range of topics and I don't want to spam the list.
On the other side however, putting them all in one e-mail would
probably deter people from viewing certain questions they could answer
because of other questions.

So erm... I guess I'm asking what standard practice is around here for
such things. I bet you guys get the same questions from new comers all
the time so I don't want to be repetitive either.

Thanks for any advice you can lend and I look forward to learning
about the wonderful world of Mac! :)


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