Personally, I'm fond of RipIt. It does a great job. You can choose to rip the
disc into an image file or mp4 files. Because I prefer the Xvid avi format to
the mp4 format, I then use iSkysoft iMedia Converter to turn a ripped disc into
avi files. The only part of iMedia Converter that isn't acce
Hiya mate.
Not sure about maximising windows, but you can move windows with vo
accent. Accent being the key between z and shift.
Eric Brinkman wrote:
> Since I have some limited vision, I like being able to see the web
> pages I view, and I see best when they take up the entire screen. On
With Handbreak, what I found to be good, is if you save the settings
you prefer to a preset, then you can apply that to each title, then,
press command shift e I think it is, to add it to the queue. When
you've done this for all the titles, you then rip with command + enter
I think.
Not sure if I'
I've downloaded and tested an app for audio and midi editing that is cross
platform between Windows and Mac called Reaper. It looks promising, exept that
you can't read the tools in the toolbar nor times, meters and the like, but at
least some times you can actually play and manipulate so
hi i live in the us and when accessing i go to the radio link and
safari crashes
is there any alternative to listen to the bbc channels on the mac
i'm using a macbook
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To post to
Hi all!
Someone in a earlier post in another thread talking about the main fb site,
changed the site to group instead of dom!
They said they found fb to nav that way!
Also they suggested to get rid of as many apps on fb and other stuff to make
it less cluttered!
All the best
Hi all,
Anyone know what the differences are between the free and paid versions of this
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Hi all,
I've been experimenting with using this app and getting really lousy results.
I'm hearing things like menu, options, Gestures, on the phone, but every time I
try to select one of these I end up selecting some random movie on our Apple
TV. I can't deselect it, or go back to view a list
Yes. The free version only allows you to identify ten songs a month. I believe
that includes failures. So if you search for a song and can't identify it, that
may or may not count as an ID. The unlimited version allows you to identify as
many songs as you want.
On Mar 6, 2011, at 8:24
Oh, that's an important difference. thanks, Rose.
On Mar 6, 2011, at 8:58 AM, Rose Morales wrote:
> Yes. The free version only allows you to identify ten songs a month. I
> believe that includes failures. So if you search for a song and can't
> identify it, that may or may not count as an
Personally I'm not sure why anyone would bother with the Apple TV app when
the remote that comes with the Apple TV works just great, and is fully
Plus it looks really cool!
Brian Miller
-Original Message-
It is really cool. But there are some things that you would think would be
faster, like entering in search text for example.
On Mar 6, 2011, at 9:19 AM, Brian Miller wrote:
> Personally I'm not sure why anyone would bother with the Apple TV app when
> the remote that comes with the Apple T
Hello Chad,
The following suggestions came from a December 2010 thread on the Mac-Access
mailing list, which is based in the UK. Users were experiencing the same issues
you are seeing. Disclaimers: 1, I have not tried this myself. 2, these are
suggestions for UK Users, and I have no idea if the
We're assuming they will do Braille. That'd be neat, *if* they can pull it off
and *if* Braille display makers don't push them out of the market by constantly
On Mar 5, 2011, at 11:07 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Yeah don't forget it's thinner. When haptics comes out think of the sc
I love the remote app for the iPhone. When navigating the Apple TV
menus, I get the best results if I turn VO off on my phone. That
makes moving around the TV screen much easier. When I'm using the app
I really only turn VO on the phone on when I'm typing. I really have
no use for the included
Interesting. Would you be willing to talk more off-list? My gestures weren't
working in the way that I had anticipated, but maybe that's because I had VO on.
On Mar 6, 2011, at 11:08 AM, Eric Brinkman wrote:
> I love the remote app for the iPhone. When navigating the Apple TV
> men
Hi guys:
I'm stumped. I'm receiving the messages from this list just fine on both my
Macbook pro and the dell. I am also receiving the messages from the ViPhone
group on the pc but not with the mac. I set up both a label and a Google
filter to help, but for some reason, they're not making i
Hi Eric:
I'm not familiar with a trade-in site. But, I'd be more inclined to talk with
someone at your nearest Apple store if there's one available. I've found them
pretty receptive to keeping their customers happy, and it might be a safer way
to do what you want to do.
Anyway, it's worth a tr
Krister how about a url to download the app.
On Mar 6, 2011, at 2:47 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> Hello,
> I've downloaded and tested an app for audio and midi editing that is cross
> platform between Windows and Mac called Reaper. It looks promising, exept
> that you can't read the tools in th
6 mar 2011 kl. 19.41 skrev louie:
> Krister how about a url to download the app.
I don't know the exact download link but you can get the latest Reaper for the
Mac at
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> Krister,
Thanks I will check it out.
On Mar 6, 2011, at 10:48 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> 6 mar 2011 kl. 19.41 skrev louie:
>> Krister how about a url to download the app.
> I don't know the exact download link but you can get the latest Reaper for
> the Mac at
Hello folks,
I've been off the list for a while, having no problems until yesterday.
I was attempting to send a message, had the recipients's email address wrong
and at some point it said it couldn't send from my server and asked if I wanted
to try another server (or that is the best I can reca
Please leave this on list. I haven't managed to get it working either.
On 2011-03-06, at 11:51 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Interesting. Would you be willing to talk more off-list? My gestures
> weren't working in the way that I had anticipated, but maybe that's because I
> had VO on.
> Best,
Hi everyone, thanks for your help, I knew the Mac Visionaries would know. Ok I
will try this, I knew I still had to understand the play and insertion heads.
Yes as with begin/end markers, Amadeus uses different concepts than some other
editors. I used to use Goldwave in Windows too. Amadeus defi
When I open the remote app on the iPhone, I wait until I hear VO on
the Apple TV and then I use tripple-click home to turn off VO on the
phone. When the remote app is open on the phone, there are three
buttons on the bottom. From left to right they are option (which I
pretty much never use), menu
don't use the aline stuff that is given in the podcast instead drop a marker
with the p key while it is playing and a p at the end of the selection then
navigate to the first marker with option arrows with the file stopped. you
will need to play some of the file to know where you are. then hit
Hi folks.
Can some one here tell me something about what makes the iPad
essential for blind users?
I mean, we don't need to see the larger screen wich can be great for
those partially sighted.
So therefor we can get the same out of the iPhone or iPod Touch.
I don't know if I'm right or wrong in thi
Yes I agree. I will admit I have an ipad, but I most often will use my ipod or
iphone if I need to do something on either of them. all though I do like the
ipad over the ipod or iphone for the news apps, by the way I forgot to say I am
a total I have no sight other then a little light in my righ
well, magnification users might get along better with the ipad. but i guess
you could ask the question, why would any one want the ipad? i mean the itouch
and the iphone have better hardware in them although the ipad is catching up.
they're smaller and easier to cary around. the battery life
I got to play with an iPhone briefly and have ben able to compare that
experience with my iPad.
I find navigating the screen to be much easier with the extra space. I always
felt like my fingers were cramped on the iPhone screen. You can type much more
easily on the iPad too, in portrait
Hi all,
I found a rtf-epub convertor.
Ik would like to convert rtf to pub so that I can read more comfortable
documents on my iphone.
I would like to make conversions with a lot of files at the same time.
So, I was looking on the internet and fount:
I have made it executable a
hello to all. How does one access the settings prefs? I tap that and nothing
happens. I've tap tap held but nothing happens. I've triple tapped and
nothing. So how do I use this app? I set up my favorite places but now I can't
find a way to remove them as I click edit and all there is is the se
One other thing I forgot to mention, is that the 13 inch air also has a SD card
slot and the 11 inch air does not.
On Mar 5, 2011, at 6:54 PM, Kaare Dehard wrote:
> I think that the refresh of the air was done last month, and they don't
> really sem to release new products in cycles sho
I think you'll really enjoy it. Let me know if you have any questions about it.
On Mar 5, 2011, at 5:50 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:
> Neil,
> For once, I agree with you 100%. Usually you and I are on opposite sides of
> the table!
> this is exactly the Air I plan to obtain later this year. Pr
I think it will depend upon the app. For example and this is probably not the
best example, but it comes to mind immediately. For games such as chess, the
larger area would be very helpful. Web browsing provides more room to navigate
and thus more info is displayed. THe brief play I had a while
Nothing makes the iPad essential to blind users, but it is a viable
alternative. Many say they like the situation of having all the apps
and functions on one device. that works fine until the phone rings, and
many times whatever ap you were working with is termainatted, and will
need to be re
Cheree Heppe here:
If the I-touch is like an IPhone, the smaller screen can help with navigation.
I havve an IPad and like it. I like it because I can air print and work on
I may be able to do this on the IPhone, but I get through tech advancements a
lot like molasses in January an
Cheree Heppe here:
Yah, I'm seriously plugged in, too.
I would feel as if I got thrown back to the Stone Age if I couldn't access my
There's extreme for you.
Cheree Heppe
- Original Message -
From: "Scott Howell"
Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2011 14:36
Subject: Re
I am a new comer to the Mac and am still finding my way around. Please advise
me as to how I can go from say, page 5 if there is 1 of 30 page in the PDF
Thank you.
Cheok Cheng Ann
You received this message because you ar
Hi David,
You might consider joining the viphone mailing list if you haven't already done
so. It's another google group with some of the same members and mods as this
group, but it focusses more specifically on the i-devices. This question seems
to come up frequently on the viphone list and the
Actually there's another group with less traffic but the members are
fantabulous. Look up the AIPhones group. they are the best thing since sliced
bread lol!
On Mar 6, 2011, at 5:26 PM, Bryan Jones wrote:
> Hi David,
> You might consider joining the viphone mailing list if you haven't alrea
On several occasions, I've tried to access Mobile ME and in all cases, Safari
is reported to be busy. I want to set up an account, and I went to, and still get the Safari Busy message. It may say ready, but
goes back to saying busy when I try to navigate the initial screen. Wha
Have you tried restarting voice over to see if that helps?
Sarah Alawami
If you need an edit done on a small project go to for more info. If you need to contact me my info
is below.
MSN and AIM:
Podcast: htt
Hey there
Thanks for that info, I had no idea.
Very much appreciated and I'll bear it in mind.
On 2011-03-02, at 5:38 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
> Actually, lets discuss this a little there are some interesting points here.
> The largest limiter is spectrum. Each tower only has so much band
Hi there.
In app zapper, press command o when you open the program. As in any open
diologue, navigate to the applications folder, using the file browser usually
works best for me, and go to the program you want to get rid of.
Now stop interacting with everything (if you were), go to the open but
This is just what I've heard.
The cameras on it suck - as was and is the case with the ipod. Then again, I
have no idea why a camera should be a huge deal, but it is - I mean, you're not
taking pictures with the thing, are you? Yet so many reviews ripped it to
shreds because of it...
I can't
Hey, I still use the novelty voices - I use one to tell time, for example.
On 2011-03-02, at 8:37 PM, Kaare Dehard wrote:
> I doubt ole alex is getting the elbow from apple. They have novelty voices
> and other stuff like fred that is still about from the 80s, so given the way
> they like to k
I want a braille pen!!!
>From what I read they are nice, and the focus 40 blue, when I tried it at
>least, had one of the worst keyboards I've ever used - even worse than some
Just my oppinion, but if I'm paying for something at that price I want it to
feel somewhat pricy, as well -
Yeah, the screen locking is there for a reason I think. Kind of a battery saver
- though when unlocking it usually came back for me, and this was when 4.0
first came out.
On 2011-03-03, at 12:06 AM, David Tanner wrote:
> Ok, I have seen the loss of Braille when the screen locks. That would be
Hmm, I'll have to take a look at this.
I must say though, I love having two different os's to browse the web with. In
windows, for example, I could do a few things the mac couldn't - but on the
mac, it went the same way.
Very interesting. Still new to safari, and I still find myself using the
Dear Cheok Cheng Ann,
When you open a .pdf attachment, it opens Preview! the Mac version of Acrobat
Reader. If you access the menu bar and arrow over to the "GO" menu heading
and open it you will see all the keyboard navigation commands for Preview!.
I hope this helps.
Sincerely Yours,
This is just a pointer, and is actually a requirement of a list I'm on
Putting the other persons message, especially if yours is going to be a short
one, above your own. That way people know exactly what you're responding to.
I don't do this often, but if I'm composing a one line res
I've had this thing for 6 months and still just have bearly mastered most
I loved every minute of it though, and finding something new just makes the
money I spent even more worth while.
On 2011-03-03, at 5:02 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:
> Ah excellent, thanks. I knew I should've spent m
I had no idea about the interacting part, thanks for that.
On 2011-03-03, at 6:34 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> If you want something close to your iPhone experience, you can use the
> TrackPad Commander gestures to navigate. You'll find this is particularly
> efficient in moving through
Hi there
I don't usually critisize, but yeah, that was...just rather hard to read. I
actually had to go word by word...
On 2011-03-03, at 8:13 PM, Wes Smith wrote:
> OK.
> I usually don't chime in like this BUT:
> OMG. Can we learn how to use commas and please spell check? I mean really!
My highjack is still very screwed up...I have no idea what is causing this.
Good thing I haven't bought it. Was hoping to try doing a radio show from this
thing. Looks like that will be a fail. Maybe I'll get someone sighted to do
screen sharing with me because as far as I know I can't access so
I've been so tempted to do that lately. And yeah, funny enough, a few people
had the keyboard problem - I know I did, and Rick Harmon did as well.
Not to get off topic, but how is windows 7 now, don't they have a gui interface
and you can hit windows U?
On 2011-03-03, at 11:32 PM, Joseph Norto
And it's funny, they're not doing anything about droid customers. I wonder if
they charge for hotspot on the iPhone and on the droid it's free?
Also, is it true that the iPhone will only be able to have one device connected
to it and that device will be locked to it?
If so, I will not be happy
I have the 15 inch core i7 mid 2010 model of macbook pro. I love it. I can't
wait to get my paws on the air.
This thing is a total workhorse. I've only cranked it up to 100 percent
processor a few times, and I unplugged just to see. An hour and 40 minutes, and
considering the fact screen was at
Yeah it is. If the drive supports it it will go to sleep, though disconnect?
On 2011-03-04, at 12:03 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> I believe that's drive specific. Mine does that. drives me nuts but it saves
> a bit on my power bill in the end.
> S
> On Mar 4, 2011, at 9:16 AM, Mike Hucka
I use sharp keys. My command key is my capslock key, my grav key is the alt
key, I have some other keys which also help.
hope that helps
On 2011-03-04, at 3:54 PM, Bart Bunting wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Just got my new macbook pro yesterday.
> I'm trying to configure a virtual machine using
Hi, yall
First of all...sorry about the number of messages I sent out. I'm addicted to
the command r command, it seems - so I'll refrain from that in the future. I
usually leave my mac at school during the weekend, so having to go home and not
check email kind of hurts.
Anyway, I got my paws o
It happens constantly to me and I don't know why. Especially when loading up
larger websites. Then, when I try and navigate it before it's ready, it can
sometimes crash for no particular reason.
I usually give up in frustration and go to Internet explorer in fusion, because
I almost always have
I was able to boot camp Windows quite easily. Just follow the instructions,
though I don't know if the partitioning info is accessible or not, since I was
using a hard copy print & a magnifier. The Vista drivers on my OS X CD worked
beautifully with Windows 7.
Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 6, 201
Yeah they as well as at7t are only charging iphone customers. At&t is beeing
sewed over this so would not be surprised if VZ will in time be as well.
On Mar 6, 2011, at 7:12 PM, Tyler wood wrote:
> And it's funny, they're not doing anything about droid customers. I wonder if
> they charge for h
Not during install you can't. that staill requires sighted help.
On Mar 6, 2011, at 7:10 PM, Tyler wood wrote:
> I've been so tempted to do that lately. And yeah, funny enough, a few people
> had the keyboard problem - I know I did, and Rick Harmon did as well.
> Not to get off topic, but h
hey guys i got the magic trackpad and paired it up it is detected
but i cannot figure out how to control voiceover with it what do i
need to do i want to use it as a commander if it dont work with vo
please tell me so i can take it back please
You received this message because you are su
I think we souud all nicely ask what's there face i htey can readd sound
flower. I have ther eaddress. or we could comment on there blog.
On Mar 6, 2011, at 7:09 PM, Tyler wood wrote:
> My highjack is still very screwed up...I have no idea what is causing this.
> Good thing I haven't bought it
Hi David,
You need to hold down the vo key and make a clockwise cyrcle with two to
enable the trackpad commander.
Then it should work fine.
Reverse, that is anti clockwise to turn it off.
On Sun, 6 Mar 2011 19:22:17 -0800 (PST), David Geiger
> hey guys i got t
Try this. Open safari and go to preferences with command comma. now interact
with the toolbar and select appearances. Stop interacting with the toolbar now
and navigate to display images when webpage opens and uncheck it. This should
help a bit.
On Mar 6, 2011, at 10:29 PM, Tyler
Unless you put together an unattended install cd with an answer file.
You'll need your windows key for that.
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2011 10:46 PM
To: macvisionari
Hi Sarah:
Ever since XP, I think, Windows has had the Windows-key U thing, but, you have
to get past the startup and disk partitioning sections before you can get
anything out of a sound card even if it's recognized.
Admittedly, I have not tried installing Win 7, but, I bet it's similar.
On M
If I'm remembering your past messages to the list correctly, you use a Mac
Mini, right?
Until I hooked a monitor to mine, Safari was always bloody busy! Hooking up the
monitor made everything run so much more smoothly including Safari.
The only thing I do now with Fusion is pop onto VIPMud
You know, I never ever had issues with Alex randomly stopping speech in the
middle of something until I downloaded this new Audio Hijack update. I wonder
if it actually has something to do with the reason that at random times, I have
to hit Command+F5 four times to make Voiceover return to norma
Ah, hmm, so you're not sure if you can enable narrator while booting the
windows setup?
On 2011-03-06, at 9:30 PM, Rob Lambert wrote:
> I was able to boot camp Windows quite easily. Just follow the instructions,
> though I don't know if the partitioning info is accessible or not, since
Hey there
Nope, I've got a core i7 macbook pro.
Although I've been trying to find a mini for my Mom.
Thanks for the advice, I've heard that too. Usually I'm on miriani (I still use
monkey term...for those who stopped using it, I recommend you check out
Also, sterio m
Mine does it, even when I downgraded.
This includes taking out the preference file and all that.
On 2011-03-06, at 10:43 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:
> You know, I never ever had issues with Alex randomly stopping speech in the
> middle of something until I downloaded this new Audio Hijack update.
No I downgraded and I still have that issue. that's been around for at least a
Take care.
On Mar 6, 2011, at 8:43 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:
> You know, I never ever had issues with Alex randomly stopping speech in the
> middle of something until I downloaded this new Audio Hijack update.
I always reply all on these lists so someone can easily refer to earlier parts
of the conversation to put things into its proper context if necessary.
On Mar 6, 2011, at 9:59 PM, Tyler wood wrote:
> This is just a pointer, and is actually a requirement of a list I'm on
> (rockbox).
Hi all,
I won't bore you with my most recent Mac woes, but ever since I restored all my
files, Click to Flash is not working at all. I can't see any YOutube videos, or
anything from Wordpress which I previously could interact with the toolbar
just fine. Is this because of the new update to Saf
I have the 11in air with the 128Gb SSD and the upgrade on the processor and
RAM, makin it a 1.62Ghz and 4Gb of RAM, and totally agree with you, its
lightening fast...
more than enough for my portable requirements.
in terms of storage, if you find yourself running low, consider not keepin
the air is just out, like three / four months ago, they won't revise its design
for at least another 8 plus months.
Neil Barnfather
Talks List Administrator
Twitter @NeilBarnfather
TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS rela
Thanks for the suggestion. I had considered doing just that but for now my
iTunes library happily resides on an external hd which is connected to my 23
inch iMac. The air is just perfect for my portable computing needs though.
On Mar 6, 2011, at 11:13 PM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:
Hi All,
I have an issue with VoiceOver and say time by pressing right Option + T.
Of course I enabled the keyboard comander and the key combination is right
Option + T.
On my iMac it works fine. But on my new MacBook Air 13 inch, newest edition, it
doesn't. On both machines runs Snow Leopard w
Hello all,
I have also some toughest about this discussion.
At the moment, I have a macbook and a iphone4.
I was planning to buy a ipad2 when it came out but, after reading this tread,
perhaps I am changing my mind.
The most important thing I have read here is:
pages isn't working well on the ip
85 matches
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