The labeled buttons are for Logic 9. Ginny is not nearly as smart as the
labeled buttons would lead you to believe. She probably can't answer many
Seriously, quite a bit of L9 is accessible, I'm just still deep in the
throws of learning how to "skin the cat" as it were.
Ginny Owe
Hey, Justin.
They're up on the vimac audio list, or I can send them to you tomorrow when
I'm on my Mac.
Just lemme know.
Ginny Owens
Official site:
Be my fan on Facebook:
Hi Ginny,
Thanks for replying. This was my mistake about Logic 9 vs. Logic Pro
because the subject line of the thread where you posted about
uploading the files was titled: "VO Buttons Labeled in GB5 and Logic
Pro". And for Kevin, in order to avoid making Ginny repeat earlier
posts about
Hello, no. Sorry for the confusion. My friend can connect to my mac using a
program called teamviewer. He has it on his pc and I have it on my mac.
I however cant connect to his pc using this program so thats why i installed
microsofts rdc client.
I have not yet been able to try it with my friend
Esther et al,
My apologies for the misnomer. Tis indeed Logic 9, which may also be called
Logic Pro Version 9? Not totally sure anymore.
Good luck!
Ginny Owens
Official site:
Be my fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.
Hi can anyone give me a link what I can download the Mac RDP client that
will work with Snowy?
-Original Message-
From: anouk radix []
Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 1:46 AM
Subject: Re: rdc
Hello, yes I have instal
Wow, what a deal, I'd love to have gotten one for Christmas. In order to buy
one for myself, my wife told me I had to buy her one as well. :) The one thing
that made this purchase well worth it is when she needed some help, I could
easily turn VoiceOver on and help her with her phone. That was n
Ah lets not mix issues here. I think there is a good argument to an insurance
company paying some portion of a screen reader if they cover things like
wheelchairs etc. At the risk of spinning this into an issue of politics, one is
something you have no control over and the other you do to a larg
I totally agree with much that you're saying. That's why i don't educate or
inform people anymore, it's simply not worth the bother. People say that when
people are prejudiced or ask stupid questions or are plain downright rude, it's
because they aren't educated enough, but i've learned when
That reminds me of what happened when i showed the iphone at a big vendors show
here in Sweden.
I got told that this was a new device and that people most likely never would
switch because "blind people should use physical buttons, nothing more". Some
said that this was a modern design interface
I am wondering if the mac is realy useful for low vision users I was
unable to find any mainstream office programs that would track the
cursor with the built in zoom function. This is a re-post of an
earlier message that had no responses.
Are there any Office Programs on the Mac that track the cu
Hi folks,
I am having a problem with Apple Mail. I want to set up a Mailbox for
attachments, which I have done successfully. However, I cannot seem to select
the correct rule to force messages with attachments into the correct folder.
Currently, I have the "any attachment" rule selected, with n
Because the viphone, MacVisionaries and MacVoiceOver lists all have specific
purposes, we launched the vo-bs mailing list where conversations not
appropriate to the actual meat of these other lists can go. Sometimes when a
thread gets off topic, it is moved for further comment to the vo-bs
Senators Harkin, Hagel, the late Kennedy and Feingold (perhaps others) did
discuss an access technology provision but got slapped down by both parties for
adding cost to the bill. Some might argue that the ADA restoration act of 2008
(signed by President Bush in August of last year without muc
I CC'd the bs list on this post and I think we should probably move it there...
The operative phrase in your post is "from your employer" which points us to a
chicken and egg problem - people can't get jobs until they learn to use a
screen reader and they can't really get a screen reader (or com
This should also go to the bs list to which I CC'd my response...
I don't think I said "born blind" but, rather, blind at an early age versus
into adulthood. Your comments on the resources that a community can muster,
though, are entirely true. Even in the small towns, though, those blind
NFB does not actually try to push people toward JAWS and Windows. Their
Macintosh/VO review was a pathetic example of poor journalism but they do and
say rather mean things about lots of other products from FS and elsewhere.
At one NFB convention, because OpenBook had fewer features in the Span
According to NFB numbers, there are 1.5 blind people and about 10 million low
vision in the US. With a total population of over 300 million, we are an
absolutely tiny fraction of the population.
On Nov 30, 2009, at 3:50 PM, carlene knight wrote:
> Unfortunately you have to be realistic tho
On 1 déc. 2009, at 23:37, Chris Hofstader wrote:
> According to NFB numbers, there are 1.5 blind people and about 10 million low
> vision in the US. With a total population of over 300 million, we are an
> absolutely tiny fraction of the population.
For people who rely on niche devices that i
I am so sick of teaching random citizens about guide dogs, blindness, that I
don't need a wheelchair or assistance walking up a jet way, how I can dial a
telephone, how I can pee into a urinal without missing - you name it, that I
can almost explode.
An anecdote: In Harvard Square, the rapid t
That phone, called Oasis in the US, was an entirely private venture although
they did get a loan from Once in Spain on which I think they defaulted. I am
good friends with one of the people who led the organization here in the US and
she's using an iPhone these days.
As I've said, a mass marke
My ultimate trigger are the people who ask, "does he want a braille menu?" or
something similar as if I wasn't actually there. This is a real zero level
interrupt for me that I need to fight hard not to blow out a sequence of
profanity (I am originally from New Jersey where such language is pr
The Windows AT vendors and to a large extent some of the advocacy groups argue
that MS should not try to include accessibility out of the box. The AT vendors
want, of course to protect their turf, but do so with the notion that MS will
screw it up and cannot be relied upon to actually make it w
I also use Zoom in conjunction with VoiceOver and I use Iworks (which
is Apple's equivalent of Microsoft Office which is compatible
with .doc, .xls and .ppt files). I quite like it and the cursor
tracking works ok (it jumps a bit at times).
I do agree though that there are less options and conf
Hi Claire,
If you check out the accessibility pages of the Apple website, you should be
able tind a list of third party apps which may help you if you are a low vision
On 1 Dec 2009, at 15:26, Claire wrote:
> Hi,
> I also use Zoom in conjunction with VoiceOver and I use Iwork
This touches on something I neglected to say (shocking, isn't it? :) )
yesterday: Thinking outside the box, especially when around the
sighted, often creates jealousy. This creates even more alienation;
if you threatened the power elite by showing them that their power is
at best illusory
I don't own Logic. If you could give me more details, I'd appreciate it.
Here are a few basic questions:
What buttons have you labeled?
Can you move around in the arrange window?
Can you mute, solo and arm tracks?
Can you choose soft synth parameters?
Can you insert and move between markers in a p
Okay, so I let my disgust for the governments' disregard for women
spill over onto the list, but having seen far too many women scarred
by abuse and saddled with kids they didn't want because of ... well,
let's just say I land on the feminist side of this one all the way.
But, that having
Hell, I've had people call the cops on me and my guide dog--it was
easier to convince the cop that no, I was not abusing the dog, that
yes, the dog loved me and was a working animal, that the person who
called them was uninformed... etc. If anyone wants to take a dog away
from me, they're
your help with this would be most welcome!!!
kind regards trahern.ey guys i would like to chainge my mail client
from the mail apps can any one reccomend a deffrent e-mail program?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to
The keyboard will become obsolete in the next 10-20 years; this is a
prediction I'm making now. It was invented in the 19th century for
the manual typewriter. It's going to go the way of the cathode ray
tube; it's primitive. Blind people either adapt or they get left
behind. I can't affo
hi has anyone managed to create skype scripts to enable
us to read
who is online offline, away etc
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionar...@googlegroups.
HI, what opperating system were you testing this on? If you were makeing your
tests 2 or 3 months ago then the work needs to be completely redone because
snow leopard 10.6 came out in October with major accessibility
improvements.Most of us are voice or braille users. It's hard to troubleshoot
Yeah, and for that unfortunate half a blind person, finding a kidney
before you get the job is just impossible! Not to mention legs and a
half torso... :)
Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Skype and Twitter: BurningHawk1969
My home page:
Hi Hank,
I wasn't sure of what you were asking for, because I thought you were
on the vimac-audio list. Any files posted to the Google Groups lists
are available at the web site for the list. You know how at the end of
each post there is a line:
For more options, visit this group at
I don't think you would be able to use the mac from the Windows side. As far
as I know, to use Windows from the mac side of the connection, I think you
need a screen reader at both sides, whether it be JFW or Window Eyes.
- Original Message -
From: "anouk radix"
Sent: Tuesday, Dec
Hello, someone who wants to use my mac from the windows side of things (as long
as he is not blind) can use teamviewer. If the person were blind then it is
another matter.
Greetings, Anouk,
On Dec 1, 2009, at 6:39 PM, Brent Harding wrote:
> I don't think you would be able to use the mac from the
That's what I meant. I was assuming he was blind. I don't think there's any
speaking virtual machine you can run in Windows to have Mac as a guest to
get this done either, so a connection from Windows to Mac if you are totally
blind isn't possible, or easy.
- Original Message -
From: "
Hello, no my friend is sighted. I was just so blown away that something like
teamviewer existed and htat he could access my mac machine remotely it got me
wondering if this was not also possible from mac to windows (as a blind user),
sighted users can access his computer fine from the mac with t
I have the material Voiceover getting started snow leopard.
Is there any other online documentation that may offer additional instructions
for voiceover and/or more importantly more information about operating the mac
operating system?
John Carty
You received this message because y
In regard to John's original question about using the iPhone in noisy
surroundings, I think that Scott (in another post) has correctly
addressed the issue: in noisy circumstances you probably do want to
use the headset, and there are separate controls for the headset
volume (I think yo
Thanks James, I went to the Apple Website and found a couple of things
that looked interesting.
The only thing I really miss is not having a big, large, visual cue
for the keyboard insertion point.
On Dec 1, 2:31 pm, erik burggraaf wrote:
> HI, what opperating system were you tes
The difference, as i understand it, and correct me if i'm wrong here, is that
in the States, you actually own the dog. In Sweden it's the blindness
organization that owns the guide dogs, we just use them, borrow if you so will
and so taking a dog away is perfectly ok, if the owner so chooses
Hello, This is the way in which it is done in the Netherlands as well, the
school owns the dog and loans it to the end user. I have heard of some cases
though in the states in chich a dog was taken a way from its owner (i mean a
guidedog not a normal dog).
Greetings, Anouk,
On Dec 1, 2009, at 8:
mark, that is a very good question and one if I can find sufficient time, I'd
like to dig into. I think it would make sense that a product such as the Mac
fit into this category because of the universal access. I think you could argue
either way, but likely the argument would still lean more tow
I live in the U.S. and have used a guide dog since 1993.
Each school here has a different policy concerning ownership.
I have received all three of my guides from out of California.
I cannot speak thru experience concerning other schools but gdb has a policy
that after one y
You won't need this. Do explore the "Events" section in the preferences toolbar.
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter
On Dec 1, 2009, at 5:17 PM, william lomas wrote:
> hi
Um, sorry, I was thinking of Adium. I mean the "Notification" preferences in
Skype preferences toolbar.
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter
On Dec 1, 2009, at 5:17 PM, william lomas wrote:
Amen brother!!!
On Dec 1, 2009, at 11:05 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> Hell, I've had people call the cops on me and my guide dog--it was
> easier to convince the cop that no, I was not abusing the dog, that
> yes, the dog loved me and was a working animal, that the person who
> calle
Some of the organizations give you full ownership and some don't. For the ones
that do there is usually a fee of about $200.
On Dec 1, 2009, at 11:54 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> Hi,
> The difference, as i understand it, and correct me if i'm wrong here, is that
> in the States, you actually ow
Well, now, I care very little for who says they own what; there's
another thing in the states that goes "Possession is nine tenths of
the law." It's whom the *DOG* chooses that matters more to me.
Having said that, I will now give the facts for my guide dog school:
Guiding Eyes for the Bli
One thing that needs to be addressed here is that there are employers who can't
afford to provide the necessary items needed for their visually impaired
employees to do the job. Whether you think that's just an excuse for them or
not, The bottom line is that I didn't have access to computers e
Hello guys.
I'm just curious...
If some of you out there are developing web sites/apps...
Does any one of you use HTML5, and if not, have you been thinking of
switching to it?
Kind regards David
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group
Hi list,
On Windows, the Webbie application suite has a fantastic app for accessing the
Project Gutenberg site. Does anything like this exist for the Mac? I know that
there is one called Guten, but as yet, I've not got it to work. How do people
find accessing the Gutenberg site, and do they ha
The subject line pretty much says it all. Now, when I open mail. it always or
most often says:
"Mail busy busy busy busy"... then it says "Mail ready" then goes back to being
busy busy ETC. Does apple know about this?
Another small point. Isn't there an e-mail address we can write to App
I can't seem to find an attachment in a message. Usually I can but this one
seems to be hidden from VO somehow. I had to ask the gentleman who sent it to
me what in the world it said. Is there anything I can do to show this strange
and potentially important attachment or any I might get
Several years ago, Microsoft began working on improvements to narrator that
would make it a realistically usable screen reader. But the National
Federation of the Blind asked them to stop. The reasoning was that if
Microsoft improved narrator, it might drive Freedom Scientific and GW Micro
Depends on the school in the U. S. Some contracts say in large print
one thing such as "end user" owns, but in small print there is some
wiggle room for the organization. The organization still however,
may have to proceed through legal meens to get the dog back. In
other words they have
There is a new organization called the International Association of Visually
Impaired Technologists that is planning on addressing some of these issues.
I actually am the President of the group.
- Original Message -
From: "Les Kriegler"
Sent: Tuesday, De
yet another problem for blind and visually-impaired workers is,
technology is changing so rapidly, by the time you getsaid
screenreader, or even hardware, your machine is either outdated or the
technology for it becomes obsolete, and companies pull support without
notice which, leaves sort
That's why I'm able to sit here and write this;My employer changed its software
and I've had nothing but problems since. I won't go into details, but for the
most part, I've been out of work for months now. I've often commented that if
they only had Apple based software, I don't think we would
I'm not looking to upset anyone, but can I ask why do you think that VO and
NVDA are not quite up to the standard set by JFW and We?
Mac OS X 10.6 set the VO bar extremely high. This release has made VO a fully
functional and viable solution for Blind computer users who wish to use a Mac.
Hi carlene,
You wrote:
> I can't seem to find an attachment in a message. Usually I can but this one
> seems to be hidden from VO somehow. I had to ask the gentleman who sent it
> to me what in the world it said. Is there anything I can do to show this
> strange and potentially important atta
Freedom Scientific is a large company; for NFB to step in and say to
Microsoft to stay out of the screenreading business, is in and of
itself, telling me they have a stake in what FS or GW Micro does with
regard to their marketshares. And while these companies have a place
in the market, t
Hi Ray,
You wrote:
> The subject line pretty much says it all. Now, when I open mail. it always
> or most often says:
> "Mail busy busy busy busy"... then it says "Mail ready" then goes back to
> being busy busy ETC. Does apple know about this?
I do not know if they know about this, as I have
Dogs are lost because of a lack of responsibility or something similar on the
part of the owner. You don't just wake up one day and get a knock at the door
from some big dude in a suit who says "OK, I'm taking your dog."
On Dec 1, 2009, at 1:33 PM, John W. Carty wrote:
> I live in the U.S. and
John, I think that is a very unfair statement. To say that VoiceOver is not up
to the standard set by JAWS is inaccurate. That is like comparing windows and
the Mac OS. Sure, they both are operating systems, but they are very different
and that holds true with VoiceOver as compared to JAWS, Wind
Hi James:
thanks for the idea. I should have thought of that. Oh well.
On Dec 1, 2009, at 2:51 PM, James & Nash wrote:
> Hi carlene,
> You wrote:
>> I can't seem to find an attachment in a message. Usually I can but this one
>> seems to be hidden from VO somehow. I had to ask the gentleman wh
Hi carlene ,
LOL These things happen.
On 1 Dec 2009, at 23:19, carlene knight wrote:
> Hi James:
> thanks for the idea. I should have thought of that. Oh well.
> On Dec 1, 2009, at 2:51 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi carlene,
>> You wrote:
>>> I can't seem to find an attachment in a message.
Before moving to the Bay Area of California, I'd agree with you. but
the crazy way people act around here, the amount of hassle I get from
pig--cops--around here, even *AFTER* I cut my hair back to a
crewcut... I don't take anything for granted. Plus, Guiding Eyes and
I have had our diffe
You can get Webkit from
Some things do work better, some things do not. The Ebay site is an example. It
works better with Webkit.
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter
On D
Greg Kearney is working on writing a program which will give us access
to the Gutenberg project site so we can download books from that
site. There are probably others working on similar software. Richie
Gardenhire, Anchorage,Alaska.
On Dec 1, 2009, at 1:03 PM, James & Nash wrote:
Hi lis
Hi Richie,
Good to hear from you. We've not spoken in a long time.
Thanks for the heads up on the Project Gutenberg situation.
Please get in touch off list if you fancy a chat.
On 1 Dec 2009, at 23:29, Richie Gardenhire wrote:
> Greg Kearney is working on writing a program which wi
Does any one know how to download a podcast from Blind Cool Tech?
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Now a Mac user!!!
+1 (985) 360-3614
rforetjr at
Skype Name:
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goog
Hi Ray,
You wrote:
> Does any one know how to download a podcast from Blind Cool Tech?
Yes, when you've selected the heading/link you want, simply press VO+shift+M
and select the option "download link as..." I think that's what it's called.
This will then bring up a dialogue where you can save
Go to the link and pres option plus enter.
A little piece of info I learned on this list myself.
On Dec 1, 2009, at 7:40 PM, Ray Foret jr wrote:
> Hello,
> Does any one know how to download a podcast from Blind Cool Tech?
> Thanks.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Now
Not all schools in the US grant full ownership of dogs @ graduation. Some do,
but others don't until after a period of time.
On Dec 1, 2009, at 11:54 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> Hi,
> The difference, as i understand it, and correct me if i'm wrong here, is that
> in the States, you actually o
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