Re: Chord Symbols below the staff

2025-03-20 Thread Steve Carlock
Thank you! That makes perfect sense. I had copied and pasted the chords from a different document and overlooked the usage of \chords. On Thu, Mar 20, 2025 at 5:45 PM Valentin Petzel wrote: > Hello Steve, > > > I'm having an issue with most of the chord symbols (except for

Re: Chord Symbols below the staff

2025-03-20 Thread Valentin Petzel
Hello Steve, > I'm having an issue with most of the chord symbols (except for the No > Chord) being displayed below the staff line. Obviously I've messed > something up but I have not been able to figure it out. If someone could > please take a look and point me in the ri

Re: Chord Symbols below the staff

2025-03-20 Thread Lucas Cavalcanti
0 de mar. de 2025 21:25, Steve Carlock escreveu: > I'm having an issue with most of the chord symbols (except for the No > Chord) being displayed below the staff line. Obviously I've messed > something up but I have not been able to figure it out. If someone could > pl

Chord Symbols below the staff

2025-03-20 Thread Steve Carlock
I'm having an issue with most of the chord symbols (except for the No Chord) being displayed below the staff line. Obviously I've messed something up but I have not been able to figure it out. If someone could please take a look and point me in the right direction, I would appreciate i

Re: Alignment textMark with a chord mame

2025-03-19 Thread Thomas Morley
quot;} %c:dim7 > -\markup { \super "7(b13)" } % c: > -\markup { \super "7(#5)"} % c:7.5+ > -\markup { \super "Maj7"} % c:7+ > } > chExceptions = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions > chExceptionMusic #t) ignatzekExceptions) >

Re: Alignment textMark with a chord mame

2025-03-19 Thread Robin Bannister
Eric C wrote: I'm trying in vain to align annotations made with TextMark with the names of the chords produced on a harmonic grid. Is there a way to do this? I looks like your annotations are getting aligned to the chord timings, just as ChordNames are positioned. But the Grid sof

Alignment textMark with a chord mame

2025-03-18 Thread Eric C
er-size "letter landscape") indent = 0 ragged-right = ##f } chExceptionMusic = { 1-\markup { \super "dim" } % c:dim -\markup { \super "dim7"} %c:dim7 -\markup { \super "7(b13)" } % c: -\markup { \super "7(#5)"} % c:7.5+ -\markup { \super &q

Re: Half-diminished chord name inconsistency when add extensions

2025-03-14 Thread Tim's Bitstream via LilyPond user discussion
:% Convert music to list and prepend to existing exceptions. chExceptions = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chExceptionMusic #t) ignatzekExceptions)2. Unsurprisingly, given my cluelessness about the code above, it took me several tries before my clumsy attempts succeeded. Can anyone

Re: Adding text to a chord name

2025-03-14 Thread Eric C
attached to the chord name. \version "2.24.4" melody = \relative c' { b'1^"0 2 2 0 0 0" } myChords = \chordmode { e1:m } \score { << \new ChordNames \myChords \new Staff \melody >> \layout { \override T

Re: Adding text to a chord name

2025-03-14 Thread Eric C
The end result would be like in the attached code but instead of the text being attached to the note, I would like it to be attached to the chord name. \version "2.24.4" melody = \relative c' { b'1^"0 2 2 0 0 0" } myChords = \chordmode { e1:m

Re: Half-diminished chord name inconsistency when add extensions

2025-03-13 Thread stefano franchi
Edit: I became aware of chordNameExceptions just after posting, and it might be the solution to my problem. However, I do not understand how the snippet in the manual <> works. More precisely, I

Half-diminished chord name inconsistency when add extensions

2025-03-13 Thread stefano franchi
dmode {d2:m7.5-/f \set additionalPitchPrefix = #"add" d2:m7.5-.11}} \new Score << \new ChordNames {\songHarmony} \new Staff \relative c' {f2 d2} >> Much to my surprise, however, Lilypond displays the first chord name with the usua

Re: Adding text to a chord name

2025-03-13 Thread Knute Snortum
On Thu, Mar 13, 2025 at 3:47 PM Eric C wrote: > Hello, I'm trying to place a short text with a chord symbol. I can work > around this by attaching the text to a note, but that's not my goal. Here's > an exemple what I'm trying to do: > >CMaj7 > >

Adding text to a chord name

2025-03-13 Thread Eric C
Hello, I'm trying to place a short text with a chord symbol. I can work around this by attaching the text to a note, but that's not my goal. Here's an exemple what I'm trying to do: CMaj7 x 3 5 4 5 x This text represents the fingering of the CMaj7 at the 3rd fret of th

Re: Checking if a note or chord has a beam or a flag

2025-02-17 Thread martinrushton56
Dear All, Sadly Martin passed away on 16/10/24 from prostate cancer.  Kind regards  Sarah Rushton widow of the late Martin Rushton   -- Original Message -- From: To: Sent: Thursday, February 13th 2025, 16:53 Subject: Checking if a note or chord

Re: Checking if a note or chord has a beam or a flag

2025-02-13 Thread Luca Fascione
Found my problem. I'm a rookie and I had this (if (> duration-log 2) (set! new-X-offset (+ new-X-offset 0.5)) (display (ly:grob? flag)) ) No wonder it was just a bunch of falses... Thanks for the help, sorry for the noise L On Thu, Feb 13, 2025 at 10:12 PM Luca Fascione wrote: > Ha.

Re: Checking if a note or chord has a beam or a flag

2025-02-13 Thread Luca Fascione
Ha. I'm in Stem.before-line-breaking ... Lemme check if that's the problem, if so, can it be fixed? Thanks Lukas, L -- Luca Fascione

Re: Checking if a note or chord has a beam or a flag

2025-02-13 Thread Lukas-Fabian Moser
Hi Luca, Am 13.02.25 um 17:52 schrieb Luca Fascione: for my fingering engraver I'd like to position the fingering mark differently based on whether the note/chord has a flag or a beam (I push it out in X a little when there is a flag) So I thought I could use  (flag (ly:grob-object stem

Checking if a note or chord has a beam or a flag

2025-02-13 Thread Luca Fascione
Hi, for my fingering engraver I'd like to position the fingering mark differently based on whether the note/chord has a flag or a beam (I push it out in X a little when there is a flag) So I thought I could use (flag (ly:grob-object stem 'flag)) Where stem is a normal stem grob (I t

Re: Convert chord mode into multi-voice mode

2025-01-02 Thread David Kastrup
Frédéric writes: > Hi Valentin, > > I came to the same conclusion as you: prefer \new Voice << { notes1 } > { notes2 } >> over a series of chords. After I split the 2 voices, I > was able to rebuild the original version like that so I could compare > the notes to the original score before going f

Re: Convert chord mode into multi-voice mode

2025-01-02 Thread Frédéric
Hi Valentin, I came to the same conclusion as you: prefer \new Voice << { notes1 } { notes2 } >> over a series of chords. After I split the 2 voices, I was able to rebuild the original version like that so I could compare the notes to the original score before going further with my transcription.

Re: Convert chord mode into multi-voice mode

2025-01-02 Thread Frédéric
>> on the following music: >> \times 4/6 { r16 -.[( -. -.-> -. -.)] } >> I get what I expect: >> \times 4/6 { r16 << { >> fa-.[( sib-. re-.-> sib-. fa-.)] >> } \\ { >> re-.[( fa-. sib-.-> fa-. re-.)] >> } >> >> } >

Re: Convert chord mode into multi-voice mode

2025-01-01 Thread Valentin Petzel
like but like \new Voice << { c d e } { e f g } >> This way the very same expression can be used as two voices by inserting a \\ in between. But if you really need notation you can easily do something like this: % notes = { -. -- -\f } { \notes } % Filter only n-th not

Re: Convert chord mode into multi-voice mode

2025-01-01 Thread Knute Snortum
> Agreed! On my side, I worked in a different direction, starting from your > first script. I wanted to have a unique << { } \\ { } >> if possible > and not repeat that at each chord. Here is where I am currently. Not > yet perfect but on the following music: > \times

Re: Convert chord mode into multi-voice mode

2024-12-31 Thread Frédéric
script. I wanted to have a unique << { } \\ { } >> if possible and not repeat that at each chord. Here is where I am currently. Not yet perfect but on the following music: \times 4/6 { r16 -.[( -. -.-> -. -.)] } I get what I expect: \times 4/6 { r16 << { fa-.[( sib-. re-.->

Re: Convert chord mode into multi-voice mode

2024-12-21 Thread Knute Snortum
) or 'nederlands' cursor = ly.document.Cursor(doc) ly.pitch.rel2abs.rel2abs(cursor, language=language, first_pitch_absolute=args.first_pitch_absolute) txt = cursor.document.plaintext() # Main loop, break chords into two voices # Assumes that chords start with the lowest note f

Re: Convert chord mode into multi-voice mode

2024-12-21 Thread Gilles Thibault
Le 2024-12-20 13:18, Frédéric a écrit : Hi, I want to adapt a piano score for a small set of instruments. The right hand is already written as a set of chords with 2 notes ... Is there a way to turn it into a set of 2 voices { a b } \\ { c' d' }? Thanks, F Perhaps this snippet will fit your ne

Re: Convert chord mode into multi-voice mode

2024-12-20 Thread David Wright
On Fri 20 Dec 2024 at 13:40:48 (-0800), Knute Snortum wrote: > Since you're going to write a Python script, I figure I can share what I've > done so far on mine. It uses python-ly so you need to do a `pip install > python-ly` first before you run it. It makes three very big assumptions: > > 1) T

Re: Convert chord mode into multi-voice mode

2024-12-20 Thread Knute Snortum
I've done so far on mine. It uses python-ly so you need to do a `pip install python-ly` first before you run it. It makes three very big assumptions: 1) That you're using an absolute pitch of some sort. Relative pitch is going to be a problem, I think. 2) That all chords have exac

Re: Convert chord mode into multi-voice mode

2024-12-20 Thread Frédéric
Thank you all. I wanted to know if there was already something available but I will build a python script for it. I'm also under Linux and pretty used to that. Here is an example of input: lower = \relative f, { \key f \major \time 4/4 2 r | r | 1 | 2 r | 1 | 2 | r | 2. 4 | 1 | |

Re: Convert chord mode into multi-voice mode

2024-12-20 Thread Silvain Dupertuis
;([0-9\.]*) \1\2 Right part of the chords <[^\s]+\s([^\s>]+)>([0-9\.]*) \1\2 This regex extract the left part in and output it in the variable 1 (the first part in parenthesis), extract the duration after the chord (digits and dots) to add it in variable 2 (second group

Re: Convert chord mode into multi-voice mode

2024-12-20 Thread Knute Snortum
On Fri, Dec 20, 2024 at 7:17 AM Kieren MacMillan <> wrote: > Hi Frédéric, > > > I want to adapt a piano score for a small set of instruments. The > > right hand is already written as a set of chords with 2 notes > > ... Is there a way to turn it into a set of 2 voices

Re: Convert chord mode into multi-voice mode

2024-12-20 Thread Knute Snortum
On Fri, Dec 20, 2024 at 5:39 AM Raphael Mankin wrote: > > > On 20/12/2024 12:18, Frédéric wrote: > > Hi, > > I want to adapt a piano score for a small set of instruments. The > > right hand is already written as a set of chords with 2 notes > > ... Is there a way to turn it into a set of 2 voice

Re: Convert chord mode into multi-voice mode

2024-12-20 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Frédéric, > I want to adapt a piano score for a small set of instruments. The > right hand is already written as a set of chords with 2 notes > ... Is there a way to turn it into a set of 2 voices { a b } \\ > { c' d' }? Maybe Frescobaldi has a function/script that does this? Cheers, Kieren.

Re: Convert chord mode into multi-voice mode

2024-12-20 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 20/12/2024 12:18, Frédéric wrote: Hi, I want to adapt a piano score for a small set of instruments. The right hand is already written as a set of chords with 2 notes ... Is there a way to turn it into a set of 2 voices { a b } \\ { c' d' }? Thanks, F I would use a little perl or python s

Convert chord mode into multi-voice mode

2024-12-20 Thread Frédéric
Hi, I want to adapt a piano score for a small set of instruments. The right hand is already written as a set of chords with 2 notes ... Is there a way to turn it into a set of 2 voices { a b } \\ { c' d' }? Thanks, F

Re: Bend Spanner in a chord: wrong pitch calculation?

2024-10-16 Thread Federico Bruni
Il giorno lun 14 ott 2024 alle 00:35:40 +02:00:00, Thomas Morley ha scritto: Am So., 13. Okt. 2024 um 23:38 Uhr schrieb Federico Bruni : Hi folks I'm trying to understand how to bend some notes in a chord. The following example shows a bug, unless I'm missing something:

Re: Bend Spanner in a chord: wrong pitch calculation?

2024-10-13 Thread Thomas Morley
Am So., 13. Okt. 2024 um 23:38 Uhr schrieb Federico Bruni : > > Hi folks > > I'm trying to understand how to bend some notes in a chord. > The following example shows a bug, unless I'm missing something: > > > \version "2.25.19" > > mus = \relat

Bend Spanner in a chord: wrong pitch calculation?

2024-10-13 Thread Federico Bruni
Hi folks I'm trying to understand how to bend some notes in a chord. The following example shows a bug, unless I'm missing something: \version "2.25.19" mus = \relative { % From g\3 to gis\3 there's one semitone, % but the Bend spanner is printing 1 instead of 1/2.

Re: Changing the shape of a tie in a chord

2024-10-07 Thread Knute Snortum
On Mon, Oct 7, 2024 at 1:45 AM Thomas Morley wrote: > Am Di., 1. Okt. 2024 um 16:45 Uhr schrieb Knute Snortum < >>: > > I created a doc-tagged LSR-snippet to cover this and > > See

Re: Changing the shape of a tie in a chord

2024-10-07 Thread Thomas Morley
Am Di., 1. Okt. 2024 um 16:45 Uhr schrieb Knute Snortum : > > On Tue, Oct 1, 2024 at 2:05 AM Thomas Morley wrote: >> >> >> I've to run for my regular job, no time for explanations. >> Please study: >> >> >> >> \relative { >> 4 q2. >> 4 \once \override TieColumn.positioning-done = ##t q2. >>

Re: Changing the shape of a tie in a chord

2024-10-01 Thread Thomas Morley
Am Mo., 30. Sept. 2024 um 22:57 Uhr schrieb Knute Snortum : > > How do you change the shape of a tie that's in a chord? In the following > example, neither \shape command has any effect. > > %%% > \version "2.24.4" > > tieShapeA = \shape #'((0 . 0)

Re: Changing the shape of a tie in a chord

2024-10-01 Thread Knute Snortum
On Tue, Oct 1, 2024 at 2:05 AM Thomas Morley wrote: > > I've to run for my regular job, no time for explanations. > Please study: > > > > \relative { > 4 q2. > 4 \once \override TieColumn.positioning-done = ##t q2. > 4 \once \override TieColumn.positioning-done = ##t q2. > < > c >

Changing the shape of a tie in a chord

2024-09-30 Thread Knute Snortum
How do you change the shape of a tie that's in a chord? In the following example, neither \shape command has any effect. %%% \version "2.24.4" tieShapeA = \shape #'((0 . 0) (0 . -1) (0 . -1) (0 . 0)) \etc tieShapeB = \shape #'((0 . 0) (0 . -1) (0 . -1) (0 . 0)) Tie \

Re: "oom pah" and chord line

2024-08-02 Thread Gilles Sadowski
y the "oom" ("bassoon" line) > and the "pah" (the chord line), for the purpose of getting the MIDI output > right: Bass note on the downbeat; chord on the upbeat. > However, this entails that in the PDF the chord name is also displayed > on the upbeat (as exp

"oom pah" and chord line

2024-07-31 Thread Gilles Sadowski
Hello. A common accompaniment motive is "oom pah": An excerpt of a LilyPond-generated score is attached. I get this PDF output by encoding separately the "oom" ("bassoon" line) and the "pah" (the chord line), fo

Re: get interval size of chord in music function

2024-07-16 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> Wouldn’t ly:pitch-diff save some of your work? In ``` (define (interval-string a b) (number->string (1+ (ly:pitch-steps (- b a) ``` The `(- b a)` actually uses `ly:pitch-diff` behind the scene :-) Werner

Re: get interval size of chord in music function

2024-07-16 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Werner, Wouldn’t ly:pitch-diff save some of your work? Just a thought-experiment… Kieren > On Jul 16, 2024, at 2:32 AM, Werner LEMBERG wrote: > > > I want to find the interval size of a two-note chord in a music > function, and I came up with the following soluti

get interval size of chord in music function

2024-07-15 Thread Werner LEMBERG
I want to find the interval size of a two-note chord in a music function, and I came up with the following solution. ```tex showInterval = #(define-music-function (ev-chord) (ly:music?) (define (interval-string a b) (number->string (1+ (ly:pitch-steps (- b a) (let* ((no

Re: Accidental placement with dense chord

2024-06-18 Thread Paul Hodges
practice situations will arise which the guides haven't fully anticipated.  Paul From: Wols Lists To: Sent: 18/06/2024 8:29 Subject: Re: Accidental placement with dense chord On 18/06/2024 00:00, Paul Hodges wrote: > Not necessarily.  Your rule is similar to w

Re: Accidental placement with dense chord

2024-06-18 Thread Wols Lists
On 18/06/2024 00:00, Paul Hodges wrote: Not necessarily.  Your rule is similar to what Read recommends; but the rule in Gould (which LilyPond generally follows) is based around placing the highest accidental first, then the lowest, and alternating towards the middle.  But it's not as simple as

Re: Accidental placement with dense chord

2024-06-17 Thread Paul Hodges
From: Dirck Nagy Arent accidentals in chords supposed to be placed as follows? Not necessarily.  Your rule is similar to what Read recommends; but the rule in Gould (which LilyPond generally follows) is based around placing the highest accidental first, then the lowest, and altern

Re: Accidental placement with dense chord

2024-06-17 Thread Dirck Nagy
ement with dense chord Caution: *External Email: Use caution responding, opening attachments, or clicking on links.* On Sun, Jun 16, 2024 at 3:00 PM Paul Hodges>> wrote: Would you consider: \relative { \mark E << { 8 } \\ {

Re: Accidental placement with dense chord

2024-06-16 Thread Flaming Hakama by Elaine
> > -- Forwarded message -- > From: Knute Snortum > Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 14:29:00 -0700 > Subject: Accidental placement with dense chord > Hello list, > > I have a dense chord with a lot of accidentals I need to typeset. > > > I have two quest

Re: Accidental placement with dense chord

2024-06-16 Thread Knute Snortum
t; > Maybe it breaks the rules, but it looks easy to read to me. > It looks good to me, and it helps that the chord before it is also shifted in this way (see attached). Thanks! -- Knute Snortum

Re: Accidental placement with dense chord

2024-06-16 Thread Paul Hodges
29 Subject: Accidental placement with dense chord Hello list, I have a dense chord with a lot of accidentals I need to typeset. The accidental placement that Lilypond comes up with looks a little too far from the note heads for me, but I'm struggling to find something better.  I ca

Accidental placement with dense chord

2024-06-16 Thread Knute Snortum
Hello list, I have a dense chord with a lot of accidentals I need to typeset. The accidental placement that Lilypond comes up with looks a little too far from the note heads for me, but I'm struggling to find something better. I came up with three other configurations but I'm not sur

Re: Chord-ike fingerings on multiple voices

2024-06-12 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Fennel, This might be a little hacky, but… %%% SNIPPET BEGINS \version "2.24.3" "fing13" = \tweak X-offset #-1 \tweak Y-offset 0 \finger \markup \override #'(baseline-skip . 1.25) \column { "1" "3" } \relative c'' { << { c4 d-2 } \\ a2-\"fing13" >> } %%% SNIPPET ENDS You could ea

Re: DIfferent note values within a chord

2024-05-21 Thread Xavier Scheuer
On Tue, 21 May 2024 at 16:04, Aaron Hill wrote: > > It is interesting how we interpreted the clef and key signature > differently when trying to recreate the image. You did manage to the > squeeze in the forte, which I did not. Yes, I thought exactly the same thing when I saw your answer. In fac

Re: DIfferent note values within a chord

2024-05-21 Thread Jun Tamura
uration-log 2 d, d a>2 >> <\tweak duration-log 2 d a f'>2 >> <\tweak duration-log 2 e, c e>2 \fermata >> } >> > > Frankly, someone™ should put in the work to make > > \version "2.25.13" > > { > \clef bass \omit Staf

Re: DIfferent note values within a chord

2024-05-21 Thread David Kastrup
nkly, someone™ should put in the work to make \version "2.25.13" { \clef bass \omit Staff.Clef \omit Staff.TimeSignature \stemDown << d,4 d2 a >> << d4 a2 f' >> << e,4 c2 e \fermata >> } just work. There is an additional bit of icki

Re: DIfferent note values within a chord

2024-05-21 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2024-05-21 6:55 am, Xavier Scheuer wrote: \relative c' { \key bes \major \stemDown <\tweak duration-log 2 bes bes' f'>2\f <\tweak duration-log 2 bes' f' d'>2 | <\tweak duration-log 2 c, a' c>2\fermata } It is interesting how we interpreted the clef and key signature differently when tryin

Re: DIfferent note values within a chord

2024-05-21 Thread Xavier Scheuer
On Tue, 21 May 2024 at 15:42, Jun Tamura wrote: > > Hello, > > Could someone give me a pointer for this? > > This is a quite popular notation for bowed string instruments. I’m almost certain that I saw a way to achieve this before but could not find it this time. Hello, \relative c' { \key bes \

Re: DIfferent note values within a chord

2024-05-21 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2024-05-21 6:40 am, Jun Tamura wrote: Hello, Could someone give me a pointer for this? This is a quite popular notation for bowed string instruments. I’m almost certain that I saw a way to achieve this before but could not find it this time. What you typically do is \tweak the duration-

Re: DIfferent note values within a chord

2024-05-21 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Could someone give me a pointer for this? > > This is a quite popular notation for bowed string instruments. I’m almost > certain that I saw a way to achieve this before but could not find it this > time. \version "2.24.2" { 2 } HTH Jean signature.asc Description: This is a digitally s

DIfferent note values within a chord

2024-05-21 Thread Jun Tamura
Hello, Could someone give me a pointer for this? This is a quite popular notation for bowed string instruments. I’m almost certain that I saw a way to achieve this before but could not find it this time. Thanks in advance for your help. Jun

Re: strange chord

2024-05-12 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> I mean… technically, it’s correct… Thanks. > but yuck. :-) > If I were customizing the name, I would probably have it say > Em(addb4). At the very least it should say Emsusb4. As chord names noob I have no opinion to that. I just wanted to ensure that MR !2335 produces cor

Re: strange chord

2024-05-12 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Werner, I mean… technically, it’s correct… but yuck. If I were customizing the name, I would probably have it say Em(addb4). At the very least it should say Emsusb4. — Kieren __ My work day may look different than your work day. Please do not feel

Re: strange chord

2024-05-12 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> I tried the following > > ``` > \version "2.25.16" > > chord = \chordmode { c4:6-^1 } > > << > \new ChordNames \chord > \chordmode { \chord } > >> > ``` > > and got the attached result. The displayed chord name looks weird &

strange chord

2024-05-12 Thread Werner LEMBERG
I tried the following ``` \version "2.25.16" chord = \chordmode { c4:6-^1 } << \new ChordNames \chord \chordmode { \chord } >> ``` and got the attached result. The displayed chord name looks weird to me, but I'm no expert for Jazz chords... Is it correct

Re: Spacing of chords on a chord lead sheet

2024-05-11 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 11/05/24 01:59, Kieren MacMillan wrote: Hi Raphael, However, the chord names are mono-spaced; they are not spaced according to their durations. So that if, for instance, I  have {ef2 ef4:maj7 ef4:7} then each symbol occupies the same amount of space on the line. The first chord does not

Re: Spacing of chords on a chord lead sheet

2024-05-10 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Raphael, > However, the chord names are mono-spaced; they are not spaced according to > their durations. So that if, for instance, I have {ef2 ef4:maj7 ef4:7} then > each symbol occupies the same amount of space on the line. The first chord > does not occupy double the space

Spacing of chords on a chord lead sheet

2024-05-09 Thread Raphael Mankin
I have generated a chord lead sheet for a bass player with just the chords on it (\chordMode, no notes). After some fiddling I got the bar lines and repeats printed. However, the chord names are mono-spaced; they are not spaced according to their durations. So that if, for instance, I have

Re: Empty chord construct and \break.

2024-05-01 Thread Thomas Morley
ne-width . 66) \override #'(baseline-skip . >>> > 2.3) \wordwrap { But enough with introductions. You are no doubt here to >>> > learn about a most difficult episode in the life of our Katz. It was >>> > during a particular night of fitful sleep that our beloved Katzlein >>> > fina

Re: Empty chord construct and \break.

2024-04-28 Thread Hwaen Ch'uqi
beloved Katzlein finally >> slipped into Traumland, and it is there where our story begins. } >> > R2.\fermata%29 >> > \textLengthOff >> > } >> > } >> > } >> > >> > Thank you so much. >> > >> > Hwaen Ch&#x

Re: Empty chord construct and \break.

2024-04-28 Thread Hwaen Ch'uqi
our beloved Katzlein finally > slipped into Traumland, and it is there where our story begins. } > > R2.\fermata%29 > > \textLengthOff > > } > > } > > } > > > > Thank you so much. > > > > Hwaen Ch'uqi > > > > Hi, > >

Re: Empty chord construct and \break.

2024-04-28 Thread Thomas Morley
a > particular night of fitful sleep that our beloved Katzlein finally slipped > into Traumland, and it is there where our story begins. } > R2.\fermata%29 > \textLengthOff > } > } > } > > Thank you so much. > > Hwaen Ch'uqi > Hi, what happens here

Empty chord construct and \break.

2024-04-27 Thread Hwaen Ch'uqi
Greetings, I am trying to typeset a stack of spoken lines above a multimeasure rest. This works fine when preceded by notes in the same system. However, when it follows a forced break, the output is not so desirable. Can anyone explain what I am missing? MWE below. \version "2.24.3" \score { \

Re: Dynamics collide with span bar (was Re: Chord names collide with span bar)

2024-03-22 Thread Michael Bret
Many thanks, Aaron. So here is a cleaner MWE, with your fix: \version "2.25.13" #(ly:set-option 'debug-skylines #t) \layout { \context { \Score \override = ##t } } \layout { \context { \Dynamics \consists Pure_from_neighbor_engraver \

Re: Dynamics collide with span bar (was Re: Chord names collide with span bar)

2024-03-22 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2024-03-22 4:08 pm, Michael Bret wrote: Dear Werner, Aaron and Knute, (it is y first time attempting to contribute to such lilypond discussion so I don’t dare cc-ing the whole mailing list) (Adding the mailing list for visibility...) Regardless of your experience or comfort level, it is a

Re: How do I force chord names to top of stave when using multiple voices?

2024-02-05 Thread Valentin Petzel
Hello Marcus, essentially what you have here is << chordNames voiceI \\ voiceII >> If you only had << chordNames voiceI >> this would work out, because Lilypond would first see the chord names, which creates a new ChordNames context, and then the music, for which L

How do I force chord names to top of stave when using multiple voices?

2024-02-04 Thread Marcus Mayo
Hi all, I'm using lilypond to practice my voice leading. I want to keep the harmony as a separate voice for the sake of tidiness. However, when I add a second voice, the chords appear underneath the staff as opposed to above it. How do I fix this? Example: \version "2.25.11" \language "english"

Re: chord

2024-01-18 Thread David Kastrup
on-log) (ly:duration-log duration) note { <\apparent e,4 b, f e'>2 } Of course it doesn't work to change the dotcount when the chord as such has no dots scheduled. I am also not convinced that this interface is the best approach. -- David Kastrup

Re: chord

2024-01-18 Thread Leo Correia de Verdier
<\tweak duration-log 3 e, b, g e’>2 > 18 jan. 2024 kl. 16:33 skrev Alexander Weidner : > >  > > Hello, > > how do I notate a Double stop (German: Doppelgriff), where one note has an > other duration (see image). > > Thanks! Alexander


2024-01-18 Thread Alexander Weidner
Hello, how do I notate a Double stop (German: Doppelgriff), where one note has an other duration (see image). Thanks! Alexander

Re: fony-size chord wiyh bass chord

2024-01-15 Thread achar
Hello Robin Thank you so much Have a good day JP Le 14/01/2024 à 22:43, Robin Bannister a écrit : achar wrote: I would like to be able to change only the size of the bass in a bass chord, for example G in the F/G chord. And possibly be able to move it down and to the right of the

Re: fony-size chord wiyh bass chord

2024-01-14 Thread Robin Bannister
achar wrote: I would like to be able to change only the size of the bass in a bass chord, for example G in the F/G chord. And possibly be able to move it down and to the right of the agreement name. Add the attached layout section and adjust the numbers. Cheers, Robin \layout{ \context

fony-size chord wiyh bass chord

2024-01-13 Thread achar
Good morning. I would like to be able to change only the size of the bass in a bass chord, for example G in the F/G chord. And possibly be able to move it down and to the right of the agreement name. Can anyone help me ? Thank you so much . Jean Pierre

Re: Alternate, parenthesised chord names

2023-11-27 Thread Laurie Savage
> R1 > R1 > R1 > } > >> > } > > For parentheses around Chords, I use this code > %% Parentheses for Chords %% > > #(define (left-parenthesis-ignatzek-chord-names in-pitches bass >

Re: Alternate, parenthesised chord names

2023-11-27 Thread Ernie Braganza
\new ChordNames \Harmonies \new Staff { R1 R1 R1 } >> } For parentheses around Chords, I use this code %% Parentheses for Chords %% #(define (left-parenthesis-ignatzek-chord-names in-pitches bass inversion context)

Alternate, parenthesised chord names

2023-11-27 Thread Laurie Savage
Hi, In jazz lead sheets one often comes across alternate chord names in parentheses written above the standard chord to signify an alternative harmony that can be played. I have tried doing that using this as a simple example of an alternative IIm7-V7 back to Imaj: \version "2.25.4"

Re: Chord mode

2023-10-31 Thread Mats-Olof Liljegren
nippet: > > > Best wishes, > > Jakob > > On 31.10.2023 23.37, Mats-Olof Liljegren wrote: >> Hi! >> I would like to write e.g. am7-5 or Eadd9 or any other jazz and pop style

Re: Chord mode

2023-10-31 Thread Jakob Pedersen
Hi Mats-Olof, You should be able to do what you wish with the help of this snippet: Best wishes, Jakob On 31.10.2023 23.37, Mats-Olof Liljegren wrote: Hi! I would like to write e.g. am7-5 or Eadd9 or

Chord mode

2023-10-31 Thread Mats-Olof Liljegren
Hi! I would like to write e.g. am7-5 or Eadd9 or any other jazz and pop styled chords. Is there a simple solution? Best regards / MO

Re: chord names

2023-10-13 Thread Valentin Petzel
Hello, instead of doing \repeat unfold 8 {s1} do s1*8 or \scaleDurations 8 s1 Cheers, Valentin Am Freitag, 13. Oktober 2023, 21:43:53 CEST schrieb clyde: > I would like to include chord names in only part of a song. The example > I attached does that. The problem is that the use of spa

chord names

2023-10-13 Thread clyde
I would like to include chord names in only part of a song. The example I attached does that. The problem is that the use of spaces in the ChordNames section interferes with the \CompressMMRests directive in the "notes" section. Is there another way to include chordnames in a porti

Re: \mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn made strange behavior in chord, or it's a bug?

2023-09-24 Thread Adam M. Griggs
#1 c e>8[ g' g, g']} >> } On Mon, 25 Sept 2023 at 10:02, cc0_knight--- via LilyPond user discussion <> wrote: > Hi everyone! > as the code mentioned below, when i try to engraving, the root note of the > chord are not same as up

\mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn made strange behavior in chord, or it's a bug?

2023-09-24 Thread cc0_knight--- via LilyPond user discussion
Hi everyone! as the code mentioned below, when i try to engraving, the root note of the chord are not same as upper note. how to solve this problem? the aim: problem: code: \relative c'' {   \mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn   \time 4/8   <<     {2}     \\     {8 [g'8]}   >> } best regards!

how to redefine the brew-chord-slur?

2023-09-23 Thread cc0_knight--- via LilyPond user discussion
as the code mentioned, when I engraving, slur arpeggio are collision with measure line, how to avoid this by redefine slur? ``` \new PianoStaff <<   \set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t   \override PianoStaff.Arpeggio.stencil =     #ly:arpeggio::brew-chord-slur   \new Staff {     \rela

Re: Help Needed to make chord chart over two pages

2023-08-27 Thread Michael Werner
ar, even though I do not fully > understand it. > > I am trying to make a Chord Chart that goes over two pages, in what I call > a "ukulele layout". A "ukulele layout" being where the chords are in > line with the lyrics. > I also, in the long run, I am looking

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