On Fri 20 Dec 2024 at 13:40:48 (-0800), Knute Snortum wrote:
> Since you're going to write a Python script, I figure I can share what I've
> done so far on mine.  It uses python-ly so you need to do a `pip install
> python-ly` first before you run it.  It makes three very big assumptions:
> 1) That you're using an absolute pitch of some sort.  Relative pitch is
> going to be a problem, I think.

Agreed. I start with that step as a standalone, using ly rel2abs .

But next, I make a copy of the file, and change the names of the
variables of interest from foo to fooi in filei, and fooii in fileii.

I then run two conversion steps, one on filei that generates only
the first part, ie converting "<b a>4." to "b4.", followed by
another on fileii for the second part, ie converting "<b a>4."
to "a4.".

Finally, I cut and paste all the fooii variables of interest from
fileii into filei, adjust the \score{ } sections to include the two
voices instead of one, and add Merge_rests_engravers as appropriate.

This method will give melodic lines that are suitable for having
lyrics set beneath them, rather than a blizzard of simultaneity
structures, which can confuse the eye.


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