Thank you all. I wanted to know if there was already something
available but I will build a python script for it. I'm also under
Linux and pretty used to that.

Here is an example of input:
lower = \relative f, {
 \key f \major
 \time 4/4
 <f f'>2 r
 | <f f'> r
 | <c c'>1
 | <f f'>2 r
 | <d d'>1
 | <e e'>2 <c c'>
 | <f f'> r
 | <bes, bes'>2. <a a'>4
 | <g g'>1
 | <c c'>
 | <f f'>4 r r <bes g'>
 | r8 c( g' bes c bes g bes)
 | <f a>4 r <f, f'> r


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