Hello. A common accompaniment motive is "oom pah": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oom-pah
An excerpt of a LilyPond-generated score is attached. I get this PDF output by encoding separately the "oom" ("bassoon" line) and the "pah" (the chord line), for the purpose of getting the MIDI output right: Bass note on the downbeat; chord on the upbeat. However, this entails that in the PDF the chord name is also displayed on the upbeat (as expected) despite it should also appear above the downbeat in order to convey the correct semantics of the harmonic structure. The excerpt below shows how the "upbeat" part is encoded (in its own file). ---CUT--- aMajorBar = \chordmode { s8 a s a | } aMajorGMinorBar = \chordmode { s8 g:m s g:m | } harmonyChords = \chordmode { \time 2/4 % Intro \repeat percent 2 { \aMajorBar } % A \repeat volta 2 { \aMajorGMinorBar \aMajorBar \aMajorGMinorBar \aMajorBar } % etc. } harmony = \context ChordNames = "Harmony" { \set chordChanges = ##t \set ChordNames.midiInstrument = "accordion" % \harmonyChords } ---CUT--- Is there a recommended way to encode "oom pah" style accompaniment that would produce both outputs (PDF and MIDI) right? If not, it looks like what I'm looking for is a function with two arguments (a duration and a chord name) that would shift the graphics (to the left) while not changing its timing position: ---CUT--- aMajorBar = \chordmode { s8 \shiftChordSymbol { 8 a } s \shiftChordSymbol { 8 a } | } ---CUT--- Best regards, Gilles