Would you consider:

\relative {
  \mark E
      <b''! gs f! d>8
      \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #0.9
      <b,! gs f! d>8

Maybe it breaks the rules, but it looks easy to read to me.


 From:   Knute Snortum <ksnor...@gmail.com> 
 To:   <lilypond-user@gnu.org> 
 Sent:   16/06/2024 22:29 
 Subject:   Accidental placement with dense chord 

Hello list,

I have a dense chord with a lot of accidentals I need to typeset. The 
accidental placement that Lilypond comes up with looks a little too far from 
the note heads for me, but I'm struggling to find something better.  I came up 
with three other configurations but I'm not sure which is better (see attached 
and also the LilyPond source file that created them.)

A) is how LilyPond places the accidentals without any outside aid.  B) is with 
the accidentals in the same configuration, but a little closer to the note 
heads. C) is how the edition I'm working from does it, and D) is my own stab at 

I have two questions: which looks better, A, B, C, or D?  And is there a better 
way to manipulate the accidental placements other than forcing the X-offsets?

Knute Snortum


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