Greetings, I am trying to typeset a stack of spoken lines above a multimeasure rest. This works fine when preceded by notes in the same system. However, when it follows a forced break, the output is not so desirable. Can anyone explain what I am missing? MWE below.
\version "2.24.3" \score { \new Staff = contrabass { \relative c' { \key des \major \time 3/4 \clef bass des,2. %! des %2 des %3 des %4 \break \textLengthOn <>^\markup \override #'(line-width . 66) \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.3) \wordwrap { But enough with introductions. You are no doubt here to learn about a most difficult episode in the life of our Katz. It was during a particular night of fitful sleep that our beloved Katzlein finally slipped into Traumland, and it is there where our story begins. } R2.\fermata%29 \textLengthOff } } } Thank you so much. Hwaen Ch'uqi