achar wrote:

I would like to be able to change only the size of the bass in a bass
chord, for example G in the F/G chord.

And possibly be able to move it down and to the right of the agreement name.

Add the attached layout section and adjust the numbers.

  \context { \ChordNames 
    slashChordSeparator = % is only a dividing line;
    #(make-with-dimensions-markup (cons 0 0) (cons 0 0) ;; displaces nothing
    (make-translate-markup  (cons -1 -1.5) ;; just clear of root-stuff base
    (make-rotate-markup -45 "/"))) % roughly perp to bass/root axis 
    chordNoteNamer = #(lambda (p l?)
    (make-lower-markup 2.0 ;; not too cramped but still belonging graphically
    (make-small-markup ;; as qualifier is subordinate to root name 
    (note-name->markup p l?))))

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