for \unfoldRepeats:
The general recommendation is to have a score block for the pdf/image
output and a separate block for the midi output with the repeats unfolded.
\layout {
ragged-right = ##t
indent = 0\cm
line-width = 1.5\cm
\context {
\omit TimeSignature
\override = #'(minimum-fixed-space
. 3.0)
#(layout-set-staff-size 14)
essible (almost
as if it's still leaving space for the time signature). Is there a way to
squeeze this? I'm wanting this in a footnote and it needs to be reduced
in size to look right. Thanks for the help.
-Jay Anderson
That works perfectly. The Cond conditional is even better.
Thank you,
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lilypond-user mailing list
I have defined three pair lists nameCpitch, nameEpitch, nameGpitch and
I want to assign nameold to one of the four depending on the value of pitch.
I set pitch to G and have a set of if statements to define nameold.
However it is not working. When I print one of the lists I defined,
Wow! Fantastic!
Thanks Aaron!
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lilypond-user mailing list
I have defined alternate note names using the following method:
newnames =
#`(("c" . "S")
("d" . "R")
("e" . "G")
("f" . "M")
("g" . "P")
("a" . "D")
("b" . "N"))
myNoteNames =
#(lambda (grob)
(let* ((default-name (ly:grob-property grob 'text))
(new-name (assoc-get
s also the spanner-id, but I don't believe that works for ties.
lilypond-user mailing list
> <>
> :
What result are you seeing? Please describe the breakage you're seeing.
Also consider using a newer version of lilypond. 2.19.82 is the latest
but I just checked (and changed my name and address) and it was set (as
far as I could understand ) to 'digest' or group
so that is not the answer or at least not to the current problem.
On 2018-11-04 11:52, Jean-Julien Fleck wrote:
> Hello Sam,
> I thin
I don't understand why the acciaccatura note is before the time
signature in the third measure of this example
\version "2.18.2"
\header {
title = "acciaccatura test"
composer = "Jay Hamilton"
copyright = \markup { \tiny \override #
that you
could use tags (or the fancy edition engraver that's all the rage these
lilypond-user mailing list
On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 1:46 AM, Xavier Scheuer wrote:
> On 14 January 2018 at 16:36, Jay Anderson wrote:
> >
> > Right. I want a more general solution. It gets annoying to have to
> > tweak the same tempo in the score and different parts. With the
> > accidental is
o in the score and different parts. With the accidental issue
for instance the object is on the page so I assume there is some way to
tell it to align with that object.
lilypond-user mailing list
mpo mark instead of stacking. Most of the
time this isn't a big problem. However when music gets a bit compressed
they stack (even using \markLengthOn). Also if I manage to make the above
(3) work for alignment with multimeasure rests this will also occur. This
would be worth thinking about after the above.
Any suggestions for the above would be welcome. Thanks.
lilypond-user mailing list
scores (mostly bad line numbers in compile errors),
but I'd prefer to not add another tool in the compile chain for the scores
if possible.
On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 10:31 PM, Jay Anderson wrote:
> I'm putting in some text before
eight pt 20)
> ))
> }
I did some of the work on that feature. It currently can't be globally
enabled. I'd need to explore a bit more to figure it out how to make it
available globally, but seems like it should be doable. I can't promise
anything soon though.
end me a working mail address of Heikki or Aaron?
How did these differ from the vim support included with lilypond?
lilypond-user mailing list
On Sun, Aug 6, 2017 at 5:51 PM, Jay Anderson wrote:
> I believe the default behavior in this case used to be for the dynamics to
> collide with the bar line. These days it is creating a bit more space for
> the dynamic. That's the right behavior in most cases, but not the one
\score {
\new Staff {
c4 c c c |
c\sempreFF c c c |
% creates empty space
\score {
\new GrandStaff <<
\new Staff {
c4 c c c |
c\sempreFF c c c |
\new Staff {
c4 c c c |
c\sempreFF c c c |
1) Is it possible to define a variable as a piece of music:
jj = g16 \3 ( f e f)
The idea is, in the music I am working on the note F is sometimes replaced
by the above [and similarly other notes]. Perhaps a scheme function may be
needed for this?
2) When I am specifying the guitar string the no
through the process). I'll most likely have some next week time to
refresh my memory how it works, clean it up, document it, and create
some tests. Beyond that I'd need some guidance.
> Thanks and merry holidays,
> Alexander
Thanks and same to you.
e end.
> However, this will not work if the hairpin starts on the last printed note.
I tend to use this:
c1\> s1*0\! |
lilypond-user mailing list
quot; { ... }
\new Lyrics \lysicsto "oboe1" { ... }
\new Staff {
\new Voice = "oboe2" { ... }
\new Lyrics \lysicsto "oboe2" { ... }
lilypond-user mailing list
Wow! That works! Thanks.
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lilypond-user mailing
I have some music where I have Glissandos between each note of a phrase.
This happens often enough to warrant a Music of Scheme function that takes
a piece of music and adds glissandos between the notes.
In the example code below, for example, such a function would take music
and convert it musics
Works perfectly. Thanks.
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lilypond-user mailing list
I am trying to add left hand fingerings to the Tablature without affecting
the staff. Here is a sample code:
\version "2.19.15"
one = \markup { \finger 1 }
two = \markup { \finger 2 }
three = \markup { \finger 3 }
four = \markup { \finger 4 }
myMusic = \relati
imple options I'd suggest:
- Option 1: Manually move the tempo
\override Score.MetronomeMark.X-offset = #3
- Option 2: Don't align to `time-signature`. This will align to the note.
\override Score.MetronomeMark.break-align-symbols = #'()
On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 1:10
ot;, "|)", and "(|)" for fermatas above, below, and above and below
(and of course variations with different actual bar types). What do
you think? Is it too strange to put this as part of the bar line?
lilypond-user mailing list
Marc, that is perfect. Let me try and figure out how to adapt it to guitar
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Is there a way to have the guitar staff lines colour-coded? That is, have
each line in a different colour? There is a snippet that allows you to
change the thickness of staff lines. Something along the same lines perhaps
could be available.
On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 10:48 AM, David Kastrup wrote:
> Jay Anderson writes:
>> #(add-score #{ \noPageBreak #})
> Which version should that ever have worked in?
I haven't figured out when it changed (git bisect), but it at least
worked in 2.19.15. (With the added parser at
etting the same effect?
lilypond-user mailing list
hread). I don’t
> think we’ve had anyone corroborate the results on GNU/Linux yet.
That was on linux (64-bit). A speed-up there as well. So there are
speed-ups across the board.
very willing, though I most likely
wouldn't be able to work full time.
lilypond-user mailing list
Not one big score, but lots of smaller ones bundled: About 700 total pages
(10x13in horn part, 9x12in piano).
2.19.17 - 9m39s
2.19.18 - 7m00s (a nice speed bump here.)
Both max out around 6.5gb. I recall past versions required more memory.
concert pitch and to output the music in the transposed
pitch. This is the opposite of what lilypond's 'transposition' means.
Switching these around works great, but the default seems wrong.
Anyway, this is a _very_ useful function. Functionality like this should be
part of liliyp
> There has been another thread about that:
> <>
Awesome. That worked great. Thanks.
lilypond-user mailing list
other work on this in the intervening years? My
other thoughts are to use analysis brackets or draw custom bar lines
to denote the sections.
lilypond-user mailing list
After trials and tribulations and a great deal of help from many of you
I finished the score to my opera The Map in 2012.
On the 21st of March a performance (to garner more support for a full
production) of 5 scenes is Happening.
Thanks for the aid- truly
parts such as these.
A4 is fairly narrow which could be part of the problem as well.
lilypond-user mailing list
Thanks to both of you, where in the manual is this?
On 2015-02-11 09:21, Shane Brandes wrote:
R1*5/8*15 will do it. I misread the beats as measures.
On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 11:20 AM, Shane Brandes
R1*5/8*60 ought to do the trick.
On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at
way to do this?
Thanks for reading
blogs at
lilypond-user mailing list
-centered-ness of the note. It's never
bothered me enough to try and fix it though. I'd definitely be
interested in being able to tweak it if it were available.
lilypond-user mailing list
ould also
take into account other articulations that behave like staccato
(staccatissimo, stopped (I've seen this one both ways), etc.)
lilypond-user mailing list
\consists #stacc-corrector
The default toward-stem-shift for staccato marks is 0.5 (I'm not quite
sure why). The above also moves the staccato back to the default
position if other articulations are present.
lilypond-user mailing list
defaults for a
specific type of score and less about building the structure. So you'd
still need to manually build the scores and staves. Correct?
lilypond-user mailing list
- It won't work within a quoted list (e.g. #'(#{ b #} . #{ cis' #})
won't get you pitches.)
lilypond-user mailing list
ine before the grace notes. Gould also says "the trill line
continues right up to the following notehead or its accidental (if it
has one)", or it "stops at the barline".
lilypond-user mailing list
Essentially the implementation of afterGrace is a workaround to make
the grace show before the bar line (see
lilypond-user mailing list
Thanks in advance I'm sure this is easily found but I couldn't
version 2.18.2
Thanks for reading
blogs at
lilypond-user mailing list
Thank you for the solution and explanation.
This is something I wouldn't know how to notice in the manuals or even
to look for.
Thanks for reading
blogs at
r the finding the mistake that I just didn't catch.
Message: 2
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 21:30:51 -0800
From: "Mark Stephen Mrotek"
To: "'Jay Hamilton'" , "'Lilypond User'"
Subject: RE: Re; Volta problem
Message-ID: <000
h \markup because I'm not interested in
the midi for it.
here's a snippet that shows the problem
\version "2.18.2"
\header {
title = "Overture- Lully"
#(ly:set-option 'delete-intermediate-files #t)
#(set-default-paper-size "letter
Where in the manual(s) is the alignment for bar numbers below staff? I
found the engrave details but nothing (that I could find with my limited
wisdom) refers to putting them below the staff.
BTW gang my opera "The Map" which was completely set and somewhat
Unfortunately I can't get the \noPageBreak to work here. Any ideas on
the difference? Thanks.
lilypond-user mailing list
All music in Carnatic Classical music is written in solfege. Not sure if this
is an example of what you are talking about. Plus there is no specific
standard, but rather a bunch of different conventions. And the
ornamentations are left to the performer and not specifically written.
Timing is handle
For some reason the Completion heads engraver does not seem to be working
in some situations. In some cases it swallows up a note (although timing
wise it seems ok) and sometimes it produces some weird looking notes. Here
is one example I was able to recreate in a small example:
[image: Inline ima
could not
get past the syntax / non-music expression issues.
On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 12:41 AM, David Nalesnik
> On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 8:49 AM, Jay Vara wrote:
>> Trying to force the lyric in David's program to associate with the
>> Staff/Voice, I added
On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 5:54 PM, Thomas Morley
> 2014-11-25 15:49 GMT+01:00 Jay Vara :
> > Trying to force the lyric in David's program to associate with the
> > Staff/Voice, I added a name "jun" to the voice and see if that worked.
> >
> &g
Trying to force the lyric in David's program to associate with the
Staff/Voice, I added a name "jun" to the voice and see if that worked.
noteNameToLyric =
#(define-void-function (parser location lst) (list?)
(let* ((str (t lst))
(str (string-append "{ " str "}")))
(display str) (newline)
Given that NoteNames are really a type of lyrics, is it possible to have a
function that just takes music and returns a text string that is a lyric.
For example:
music = \relative c' { c4 d e f g a b c }
notenameLyric = \NoteNameToLyric \music
would make
notenameLyric = "c d e f g a b c"
I tried to change the tiedNoteToSkip procedure to also skip slurs. For some
reason, it does not seem to work the same way. It skips the first note in a
3 note slur, but not the second.
Here is the script:
\version "2.19.15"
#(define (name-of music) (ly:music-property music 'name))
ow to
> turn the returned string into a color to be used in an override.
Try quasiquote + unquote:
#(define types
`(("one" . ,red)
("two" . ,blue)))
#(display types) => ((one 1.0 0.0 0.0) (two 0.0 0.0 1.0))
Apparently, in the NoteNames context it defaults to Dutch. You can use the
following code to get what you want I think. b has been redefined to h in
the definition of newnames and the myNoteNames override to NoteName.stencil
makes this substitution.
\version "2.18
Yes, you are right. The unicode fonts failed on 2.19.5. I even tried the
new windows 10 and it failed.
Now that I know it works on linux (thanks to Bric), I will try to get
access to linux using virtual box and try it out.
On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 2:08 PM, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> > If it works
veral key
signature changes in my music and I realised that by the time Lilypond gets
to printing the NoteNames, it seems to have lost knowledge of the key
signatures and only remembers the very last one.
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If it works on Linux, I may have a way to get Linux on the windows PC using
Virtual Box. On the other hand I am using version 2.18.2 - perhaps I should
try 2.19.5 first.
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Sent from the
I have a program which is roughly as below:
\score {
\new staff
\key c \major
\new voice
\context NoteNames
\override NoteName.stencil = #myNoteNames
Thanks. That works very well.
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lilypond-user mailing
>I am not top-posting
Thanks. I was able to use the snippets you pointed out to get it almost
Check out this snippet:
> Using ly:grob-object to access grobs with \tweak
This is the program I wrote. It does colour the note heads for
Thanks. I modified your snippet and was able to get it to work for the
note heads. For some reason the stems and accidentals do not work.
I even tried a separate function to set Stem.color - also did not work.
The stem does not seem to see accidentals.
When I tried the color-acci in my p
I tried to use unicode fonts for the lyrics. While the fonts show perfectly
well in the input file, the output is not correct. Is there a workaround?
\version "2.18.2"
\score {
\new Staff \relative c' {
{c2 d4e f2 g a b c}
\new Lyrics \lyri
Thanks. I modified the snippet and was able to get it half-way working. I
say half-way because I was not able to get the Stem and the Accidental to
change colour, just the NoteHead. Well, not quite. I tried this function on
a long music and it changed the colour of the stem here and there -
Is there a way to make the accidental notes in a different colour?
I can make a particular note a different colour by:
\tweak NoteHead.color #red
\tweak Stem.color #red
\tweak Accidental.color #red
However, I would like to have all the accidentals to be coloured. Perhaps,
override NoteHead c
> Hi Jay, Did you see my reply here:
Thanks. I will try your suggestions. I was watching this site.
For some reason, there were no u
I am trying to display all the names that appear in a piece of music
(NoteEvent etc.) using map-some-music. It the function musShow is only
printing the top level name. What am I missing here?
\version "2.18.2"
#(define (showMus music) (display-scheme-music (ly:music-propert
I am trying to display all the names that appear in a piece of music
(NoteEvent etc.) using map-some-music. It the function musNam is only
printing the top level name. What am I missing here?
\version "2.18.2"
#(define (name-of music) (display-scheme-music (ly:music-property
I am trying to display all the names that appear in a piece of music
(NoteEvent etc.) using map-some-music. It the function musNam is only
printing the top level name. What am I missing here?
\version "2.18.2"
#(define (name-of music) (display-scheme-music (ly:music-property
Is there a way to tell the NoteName Engraver not to print the notes under
ties? Or print a - when the note is tied to the previous note?
In the following code, e and g are tied. The NoteName currently prints e e
and g g. Instead I would like to see it print e - and g -.
\version "2.18
I saw some discussion of how to get lilypond to print only lyrics from a
few years ago. I tried a few things suggested in those posts, but nothing
worked well. Does anyone know if a good solution exists? Ideally,
NoteNames and Lyrics contexts would print, but staff does not print or
occupy spac
tead of adding a new file.
Being able to call from the command line would be quite interesting. We
were going to have a website where someone could get the song sheet plus
the corresponding midi with the transpose they want. Would be easy to
implement with the command line opti
> A quick search in the sources shows that at least 's' seems to be
> hardcoded in lily/parser.yy, so there is no easy way to define another
> letter instead of 's'.
Okay, thanks. I should be able to work around it.
pieces in the
score. \musicA \musicB \musicC etc. In some cases only two are defined
and in some cases five or six are defined. I should be able to used the
defined? construct to handle that.
lilypond-user mailing list
I have the letter s as a defined pitch
abc = #`( (s . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 0 NATURAL) )
which I set as a note name.
How do I set a different letter to the silent note s? Also for the rest r?
lilypond-user mailing list
I have a file which prints a song. Is it possible for someone to
print the song with a transposition, say c to d, without editing the .ly
file? Something like:
\transpose c d {\include}
lilypond-user mailing list
d for better dot placement that caused this. One option is to
use \override Dots #'stencil = ##f in one of the voices. Not great. Or
use the other solution ( My
main complaint with it is that it doesn't handle multi-measure rests
>From a brief look at the thread, it looks like it might work. I will work
on it this weekend to understand it and check it out.
lilypond-user mailing list
Is there a way to execute a string as a command?
For example,
tt = 45
#(display tt)
jj = "tt = 65"
#(display jj)
tt = #(eval-string jj)
#(display tt)
would display the value 65 for tt, the result of evaluating the string jj.
If I define lilyA, lilyB, lilyC to be
Not quite. This definition makes all the lines end with the "special"
barline "|.". I only wanted it at the end of the FirstPart of music.
lilypond-user mailing list
I have four bars per line, plus I have double bar lines at the beginning
and end of a line as seen in the code below.
I tried to get a special bar line at the end of the FirstPart (at the end
of the first line) without success. I think I was able to get it in one of
the trials, but that made the d
I tried your snippet with a different meter and it gives some weird
results. It seems to produce additional bars - I changed the bar after the
compound meter to double bar so we can see the extraneous bars. And the
notes are not placed properly. Am I doing something totally foolish here?
ays of doing things in lilypod and
guile in more depth than the manuals. I am quite thankful for this.
lilypond-user mailing list
>I am not top-posting
I have defined a function sspOn that just sets a variable SSP to 1. It
is called from the music expression \music.
\music is used in the Voice context as well as in the NoteNames context.
However, the function call is made only once. How do I get the function
to be calle
rneath notes to indicate 8th or 16th notes - should extend similar to
lilypond-user mailing list
by sub-bar units in
lily/ If they mean sub-bar units of the
compound meter, they should work for your snippet and they do not.
lilypond-user mailing list
When a lyric syllable corresponds to several notes, it is easy to get a
line extending under all the notes concerned. When a lyric syllable
corresponds to a single full note (or dotted full or a half note) I would
like to see a line the extends from the lyric till the completion of the
current note
Jay Vara> writes:
> I am trying to get the text about the two staffs to align. \left-align
or \right-align both seem to just give centre align.
I think I got it. I had to use
\override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X =
I am trying to get the text about the two staffs to align. \left-align or
\right-align both seem to just give centre align. Here is the code and what
it produces.
\version "2.18.2"
\new Voice {\mark \markup {\left-align "Left-Align"}
\relative c' {c d e f g a b c}
\new Voice {\mark
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