I know I can do this to combine marks: \mark \markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 3) \center-column { \line { \box \bold "P" } \line { \musicglyph #"scripts.ufermata" } } }
This produces a rehearsal mark over a fermata over a bar line. However when this occurs at a line break I want the fermata over the barline before the break and the rehearsal mark at the beginning of the line after the break. Is there a good way to do this currently? (the lilypond web site appears unreachable again so I haven't done my usually scouring there.) If there's not a good way to do this today, one feature that I think would solve this cleanly is adding a fermata barline type. So the above would be: \bar "(|" \mark \markup { \box \bold "P" } Where '(' in the bar means a fermata above the bar. We could include "(|", "|)", and "(|)" for fermatas above, below, and above and below (and of course variations with different actual bar types). What do you think? Is it too strange to put this as part of the bar line? -----Jay _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user