On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 9:30 PM, Kieren MacMillan
<kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> wrote:
> 2. Why is this not Lilypond’s default behaviour? As I understand it, 
> traditional engraving practice is to centre full-measure objects (notes 
> and/or rests) in *any* measure of a piece, as long as all staves in the 
> current system consist of only full-measure objects (notes and/or rests).

Gould says that a bar containing a single note is placed left of
center. Full measure rests are centered. So lilypond is behaving
correctly from what I can tell, but I agree at times it'd be nice to
be able to adjust the off-centered-ness of the note. It's never
bothered me enough to try and fix it though. I'd definitely be
interested in being able to tweak it if it were available.


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