
Thanks. I modified the snippet and was able to get it half-way working. I
say half-way because I was not able to get the Stem and the Accidental to
change colour, just the NoteHead. Well, not quite. I tried this function on
a long music and it changed the colour of the stem here and there - not
consistently. Perhaps we are catching the stem after it has already been
"printed"? I tried also to set the Stem colour directly, but the grob for
the Stem does not seem to have the accidental information.

Here is the code I used:

\version "2.18.2"

#(define (color-acci notehead)
   (let* ((accidental(ly:grob-object notehead 'accidental-grob))
         (notecolumn  (ly:grob-parent notehead X))
         (stem (ly:grob-object notecolumn 'stem)))
    ; (format #t "head = ~a  acci = ~a stem = ~a ?? ~%" notehead accidental
     (if (ly:grob? accidental) 
         (ly:grob-set-property! stem 'color red))
     (if (ly:grob? accidental) 
         (ly:grob-set-property! accidental 'color red))
     (if (ly:grob? accidental)  red black)))

#(define (color-stem stem)
   (let* ((accidental(ly:grob-object stem 'accidental-grob)))
     (format #t "acci = ~a stem = ~a ?? ~%"  accidental stem)
     (if (ly:grob? accidental)  red black)))

\score {
  \new Staff \relative c' {
    \override NoteHead.color = #color-acci
    \override Stem.color = #color-stem
    c4 b d dis ees f g aes

Here is the output:


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