I have four bars per line, plus I have double bar lines at the beginning
and end of a line as seen in the code below.

I tried to get a special bar line at the end of the FirstPart (at the end
of the first line) without success. I think I was able to get it in one of
the trials, but that made the double bar line at the beginning of
SecondPart disappear. As you can see the command \bar "|." in the score
section is not having any effect.


\version "2.18.2"

\defineBarLine "||" #`("||" "||" "||")

musicA = \relative c' {

\bar "||" c4 d e f2 g2

a b c d e4 }

musicB = \relative c' {f g f e d c b a c a b a c d e f}

patterning = {

 \repeat unfold 2 {s4*16 \break \bar "||"}


 \score {

\new Staff <<

\new Voice {

\mark FirstPart \musicA \bar "|."

\mark SecondPart \musicB


\new Voice \patterning


\layout {

\context {


\remove Note_heads_engraver

\consists Completion_heads_engraver

\remove Rest_engraver

\consists Completion_rest_engraver





[image: Inline image 1]
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