Not a great title, but here's what I'm wanting to achieve:

\version "2.20.0"

\score {
  \new Staff { c''2 r }
  \layout {
    \context {
      \omit TimeSignature

This looks mostly correct until I reduce the staff size and squeeze it

\version "2.20.0"

\score {
  \new Staff { c''2 r }
  \layout {
    line-width = 15\mm
    \context {
      \omit TimeSignature
    #(layout-set-staff-size 14)

The space between the clef and the first note is not compressible (almost
as if it's still leaving space for the time signature). Is there a way to
squeeze this? I'm wanting this in a footnote and it needs to be reduced
in size to look right. Thanks for the help.

-----Jay Anderson

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