I'm putting in some text before a score and I don't want a page break
between them. I know how to do this manually. Here's an example:

\version "2.19.15"

  \markup "fill some space"
    \new Staff \relative c'
      \repeat unfold 13 {c1 | \break}
      ragged-right = ##t
  \markup "Keep with next"

  \noPageBreak %%%%%%% <----  What I want to do programatically.

    \new Staff \relative c'
      c1 |
      ragged-right = ##t

I want to do this programatically. Something like this:
\version "2.19.15"

makeStuff =
#(define-void-function (parser loc) ()
  (add-text parser #{\markup "fill some space" #})
  (add-score parser #{
      \new Staff \relative c'
        \repeat unfold 13 {c1 | \break}
        ragged-right = ##t
  (add-text parser #{\markup "Keep with next"#})
  ; This doesn't work:
  (add-score parser #{ \noPageBreak #})
  (add-score parser #{
      \new Staff \relative c'
        c1 |
        ragged-right = ##t


Unfortunately I can't get the \noPageBreak to work here. Any ideas on
the difference? Thanks.


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