Re: Spectacle sign

2025-01-19 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 19/01/2025 14:39, Michael Werner wrote: It's an available markup command, listed at v2.24/Documentation/notation/other Short version: \markup{\eyeglasses} Thank you. I was searching for the wrong w

Spectacle sign

2025-01-19 Thread Raphael Mankin
Is there a spectacle (watch the conductor) glyph in Lilypond? I haven't found one.

Re: Convert chord mode into multi-voice mode

2024-12-20 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 20/12/2024 12:18, Frédéric wrote: Hi, I want to adapt a piano score for a small set of instruments. The right hand is already written as a set of chords with 2 notes ... Is there a way to turn it into a set of 2 voices { a b } \\ { c' d' }? Thanks, F I would use a little perl or python s

Re: Labeling a chordNames staff

2024-12-16 Thread Raphael Mankin
Thank you On 15/12/2024 11:25, David Kastrup wrote: Raphael Mankin writes: Is it possible to label a chordNames staff much as instrumentName labels a music staff? Motivation: In popular music it is common to have more than one harmonisation of a tune. I would like to label them as to source

Labeling a chordNames staff

2024-12-15 Thread Raphael Mankin
Is it possible to label a chordNames staff much as instrumentName labels a music staff? Motivation: In popular music it is common to have more than one harmonisation of a tune. I would like to label them as to source/style/...

Re: Scope of defined names

2024-12-02 Thread Raphael Mankin
"variables", does that mean that they can be redefined or are they set-once? Saul On Sun, Dec 1, 2024, 3:16 PM Raphael Mankin <>> wrote: What is the scope of a defined name? If I write, for instance: tune = { a b c d } Is the scope  of

Scope of defined names

2024-12-01 Thread Raphael Mankin
What is the scope of a defined name? If I write, for instance: tune = { a b c d } Is the scope of the name "tune" the whole compilation unit, the smallest enclosing book, book part, score, bracketed expression ...? Can it be redefined in an inner or in a parallel scope? I have not spotted t

Re: Layout going screwy

2024-09-04 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 04/09/2024 11:15, David Kastrup wrote: Raphael Mankin writes: For reasons that not concern us I am re-typing Cole Porter's Anything Goes. I get as far as the key change after bar 20 but then the layout goes wild: no bar numbers, line breaks fail, stray bar on the end. I have ch

Re: Null midi device

2024-08-26 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 26/08/2024 09:56, David Kastrup wrote: Raphael Mankin writes: Is there a null midi device so that I can say explicitly that I do not want midi output for this staff, as opposed to "I have forgotten to specify it"? Does something like \new Staff \with { \remove "

Null midi device

2024-08-26 Thread Raphael Mankin
Is there a null midi device so that I can say explicitly that I do not want midi output for this staff, as opposed to "I have forgotten to specify it"?

Re: lilyjazz fonts not working

2024-08-19 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 19/08/2024 10:27, Mark Probert wrote: And to add on, updating the fonts needs to be done for each new release of LP. I downloaded the fonts and then use a script that has the version number and base location, such as... —script REV = “2.24.4" LILY = "/opt/homebrew/share/lilypond"   cp

Re: Song with repeat and partial

2024-08-10 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 10/08/2024 11:01, Valentin Petzel wrote: I was hoping there was a neat trick that did not involve stubs. But if that is the "traditional" way of doing things I mean, what du you want to see in the end? This sort of notation is very common in vocal music. I know it is common, that w

Re: Song with repeat and partial

2024-08-09 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 09/08/2024 09:54, Valentin Petzel wrote: I have a song with an intro, several stanzas, and a refrain. Each stanza starts on the last beat of the measure.See the attached MWE. Is there a neat way of avoiding having a repeat bar in the middle of a measure while preserving the stanza numbers

Re: Song with repeat and partial

2024-08-08 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 09/08/2024 04:48, David Wright wrote: On Wed 07 Aug 2024 at 14:43:32 (+0100), Raphael Mankin wrote: Is there a neat way of avoiding having a repeat bar in the middle of a measure while preserving the stanza numbers is their proper places? I wasn't aware tha

Song with repeat and partial

2024-08-07 Thread Raphael Mankin
This is a follow-up from a question I asked a few weeks back. I have a song with an intro, several stanzas, and a refrain. Each stanza starts on the last beat of the measure.See the attached MWE. Is there a neat way of avoiding having a repeat bar

Re: Song: multiple verses and refrain

2024-07-09 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 10/07/2024 07:46, Hans Aikema wrote: On 10 Jul 2024, at 06:14, David Wright wrote: On Mon 08 Jul 2024 at 22:48:00 (+0100), Raphael Mankin wrote: That is great, thanks. I have not yet got my head around context naming. Clearly I shall have to do some more reading. But you need to

Re: Song: multiple verses and refrain

2024-07-08 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 08/07/2024 22:12, Mats Bengtsson wrote: On 2024-07-08 21:40, Raphael Mankin wrote: An alternative to the already proposed solutions is to name the Lyrics context that you want to keep, and then reuse it for the refrain: \version "2.24.3" melody = { \relative c'    

Re: Song: multiple verses and refrain

2024-07-08 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 08/07/2024 19:53, Mats Bengtsson wrote: On 2024-07-08 15:37, Raphael Mankin wrote: I am having difficulty layout  satisfactorily a song that has 3 verses and a refrain. The refrain comes on a separate line from the verses. It looks unsightly, and wastes space on the page. Neither NR nor

Re: Song: multiple verses and refrain

2024-07-08 Thread Raphael Mankin
Yes, that works, thank you. Not as elegant a solution as I would like, in that it mixes verse with refrain, but it works. On 08/07/2024 14:46, Christopher R. Maden wrote: On 7/8/24 09:37, Raphael Mankin wrote: I am having difficulty layout  satisfactorily a song that has 3 verses and a

Song: multiple verses and refrain

2024-07-08 Thread Raphael Mankin
I am having difficulty layout satisfactorily a song that has 3 verses and a refrain. The refrain comes on a separate line from the verses. It looks unsightly, and wastes space on the page. Neither NR nor LM seem to address this case. I attach my MWE. But here is the .ly:

Re: French lyrics and accented characters

2024-07-04 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 04/07/2024 16:48, Jean Abou Samra wrote: Le jeudi 04 juillet 2024 à 15:21 +0100, Raphael Mankin a écrit : Anyhow, I persist in my opinion that facilitating the input of accented characters is best done at a level different than LilyPond. I don't disagree with you. Using a compose

Re: French lyrics and accented characters

2024-07-04 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 04/07/2024 09:57, Jean Abou Samra wrote: Le jeudi 04 juillet 2024 à 08:09 +0100, Raphael Mankin a écrit : I already use these, but they are incomplete. Thanks to all who replied; I obviously struck a nerve, and i10n is still an issue in spite of utf8. I beg to differ. IMHO, entering

Re: French lyrics and accented characters

2024-07-04 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 03/07/2024 20:33, Simon Albrecht wrote: Hi Valentin, On 03.07.24 14:31, Valentin Petzel wrote: I’ve taken some time to create a function for decoding html-style entities. wow, that’s a great bit of initiative! I’m really sorry that only upon seeing this I remembered the text-replacemen

Re: French lyrics and accented characters

2024-07-03 Thread Raphael Mankin
need. Cheers, Valentin Am Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2024, 11:14:52 MESZ schrieb Jean Abou Samra: Le mercredi 03 juillet 2024 à 08:26 +0100, Raphael Mankin a écrit : Thank you. The obvious is what generally escapes one. But character picking is a PITA. I shall have to add a French keyboard to my layouts.

Re: French lyrics and accented characters

2024-07-03 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 02/07/2024 22:25, Jean Abou Samra wrote: I have tried all sorts of  things, but how  do I get French accented characters in lyrics and markup? Uh… just write them directly: \version "2.24.2" \markup { Quelques caractères accentués } \lyrics { É à û Ï } Thank you. The obvious is what

French lyrics and accented characters

2024-07-02 Thread Raphael Mankin
I have tried all sorts of things, but how do I get French accented characters in lyrics and markup? --

Re: Alternating styles of TimeSignatures

2024-05-31 Thread Raphael Mankin
I asked a similar question a while back and this is the answer I received: On Thu, Feb 1, 2024 at 10:50 AM Raphael Mankin wrote: I have music with alternate bars in 3/4 and 6/8. The usual way to indicate this is to put both time signatures at the start, but I can find no way

Re: General question: scores and parts

2024-05-13 Thread Raphael Mankin
ece = "Part High" }    <<   \new Devnull \structure   \new StaffGroup << \new Staff \high   >>    >> } \score {    \header { piece = "Part Low" }    <<   \new Devnull \structure   \new StaffGroup << \new

General question: scores and parts

2024-05-13 Thread Raphael Mankin
When one writes a score various annotations, e.g. tempo changes, are attached only to the top staff. When one generates separate parts one want those annotations on every part. If I attach the annotations to every part the parts are correct, but I get warnings in the full score but the appeara

Re: Spacing of chords on a chord lead sheet

2024-05-11 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 11/05/24 01:59, Kieren MacMillan wrote: Hi Raphael, However, the chord names are mono-spaced; they are not spaced according to their durations. So that if, for instance, I  have {ef2 ef4:maj7 ef4:7} then each symbol occupies the same amount of space on the line. The first chord does not

Spacing of chords on a chord lead sheet

2024-05-09 Thread Raphael Mankin
I have generated a chord lead sheet for a bass player with just the chords on it (\chordMode, no notes). After some fiddling I got the bar lines and repeats printed. However, the chord names are mono-spaced; they are not spaced according to their durations. So that if, for instance, I have

Re: Frescobaldi... panic alternatives?

2024-05-02 Thread Raphael Mankin
This is a much better description of Neovim than exists on any of the Neovim web-sites. They all jump straight into detail without telling one what the whole thing is about. I struggled to work out what Neovim is, or why I should want to use it. On 02/05/2024 05:33, Kenneth Flak wrote: OK, g

Re: score with dynamic beats

2024-04-12 Thread Raphael Mankin
I note that in one solution one uses \remove and in the other \omit to achieve the same thing. Is there any prospect of moving to a situation where only one operator is used to achieve a result, possibly by having a preferred and deprecated options first? This is a general point, not just re

Re: Can't compile Lilypond files

2024-03-25 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 24/03/2024 21:26, David Sumbler wrote: On Sun, 2024-03-24 at 21:55 +0100, Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote: [snip] What I don't understand is why or how it always used to work, but I suppose there's no point in worrying about that. I have lost count of the number of projects over the past sev

Re: B.A.C.H. motif

2024-03-19 Thread Raphael Mankin
That is so silly that I love it. On 19/03/2024 13:27, Xavier Scheuer wrote: On Tue, 19 Mar 2024 at 13:57, Peter Mayes > wrote: > > Being relatively new to this forum, I suspect I am not the first person > to ask this. > > And it is more out of curiosity than nec

Re: Question regarding ChordNames

2024-03-13 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 13/03/2024 03:50, John Helly wrote: Aloha. Here's an MWE to exhibit the issue. I have a flat note (bes) that I want to transpose down 4 half-tones to F#.  However, when the transpose is applied, the result is Gb.  I understand that a flat note was the initial value so maybe LP is prese

Re: snippet

2024-03-12 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 11/03/2024 16:54, Gian Paolo Renello wrote: HI, I searched on lilypond site a way to rewrite a SATB on 2 staves, but i am not able to got it... Does any one have a clue on it? Thanks a lot Gian Paolo Here is the image i got form the score. Look at \partCombine. I use it to generate a s

Re: Control breaks in staff that I get from a variable?

2024-03-11 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 10/03/2024 12:41, Ole V. Villumsen wrote: The classic fix is << \new Devnull { s1*5 \break } \staffIGot This was exactly what I was after. It’s nice and simple and works well. Thank you. I might wish for it being better documented. I see Devnull documented well in the Internal

Re: French Horn - transposing

2024-03-10 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 10/03/2024 01:14, TJ Kolev wrote: Thank you all for your suggestions and time. I ended up using \transpose which was the easiest for me to understand, and worked great it seems. Cheers! tjk :) And I learned something new w.r.t \quote* operators, which I did not know existed. On Sa

Re: Adding to a tagGroup on the fly

2024-03-02 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 02/03/2024 11:44, David Kastrup wrote: Simon Albrecht writes: On 01.03.24 14:29, David Kastrup wrote: Simon Albrecht writes: The downside of that is that I cannot add more tags to those groups on the fly, and always have to add them directly to the library file.) Suggestions for a u

Re: Anyone know this ornament?

2024-02-19 Thread Raphael Mankin
The last bar of the 3rd system has it not followed by a chord. Maybe arpeggio or roulade as appropriate in the context. On 19/02/2024 18:28, Engraver wrote: This is a screenshot of the entire page. Op 19-2-2024 om 19:25 schreef Stefan Thomas: Dear Auke, I don't know this ornament either bu

Re: Alternate bars in different time signatures

2024-02-04 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 03/02/2024 23:45, Valentin Petzel wrote: Am Freitag, 2. Februar 2024, 16:38:22 CET schrieb Lukas-Fabian Moser: ... and without any new insight, but with a healthy dose of syntactic sugar: And with a rather simple custom engraver Lilypond will do these kinds of things for us. I know, b

Re: Alternate bars in different time signatures

2024-02-01 Thread Raphael Mankin
e 4 or more quavers. On 01/02/2024 20:10, Knute Snortum wrote: On Thu, Feb 1, 2024 at 10:50 AM Raphael Mankin <>> wrote: I have music with alternate bars in 3/4 and 6/8. The usual way to indicate this is to  put both  time signatures at the start, but 

Alternate bars in different time signatures

2024-02-01 Thread Raphael Mankin
I have music with alternate bars in 3/4 and 6/8. The usual way to indicate this is to put both time signatures at the start, but I can find no way to do this. I have tried "\time 3/4 <> \time 6/8", but I only get the last one. Note, this is not a compound time of 3/4+6/8, but alternating

Re: zero-duration s to hold marks

2024-01-15 Thread Raphael Mankin
As a more general response to this thread, I feel that the reference manual needs to have more cross references. I frequently get a bit lost trying to find a suitable construct, or discovering what a construct means. This thread has already shown that 1.2.2, 1.3.* and 1.5.* need to cross-refer

Re: zero-duration s to hold marks

2024-01-12 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 10/01/2024 10:35, wrote: On Wed, 10 Jan 2024, Raphael Mankin wrote: That strikes me as being a programmer's response, and I speak as a programmer for over 50 years. Using <> works, but it is unintuitive. If s0 is more intuitive then that should be con

Re: zero-duration s to hold marks

2024-01-10 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 09/01/2024 18:35, Paul Scott wrote: On 1/9/24 11:29 AM, John Asmuth wrote: Hi lilypond, I have two users for a s0 (except it tells me 0 is not a duration). <> does what I believe you want:  <>_\< HTH, Paul That strikes me as being a programmer's response, and I speak as a programm

Re: Output PDF to stdout

2024-01-07 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 05/01/2024 03:46, David Wright wrote: On Thu 04 Jan 2024 at 23:34:28 (+0100), Volodymyr Prokopyuk wrote: I know that lilypond can receive a file from the stdin by using lilypond -. Is it possible for lilypond to output PDF to the stdout? My motivation behind using lilypond in a

Re: Running a system command from within Lilypond [Solved]

2023-12-15 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 15/12/2023 16:23, Jean Abou Samra wrote: I am on version Frescobaldi 3.2 and Lilypond 2.22.1 and do not appear to have that option. At least, I have not found it. Anyway, I have "automatic engraving" on. It's in Edit > Preferences > LilyPond Preferences > Running LilyPond > Save document

Re: Running a system command from within Lilypond [Solved]

2023-12-15 Thread Raphael Mankin
On 15/12/2023 16:06, Jean Abou Samra wrote: [Later] The error I am getting now is: Processing `/tmp/frescobaldi-duowk0s5/tmpz726e77a/'   Parsing...fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git If the path is in |/tmp/|, it means that you did not save yo

Re: Running a system command from within Lilypond [Solved]

2023-12-15 Thread Raphael Mankin
Thank you for the very prompt response. I had tried popen, but with no luck. I will give it another go.I do not now remember what it originally said, if anything. [Later] The error I am getting now is: Processing `/tmp/frescobaldi-duowk0s5/tmpz726e77a/' Parsing...fatal: not a gi

Running a system command from within Lilypond

2023-12-15 Thread Raphael Mankin
Motivation: I keep my Lilypond files in a git repository. I would like to interpolate the repo's version number in the Lilypond output by running a command like "git log|head -1". I can do this from raw Scheme using the system() function, but this does not seem to work in Lilypond. So, now