On 13/03/2024 03:50, John Helly wrote:
Here's an MWE to exhibit the issue.
I have a flat note (bes) that I want to transpose down 4 half-tones to
F#. However, when the transpose is applied, the result is Gb. I
understand that a flat note was the initial value so maybe LP is
preserving that specification?
Nonetheless, short of re-writing the whole piece in A rather than C#, is
there a way to specify the enharmonic representation for an F# rather
than Gb, for example?
bflat = \chordmode { bes1 }
\transpose cis' a {
\new ChordNames { \bflat }
On 3/12/24 02:44, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
\version "2.25.11"
\language "english"
gsharp = \chordmode { gs1 }
aflat = \chordmode { af1 }
\new ChordNames { \gsharp }
\new ChordNames { \aflat }
AS another reply has noted NR 1.1.2 is useful. It also says:
"\transpose distinguishes between enharmonic pitches: both \transpose c
cis or \transpose c des will transpose up a semitone. The first version
will print sharps and the notes will remain on the same scale step, the
second version will print flats on the scale step above."