On 07/02/2025 18:21, Timothy Lanfear wrote:
On 07/02/2025 16:40, David Wright wrote:
You can add the lyrics to the Staff instead of each voice. You just
have to add _ to each set of lyrics so that there's a syllable for
every moment in the staff, ie both voices.

Following on from David's tip, you could code your extract like this. I'd not thought about aligning lyrics to a Staff instead of a Voice, so thanks for the new insight into LilyPond.

\version "2.24.0"

\layout {
   \context {
     \override LyricText.font-size = #-5
     \override LyricHyphen.font-size = #-5
     associatedVoiceType = #'Staff
     associatedVoice = #"a"

one = \lyricmode { and may -- be once you tip me and it }
two = \lyricmode { You toss _ me your tips and look _ }
three = \lyricmode { Your whole _ stink -- in’ place _ will be }

music = {
   \time 2/4
   \partial 8 a'8 |
     { \voiceOne a'16 a' a' bes' c'' c'' c'' bes' | }
     \new Voice { \voiceTwo a'8 a'16 bes' c''8 c''16 bes' | }

   \new Staff="a" \music
   \new Lyrics \lyricsto "" { \one }
   \new Lyrics \lyricsto "" { \two }
   \new Lyrics \lyricsto "" { \three }

Thank you for that. I also did not know thhat one could align lyrics to a staff.

I am leaning towards using two or more NullVoices for the different verses, and a "real" voice (with bits in parallel) for the music.

Timothy Lanfear, Bristol, UK.

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