On 02/12/2024 18:00, Saul Tobin wrote:
Hi Raphael,

Lilypond variables exist in the same namespace, with the exception that output-def blocks like paper and layout are Scheme modules. Lilypond include just literally inserts the text if the included file.

Thank you. You call them "variables", does that mean that they can be redefined or are they set-once?


On Sun, Dec 1, 2024, 3:16 PM Raphael Mankin <r...@mankin.org.uk <mailto:r...@mankin.org.uk>> wrote:

    What is the scope of a defined name? If I write, for instance:

    tune = { a b c d }

    Is the scope  of the name "tune" the whole compilation unit, the
    smallest enclosing book, book part, score, bracketed expression ...?
    it be redefined in an inner or in a parallel scope?

    I have not spotted this issue being addressed in NR.

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