Re: Regexp Functions

2020-06-08 Thread Caio Barros
Hello! Em seg., 8 de jun. de 2020 às 08:37, Freeman Gilmore <> escreveu: > If the string is "A ... B ... " , using Regexp Functions is it > possible, if 'A' matches [-] then 'B' would be replaced by "C"?'A' > is first in the string. Position of B is not constant.a

Re: Some new tutorials in Spanish

2020-05-26 Thread Caio Barros
Em ter., 26 de mai. de 2020 às 14:08, Francisco Vila escreveu: > Hello, > > I'd like to share my last attempt of a series of ultra-fast tutorials in > Spanish. > > I realize they are not useful at all for experienced users (obviously) > and maybe also not that useful for absolute novices. But it'

Re: Position of accidentals in chords

2020-05-22 Thread Caio Barros
Em qui., 21 de mai. de 2020 às 15:34, Owen Lamb escreveu: > Hi Caio, > > I'm not sure if there's a way to customize the coded order of accidentals, > and for some reason tweaking the X-offset property doesn't seem to work > either. In your case, making a couple of manual tweaks to the flat's and

Position of accidentals in chords

2020-05-20 Thread Caio Barros
Hello, In the example below: \relative c' { 1 1 } Notice the difference in the position of the flat symbol in the G-flat. For me, particularly, I find the first chord much more clean: after the double flat, closet to the note (and it occupies less space). Is there a way to change the positio

Re: Adding a new instrument

2020-05-19 Thread Caio Barros
Em seg., 18 de mai. de 2020 às 15:49, Tobias escreveu: > Is it possible to add a new instrument? What are the necessary steps to > do so? > Hey, Tobias. I think those are just names that map to General Midi [1] instruments. On the back-end it is just assigning a number to identify which instrume

Re: use lilypondfile without creating link to source file

2020-05-19 Thread Caio Barros
Em seg., 18 de mai. de 2020 às 12:23, David Nalesnik <> escreveu: > Is it possible to use the command in lilypond-book and > not create a link to the LY file > in an HTML document? I'm hoping there is some automation available > with lilypond-book. > > Thanks, > David >

Re: Resources For Learning Scheme?

2020-05-16 Thread Caio Barros
Em sáb., 16 de mai. de 2020 às 03:08, Jacques Peron escreveu: > This one, by Urs Liska, is specifically about scheme with LilyPond : > > I wasn't aware Urs wrote this book. This is very nice!

Re: Stanzas with different rhythms

2020-05-04 Thread Caio Barros
Em seg., 4 de mai. de 2020 às 13:46, David Wright escreveu: > From your example's "music" variable, I would derive two simple > versions, musicA and musicIII, each for one rhythm. The words > would contain no specific indications, but set with NullVoice > to the appropriate music. > > Of course,

Re: Stanzas with different rhythms

2020-05-03 Thread Caio Barros
Em dom., 3 de mai. de 2020 às 15:57, Fr. Samuel Springuel <> escreveu: > Have I misunderstood something about how this technique is supposed to > work? > I think you understood it correctly, but I guess what is happening here is that when you switch to the previous voice Lil

Custom time signature with single digit style

2019-05-22 Thread Caio Barros
Hello, everyone. Long time since my last post. I'm trying to mimic the time signature below: [image: custom_time_signature.png] It is a transcription of a folk melody in which the author tried to show a changing in time signature that happens in performance. So far, I managed to tweak the code

Re: The composition process doesn't get disrupted using Lily Pond?

2019-01-13 Thread Caio Barros
Happy 2019 My workflow is the good old "write first on paper and then use lilypond". Many times i have to figure out how to expand lilypond to notate something different or outside traditional notation (thanks to anyone that helped me before). Often I write a very ugly draft that makes sense only

Re: My finances.

2018-11-09 Thread Caio Barros
Em qui, 8 de nov de 2018 às 21:42, Thomas Morley escreveu: > Am Mi., 27. Juni 2018 um 22:31 Uhr schrieb David Kastrup : > > > > > > Hi folks, > > > > I've been afraid of looking at my bank account for the past months but > > finally had to do so. For the last three months, the payments from > >

Re: creating new accidental styles

2018-08-09 Thread Caio Barros
Copying the list Em qui, 9 de ago de 2018 às 12:31, Simon Albrecht escreveu: > Hello Caio, > > I have been through this whole thing and created an include file for > baroque-style accidentals, which may serve as a model. Unfortunately, I > can't attach it, since I'm on the road. But I already se

creating new accidental styles

2018-08-09 Thread Caio Barros
I'm trying to experiment with different accidental styles. So far, I just want to understand how do I customize them, I installed a new instance of lilypond 2.19.82 and tried to tinker with the music-functions.scm file located by default at lilypond/current/scm/ As far as I understand, accidental

Re: Horizontally centered notes

2018-02-14 Thread Caio Barros
> > It's not optimal, since I have to judge the "centralization" by eye, but > at least I can get a satisfactory output. > Well, now that I tried another example with 5 notes that method didn't work. The solution was to use \override NoteColumn.X-offset. It is a bit strange that there is no method

Re: Horizontally centered notes

2018-02-14 Thread Caio Barros
> > What about > > \version "2.19" > > music = \relative { > \tweak extra-spacing-width #'(-14 . 5) e'2 f g > } > > \score { > \new Staff { > \time 3/2 > \clef "baritone^8" \music > } > \layout{ > \context { > \Score > \omit Clef > \omit ClefModifier > \o

Re: Front pages

2018-02-14 Thread Caio Barros
> > Why not use custom header fields? > Well, for once, If I don't use custom fields I don't have to retype the title of the piece (once for the cover and again for the actual header of the score). This avoids spelling mistakes, etc. But I believe I tried something like \fromproperty before and go

Re: Front pages

2018-02-14 Thread Caio Barros
Hey Mark, Is there a way of adding a front page with graphics, title etc to a > Lilypond book, with the numbering starting at 1 on the first other > book page? I'm not sure what exactly you want to accomplish here. Where do you want the numbering to appear? Is your question also about how to cr

Horizontally centered notes

2018-02-14 Thread Caio Barros
Hi, I'm writing some music snippets for a friend that is creating a music text book, and they want to have and example in which a single musical line shows three notes: one below the line, one on the line and one above it. I managed to write almost what they want, except that would be nicer that

Re: Discussion: automatic engraving and single-source publishing

2013-11-26 Thread Caio Barros
2013/11/26 Urs Liska > > A way to permanently separate music source from tweaks would be a good > thing IMO. Separating content from appearance. > If that would be possible one could switch a set of tweaks (i.e. different > target formats) together with the different layout style sheets. > Actual

Re: No indent in just one movement

2013-11-22 Thread Caio Barros
2013/11/21 Federico Bruni > > You should put a \layout block inside the \score block you want to control. > See > > > BTW, why you use \new Score? > It just made more sense to me. Since the commands are \new Voice and \n

No indent in just one movement

2013-11-21 Thread Caio Barros
Hello everybody I'm writing a part for an instrumento that plays the first movement, don't play the second, and plays the third. For the second movement I just want to write a multimeasure pause with "TACET" written above it, but I don't want to indent this staff. How can I cancel the indentatio

Re: Learn from Finale 2014 (seriously)?

2013-11-14 Thread Caio Barros
2013/11/14 Michael Rivers > I've always used Phil's solution (manually placing one rest and using s for > the other), but, come to think of it, it would be nice for this to be done > automatically. > After typing a full orchestral movement and solving the merge problem with just one copy + paste

Re: change page number size

2012-02-16 Thread Caio Barros
-fly #not-first-page \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string } evenHeaderMarkup = \markup \fill-line { \fontsize #2 \on-the-fly #not-first-page \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string " " } } 2012/2/6 Nick Payne > On 07/02/12 07:00, Caio Barros wrote: > >> Hello. >> h

Re: change page number size

2012-02-06 Thread Caio Barros
Man, what a mess! I found how to change the bar number size, not the page number. I still don't know how to change the page size number 2012/2/6 Caio Barros > Nevermind. found it. > > \layout { > > \context { > > \Score > > \override BarNumber #'font

Re: change page number size

2012-02-06 Thread Caio Barros
Nevermind. found it. \layout { \context { \Score \override BarNumber #'font-size = #5 } } 2012/2/6 Caio Barros > Hello. > how can I change the font size of the page number? I cannot find this > information anywhere. > > thanks! > _

change page number size

2012-02-06 Thread Caio Barros
Hello. how can I change the font size of the page number? I cannot find this information anywhere. thanks! ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Change size of DoublePercentRepeat

2012-01-21 Thread Caio Barros
> > I'm not a dev but I try to learn to use some of the powerful features > they provide. > > Your comment gave me incentive to learn also! Eventually I'll take some time to do it because for modern music notation this is vital and is basically what I do in lilypond. ___

Re: Change size of DoublePercentRepeat

2012-01-21 Thread Caio Barros
Perfect, that's exactly what I want! I'll need even larger, so: scaledDoubleRepeatSlash = #(lambda (grob) (ly:stencil-scale (ly:percent-repeat-item-interface::beat-slash grob) 2 2)) Thank you! 2012/1/21 Xavier Scheuer > On 21 January 2012 23:12, Caio Barros wrote: > >

Re: Change size of DoublePercentRepeat

2012-01-21 Thread Caio Barros
Aha! It worked now. No exactly the result I wanted though... I wanted it to occupy more than 2 spaces. Guess I'l just copile to svg and edit it manually. 2012/1/21 Xavier Scheuer > On 21 January 2012 21:53, Caio Barros wrote: > > \override DoublePercentRepeat #'font-

Re: Change size of DoublePercentRepeat

2012-01-21 Thread Caio Barros
Scheuer > On 21 January 2012 20:59, Caio Barros wrote: > > \ override DoublePercentRepeat #'font-size = #4 > > It works here. > Are you sure you have double percent and not [simple] percent repeat? > > Cheers, > Xavier > > -- > Xavier Scheuer >

Change size of DoublePercentRepeat

2012-01-21 Thread Caio Barros
Hi list. Is there a way to change the size of the double percent repeat sign? I tried \ override DoublePercentRepeat #'font-size = #4 but noticed no changes. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Collision between tie and pitched trill

2012-01-20 Thread Caio Barros
> > But the collision disappears if you use Keith Ohara's suggestion to force > the tie below the note head. > > Yes, I understand this. But isn't the purpose of lilypond to automatize the position of the objects? That's why I don't have to say to each slur, tie and dynamics where they should be,

Re: Collision between tie and pitched trill

2012-01-19 Thread Caio Barros
\startTrillSpan a g2 } If you use other interval other than the second it's even more visible \version "2.14.2" \relative g'' { \pitchedTrill g1 ~ \startTrillSpan bes g2 } 2012/1/19 Patrick Karl > > > Message: 2 > > Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2012 00:34

Re: Collision between tie and pitched trill

2012-01-18 Thread Caio Barros
Yes, but it's still a collision. 2012/1/19 Keith OHara > Caio Barros> writes: > > > > \relative g'' { > > \pitchedTrill g1 ~ \startTrillSpan aes g2 > > } > > You can use '^' or '_' to force the tie above or

Collision between tie and pitched trill

2012-01-18 Thread Caio Barros
This was already said in the list ( but the user forgot to attach the code and there was no further discussion. It seems that ties collide with pitched trill: \version "2.14.2" \relative g'' { \pitchedTrill g1 ~ \startTrillS

Re: Fermata collides with tuplet bracket

2012-01-16 Thread Caio Barros
m using version 2.14.2 as stated in the code I sent. If it's fixed, then great! I'm not sure either if it is the bracket or the fermata which should move up. I think I already see both. 2012/1/14 Xavier Scheuer > On 14 January 2012 21:24, Caio Barros wrote: > > Hi everybod

Fermata collides with tuplet bracket

2012-01-14 Thread Caio Barros
Hi everybody. I don't know if this was already issued (I did some google and didn't find anything) but it seems that tuplet brackets are unaware of fermatas. \version "2.14.2" \relative c' { \times 2/3 { r8 c4\p \fermata } } Is this expected? It can be easily corrected with \overrride Tuplet

Re: White Notation used by Charpentier

2011-12-21 Thread Caio Barros
> > You can tell LilyPond not to use black note heads > (credit Bertrand Bordage): > But in the example given there are some black noteheads as well. I think the best solution would be to just override the notehead: whiteHeadOn = { \override NoteHead #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print \overri

Re: Splayed stems

2011-12-19 Thread Caio Barros
eters. 2011/12/19 James > Hello, > > On 19 December 2011 20:14, Caio Barros wrote: > > Hi, is there some way to write splayed stems? (I don't know if this is > the > > correct name, but it is how Finale name it) > > We have a snippet = > > http://lsr.d

Splayed stems

2011-12-19 Thread Caio Barros
Hi, is there some way to write splayed stems? (I don't know if this is the correct name, but it is how Finale name it) The best I could do so far is this: \relative g''' { \once \override Stem #'rotation = #'(45 0 0) \once \override Stem #'X-offset = #2 \once \override Stem #'Y-offset =

Re: Divisi Staff with instrument name at the left

2011-12-19 Thread Caio Barros
\new Staff { \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Vc. " a'' b c d | a b c d | a b c d | a b c d } >> } 2011/12/18 Caio Barros > Thank you. Good idea. =) > > > 2011/12/18 James > >> Hello, >> >> On 18 December 2011 00:54, Caio B

Re: Divisi Staff with instrument name at the left

2011-12-18 Thread Caio Barros
Thank you. Good idea. =) 2011/12/18 James > Hello, > > On 18 December 2011 00:54, Caio Barros wrote: > > I want to insist in this subject. > > I would like also to add a StaffGroup aligned to a staff and make the > > brackets appear right before the begining of the s

Re: Divisi Staff with instrument name at the left

2011-12-17 Thread Caio Barros
^"a 6" } >> } >> I'm sending two png files of the result I want. I made both by compiling the file in svg and editing in inkscape. bye! 2011/12/14 Caio Barros > I'm trying to write a divisi staff that appears at the middle of the > system and I want to writ

Re: Dynamics clashing with stem of cross-staff knee beam

2011-12-17 Thread Caio Barros
I Finally got time to make the image files of the exemples I gave. there they go. I think these cover the most situations of dynamics together with cross-staff knee beam. The webern exemple, the only I didn't talk about, is from the second piece of variations op. 27. I believe it's clear that the

Re: staff to end of socre

2011-12-14 Thread Caio Barros
I believe that what he want is the staff with less notes to extend itself with the necessary rests and measure rests until the end of the piece, together with the staff with more notes. 2011/12/14 David Nalesnik > Hi Damian, > > On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 12:25 PM, Damian leGassick < > damianlegass

Divisi Staff with instrument name at the left

2011-12-14 Thread Caio Barros
I'm trying to write a divisi staff that appears at the middle of the system and I want to write the instrument name at the left of the beginning of the staff. Is there a way to do that? Example: I want to write "Cl. 1" a the left of the inserted staff in the code below: \new Staff = "Clarinets" \

Re: Dynamics clashing with stem of cross-staff knee beam

2011-12-09 Thread Caio Barros
amics during the cross staff is goes above or below the notehead. Again, if I can send pdfs, I'll do it. 2011/12/9 Caio Barros > I just remembered a piece by Luciano Berio: Leaf, the second of 6 encores > for piano edited by Universal edition that has this (a beautiful piece by > the

Re: Dynamics clashing with stem of cross-staff knee beam

2011-12-09 Thread Caio Barros
cross staff. On the other hand the dynamics never changes during a cross staff, only before it. I can send a pdf but I don't know if this causes some copyright issues. If I remember something else I'll write. 2011/12/9 Caio Barros > > Thanks for bringing this to my attention. >>

Re: Dynamics clashing with stem of cross-staff knee beam

2011-12-09 Thread Caio Barros
> Thanks for bringing this to my attention. > This is one of those situations that falls into the "uncertain desired > output" category. > Shifting the dynamic to the left or right dissociates it from the note, > and whiting it out covers up a good portion of the stem. > > Yes. I'm making an editio

Dynamics clashing with stem of cross-staff knee beam

2011-12-09 Thread Caio Barros
I don't know if this is old news but it seems that the dynamics texts clash with the stems of cross-staff knee beams: \version "2.12.3" \new GrandStaff << \new Staff = "PnRH" { \clef "F_8" \relative g,, { \override Beam #'auto-knee-gap = #1 gis8 \fff \change Staff = "PnLH" a

Re: Adding space between chord glissandos

2011-12-09 Thread Caio Barros
> > > Hey Caio, > > Here's some text that will help you make the glissandos longer: > > > > Thank you! This will do the trick. Also, this type of multi-voice solution is not necessary in LilyPond > version 2.14 - chord glissandos are cr

Adding space between chord glissandos

2011-12-09 Thread Caio Barros
I'm writing a part for 5 violins in divisi in which they make a glissando and I want to add space between the two chords because the accidentals make it looks to confusing. Using \override NoteColumn X-offset doesn't seems to work because at least in version 2.12.3 I need to add hidden voices to ma

Large time signatures above staff

2011-12-08 Thread Caio Barros
Hi, is it possible to put big time signatures above the staff? This makes the life of the conductor much easier, specially in large orchestral scores! ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Change duration of notes inside a variable

2011-12-05 Thread Caio Barros
Hello, is it possible to set a variable with just the pitches of a chord, for instance, and change its duration latter? I'm thinking in something like this: % myChord = \new Voice { \relative c'' { \myChord4 \myChord2 } } % or maybe, if it is possible, the durations of many p

Information about Vim mode in the manual

2010-07-21 Thread Caio Barros
ufRead *.ly,*.ily setf lilypond augroup END --end--- Other than that, maybe this message help someone that is having the same trouble that I had. Bye, Caio Barros ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: weblily: security risk

2010-03-12 Thread Caio Barros
2010/3/12 Tim McNamara > > On Mar 11, 2010, at 6:17 AM, Weblily wrote: > > PS: I am currently preparing an article about for the >> LilyPond Report. Maybe this can be a starting point for discussing ideas >> about how might become a useful tool for the LilyPond >> communi

Re: Vertical dashed line conecting notes

2010-03-04 Thread Caio Barros
That looked very nice, but I still think that dashed lines work better because it is already used by other composers (like Stockhausen to quote a famous name) and it is not confused with anything else like a barline or a glissando. I got my problem solved with other solution, but I still would like

Re: Double slash separating systems

2010-03-04 Thread Caio Barros
That's nice. I didn't saw that, thank you. 2010/3/4 Neil Puttock > On 4 March 2010 22:36, Caio Barros wrote: > > yes! that's it. > > Unfortunately I can't use inside a \markup command. I wanted to use it to > > separate the end of a score with the foot

Re: Vertical dashed line conecting notes

2010-03-04 Thread Caio Barros
That didn't work. Maybe you are using another incompatible version? I'm using version 2.12.1 But his seems so complicated to me that is better just edit the score in inkscape or something. 2010/3/4 Neil Puttock > On 4 March 2010 18:39, Caio Barros wrote: > > Ok, the grid l

Re: Double slash separating systems

2010-03-04 Thread Caio Barros
a name fancier than a system separator. > > On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Caio Barros wrote: > >> Hi, >> How it's called that double slash used mostly in orchestral music to >> separate systems and how can I creat those with lilypond?

Double slash separating systems

2010-03-04 Thread Caio Barros
Hi, How it's called that double slash used mostly in orchestral music to separate systems and how can I creat those with lilypond? Also, can I create it anywhere with, say, \markup? ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Vertical dashed line conecting notes

2010-03-04 Thread Caio Barros
And another thing. Is it posible to draw a grid line just once (not above all the notes) ? 2010/3/4 Caio Barros > Ok, the grid lines seems to align with the NoteHeads, but how do I draw > them dashed? > > 2010/2/27 Kieren MacMillan > >> Hi Caio Barros: >> &g

Re: Vertical dashed line conecting notes

2010-03-04 Thread Caio Barros
Ok, the grid lines seems to align with the NoteHeads, but how do I draw them dashed? 2010/2/27 Kieren MacMillan > Hi Caio Barros: > > 1. Try using grid lines: > < >

Re: Vertical dashed line conecting notes

2010-03-01 Thread Caio Barros
I didn' t experiment that yet, but thank you for the help! 2010/2/27 Kieren MacMillan > Hi Caio Barros: > > 1. Try using grid lines: > < >

Vertical dashed line conecting notes

2010-02-27 Thread Caio Barros
there a way to tweak this, or maybe is better to use another code? Thank you Caio Barros ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Community of professional LilyPond engravers?

2010-02-05 Thread Caio Barros
I've already done some paid engraving, but only with Finale and Sibelius (because i'm new to lilypond), first as a scholarship, I got paid to be the copist of my university's orchestra, and then I've done some freelance jobs. I think unless you are very lucky is almost impossible to become a profes

Re: Double treble and (alternative) percussion clefs

2010-02-01 Thread Caio Barros
Thank you, it did help! Only thing missing is that this is a transposing clef of one octave lower but this is easy to do. 2010/2/1 Kieren MacMillan > Hi Caio, > > > as far as I know Lilypond don't have the Double Treble Clef > > You can always roll your own: > > \version "2.13.11" > > doubleCle

Double treble and (alternative) percussion clefs

2010-02-01 Thread Caio Barros
Hi all, I don't know if this is a stupid request, but I did some research and as far as I know Lilypond don't have the Double Treble Clef neither the alternative percussion clef that both Finale and Sibelius have. If you guys don't know what I mean, they both can be seen here: Double Treble Clef:

Footnotes & Symbols

2005-12-10 Thread Caio Barros
Hi everybody I work with compositions and I loved the whole idea of Lilypond I'm thinking in start using it, but first I need to know if it's possible to add footnotes or any kind of text in any place in the score. Other question: Can I add images and symbols to a Lilypond score? See, I work with m