Re: About Learning Manual

2009-01-04 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
o apt-get install metapost". reinh...@einstein:~$ dlocate -S bin/mpost texlive-metapost: /usr/bin/mpost So you'll have to install the texlive-metapost package... Cheers, Reinhold - -- - ------ Reinhold Kainhofer,

Re: LM master?

2009-01-06 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
tion/user/out-www/lilypond/index.html ... > As a workaround you can choose to open the snippet list in a > new window. How about your Browser's back button? Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -- Reinhold Kainhofer,,

Re: Documentation/devel/

2009-01-10 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
t linking to libraries in tools/ ... Hmm, to be honest, I have no real idea of the correct way to handle this! Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, A

Re: Documentation/devel/

2009-01-10 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am Samstag, 10. Januar 2009 18:49:40 schrieb John Mandereau: > Hi Reinhold, > > Reinhold Kainhofer a écrit : > > So, apparently, ./conftest can't find the any more (which it > > was linked against), since the to

Re: Git patch won't apply

2009-01-10 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
ed some lilypond code from a mail to a text file, because the end-of-line chars were also copied and lilypond got confused). Can you maybe attach the file (rather than pasting its contents into the mail), so that end-of-line characters are preserved... Cheers, Reinhold - -- -

Re: Documentation/devel/

2009-01-10 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am Samstag, 10. Januar 2009 19:32:23 schrieb John Mandereau: > Reinhold Kainhofer a écrit : > > Am Samstag, 10. Januar 2009 18:49:40 schrieb John Mandereau: > >> Have you tried installing libtool-ltdl-devel (or whatever this Fedo

Re: Git patch won't apply

2009-01-10 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am Samstag, 10. Januar 2009 20:27:34 schrieb Carl D. Sorensen: > On 1/10/09 12:16 PM, "Reinhold Kainhofer" wrote: > > Can you maybe attach the file (rather than pasting its contents into the > > mail), so that end-of-line

Re: [frogs] my contribution: barCheckNumber to endSpanners

2009-01-11 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
gt; > > How often is this rebuilt? Every morning (European time), since it's part of the "normal" Lily docs. If you want an earlier update, simply run on the server. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -

Re: [frogs] my contribution: barCheckNumber to endSpanners

2009-01-12 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am Montag, 12. Januar 2009 schrieb Graham Percival: > On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 02:21:05AM +0100, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote: > > > > > > > > > > How often is th

Re: [frogs] my contribution: barCheckNumber to endSpanners

2009-01-12 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am Montag, 12. Januar 2009 schrieb Graham Percival: > On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 02:41:37PM +0100, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote: > > Am Montag, 12. Januar 2009 schrieb Graham Percival: > > > everybody should look at instead.

Re: ideas for Google Summer of Code

2009-01-16 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
a thorough knowledge of how to proceed and provide the correct pointers. The rest is usually figured out by the student anyway. At least these are my experiences. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -- Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of Technolo

Re: ideas for Google Summer of Code

2009-01-16 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
pment, it would take us something like a month. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - ------ Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria * http://ww

Re: ideas for Google Summer of Code

2009-01-16 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am Freitag, 16. Januar 2009 schrieb Johannes Schindelin: > Hi, > > On Fri, 16 Jan 2009, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote: > > On Friday 16 January 2009 02:46:22 Johannes Schindelin wrote: > > > - the mentor is also expected to work a

Re: Ideas on the wiki, was Re: ideas for Google Summer of Code

2009-01-16 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am Freitag, 16. Januar 2009 schrieb Johannes Schindelin: > Hi, > > On Fri, 16 Jan 2009, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote: > > Shouldn't we start collecting possible project ideas (not only for SoC, > > but for any possible newcom

Re: Contributor Guide "volunteers" needed

2009-01-18 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
or one patch for each local commit or git-format-patch HEAD^1 for just the last local commit. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - ------ Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial M

Re: why is Instrument_name_engraver not universal?

2009-01-24 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
etter if the plain vanilla LilyPond would already have that setting). Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ.

Re: Please fix: japanese doc compilation

2009-01-24 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
r all, we are all working together on making the best application for music scores. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - ------ Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of

Problems with texi2html and Japanese navigation bars

2009-01-24 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
tached. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - ------ Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria *, DVR: 0005886 * LilyPond, Music typeset

Re: instrument-specific-markup interface

2009-01-24 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
gt; Is there any reason not to do that? Funny thing is, you suggested to create one instrument-specific-markup- interface: I'm fine with either. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -----

[PATCHES] Re: move .ly code out of .py

2009-01-30 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
are some patches to include the extra functionality implemented for musicxml2ly directly in lilypond. Please review! > On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 1:43 PM, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote: [...] > > - -) \eyeglasses markup: > > Patch for \eyeg

Re: starting 2.13 soon

2009-02-01 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
s used anywhere, so strictly speaking that's a syntax change, too. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria *,

Re: CG texi2html command

2009-02-01 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
lgorithm is implemented in the script (which generates the file names for the output html files), we might find a solution by tweaking that script, so it places all subsections into the same html file... Cheers, Reinhold - -- - ---

Re: CG texi2html command

2009-02-01 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Sonntag, 1. Februar 2009 19:50:45 John Mandereau wrote: > Reinhold Kainhofer a écrit : > > However, the other part of our splitting algorithm is implemented in the > > script (which generates the fil

Re: Building GUB3

2009-02-07 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
same problem I encountered a while ago (see the discussion December 12-16). Removing LD_LIBRARY_PATH from the build files fixed it. I'm not sure if that has any side-effects, though. .. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - ------ Reinhold

Re: [PATCHES] Re: move .ly code out of .py

2009-02-20 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
pened)? Cheers, Reinhold On Samstag, 31. Januar 2009 00:49:47 Reinhold Kainhofer wrote: > On Donnerstag, 18. Dezember

Re: starting 2.13 soon

2009-02-20 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
out, and then move to > .13. Any update on this? Can we expect the switch to 2.13 (and thus also conversion rules being allowed again) anytime soon? Cheers, Reinhold - -- - ------ Reinhold Kainhofer,, http://

Re: Updates to the LM

2009-02-24 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
the generation of the LM? Not that I'm aware of... Anyway, I've started a clean build on the server, so if that doesn't help, then there is some problem in git... Cheers, Reinhold - -- - ------ Reinhold Kainhofer,

Re: Updates to the LM

2009-02-24 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
nput/new/, but the call to lilypond-book only passes input/, input/lsr/, input/regression/, input/manual/ and input/tutorial/ as include directories, but not input/new/. So, of course lilypond-book does not find that included file... Cheers, Reinhold - -- - --

Re: Updates to the LM

2009-02-24 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
were the changes I'd made. The template > has to be in input new as the LSR is still on 2.10 and > the template uses nested StaffGroup contexts. Okay, but I think the snippets in input/lsr/ need to be updated to include this new file from input/new/, too. Otherwise lilypond-book

Re: Named book file suffixes -- regtest?

2009-02-27 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
be pushed. Yes, that's also quite some work, but it gives you a good insight into the whole lilypond distribution... What I usually do is to simply search the whole lilypond directory for the keyword (output-suffix in this case) and check all files where that keyword appears manually t

AJAX-search field in the docs (Proof-of-concept)

2009-03-06 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer It is also in git in my dev/kainhofer branch. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - ------ Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Aus

Re: AJAX-search field in the docs (Proof-of-concept)

2009-03-07 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Freitag, 6. März 2009 21:14:01 Neil Puttock wrote: > > 2009/3/6 Reinhold Kainhofer : > >> A few days ago, I decided it's finally time to learn what all that > >> hype about AJAX is about. What would be a better g

Re: AJAX-search field in the docs (Proof-of-concept)

2009-03-07 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Samstag, 7. März 2009 00:47:30 John Mandereau wrote: > Reinhold Kainhofer a écrit : > > A few days ago, I decided it's finally time to learn what all that > > hype about AJAX is about. What would be a better guinea pig than >

Re: AJAX-search field in the docs (Proof-of-concept)

2009-03-07 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
x27; message in the status bar. :) Okay, I've solved that problem: IE can't handle assigning content to a , it can only handle assigning to a . I've now changed this to a div, which I show/hide when necessary. On Samstag, 7. März 2009 00:47:30 John Mandereau wrote: > Reinhold

Re: AJAX-search field in the docs (Proof-of-concept)

2009-03-07 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
(while in fact we'd only need to go through it line-by-line). Cheers, Reinhold - -- - ------ Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technolog

Re: streamlining \eyeglasses

2009-03-07 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
e user- visible any more, I suppose we can do all optimizations that we deem useful... I have no idea what is faster or more efficient, so I don't really have an opinion on this. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - ------ Reinhold Kainhofer,

Re: good news for my PhD

2009-03-18 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
ear. I can't imagine that this would be a problem for any university, either. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria * http://www.fam.tuw

Re: AJAX-search field in the docs (Proof-of-concept)

2009-03-23 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am Freitag, 6. März 2009 schrieb Reinhold Kainhofer: > A few days ago, I decided it's finally time to learn what all that > hype about AJAX is about. What would be a better guinea pig than > trying to implement a seach box in our docs

Re: odd configure error

2009-03-27 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
e've spent discussing it, but it's way more > than 15 minutes! git pull git add ... git commit git push origin master So, one additional command, but you don't mess with the server in the first three, so there is an additional safety net. Cheers, Reinhold - --

Re: odd configure error

2009-03-28 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
So, in the end the files will look similar in both cases (they will contain both the local and the remote changes), but the history will be different... Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -- Reinhold Kainhofer,

Re: odd configure error

2009-03-31 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
Am Dienstag, 31. März 2009 schrieb John Mandereau: > Graham Percival a écrit : > > On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 11:57:06AM +0100, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote: > >> - -) git fetch + git rebase will take that local commit and append it > >> after > >> the H

Re: html errors in navigation bar for snippets

2009-04-08 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
only once and each node appears only once. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria *, D

Writing out a table of contents to a file

2009-04-10 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
ermined and available... Can anyone help me? Cheers, Reinhold -- ------ Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria * http://w

Re: (de)cresendi syntax

2009-04-10 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
definition of spanners could work with my patch. I've also implemented two functions to give the text of the spanner directly in the postfix call. Any comments / objections / suggestions? Cheers, Reinhold -- -- Reinhol

Re: Implement framework for post-fix text (de)cresc spanners

2009-04-11 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
operty and the global setting have the same name. > You'd > need a method which does the reverse of camel_case_to_lisp_identifier () > so that the events would be converted from e.g. crescendo-spanner -> > crescendoSpanner. Huh? Sorry, but I don't understand what you want to say here. Can

Re: Writing out a table of contents to a file

2009-04-12 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Samstag, 11. April 2009 11:55:53 Nicolas Sceaux wrote: > Le 11 avr. 09 à 00:01, Reinhold Kainhofer a écrit : > > [...] > > However, I would rather get the page information into latex's TOC > > instead and > > for

Re: Writing out a table of contents to a file

2009-04-12 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Samstag, 11. April 2009 05:29:17 Graham Percival wrote: > On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 12:01:28AM +0200, Reinhold Kainhofer > > wrote: > > I recently discovered that for full scores, it's easiest to > > write things like the

Re: [frogs] Scheme debugging and tracing

2009-04-16 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
I agree some better Scheme debugging help would definitely be useful! Cheers, Reinhold -- -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Techn

Re: (de)cresendi syntax

2009-04-17 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
27;text 'span-direction -1))) Does anyone have an idea how to create a function so that the return value is inserted into the note event? Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financia

Re: (de)cresendi syntax

2009-04-20 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Montag, 20. April 2009 05:31:20 Carl D. Sorensen wrote: > On 4/17/09 11:02 AM, "Reinhold Kainhofer" wrote: > > -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- > > Hash: SHA1 > > > > Am Freitag, 17. April 2009 schrieb F

Re: GDP Docs compilation FAILED (2009.04.28-04:20)

2009-04-28 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
17: [: too many arguments > make: *** No rule to make target `web'. Stop. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Aust

Page breaking and squeezing as many systems on a page as possible?

2009-05-05 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
I have managed to put everything on 8 pages. Each page has some space left to make for nicer spacing. Cheers, Reinhold -- -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Mat

Re: Page breaking and squeezing as many systems on a page as possible?

2009-05-06 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
Am Mittwoch, 6. Mai 2009 08:28:51 schrieb Patrick McCarty: > On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 3:22 AM, Reinhold Kainhofer > > wrote: > > Hi all, > > I already sent this to lilypond-user last week, but didn't get any hint > > for a solution, so maybe the devel list is more he

Re: Page breaking and squeezing as many systems on a page as possible?

2009-05-06 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am Mittwoch, 6. Mai 2009 19:01:46 schrieb Joe Neeman: > On Tue, 2009-05-05 at 12:22 +0200, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote: > > On the first page there is more than enough space to add a fourth system, > > but it seems that lilypond doesn&#x

Re: Implement framework for post-fix text (de)cresc spanners

2009-05-07 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
question is whether we should stick to LilyPond's usual redundancy (i.e. defining both the type and if type=='text, then use the text property) or simply take the presence of a text property to infer that the type should be a text spanner and not a hairpin? What do you think

Re: DOCS: include a sample "Makefile"?

2009-05-15 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
r. I'm using okular and it reloads the PDF file when it has changed, so starting another instance is just annoying... Having to use a make variable on the command line to get sane behavior is even more annoying. Cheers, Reinhold --

Re: Tempo mark alignment

2009-05-23 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
ef/time/key signature happens at that time, too. Example file is attached. Cheers, Reinhold -- ------ Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Tech

Re: lsr logon issue

2009-05-27 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
ly, that's how it works. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria *, DVR: 0005886 * LilyPond, Music typesettin

Re: [PATCH] Fix crash when output-preview-framework is missing

2009-05-28 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
uld formulate it as: Program option -dpreview not supported by backend `%s'. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria *, DV

Re: GUB on kainhofer: still cross/gcc

2009-05-31 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
ed on their laptop even though their CPU is actually a 64bit). Cheers, Reinhold -- -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria * http://www.fam

Re: meta-proposal

2009-06-02 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
ond/ajax/) and I'm really wondering how I could have lived without that box for so long ;-) I have no idea about performance issues, though... Cheers, Reinhold -- ------ Reinhold Kainhofer,, http://reinhol

Patching the output file naming code (Was: thanks to whomever put this in the LSR...)

2009-06-10 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
y, the user has complete control over the output file naming, while the behavior without explicit settings stays the same as it is now. Oh, and it might be a good idea to move the code to determine the file name out of print-with-book and into a separate function, which is called from the l

Re: new website (general info)

2009-06-10 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
do is to override (i.e. copy and customize) some of the functions used to generated the html output... Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuar

[PATCH] Re: Problems regarding figured bass

2009-06-15 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am Montag, 15. Juni 2009 10:26:09 schrieb Arno Rog: > Reinhold Kainhofer> writes: > > Hi all, > > I'm running into several problems with figured bass while writing another > > large orchestral pie

Re: RFC: new vertical layout engine

2009-06-16 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am Dienstag, 16. Juni 2009 11:52:09 schrieb Joe Neeman: > On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 9:05 PM, Reinhold Kainhofer > > - -) Being able to set stretching factors on a StaffGroup-level. In > > particular, > > for full scores there

Re: 2.14 release plans

2009-06-23 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
ntals in figured bass: And finally, what about the ajax search field in the docs? Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -------

Re: 2.13.2 release test

2009-06-23 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
in a directory by simply putting Options +Indexes in a file called .htaccess in that directory. I've done exactly that and removed the index.html file. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - ------ Reinhold Kainhofer,, h

Re: [frogs] Picking up contents of \paper \layout and \midi blocks in Scheme

2009-06-27 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
with this snippet: only the header fields are shown in the image, but not the actual markup produced by the snippet! - -- - ------ Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial &a

Re: lag between git and the docs on your server?

2009-06-27 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
again and the daily builds should be too. > ps. how did that pitched-trill stencil thing ever > turn out? I haven't done any work on it since then. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - ------ Reinhold Kainhofer

Re: RFC: new vertical layout engine

2009-06-29 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
nd/VerticalStretching/vertical_streching_harakiri.pdf Cheers, Reinhold -- ------ Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria * http://www.fam.tu

Re: function renaming in "latest" texi2html

2009-06-30 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
and call it. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria *, DVR: 0005886

Re: RFC: new vertical layout engine

2009-07-10 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
ld/LilyPond/VerticalStretching/ Cheers, Reinhold -- -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology,

Re: RFC: new vertical layout engine

2009-07-10 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
IME). Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria *, DVR: 0005886 * LilyPond, Music typesetting, http://

Re: Do we still need NR B.10 List of articulations?

2009-07-14 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
cally selects the correct glyph. Thus, I don't think that B.10 can be removed. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - ------ Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Uni

Re: Adding note color handling to musicxml2ly

2009-07-14 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
ide at all. This would result in each note of a piece taking ~4 lines in the lilypond file! At least with almost all other note-attached overrides that I implemented, I don't write out any newlines. The rest looks okay. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - ---

Re: translation review requests -- texi2html's handling of @ignore blocks

2009-07-15 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
ght ask Patrice (on the texi2html mailing list) about this feature. He has always been very forthcoming and usually implemented things within hours. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, http:/

Re: proposal for doc+web sources

2009-07-16 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
pond/linkdoc/ Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria *, DVR: 0005886 * LilyPond, Music typesetting, -BEGIN PGP S

Re: Implement framework for post-fix text (de)cresc spanners

2009-07-17 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
postfix crescendi with the names cresc, dim, decresc I don't see any other way to change the \cresc from prefix to postfix style in existing lilypond code, since you can't rely on a single note following immediately after the \cresc... Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -----

Re: musicxml2ly bug?

2009-07-17 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
known problem. I have had that on my todo list for quite a while, but haven't found the time yet to fix it. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financia

Converting texinfo comments to HTML comments

2009-07-20 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
s to html comments. Is there a way for this, too? (Actually, our git revisions are currently inside an @ignore block, so if it's not possible to convert ignore blocks to comments, then we'll have to change a lot of files...) -- ---

Re: feature request (\cueNotes)

2009-07-26 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
set fontSize commands don't affect all > parts of notes (beams, ... are not affected). > > Something like > \cueNotes or just \cue with How about using \new CueVoice? Cheers, Reinhold - -- - ------ Reinhold Kainhofer,

Re: Lilypond Syntax Development and 3.0

2009-07-27 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
y... I would be exclusively running my own branch, so any patch to master would require quite a lot of work. Cheers, Reinhold -- -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actua

Re: generating graphic examples

2009-07-28 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
yfile.eps is not detected as intermediate file... I don't see any easy solution, since the intermediate files are backend- dependent and the completize-format function does not have any pointer to the backend... Cheers, Reinhold -- ----

Re: LilyPond concept glossary?

2009-08-01 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
he NR, at least that's where you would expect and find such additional supportive material it in a printed book. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial

Re: Documentation language switch problem

2009-08-02 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
e manuals. > > For the second point: as long as you begin with the English version, you > can switch language anywhere and get redirected. > > I just checked again at Rheinold's. On there is no language-autodetection at all. Cheers, Reinhold - -- -

Re: Documentation language switch problem

2009-08-04 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
sually rebuild lilypond binary (including scripts/) before the > docs? Yes. I call make in the top dir after pulling Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Fin

Re: Unable to use git

2009-08-05 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
rts downloading, because then it was able to connect, and the problem is in your local repo) 3) Does cloning anything fro work? etc. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - ------ Reinhold Kainhofer,, http://r

Re: Broken refs

2009-08-06 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
ks within the manual should point to the anchor in the same file, xrefs to other manuals point to the anchor in the other big file. Or am I misunderstanding what is being said? Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -- Reinhold Kainhofer, reinh..

Re: lilypond-book turns longas below the staff into breves

2009-08-06 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
t too tight on your computer and the stem is included, but cut off by the bounding box? AFAIR, there was some work on better bounding boxes in 2.13. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - ------ Reinhold Kainhofer,, http://reinhold.

Re: 2.13.4 release soon?

2009-08-06 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
latest CVS version (updated yesterday), and the language links are missing there: Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, http://reinho

Re: 2.13.4 release soon?

2009-08-06 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am Donnerstag, 6. August 2009 19:33:06 schrieb John Mandereau: > Le jeudi 06 août 2009 à 18:55 +0200, Reinhold Kainhofer a écrit : > > On I'm using the latest CVS version (updated yesterday), > > and the language lin

Re: 2.13.4 release soon?

2009-08-06 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am Donnerstag, 6. August 2009 20:00:16 schrieb John Mandereau: > Le jeudi 06 août 2009 à 19:52 +0200, Reinhold Kainhofer a écrit : > > Hmm, the tag is still there in the html file (both before > > and after). From

Re: parser variables persist beyond { } scope

2009-08-06 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
not really a musical neccessity). Cheers, Reinholdl - -- - ------ Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria *, DVR: 0005886 * LilyPond, Music typesetting, http

Re: parser variables persist beyond { } scope

2009-08-07 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
ak this. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - ------ Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria *, DVR: 0005886 * LilyPond, Music typesetting, http://www.lilypon

Lyrics with alignAboveContext = #"testStaff" and the new vertical layout machine...

2009-08-09 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
d (because the lyrics are shown with a staff they don't belong to), like in the attached example. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial

Re: Lyrics with alignAboveContext = #"testStaff" and the new vertical layout machine...

2009-08-09 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am Sonntag, 9. August 2009 18:03:28 schrieb Neil Puttock: > 2009/8/9 Reinhold Kainhofer : > > Attached is another problem with the new vertical layout engine: Lyrics > > are always spaced as if they belong to the staff above. If you ha

Lyrics before new piece title are printed after piece title

2009-08-09 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
. The same problem appears with normal markup, too. The lyrics are printed after the markup rather than before... Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial

New instrument name posititioning in scheme displays instr. name for haraiki'ed staves

2009-08-10 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
Since the patch b8a1b9b174a3b68f05bb3e08fb5f754649b92574, short instrument names for harakiried staves are still printed (above each other, at the top of the system). Example attached. Cheers, Reinhold -- -- Reinhold Kainhofer

Re: New instrument name posititioning in scheme displays instr. name for haraiki'ed staves

2009-08-10 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am Montag, 10. August 2009 22:56:09 schrieb Neil Puttock: > 2009/8/10 Reinhold Kainhofer : > > Since the patch b8a1b9b174a3b68f05bb3e08fb5f754649b92574, short > > instrument names for harakiried staves are still printed (above each &g

Re: Dead lyrics context still occupies vertical space

2009-08-10 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
the vertical layout engine, but still something that is noticable. Cheers, Reinhold - -- - -- Reinhold Kainhofer,, * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria * http://ww

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