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Am Samstag, 24. Januar 2009 07:48:01 schrieb Sawada, Yoshiki:
> Now, I face one problem.
> Text strings which appear in navigation sections of my HTML files (such as
> "[ Introduction >> ]") look strange. 

These translations are done directly in texi2html. I'm attaching the current 
i18n/ja file from the texi2html distribution. You might want to update the 
translation directly in that file and send it to Patrice Dumas (the main 
developer or texi2html) or even better to the texi2html mailing list:  

What exactly looks strange and how should it look? Can you give us a simple 
example / screenshot?

> I guess a character code of a script
> file which handles navigation sections is wrong. Can you tell me which
> script file handles navigation?

That's texi2html itself, we are not changing anything in the navigation bars 

> But, it is not a big problem, so I will resolve it some time.

BTW, I just noticed that in addition to the texinfo files for the 
documentation and the .po file for the extracted strings, we have one more 
spot where we need a Japanese translation: the [Back to Documentation index] 
link in the left upper corner of the docs (above the TOC) is translated in our 
texi2html configuration script (lilypond-texi2html.init). 

> I really thank you for helping me to produce Japanese LilyPond
> Documenation.

Sure, after all, we are all working together on making the best application 
for music scores.

- -- 
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Reinhold Kainhofer, reinh...@kainhofer.com, http://reinhold.kainhofer.com/
 * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria
 * http://www.fam.tuwien.ac.at/, DVR: 0005886
 * LilyPond, Music typesetting, http://www.lilypond.org
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)

$LANGUAGES->{'ja'} = {
                       '  The buttons in the navigation panels have the 
following meaning:' => 
                       '  where the @strong{ Example } assumes that the current 
position is at @strong{ Subsubsection One-Two-Three } of a document of the 
following structure:' => 
                       ' Up ' => '上',
                       '%{acronym_like} (%{explanation})' => '',
                       '%{month} %{day}, %{year}' => 
                       '%{name} of %{class}' => '',
                       '%{name} on %{class}' => '',
                       '%{node_file_href}' => '',
                       '%{node_file_href} @cite{%{book}}' => '',
                       '%{node_file_href} section `%{section}\' in 
@cite{%{book}}' => '',
                       '%{reference_name}' => '',
                       '%{style} %{number}' => '',
                       '%{style}: %{caption_first_line}' => '',
                       '%{style}: %{shortcaption_first_line}' => '',
                       '@b{%{quotation_arg}:} ' => '',
                       '@cite{%{book}}' => '',
                       'About' => '',
                       'About (help)' => '',
                       'About This Document' => 'この文書について',
                       'April' => '4月',
                       'August' => '8月',
                       'Back' => '',
                       'Back section in previous file' => '',
                       'Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter' => '',
                       'Button' => 'ボタン',
                       'Contents' => '目次',
                       'Cover (top) of document' => '',
                       'Current Position' => '現在位置',
                       'Current section' => '',
                       'December' => '12月',
                       'FastBack' => '',
                       'FastForward' => '',
                       'February' => '2月',
                       'First' => '',
                       'First section in reading order' => '',
                       'Following' => '',
                       'Following node' => '',
                       'Footnotes' => '脚注',
                       'Forward' => '',
                       'Forward section in next file' => '',
                       'From 1.2.3 go to' => '1.2.3項からの移動先',
                       'Go to' => '移動先',
                       'Index' => '見出し',
                       'Index Entry' => '見出し一覧',
                       'January' => '1月',
                       'July' => '7月',
                       'Jump to' => '移動',
                       'June' => '6月',
                       'Last' => '',
                       'Last section in reading order' => '',
                       'March' => '3月',
                       'May' => '5月',
                       'Menu:' => 'メニュー',
                       'Name' => '名称',
                       'Next' => '次',
                       'Next chapter' => '',
                       'Next file' => '',
                       'Next node' => '',
                       'Next section in reading order' => '',
                       'Next section on same level' => '',
                       'NextFile' => '',
                       'Node following in node reading order' => '',
                       'Node up' => '',
                       'NodeNext' => '',
                       'NodePrev' => '',
                       'NodeUp' => '',
                       'November' => '11月',
                       'October' => '10月',
                       'Overview' => '概要',
                       'Overview:' => '概要:',
                       'Prev' => '前',
                       'PrevFile' => '',
                       'Previous file' => '',
                       'Previous node' => '',
                       'Previous section in reading order' => '',
                       'Previous section on same level' => '',
                       'Section' => '項',
                       'Section One' => '第1項',
                       'See %{node_file_href}' => '',
                       'See %{node_file_href} @cite{%{book}}' => '',
                       'See %{node_file_href} section `%{section}\' in 
@cite{%{book}}' => '',
                       'See %{reference_name}' => '',
                       'See @cite{%{book}}' => '',
                       'See section %{reference_name}' => '',
                       'See section `%{section}\' in @cite{%{book}}' => '',
                       'September' => '9月',
                       'Short Table of Contents' => '簡略化した目次',
                       'Short table of contents' => '',
                       'Subsection One-Four' => '第1.4項',
                       'Subsection One-One' => '第1.1項',
                       'Subsection One-Three' => '第1.3項',
                       'Subsection One-Two' => '第1.2項',
                       'Subsubsection One-Two-Four' => '第1.2.4項',
                       'Subsubsection One-Two-One' => '第1.2.1項',
                       'Subsubsection One-Two-Three' => '第1.2.3項',
                       'Subsubsection One-Two-Two' => '第1.2.2項',
                       'T2H_today' => '%s, %d %d',
                       'Table of Contents' => '目次',
                       'Table of contents' => '',
                       'The node you are looking for is at %{href}.' => '',
                       'This' => '',
                       'This document was generated by @emph{%{user}} on 
@emph{%{date}} using @uref{%{program_homepage}, @emph{%{program}}}.' => 
                       'This document was generated by @emph{%{user}} using 
@uref{%{program_homepage}, @emph{%{program}}}.' => 
                       'This document was generated on @i{%{date}} using 
@uref{%{program_homepage}, @i{%{program}}}.' => 
                       'This document was generated using 
@uref{%{program_homepage}, @emph{%{program}}}.' => 
                       'Top' => '冒頭',
                       'Untitled Document' => '無題の文書',
                       'Up' => '',
                       'Up node' => '',
                       'Up section' => '',
                       'by @emph{%{user}}' => '@emph{%{user}}',
                       'by @emph{%{user}} on @emph{%{date}}' => 
'@emph{%{user}}, @emph{%{date}',
                       'current' => '現在位置',
                       'on @emph{%{date}}' => '@emph{%{date}}',
                       'section `%{section}\' in @cite{%{book}}' => 
'@cite{%{book}}の `%{section}\' ',
                       'see %{node_file_href}' => '%{node_file_href}参照',
                       'see %{node_file_href} @cite{%{book}}' => 
'%{node_file_href} @cite{%{book}}参照',
                       'see %{node_file_href} section `%{section}\' in 
@cite{%{book}}' => '',
                       'see %{reference_name}' => '',
                       'see @cite{%{book}}' => '',
                       'see section %{reference_name}' => '',
                       'see section `%{section}\' in @cite{%{book}}' => '',
                       'unknown' => '不明'

                                  'about (help)' => '使用法 (ヘルプ)',
                                  'beginning of this chapter or previous 
chapter' => 'この章または前の章の冒頭',
                                  'cover (top) of document' => '文書の表紙 
                                  'current section' => '現在の節',
                                  'first section in reading order' => 
                                  'following node' => '次の節',
                                  'index' => '見出し',
                                  'last section in reading order' => 
                                  'next chapter' => '次の章',
                                  'next node' => '次の節',
                                  'next section in reading order' => 
                                  'next section on same level' => 
                                  'node following in node reading order' => 
                                  'node up' => '上の節へ',
                                  'previous node' => '前の節',
                                  'previous section in reading order' => 
                                  'previous section on same level' => 
                                  'short table of contents' => 
                                  'table of contents' => '文書の目次',
                                  'up node' => '上の節',
                                  'up section' => '上の項'

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