Re: odd configure error

2009-03-25 Thread John Mandereau
James E. Bailey a écrit : Am 25.03.2009 um 14:41 schrieb Graham Percival: Nothing; they come from exactly the same source. The version in the AU is going to die soon, where "soon" means "within 4 months". So then why the difference? I should think a one line command to get the source is eas

Re: odd configure error

2009-03-31 Thread John Mandereau
Graham Percival a écrit : On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 11:57:06AM +0100, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote: - -) git fetch + git rebase will take that local commit and append it after the HEAD of current master, so it will be yourcommit (=new local master) | current_remote_head

Re: [PATCH] Fix compile

2009-04-20 Thread John Mandereau
Hi, Patrick McCarty a écrit : This patch fixes `make install' on git master. -if ('\'dash-fraction', str) or'\'dash-period', str): +if ('\'dash-fraction', str) or'\'dash-period', str)): The parenthesis after 'if' should be removed inste

Re: adding snippets manually

2009-04-20 Thread John Mandereau
Graham Percival a écrit : Not only that, but with a minimum of effort. IMO, people adding new features should only be required to write one .ly file (for input/regression/ ); they shouldn't need to do any other manual tweaking to get a snippet in input/lsr/. I partially agree. People should

Re: CG Information on Snippet Handling

2009-04-20 Thread John Mandereau
Carl D. Sorensen a écrit : When you run, do you get a message about new snippets that have been added, so you know snippet names to search the documentation for? After you have run and cheked for unsafe snippets with the recommended commands, just look for "new file" in

Re: adding snippets manually

2009-04-21 Thread John Mandereau
John Mandereau a écrit : People should never be bored by manually editing snippets in input/new to write them in input/lsr, as this can be handled automatically by makelsr, but there are some formatting requirements for stuff in input/new that are not necessary for regression tests, e.g

Renaming targets

2009-04-24 Thread John Mandereau
Hi, This is a follow-up of thread "Why is it _still_ so freaking hard to get info with images?" I had the changes for this for weeks in my working tree; it mainly renames targets to use more standard names: web -> doc we

Re: Renaming targets

2009-04-24 Thread John Mandereau
John Mandereau a écrit : it mainly renames targets to use more standard names: web -> doc web-1 -> doc-1 web-clean -> doc-clean web-install -> install-doc web-uninstall -> uninstall-doc info-install -> install-info ...and here's a patch for GUB3. John diff --git a/gub/

Re: CG Information on Snippet Handling

2009-04-24 Thread John Mandereau
John Mandereau a écrit : Thanks for yout work Carl; maybe this could be completed with information from input/new/README. Btw we may want to junk input/lsr/README, as (or if) its contents is in the CG. IMHO you should push this to Git soon, as all essential techical issues are solved

Re: Renaming targets

2009-04-24 Thread John Mandereau
Graham Percival a écrit : WTM is "web-1"? Do "make help"... or read below. If you're renaming it anyway, why not give it a more intuitive name? It's the first stage of docs building, but for the developer or doc writer it just means building PDF and Info docs, so what about pdf-info ?

Re: adding snippets manually

2009-04-24 Thread John Mandereau
John Mandereau a écrit : John Mandereau a écrit : People should never be bored by manually editing snippets in input/new to write them in input/lsr, as this can be handled automatically by makelsr, but there are some formatting requirements for stuff in input/new that are not necessary for

Re: Renaming targets

2009-04-24 Thread John Mandereau
Graham Percival a écrit : On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 11:19:15AM +0200, John Mandereau wrote: pdf-info Hmm, that sounds like it's information about the pdf. How do you feel about "doc-init" or "doc-base" or "doc-stage-one" ? I must admit that none of

Re: CG Information on Snippet Handling

2009-04-24 Thread John Mandereau
Carl D. Sorensen a écrit : On 4/24/09 9:06 AM, "Graham Percival" wrote: Actually, we should junk all README files (including input/new/README); developers should have a single place (the CG) to look. IMHO we should keep READMEs whichpoint to the right chapter of the CG. This and the t

Re: CG Information on Snippet Handling

2009-04-24 Thread John Mandereau
Anthony W. Youngman a écrit : Oh MAO No.! text is okay, but if you mean GNU info, I absolutely HATE that. A simple text or pdf that I can read top-to-bottom is fine, but please DON'T foist on us a hypertext system that a lot of people don't have a clue how to use. RMS goes on about

Re: Lilypond Parser Grammar added to manual

2009-04-24 Thread John Mandereau
Hi Carl, Carl D. Sorensen a écrit : Some time ago I proposed adding a section to the documentation on the lilypond parser grammar. I didn't know how to follow up on it then, but I still think it's useful, even if it's not perfect. And I know a lot more now. I think it's useful too. What w

Re: Lilypond Parser Grammar added to manual

2009-04-26 Thread John Mandereau
Hi Carl, Carl D. Sorensen a écrit : I've attached a patch that puts the grammar in the Notation Reference as an appendix, given that lilygrammar.txt is found in Documentation/user. I called it ly-grammar.txt. I can't commit these changes myself, because they'll break compiling if the makefi

Re: Renaming targets

2009-04-26 Thread John Mandereau
Jan Nieuwenhuizen a écrit : Thanks, please ping me when this is in lilypond master? It is :-) Cheers, John ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: GDP Docs compilation FAILED (2009.04.28-04:20)

2009-04-28 Thread John Mandereau
Reinhold Kainhofer a écrit : Just to be sure: Am I correct that the docs build was switched in git from "make web" to "make doc"? So, all I have to do is to change "web" to "doc" in the build script on the server and everything should work as before, right? The answer to both questions is "

Re: adding to the LSR

2009-04-29 Thread John Mandereau
Graham Percival a écrit : Is it worth defining our own function replaceOnly("\\octave", ...) which does re.sub("\\octave[?a-z,A-Z]", ...) or whatever the regex was? I imagine that almost every convert-ly rule would benefit from "match this command, and only this command" rules, so this could

Re: [PATCH]Re: tempoMark - documentation and use

2009-05-13 Thread John Mandereau
Jonathan Kulp a écrit : Ugh. I have a merge conflict upon pulling. Did I mess up the patch? What are the conflicting files? Your patch is the last commit on master, so if Trevor applied it without amending it, the conflict is likely related to changes other than this patch you made locally.

Re: Recompiling the parser

2009-05-13 Thread John Mandereau
Carl D. Sorensen a écrit : I've tried adding to the parser, but it seems that my changes are not being compiled. Is there a dependency that will cause the parser to be recompiled, or do I have to do make clean? I've tried touching parser.yy, and that seems to have no effect. I'm a bit puzzle

Re: [PATCH]Re: tempoMark - documentation and use

2009-05-13 Thread John Mandereau
Jonathan Kulp a écrit : The conflicting files are exactly the ones I modified to create the patch. True, the CG guide has a section on conflict resolution but it's not finished yet. This is true the CG is not finished, but I don't see the need to add anything to this section, as the referenced

Re: DOCS: include a sample "Makefile"?

2009-05-14 Thread John Mandereau
Jonathan Kulp a écrit : @Werner: I don't even know what GNU make extensions are so hopefully I can keep them out of the sample makefile. :) There is no need to hope this, just have a look at GNU Make manual, which clearly documents which features are GNU extensions IIRC. This is the kind of info

Re: DOCS: include a sample "Makefile"?

2009-05-14 Thread John Mandereau
Jonathan Kulp a écrit : BTW I now have working makefiles for a lilypond-book (LaTeX type) project and for a symphony I've engraved with targets of "score," "parts," "midi," and "all." The parts are unsuitable for actual use but they're sufficient to test the makefile and the build process. [s

Re: DOCS: include a sample "Makefile"?

2009-05-15 Thread John Mandereau a écrit : If you use GNU extensions, then here's the Makefile I generally use, to convert everything in the current directory. Your makefile is certainly useful for many pruposes, but it doesn't take included files into account: it will try to build those who have a .

Re: DOCS: include a sample "Makefile"?

2009-05-15 Thread John Mandereau
Jonathan Kulp a écrit : Thanks for looking at this, John. I've gone through the two makefiles and updated according to your advice, and have also made changes based on recommendations in the GNU Make Manual, such as specifying the shell and defining unusual utilities in variables (viewer as "a

Re: DOCS: include a sample "Makefile"?

2009-05-15 Thread John Mandereau
Reinhold Kainhofer a écrit : Shouldn't this be rather done with prerequisites, variable substitutions and some generic rules? This is exactly what I wrote, isn't it? movement_pdf_target is a phony target rule template, which I apply to the list of movements MOVEMENTS, and I defined a generic

Re: DOCS: include a sample "Makefile"?

2009-05-17 Thread John Mandereau
Anthony W. Youngman a écrit : I think you missed the "&" in my code :-) If the "wait" isn't there, the mv will fail because there won't be any *.pdf files for it to move. Werner's point about multiple invocations of lilypond is very valid, but on a multi-processor machine my technique will us

Re: LSR, updates and committishes

2009-05-18 Thread John Mandereau
Francisco Vila a écrit : I've added the committish references to Spanish translations in input/texidoc. Now that I have found this message from John and that I have seen what the other references look like, I am not sure the mechanism is going to work in its current status. More below, Perm

Re: LSR, updates and committishes

2009-05-18 Thread John Mandereau
Francisco Vila a écrit : Permission to bulk fix it into the last version, in all languages. Well, I was really offering myself to do it. Sorry, I didn't understood. Of course you're welcome to do it, unless you waste your time fixing all committishes by hand. Best, John __

Re: LSR 2.12

2009-05-19 Thread John Mandereau
Graham Percival a écrit : Also, please ask him if lsr-0.4-src.tar.gz is the latest version. It's dated 30-oct-2007, so I doubt it... but I'd really like to get the source code. I sent a patch to Sebastiano based on this version on the sources; he applied it, and he probably amended it so it coul

Re: DOCS: revising LM "Score and Parts"

2009-05-21 Thread John Mandereau
Graham Percival a écrit : Also, I'm slightly leery about how the Makefile stuff would be introduced -- it should be obvious that this only works on linux and osx (by default), and would require a lot of additional software to run on window. A default Cygwin installation provides all you need f

Re: LSR, updates and committishes

2009-05-22 Thread John Mandereau
Till Rettig a écrit : This translation interface is getting more and more tricky it seems (I mean technically) Speaking of, my next task on the translation infrastructure is simplyfing it a little, i.e. translating node names and titles in Texinfo sources, which will take 10 hours including the

Re: LSR, updates and committishes

2009-05-22 Thread John Mandereau
Francisco Vila a écrit : it is done; Cool, thanks! committishes themselves are not checked They can now, but I was puzzled by the truckload of bad committishes I found in Spnaish texidocs, so I applied my auto-committish-setting hack to them too. I'm not very sure on the correctness of the

Re: LSR, updates and committishes

2009-05-22 Thread John Mandereau
Francisco Vila a écrit : Well, it seems that we can ignore all the diff lines that do not touch texidoc= or doctitle= fields on files in lsr/ ; so it's not that bad. Is this right? It is. This will remain as much cumbersome until LSR snippets (and the associated data: title, description...)

Re: LSR, updates and committishes

2009-05-22 Thread John Mandereau
Till Rettig a écrit : its great fun, there is really a lot. ;-) The changes are about the German translation being also added to the .ly file. That's a tricky case. I will always have to update snippets two times: one time when translated and the second time after the next lsr-update that adds

Re: some oddities while compiling the docs

2009-05-22 Thread John Mandereau
Till Rettig a écrit : Hi John, somehow the section names don't get translated in the pdfs that are produced by "make doc". I can see they are translated on the compiled version on the web, but why don't I get them? :( I can't answer without more details: Git committish, some of the titles t

Re: LSR, updates and committishes

2009-05-22 Thread John Mandereau
Francisco Vila a écrit : By default I couldn't guess which one to put, What about the last revision of the associated .ly file in input/lsr? Isn't it the place where you took the text to translate? input/new/ would be OK if we had all snippets there. so I put the comm. of a merge node

Re: Translation of web download page

2009-05-22 Thread John Mandereau
Carl D. Sorensen a écrit : I would recommend that it either be left in english, or translated manually for now. That is a temporary hack until the great website redesign, which will be accomplished starting in two weeks, I think. I hope translators won't have to wait for the website redesig

Re: Translation of web download page

2009-05-22 Thread John Mandereau
Till Rettig a écrit : I just realized that on the web page there is now an addition for the windos download entry about lilypond being a command line programm and so on. This is nowhere translated. I guess it should be in the po.s. Do we have to add it manually there? The POs weren't updated, s

Re: LSR, updates and committishes

2009-05-25 Thread John Mandereau
Francisco Vila a écrit : 2009/5/22 John Mandereau : For previous work it is too late, but for future work, run before committing to Git -- read the CG on snippet handling for more details. I'm afraid I don't understand how running changes what is com

Re: git not fetching from origin...

2009-05-25 Thread John Mandereau
Jonathan Kulp a écrit : Variable Name: GIT_EDITOR Variable Value: This should be added to the CG. Who's got responsibility for the git part of the CG? To answer two questions at once, I'm pretty sure Trevor is using Windows to do git patches, and I believe he's also the one who wrote

Re: still shows 2.10 as latest stable

2009-05-25 Thread John Mandereau
Francisco Vila a écrit : 2009/5/25 Wilbert Berendsen : still shows 2.10 as latest stable if NL (Netherlands) is the preferred language (even though the page is in English). This is probably the same behavior whatever your preferred language. And

Re: LSR, updates and committishes

2009-05-25 Thread John Mandereau
Francisco Vila a écrit : 2009/5/25, John Mandereau : You should run *before* you commit changes to texidocs, not after. Try it as explained in the CG, and you'll see (how) it works. Hello, I'm in trouble. I have run and git status gives Before

Re: LSR, updates and committishes

2009-05-25 Thread John Mandereau
Francisco Vila a écrit : Yes, I don't see anything strange except a "not smart enough" message. I am using only an installed, fresh compiled Git snapshot. Did you pass an argument? You shouldn't have, unless you know why. No. Then must be bogus; it should not de

Re: FW: two patches

2009-05-27 Thread John Mandereau
Carl D. Sorensen a écrit : Mark, I appreciate your good work on these patches. So do I :-) 2) I'm not sure how to handle patches to translated documents. I know that the translations need to follow a particular commit of the english docs. If the change in the translated documents refle

Re: [PATCHES] Re: FW: two patches

2009-05-27 Thread John Mandereau
Carl D. Sorensen a écrit : And I do believe that the po/* files need to change, because the english is being changed, but I'm not sure of the detailed process to make that happen. Again, see po/README. When you estimate the strings are not going to change too soon, bug me and I'll trigger the

Re: two patches

2009-05-27 Thread John Mandereau
Carl D. Sorensen a écrit : OK, so to make sure I understand correctly, a) The changes to Documentation/de/* that move Lilypond -> LilyPond are OK to commit, even though the commitish in the header of this file won't be updated. b) the changes to po/* are NOT Ok to commit. Is this right? Yes

Re: two patches

2009-05-27 Thread John Mandereau
John Mandereau a écrit : I thought all this policy was explained in the CG for a) and in po/README for b). BTW we should probably create a section in the CG for Git committers who apply patches in areas they understand but are not used to their policies, which would reference specific

Re: two patches

2009-05-28 Thread John Mandereau
Carl D. Sorensen a écrit : So, in this particular case, changing Lilypond to LilyPond qualifies as a simple text subtitution, I guess? Yes. My confusion came from not understanding that the proposed patch constituted "General maintenance." All historical developers and contributors have n

Re: Savannah is up again

2009-06-02 Thread John Mandereau
Graham Percival a écrit : According to a push is precisely what we should do -- since git is a decentralized source control system, that will upload all the missing history. Of course. Let's hope everybody who has pushed to Git between

Re: savannah back up. - please push

2009-06-02 Thread John Mandereau
them again (I am thinking of GDP and the frogs, in particular). I just pushed the following head to master: Author: Neil Puttock 2009-05-28 21:10:33 Committer: John Mandereau 2009-06-02 15:17:02 Parent: 25a8f865167d709555d356df7df5c89b011b3670 (Remove undefined 'break-align-symbols v

Re: savannah back up. - please push

2009-06-02 Thread John Mandereau
John Mandereau a écrit : I just pushed the following head to master: BTW I advise all people with Git push access to pull master with --rebase flag before pushing again his recent changes. People who notice the shape of the history I pushed will understand the reason :-/ Note that I didn&#

Re: DOCS: include a sample "Makefile"?

2009-06-02 Thread John Mandereau
Jonathan Kulp a écrit : I'd be especially keen to hear if someone has a better way to display the directory structure of the sample project, as it takes up quite a bit of space. I'd recommend using `tree'. Cheers, John ___ lilypond-devel mailing l

Re: \code{} problem

2009-06-03 Thread John Mandereau
Mark Polesky a écrit : Why didn't this patch work?;a=commitdiff;h=269248a11ada074066deb061d64df70ee7b4deec I changed \var{} to \code{} but it still shows up as \var{} in the html.

Re: Hungarian news item on english webpage

2009-06-05 Thread John Mandereau
Mark Polesky a écrit : Is the Hungarian-language news item on the hopmepage supposed to be there? It seems a little odd. Better if it were translated to English, I think. It is news tradition to announce translation events in the translated language. Maybe the titl

Re: development on windows

2009-06-05 Thread John Mandereau
Jonathan Kulp a écrit : What I don't understand is how the permissions got jacked up in the first place. I didn't do anything different this time than I usually do. I've never had the permissions problem before. Maybe I put a "sudo" in there inadvertently but I don't recall doing any sudos unt

Re: mergin web/ with master/

2009-06-06 Thread John Mandereau
Hi guys, Graham Percival a écrit : Eventually, I'd like to have docs/ docs/web/ docs/learning/ docs/reference/ docs/devel/ docs/snippets/ docs/examples/ (maybe) with the approporiate translation files in each subdir. John, if you're reading this: don't worry, I'm going to do

Re: development on windows

2009-06-06 Thread John Mandereau
Francisco Vila a écrit : 2009/6/6 Graham Percival : Err... by "run GUB", I mean "generate sheet music using the downloaded .exe". GUB is the builder, and it builds the released binaries. You run the builder or the released binary. I propose to call things by their names. Agreed. We

Re: mergin web/ with master/

2009-06-07 Thread John Mandereau
Graham Percival a écrit : What's the problem with distributing the website source? I can't imagine this being technically challenging, and I don't think there's any security issues...? And what about copyright? If we distribute the website, Han-Wen and Jan should decide redistribution cond

Re: html validator yields errors

2009-06-07 Thread John Mandereau
Werner LEMBERG a écrit : I just followed this link and it is checked successfully. This is because I pushed fixes for those errors. Mark, thanks for the report. John ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Conflicts, conflicts everywhere

2009-06-09 Thread John Mandereau
Francisco Vila a écrit : This is driving me mad. I think that, with the new policy of committing our own changes to input/lsr it is impossible to avoid conflicts between lilypond/translation and master. It's not impossible, but it is more difficult... :-/ more below. Besides, frequent mer

Re: Conflicts, conflicts everywhere

2009-06-09 Thread John Mandereau
Francisco Vila a écrit : BTW is it possible that branches have diverged because of the breakdown of savannah, and I am having conflicts despite of branches having been merged recently? IIRC git told me exactly that but I ignored it. It's possible. Did you pull master with -r flag before changin

Re: new website (general info)

2009-06-09 Thread John Mandereau
Graham Percival a écrit : Despite that, I must admit that I misremembered the previous discussion about the website. I thought we'd all agreed on texi, but reading the discussion now, I see that opinions were all over the map. :| IIRC there was some consensus about writing some documents i

Re: new website (general info)

2009-06-10 Thread John Mandereau
Graham Percival a écrit : Hmm. I guess we could rename AU to "General Information" or something like that? What would be the form of that "General Information"? A manual or a website? Renaming AU to something else implies keeping a manual form, doesn't it? Even if you heavily customize HTML

Re: Doc-build failure: pdfetex exit with bad status

2009-06-10 Thread John Mandereau
Graham Percival a écrit : Whenever I reinstall Linux, I always forget to install the international fonts. (and those aren't checked by!) There are several dependencies for the documentation that are not checked by configure script. We may want to fix this by enforcing some

Re: translation of the doc into italian

2009-06-13 Thread John Mandereau
Le 13/06/2009 19:25, Federico Bruni a écrit : I've read that page and started the first steps. Dear Federico, Sorry for the slightly delayed reply, and congratulations for your involvement in translation of our (huge) documentation. Carl answered your questions quite well; I'll apply your pa

Re: translation of the doc into italian

2009-06-13 Thread John Mandereau
Le 14/06/2009 01:33, Graham Percival a écrit : Umm, I'm expecting to almost-completely rewrite the website in the next few days. I'm really not certain that starting to translating the website now is a good idea. Tentative new website ready (i.e. start translating): late June. If this ca

Re: translation of the doc into italian

2009-06-17 Thread John Mandereau
in the files that are actually translated. > Anyway, the files I committed some days ago are not present in the > tree on the web git repository (as far as I can see). > I guess John Mandereau is supposed to do that, as he mentioned in a > previous email. > Probably he's waiting f

Re: unable to make doc

2009-06-17 Thread John Mandereau
Hello Jean-Charles, Le lundi 15 juin 2009 à 22:54 +0200, Jean-Charles Malahieude a écrit : > It works well with a 8.64 gohstscript. I'm still upset because I > don't understand the reason why. I had problems with gs 8.63 on Fedora 9, I followed Graham's suggestion on upgrading it to the same

Re: Successful merge?

2009-06-18 Thread John Mandereau
Hi Francisco, Le mercredi 17 juin 2009 à 11:38 +0200, Francisco Vila a écrit : > John, if you finally own a Masters (congratulations!) Err, my thesis is in a good shape but I have no idea when I'll get the official results and diploma: I switched to a new University last year, there might be some

Re: Successful merge?

2009-06-19 Thread John Mandereau
Hi Francisco, Le jeudi 18 juin 2009 à 12:17 +0200, Francisco Vila a écrit : > Just curiosity, how do you make these commits after the merge, to > appear in both branches? I just push the same branch directly to both master and lilypond/translation. In the usual case, suppose I merged lilypond/tra

Re: texi2html web page, second attempt

2009-06-20 Thread John Mandereau
Le 13/06/2009 20:14, Graham Percival a écrit : > To counter-act the "texi2html looks boring" idea, here's a new > version: > You made the proof of concept of using texi2html to write a website in Texinfo; this is nice and promising, I

Re: LSR, updates and committishes

2009-07-02 Thread John Mandereau
Le dimanche 28 juin 2009 à 17:33 +0200, Francisco Vila a écrit : > The current scheme of committishes on texidoc files makes hard to do > this automatically, because languages can be in any order into the > file. How can it be said what language it belongs? I suggest to mark > the line with the lan

Re: [PATCH v2] Fix crash when a stencil routine is missing

2009-07-06 Thread John Mandereau
Le dimanche 05 juillet 2009 à 18:01 -0700, Patrick McCarty a écrit : > On Sun, Jul 05, 2009 at 05:39:45PM -0700, Graham Percival wrote: > > -dwarning-as-error > > looks fine to me. > > I think Han-Wen suggested to enable this option for the entire > regression test suite, so adding this option to

Re: convert-ly rules: word boundaries

2009-07-06 Thread John Mandereau
Le samedi 04 juillet 2009 à 01:58 -0700, Graham Percival a écrit : > arpeggio* should have \\ as well. Also, they should also be > matched with full words. In fact, 99% of the convert-ly rules > need to match a complete word. According to Daniel Hulme, > "\\octave\b" would work fine. > > 1) Co

Re: convert-ly rules: word boundaries

2009-07-08 Thread John Mandereau
009/7/7 Graham Percival : > I'm not, but almost all updates are in the form >  \\oldCommand -> \\newCommand > > I suppose that somebody might have tried to speed up convert-ly > processing by doing >  \\old -> \\new > and leaving the "Command" out (thereby using one rule, instead of > two rules), b

Re: convert-ly rules: word boundaries

2009-07-08 Thread John Mandereau
2009/7/8 Carl D. Sorensen : > Such a function would ease the writing of *new* rules, which is what I think > Graham's main emphasis is. > > I believe that it's clearly *not* worth it to fix old rules; there is *no* > benefit to fixing old rules if they're not breaking.  If they do break, we > can f

Re: Documentation/essay/

2009-07-08 Thread John Mandereau
2009/7/9 Graham Percival : > Is anybody familiar with the monstrosity that is the > makefiles/stepmake build system in LilyPond? > > I've split the essay away from LM 1, because it never belonged > there, and the website redesing had a nice place for it on its > own.  I hacked up the GNUmakefile un

Re: Documentation/essay/

2009-07-08 Thread John Mandereau
Sorry, I was still a bit asleep, my first reply was incomplete. 2009/7/9 John Mandereau : > 2009/7/9 Graham Percival : >> 1)  Could you check Documentation/GNUmakefile, >> Documentation/user/GNUmakefile, and >> Documentation/essay/GNUmakefile? > > IMO, an .itely file t

Re: Documentation/essay/

2009-07-09 Thread John Mandereau
2009/7/9 John Mandereau : > WTM do you want to have one manual per directory? I agree it > would make clearer which master .tely file each .itely files belongs > to For this purpose, we could just move .itely files into subdirs; it wasn't possible when you suggested it during GDP

Re: Documentation/essay/

2009-07-09 Thread John Mandereau
2009/7/9 Graham Percival :> On Thu, Jul 09, 2009 at 08:35:15AM +0200, John Mandereau wrote: > Well, the website is current built with: > texi2html -I=$(imagedir) -I=$(exampledir) --output=$(outdir) \ > --init-file=web-texi2html.init --split=section lilypond-general.texi > so

Re: Patch: Delete intermediate ps files

2009-07-09 Thread John Mandereau
2009/7/9 Maximilian Albert > Hmm, I tried to run the regression tests via 'make check' (is that the > right way to do it?) No, see "Testing LilyPond" in the Contrib Guide or in Application usage, section Install/build from source/compile (don't remember the exact name). > with the current git v

Re: Patch: Delete intermediate ps files

2009-07-09 Thread John Mandereau
2009/7/9 Maximilian Albert : > 'make doc' (which I initially thought generates the > documentation) produces an error Which error? If you can't fix it yourself, please report, including the last 100 lines of make output and other log files as appropriate. > and 'make web' only says "make: *** >

Re: Documentation/essay/

2009-07-09 Thread John Mandereau
2009/7/9 Patrick McCarty : > So, are we keeping the Documentation/essay directory? I'm against creating this directory right now, please junk (I'm at Libre Software Meeting in Nantes, France, where some WiFi access points block port 22, so I can't do it right now) and revert the commit unless some

Re: delaying new website after 2.14

2009-07-10 Thread John Mandereau
2009/7/10 Graham Percival : > Unless there's a totally unexpected deluge of help for the website > from my recent plea on the -user list, I can't imagine it being > ready for 2.14.  And I can't recommend delaying 2.14 just for a > new website. There are a few technical bits too. > That said, I s

Re: delaying new website after 2.14

2009-07-10 Thread John Mandereau
Sorry, I still don't master Google webmail key bindings well :-( 2009/7/11 John Mandereau : > work on bits of the translation infrastructure that have been dela lot > delayed. I meant "that have been delayed a lot". Best, John _

Re: Snippets in doc compile different from stand-alone

2009-07-10 Thread John Mandereau
2009/7/11 Carl Sorensen : > Ahh -- there is a clue here that I hadn't noticed before.  The comments in > the code are different in the snippet from  rhythms.itely and the doc > output. > > That means that the snippet in rhythms.itely is *not* the one that is being > compiled for the docs. What are

Re: [Patch] Replace deprecated md5 module by hashlib

2009-07-10 Thread John Mandereau
2009/7/11 Neil Puttock : > How about using a `try' block to import conditionally? Alternatively, a conditional block based on testing sys.hexversion, which is already used in lilypond-book, could help. Cheers, John ___ lilypond-devel mailing list lily

Re: Snippets in doc compile different from stand-alone

2009-07-10 Thread John Mandereau
2009/7/11 Carl Sorensen : > The difference is two lines of comments.  The one that is showing up in the > docs is an older version than the one that is currently in rhythms.itely. > > Please note that the snippet is not an included file, but is actually part > of the text in rhythms.itely.  It's as

Re: delaying new website after 2.14

2009-07-10 Thread John Mandereau
2009/7/11 Graham Percival : > - unless we delay 2.14 by a month or two... or four or five... the >  translations won't be ready. Let's give two weeks to update/translate new files marked with priority 1, then let's consider the translations are ready to move to the new website and are ready for th

Re: Snippets in doc compile different from stand-alone

2009-07-10 Thread John Mandereau
2009/7/11 Graham Percival : > Similiar stuff has happened to me, but since it involves the build > process, I never bothered trying to track down the problem.  I > just do a make clean, make web-clean (that's probably doc-clean > now), and regenerate everything. > > You could _try_ touching rhythms

Re: Broken make

2009-07-14 Thread John Mandereau
source file changes, let make(1) handle it. >> >> I dropped it in my local copy, and make succeeded. But I have not pushed >> the change to git, and won't. I don't have enough confidence that I know >> the build process well to be sure I'm not breaking so

Re: proposal for user view of docs

2009-07-15 Thread John Mandereau
Le samedi 11 juillet 2009 à 03:13 -0700, Graham Percival a écrit : > - the "website" is available in HTML, info, and pdf. If you type > "info lilypond", you get the website. Package managers might > create a lilypond-doc package consisting of the pdfs, or a local > copy of the HTML, or what

Re: Syntax changes in translated documentation

2009-07-15 Thread John Mandereau
Le mardi 14 juillet 2009 à 23:27 -0700, Graham Percival a écrit : > On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 04:23:52PM +0200, Jean-Charles Malahieude wrote: > > I'm going back to updating the "web" branch. > > I'm never certain how much translators know about the other > development stuff... just checking, you *d

Re: translation review requests -- texi2html's handling of @ignore blocks

2009-07-15 Thread John Mandereau
Le lundi 13 juillet 2009 à 10:57 +0200, Jan Nieuwenhuizen a écrit : > I realised it would be nice if texi2html would copy any @ignore @end > ignore blocks to html comments so that > you can easily check if the website is up to date. It would be even simpler if texi2html could even copy every comm

Re: Obsolete snippets

2009-07-15 Thread John Mandereau
Le lundi 13 juillet 2009 à 06:07 -0600, Carl Sorensen a écrit : > So, in order to not have broken documentation, I need to eliminate old file > referenes, and old in-line snippets as well. > > I guess I should just edit all of the Documentation/*/user/rhythms.itely and > delete the parts that have

Re: New format for autobeaming rules

2009-07-15 Thread John Mandereau
Le mercredi 15 juillet 2009 à 07:43 -0600, Carl Sorensen a écrit : > On 7/14/09 3:57 PM, "" wrote: > > > > Line 69: section 1.2.4 Beams, for more information. > > Is it possible to use @ruser{} here? > > I'm not sure.

Re: Snippets in doc compile different from stand-alone

2009-07-16 Thread John Mandereau
Le mardi 14 juillet 2009 à 16:21 -0600, Carl Sorensen a écrit : > Hmm -- I read through the CG and missed it. Now that I know what I'm > looking for, I see where it is. I'll add something to the CG. Thanks. The general problem when I write instructions in the CG (besides the fact that I still ha

Re: proposal for doc+web sources

2009-07-16 Thread John Mandereau
Le samedi 11 juillet 2009 à 03:21 -0700, Graham Percival a écrit : > Here's my proposal for the source/makefile view of documentation. > (this is the big argument one) ...and here is my big reply :-P > My understanding is that linking between texinfo manuals is easier > if the main files are in

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