Hi Francisco,
Le jeudi 18 juin 2009 à 12:17 +0200, Francisco Vila a écrit :
> Just curiosity, how do you make these commits after the merge, to
> appear in both branches?

I just push the same branch directly to both master and

In the usual case, suppose I merged lilypond/translation into master
after having checked that lilypond/translation compiles well. I'll push
master branch as usual, but as I also want last changes from master on
lilypond/translation too, I simply push the same revision with

git push master2trans

where master2trans is a remote point defined
in .git/remotes/master2trans (attached). Using a manually defined remote
point avoids two additional commands that would make the same result on
git.sv.gnu.org, and which I don't need locally when I have no use
working on different working trees for lilypond/translation and master:

git checkout lilypond/translation
git merge master
git push trans

(trans is just another remote to fetch/push lilypond/translation).


Attachment: master2trans
Description: application/gmc-link

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