Reinhold Kainhofer a écrit :
Shouldn't this be rather done with prerequisites, variable substitutions and
some generic rules?
This is exactly what I wrote, isn't it?
movement_pdf_target is a phony target rule template, which I apply
to the list of movements MOVEMENTS, and I defined a generic
PDF rule too.
I'm attaching one of my makefiles, which is not perfect, either, but it works
very well for my scores.
It's a good example of a makefile adapted to a particular purpose... I'm
not sure which
criterions we should use to adopt makefiles in the docs, besides having
a generic one like
Peter's and two or three more specific ones (for ly files, for lp-book,
for music in several
movements with a full score and parts).
It really depends on the viewer. I'm using okular and it reloads the PDF file
when it has changed, so starting another instance is just annoying...
Having to use a make variable on the command line to get sane behavior is even
more annoying.
You're right; maybe something like
-include $(HOME)/.lily-local.make
or directly reading the value of an environment variable
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