Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Weblate meeting at Fosdem, feedback needed

2020-01-31 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Weblate 4.0 in April. Translation propagation #3166 The patches in TDF Weblate that make this work should be contributed upstream, if feasible. Best regards, Tuomas Hietala Hi all, During Fosdem, we (Christian and me) will attend Michal&#

[libreoffice-l10n] Please clarify translation deadlines

2020-02-03 Thread Tuomas Hietala
anslations made on Monday 27th January or earlier should have been picked up in 6.4.0, but this clearly isn't the case. Did I misunderstand something, is the information in the wiki wrong, or was there some other issue? Best regards, Tuomas Hietala [1] https://wiki.documen

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Please clarify translation deadlines

2020-02-03 Thread Tuomas Hietala
ibo_ui-6-4/officecfgregistrydataorgopenofficeofficeui/fi/?checksum=3a686476bd15eb83 -Tuomas Ming H. kirjoitti 3.2.2020 15:46: Hi Tuomas, -- Original -- From: "Tuomas Hietala" ; Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Please clarify translation deadlines I've been updating a lot of the F

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Please clarify translation deadlines

2020-02-03 Thread Tuomas Hietala
e, which allows admins to send messages to translators. It would be good to have the deadlines announced in advance. Or this mailing list or the wiki could also be used. -Tuomas Christian Lohmaier kirjoitti 3.2.2020 16:14: Hi Tuomas, *, On Mon, Feb 3, 2020 at 2:11 PM Tuomas Hietala wrote: I&#

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Please clarify translation deadlines

2020-02-03 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hi Christian, I updated the wiki page myself. Please correct if needed: -Tuomas Christian Lohmaier kirjoitti 3.2.2020 16:54: Hi Tuomas, *, On Mon, Feb 3, 2020 at 3:39 PM Tuomas Hietala wrote: Thanks for the explanation. However

[libreoffice-l10n] Behaviour of the "Needs editing" flag in Weblate

2020-02-10 Thread Tuomas Hietala
sed for the same purpose also. Best regards, Tuomas Hietala -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: Problems? Posting guidelines + more:

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Behaviour of the "Needs editing" flag in Weblate

2020-02-14 Thread Tuomas Hietala
7;s in the PDF export dialog, on the second tab from the left. Best regards, Tuomas sophi kirjoitti 11.2.2020 16:02: Hi Tuomas, Le 10/02/2020 à 12:48, Tuomas Hietala a écrit : Hello, Currently TDF Weblate seems to be set up to revert to the original English string when a translated string is

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Behaviour of the "Needs editing" flag in Weblate

2020-02-17 Thread Tuomas Hietala
oitti 14.2.2020 16:53: Hi *, On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 11:22 AM sophi wrote: Le 14/02/2020 à 10:49, Tuomas Hietala a écrit : > > I already unflagged many of them as I saw what was happening, but here's > an example that I can cofirm showing up in English in Finnish-language > LO as

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Weblate documentation on the wiki

2020-02-21 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hi Sophie, I would prioritise information that is specific to LO/TDF and therefore isn't (and won't be) included in Weblate's documentation. For new translators, that would mean things like where to start, what to prioritise, who to contact in case there are problems, how the LO release proce

[libreoffice-l10n] Tags in Help: never to be translated?

2020-05-28 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello, There's quite a bit of information on translating Help content on the wiki: A TL;DR sort of summary or guideline on the XML tags part would be useful, so I'm asking if the following statement would be correct: "Do not

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Translation contributors page not updated

2020-07-05 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello, The information on that page was not up to date last year either, before the introduction of Weblate. So it certainly wasn't being automatically updated back then, and it looks like it probably hasn't been updated in a few years. It certainly *should* be automatically updated, or some

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: [libreoffice-website] Translation contributors page not updated

2020-07-06 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hi all, Yes, I too think using the wiki is a good idea going forward. But how about the translators between 2015 (when, judging by the version numbers, the contributor page was last updated) and 2019 (when Weblate was adopted)? Are the names of contributors still recoverable from Pootle? BR

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Combine Weblate glossaries?

2020-07-07 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello, In TDF Weblate, LO UI master and LO Online are different projects. This means the glossaries could not be shared previously. Weblate 4.1, however, introduced the ability to use glossaries across projects. TDF Weblate admins should just enable it. BR, Tuomas Donald kirjoitti 7.7.2020

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Combine Weblate glossaries?

2020-07-07 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Seems to work. Thanks! BR, Tuomas Christian Lohmaier kirjoitti 7.7.2020 12:26: On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 10:52 AM Tuomas Hietala wrote: In TDF Weblate, LO UI master and LO Online are different projects. This means the glossaries could not be shared previously. Weblate 4.1, however

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Incorrectly translated string in many languages

2020-07-10 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hi, Thanks for pointing this out. The exception works, Finnish translation fixed. BR, Tuomas Mihkel Tõnnov kirjoitti 8.7.2020 21:57: For a handful of languages, there has been an exception added to the code to use %MOD1+comma and Shift+%MOD1+comma instead: Finnish (fi) - translations still

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 7.0 banner for translation

2020-07-30 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello, For Finnish (fi): Tehokas - Yhteensopiva - Helppokäyttöinen Cheers, Tuomas Mike Saunders kirjoitti 29.7.2020 18:58: Hello, I've created this banner, that we can use for social media and other things around the LibreOffice 7.0 launch:

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Translation of extended tooltips

2020-08-20 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello Sophie (& Olivier & Christian), sophi kirjoitti 18.8.2020 18:20: Hi Milos, Le 18/08/2020 à 16:35, Milos Sramek a écrit : Hi, maybe that you have already noticed - strings of extended tooltips started to appear in the UI strings, there are currently 170 of them. Originally, they were a pa

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Translation of extended tooltips

2020-08-20 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hi Olivier, Olivier Hallot kirjoitti 20.8.2020 14:59: The strings are copied. No changes in Help, and contents inside tag will continue. Synching back from extended tips to is possible but will require some amount of development in the Help build. Note: At the moment, we are only working t

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Large increase in translation strings

2020-09-03 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hi Rhoslyn, It appears at least some of the extended tips can be identified by looking for the string "extended_tip" in the Context part. If all of them are marked like that, you should be able to find everything else by searching "NOT extended_tip" in Weblate. BR, Tuomas Rhoslyn Prys kirjo

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Large increase in translation strings

2020-09-14 Thread Tuomas Hietala
make searching easier. Thanks, Tuomas Tuomas Hietala kirjoitti 3.9.2020 12:05: Hi Rhoslyn, It appears at least some of the extended tips can be identified by looking for the string "extended_tip" in the Context part. If all of them are marked like that, you should be able to find everythi

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Translation of extended tooltips

2020-10-22 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello Rhoslyn, The extended tips have landed in LO UI master, meaning that the translations will eventually appear in 7.1. I don't think there are plans to backport them to 7.0 (but maybe someone can confirm?). Tuomas Rhoslyn Prys kirjoitti 21.10.2020 16:43: Will the Extended Tips work for

[libreoffice-l10n] Status of the ahelp -> extended tips migration?

2020-11-20 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello all, What's the current status of the "ahelp" -> extended tips migration? For the most part it looks like done, but on the other hand I found an ahelp string which does not seem to have a corresponding extended tip in LO UI master. [1] Are there more changes still to come, or should th

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Status of the ahelp -> extended tips migration?

2020-11-23 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello Olivier, Olivier Hallot kirjoitti 21.11.2020 0:23: Hi Tuomas We migrated of the ahelp contents to the extended tips of the corresponding widgets in the *dialogs* only. As you correctly pointed, many other ahelp tags are related to UNO commands (menus and toolbars) as well as an old in

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Localised gallery item titles - yay or nay?

2020-12-02 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello, Ideally, yes, it would be nice to have them translatable. But I don't think it's high priority, as most languages have plenty of unfinished translation work left in other parts of LO. Tuomas Ilmari Lauhakangas kirjoitti 1.12.2020 19:30: There is this old request: https://bugs.documen

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Spellcheck in (latest) Weblate

2021-01-18 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello Sophie and Olivier, Both issues seem to be fixed in the latest version (4.4.2). Cheers, Tuomas sophi kirjoitti 18.1.2021 19:32: It's a known issue of the last version see #4977. See also #5114 for the loss of focus in the editor, however it works with the shortcut ctrl+n Cheers Sophie

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Bulk translation of new " stock" strings

2021-02-18 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello all, What are these "stock" strings for anyway? And why isn't there a more meaningful context string? BR, Tuomas Christian Lohmaier kirjoitti 25.1.2021 15:40: Hi Olivier, On Sat, Jan 23, 2021 at 12:44 AM Olivier Hallot wrote: 1) The recent additions of LibreOffice UI has some "stock

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Bulk translation of new " stock" strings

2021-02-18 Thread Tuomas Hietala
I see, thanks. I'm not subcribed to that list. Tuomas Caolán McNamara kirjoitti 18.2.2021 22:23: This is from where previously all the ok, cancel, help buttons didn't have translatable strings but used "stock" names lik

[libreoffice-l10n] Finnish l10n team update

2021-02-27 Thread Tuomas Hietala
ork and for creating and maintaining the Voikko language tool, which provides Finnish spellchecking, hyphenation and grammar checking for LibreOffice as an extension. These are huge contributions, without which LibreOffice would be far less useful for Finnish speakers. Best regards, T

[libreoffice-l10n] BASIC vs. basic

2021-03-12 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello all, In LibreOffice, the programming language BASIC is mostly written as "Basic". This is a source of some confusion for translators (and I imagine many English-speaking users, too) as it's not always clear whether "Basic" should be interpreted as "basic" (a normal English word) or "BAS

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Setting Up Sesotho For LibreOffice Languages

2021-05-20 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello, sophi kirjoitti 20.5.2021 12:28: I understand your point of view, but there is nothing we can do on our side, technically we need an existing ISO language code. Looking at the list of languages at, there seem to be at least several which probably don't have (official

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Setting Up Sesotho For LibreOffice Languages

2021-05-20 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Sophie kirjoitti 20.5.2021 21:32: Le 20 mai 2021 18:52:03 GMT+02:00, Tuomas Hietala a écrit : Hello, sophi kirjoitti 20.5.2021 12:28: I understand your point of view, but there is nothing we can do on our side, technically we need an existing ISO language code. Looking at the list of

[libreoffice-l10n] Glossary: strange additions & weakened discoverability

2021-06-03 Thread Tuomas Hietala Also, it would be nice to rename the glossary to something like "LibreOffice Glossary" as it is used for all projects, anyway, not just UI master. Best regards, Tuomas Hietala -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: Problems?

[libreoffice-l10n] The word "common" in Chinese conversion dialog

2021-08-25 Thread Tuomas Hietala
quot;translate frequently occurring terms", or something else entirely? As you can see, there are many possible meanings: Regards, Tuomas Hietala -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: Problems? https://www.libreoffice.

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] The word "common" in Chinese conversion dialog

2021-08-25 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello Sophie, sophi kirjoitti 25.8.2021 18:56: below, there is the extended tip: Converts words with two or more characters that are in the list of common terms. After the list is scanned, the remaining text is converted character by character. So I'd say frequently occurring terms that are in

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] The word "common" in Chinese conversion dialog

2021-08-27 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Thanks, this is a very good explanation. Tuomas Kevin Suo kirjoitti 27.8.2021 3:22: As explained in the Help page: *"Translate common terms* Converts words with two or more characters that are in the list of common terms. After the list is scanned, the remaining text is converted character by

[libreoffice-l10n] Special cases translators ought to know?

2021-11-19 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello all, JO3EMC made an interesting observation a few days ago in Weblate: "It appears that the translated word for each of STRPOOLCOLLBLAHBLAHBLAH must be unique." [1] At least I was unaware of this requirement and it isn't mentioned anywhere in the wiki as far as I can tell. Now the ques

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Weblate: help ranking what you need :)

2022-02-23 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello Sophie, sophi kirjoitti 23.2.2022 16:13: Hi Olivier, Answering in detail to your request, Le 23/02/2022 à 14:13, Olivier Hallot a écrit : HI Sophie My suggestions for weblate are 1) a link in the Weblate UI to go to the root of the project. In other words: to be able to go directly to

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Weblate: help ranking what you need :)

2022-02-23 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello, Thanks to the Board for this initiative. For me the most important enhancement would be the this: Search should ignore hotkey symbols However, it looks like it could be difficult to implement in Weblate's current architecture. The foll

[libreoffice-l10n] Unexpected translations appeared

2022-04-29 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello, There were new strings added to Weblate a few days ago. Mostly nothing unusual, but two strings are unexpectedly already translated, despite being just added.

[libreoffice-l10n] Bot behaving badly in the wiki

2022-05-13 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello, It appears "FuzzyBot" has decided to revert the Finnish main page of TDF wiki [1] to English. I don't have the rights to undo this. The Finnish wiki main page is not meant to be a translation of the English main page. How can I get the old page back and prevent bot misbehaviour in the

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Bot behaving badly in the wiki

2022-05-14 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Okay, I'll try to restore the relevant content. Is there a way to view the wiki markup of the past versions? I seem to only be able to view the pages themselves. Tuomas Ilmari Lauhakangas kirjoitti 14.5.2022 7:38: On 13.5.2022 22.11, Tuomas Hietala wrote: Hello, It appears "Fuz

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Bot behaving badly in the wiki

2022-05-14 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Thanks! Ilmari Lauhakangas kirjoitti 14.5.2022 15:20: Append &action=edit to the URL. Ilmari On 14.5.2022 12.58, Tuomas Hietala wrote: Okay, I'll try to restore the

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] No notifications in weblate

2022-05-16 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello, I'm not currently receiving notifications from Weblate, either, even though I should be. The last time I received a notification is 7th of March. Tuomas Annabelle Wübbelsmann kirjoitti 28.3.2022 11:51: Good morning, since 14.03.22 I don't get notification emails for my watched proje

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Deleting old projects in weblate

2022-07-29 Thread Tuomas Hietala
this has never (AFAIK) been the case for LO strings in TDF Weblate, where strings just get replaced with no indication of what was there before. I've assumed that there's perhaps some technical limitation preventing the use of this feature, but perhaps Christian could enlighten us? B

[libreoffice-l10n] Will changing keyword translations break existing documents?

2022-09-28 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello, There's an error I'd like to fix in Finnish translation of one of the strings in librelogo/source/pythonpath. It seems to be one of the LibreLogo keywords. Here's the link if you're interested:

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Will changing keyword translations break existing documents?

2022-10-07 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hi Eike, Eike Rathke kirjoitti 4.10.2022 20:37: Hi Tuomas, On Wednesday, 2022-09-28 16:01:16 +0300, Tuomas Hietala wrote: There's an error I'd like to fix in Finnish translation of one of the strings in librelogo/source/pythonpath. It seems to be one of the LibreLogo keywords.

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Will changing keyword translations break existing documents?

2022-10-07 Thread Tuomas Hietala
omas Brazilian Portuguese translated all Calc functions names with their similar names from MS Excel. For the good and for the bad. Some Excel functions names were poorly translated but we decided to keep the bad translation to avoid noise and rant from end users. Regards Em 28/09/2022 10:01,

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Mistakes in source strings

2022-10-07 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hi all, FWIW as a translator I'm always in favour of fixing mistakes in the source strings even if it creates extra work for myself. That's because trying to figure out whether some unusual spelling or choice of words is intentional or not is work too. Sometimes a lot more work than just stra

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Mistakes in source strings

2022-10-07 Thread Tuomas Hietala
rocesses rather than avoiding useful changes. Tuomas Tuomas Hietala kirjoitti 7.10.2022 21:04: Hi all, FWIW as a translator I'm always in favour of fixing mistakes in the source strings even if it creates extra work for myself. That's because trying to figure out whether some unusual sp

[libreoffice-l10n] GSoC 2021 translation tooling project

2023-03-15 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello, The wiki says a GSoC project for improving translation tooling was successfully implemented in 2021. However, I

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] "body text" and "text body"

2023-06-14 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello Olivier, Wikipedia explains the concept: My guess is that possibly "body" refers to the largest mass or "bulk" of the text, or maybe the metaphor is "head and body" (headings being the "head"). Other languages may use different metaphors, though.

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Specifications for Weblate #5447

2023-09-05 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello Sophie & all, Sorry for neglecting this issue! I added some comments on GitHub, but more input is certainly welcome. What I had in mind originally was about reviews: currently, if some language team wants to switch to review-based workflow, it's not possible unless the switch is done s

[libreoffice-l10n] Translating LibreOffice Viewer

2023-12-07 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello all, It was recently announced that LibreOffice Viewer is available again. It would be good to have it translated. I found a page on the wiki for translations of the Play store description: However, as t

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Android Viewer translation on Weblate

2023-12-15 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Thanks, Finnish succesfully added! Tuomas sophi kirjoitti 15.12.2023 12:50: Hello all, As it was requested by several of you, Android Viewer is now translatable on Weblate, thanks to Cloph :) You can add the project to your dashboard. Currently there is master and 7.6 branches and translat

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Android Viewer translation on Weblate

2023-12-15 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Actually, there's still something I need to ask for :) Can you make the glossary of "LibreOffice UI - master" also apply to Android Viewer, so that there's no need to manually duplicate glossary entries? Tuomas sophi kirjoitti 15.12.2023 16:07: Le 15/12/2023 à 14:55, Tu

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Android Viewer translation on Weblate

2023-12-15 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Seems to work. Thanks! Tuomas Christian Lohmaier kirjoitti 15.12.2023 16:21: Hi Tuomas, *, On Fri, Dec 15, 2023 at 3:18 PM Tuomas Hietala wrote: Actually, there's still something I need to ask for :) Can you make the glossary of "LibreOffice UI - master" also apply to And

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Weblate glossaries policy

2023-12-28 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello all, sophi kirjoitti 26.12.2023 15:02: Hi Stanislav, Le 21/12/2023 à 10:03, Stanislav Horáček a écrit : Hi, I would like to ask if there is a policy for adding strings to glossaries shared across all languages (i.e. the strings marked with the "terminology" flag). Currently, there a

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Abbreviation for Drag 'n Drop

2024-01-12 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hi all, There's no commonly understood abbreviation for DnD in Finnish either, but the equivalent of "Shift+drag" would work. (Actually, I'm not sure if non-technical English speakers would understand "DnD" either?) Heiko, is there any character limit on the translated string? I also think t

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Placeholder string instead of tooltip?

2024-01-24 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello Mihail, It was fixed two days ago, but the fix hasn't reached Weblate yet: Tuomas Mihail Balabanov kirjoitti 24.1.2024 12:57: Hello, This extended tooltip looks like a forgotten placeholder: https://translations.documentfoundat

[libreoffice-l10n] Making use of Weblate's new features

2024-02-26 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello all, As we know, TDF funded some improvements to Weblate last year. I think all the features have landed in Weblate by now, but some of them need to be specifically enabled. First, there's the Category feature: Curren

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Making use of Weblate's new features

2024-03-01 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello Sophie, sophi kirjoitti 27.2.2024 16:25: Hi Tuomas, Le 26/02/2024 à 17:30, Tuomas Hietala a écrit : Second, there's the Workflow customisation feature: The idea was to allow each language team to make

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Making use of Weblate's new features

2024-03-01 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hi Christian, Christian Lohmaier kirjoitti 28.2.2024 15:29: HI Tuomas, *, On Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 5:31 PM Tuomas Hietala wrote: First, there's the Category feature: Categories aren't completely new, but wer

[libreoffice-l10n] Proposal for categories in Weblate

2024-03-02 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello all, Here is my proposal for dividing the components in LibreOffice UI in Weblate into categories. My idea is to have a category for each module and a few categories for shared components. Let me know if I miscategorised something or if you have better ideas for categories. Base

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Proposal for categories in Weblate

2024-03-14 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hi Sophie, Some belated comments for your comments below: sophi kirjoitti 4.3.2024 15:19: Hi Tuomas, all, Le 02/03/2024 à 17:08, Tuomas Hietala a écrit : Hello all, Here is my proposal for dividing the components in LibreOffice UI in Weblate into categories. My idea is to have a category

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Missing translation in several languages

2024-03-14 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello Patrick, The string in question appears to be something of a contradiction in terms. If the help is indeed "built-in", by definition it should not need to be installed! Could we come up with a more descriptive adjective than "built-in"? Best, Tuomas Patrick Luby kirjoitti 13.3.2024 16

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Missing translation in several languages

2024-03-15 Thread Tuomas Hietala
to "online", if "built-in" help was not installed, then LibreOffice will use the online version instead, using an external browser to display any requested content. Maybe "local" or "offline" will be more appropriate instead of "built-in"? On Fri

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Proposal: Glossary's Terminology Guidelines

2024-03-21 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello Antonio, I agree that the glossary feature is very helpful and that it's occasionally misused. However, I disagree with the proposed solution. The proper solution IMO would be to disallow translators from modifying other languages' glossaries by default:

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] blocked items on Weblate

2024-05-20 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Also, could we have Weblate updated to the latest version? 5.5.5 is the latest and greatest and there are useful fixes and improvements there as usual. Thanks in advance, Tuomas Olivier Hallot kirjoitti 20.5.2024 14:40: +1 On 5/19/24 03:26, wrote: A couple of days ago

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] blocked items on Weblate

2024-06-05 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hi Christian, Christian Lohmaier kirjoitti 5.6.2024 14:27: Hi Tuomas, *, On Mon, May 20, 2024 at 3:44 PM Tuomas Hietala wrote: Also, could we have Weblate updated to the latest version? 5.5.5 is the latest and greatest and there are useful fixes and improvements there as usual. The

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Strings for LibreOffice websites

2024-06-20 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello Sophie & all, It appears that the glossary "LibreOffice UI - master" is not in use in the website project on Weblate. It would be nice to have it active there, too. Thanks, Tuomas sophi kirjoitti 3.4.2024 14:28: Hello, Strings for the new website design (Hugo site generator) are now

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Strings for LibreOffice websites

2024-07-05 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello Sophie & all, There are a few other components too under the "website" project in Weblate. "extensions" is obviously the extensions website. I'm wondering, though, whether "newdesign" and "mlmmj_footer" are still relevant (or will they be relevant once the new site is launched)? Should t

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] How to find Weblate descriptor of string in UI?

2024-07-10 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hi Lars, You need to install an alpha or beta release of LO and the "KeyID"/"qtz" pseudo-language which contains the codes (on Windows you can just check the box in the installer), and then switch your UI language to it: Developers BTW: could

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Please fix weblate.

2024-09-19 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello all, Not sure if it would fix this particular issue, but the latest upstream Weblate has nearly a half-year of improvements over the version we have on TDF Weblate. So... could we have an upgrade? Tuomas Olivier Hallot kirjoitti 19.9.2024 00:57: Hi At position 49 of a batch, I have t

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Please fix weblate.

2024-09-19 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello all, Not sure if it would fix this particular issue, but the latest upstream Weblate has nearly a half-year of improvements over the version we have on TDF Weblate. So... could we have an upgrade? Tuomas Olivier Hallot kirjoitti 19.9.2024 00:57: Hi At position 49 of a batch, I have t

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Reason for the translation of "LibreOffice Online" being locked?

2024-12-05 Thread Tuomas Hietala
taken, you can try to ask on the Board Discuss forum and watch the fireworks. I'd keep that discussion off this mailing list, though, as it doesn't concern localisation specifically. Best regards, Tuomas Hietala Lars Jødal kirjoitti 4.12.2024 08:51: Hello In Weblate, one of the p

[libreoffice-l10n] Automatic translations enabled in Weblate

2025-01-19 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello, It seems some kind of automatic translations are taking place on Weblate. In Finnish, the 25.2 branch of Help is where this is happening: It seems to be happening in other languages as well: https://translat

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Automatic translations enabled in Weblate

2025-01-23 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hi Sophie, I see, thanks for the explanation and thanks to Cloph for addressing the issue. Tuomas sophi kirjoitti 23.1.2025 16:25: Hi Tuomas, all, Sorry for the delay Le 19/01/2025 à 13:11, Tuomas Hietala a écrit : Hello, It seems some kind of automatic translations are taking place on

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Making use of Weblate's new features

2025-01-24 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello Christian & all, Returning to this topic now that we have updated Weblate (thanks!)... Tuomas Hietala kirjoitti 1.3.2024 21:37: Hi Christian, Christian Lohmaier kirjoitti 28.2.2024 15:29: I guess as a simple test to see how it looks I'll create a "dictionaries"

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Automatic translations enabled in Weblate

2025-01-26 Thread Tuomas Hietala
from, if not the master branch? Tuomas Tuomas Hietala kirjoitti 23.1.2025 20:56: Hi Sophie, I see, thanks for the explanation and thanks to Cloph for addressing the issue. Tuomas sophi kirjoitti 23.1.2025 16:25: Hi Tuomas, all, Sorry for the delay Le 19/01/2025 à 13:11, Tuomas Hietala a

[libreoffice-l10n] l10n/i18n for budget 2025

2025-01-26 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello localisers, I hope everyone is aware that we can make proposals for TDF's 2025 budget. A couple of years ago we got improvements to Weblate paid by TDF, for example. This year's proposals are here: Here are a few things off the

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Translations getting reverted in the 25.2 branch

2025-01-18 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Christian Lohmaier kirjoitti 14.1.2025 15:33: Hi *, in general looking into those things it is always easier to have concrete pointers... Hi Christian, Thanks for investigating. For a concrete example in the 25.2 branch, see:

[libreoffice-l10n] Translations getting reverted in the 25.2 branch

2025-01-10 Thread Tuomas Hietala
Hello, I noticed that Finnish translations on Weblate in the 25.2 branch are getting mysteriously reverted. I've been translating on the master branch, from where Weblate automatically copies them to 25.2. However, it seems two days ago a lot of the translations copied to 25.2 were inexplicab

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Translations getting reverted in the 25.2 branch

2025-01-10 Thread Tuomas Hietala
I'll add that there are a few cases in the 24.8 branch as well. Tuomas Hietala kirjoitti 10.1.2025 16:20: Hello, I noticed that Finnish translations on Weblate in the 25.2 branch are getting mysteriously reverted. I've been translating on the master branch, from where Weblate aut