Hi Christian,

Christian Lohmaier kirjoitti 5.6.2024 14:27:
Hi Tuomas, *,

On Mon, May 20, 2024 at 3:44 PM Tuomas Hietala <tuomas.hiet...@iki.fi> wrote:

Also, could we have Weblate updated to the latest version? 5.5.5 is the latest and greatest and there are useful fixes and improvements there as

The update to 5.5.x will have to wait until we update our baseline to
the new debian release, requirements were bumped to python 3.10 and
current baseline only has 3.9 - and while it might be possible to get
it running with the current system, I'd rather just wait until later
this summer for that.

Okay, let's wait, at least the update to 5.4 brought some very welcome bug fixes.



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