Hi Sophie,
I see, thanks for the explanation and thanks to Cloph for addressing the
sophi kirjoitti 23.1.2025 16:25:
Hi Tuomas, all,
Sorry for the delay
Le 19/01/2025 à 13:11, Tuomas Hietala a écrit :
It seems some kind of automatic translations are taking place on
Weblate. In Finnish, the 25.2 branch of Help is where this is
It seems to be happening in other languages as well:
Is this intentional or accidental?
It was intentional and a sort of follow-up from Cloph after the lost of
translation on 25-2 branch. He triggered automatic translation for TM
that then used that system-user.
Doing it for a whole component is quite slow so he didn't grant all
users privileges to that functionality. It is unintentional that
current project members (reviewer or higher level) don't have that menu
entry in the UI
Translations done via that method also get the label "automatically
translated". Meaning that you can search for those strings adding:
has:label as filter in the search field.
Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
GSM: +33683901545
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