Hello Christian & all,

Returning to this topic now that we have updated Weblate (thanks!)...

Tuomas Hietala kirjoitti 1.3.2024 21:37:
Hi Christian,

Christian Lohmaier kirjoitti 28.2.2024 15:29:
I guess as a simple test to see how it looks I'll create a
"dictionaries" component - that is relatively easy to scope, has all
strings following the same pattern/basically only the language name
changes between the strings and thus might be a good candidate to
consolidate that way, also large number of components with few
individual strings...

Thanks, that already de-clutters the list of components a lot! But it seems it's only available here:

And not if you navigate to an individual language first:

Can you configure it for the languages also or is this a missing feature in uptream Weblate?

The issue described above is fixed in the current Weblate version, i.e. the "dictionaries" category is now also visible when you navigate from a language: https://translations.documentfoundation.org/projects/libo_ui-master/-/fi/#overview

But... as you can see, the clutter is back as dictionary components now exist both inside and outside the "dictionaries" category! Is this related to the configuration of TDF's Weblate, or is this a bug that should be filed upstream?




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