Hello Lars,

The LibreOffice Online project on Weblate was locked in 2020 following the decision of the Board of Directors of TDF. This was after the source code repositories were locked, also decided by the BoD.

As to why the decision to freeze the development of LibreOffice Online was taken, you can try to ask on the Board Discuss forum and watch the fireworks. I'd keep that discussion off this mailing list, though, as it doesn't concern localisation specifically.

Best regards,
Tuomas Hietala

Lars Jødal kirjoitti 4.12.2024 08:51:

In Weblate, one of the projects is "LibreOffice Online". I am not aware of the status of LibreOffice Online, but I see that it is an existing project with 900 assigned strings. However, for quite a few months, the translation has been locked. Is there a reason for the translation project to exist in a locked state for so long?

Best regards,
Lars Jødal

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